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Edit: The best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour. Her past behaviour shows you she views sex as a weapon and her body as something easily given to others. Love and sex seem to be disconnected to her, at least in some situations. Her past behaviour also shows you she has no problem with the entire hiding, lying and hurting others part of cheating. That's not my cup of tea. But please, you do you.


Yes, i dont know why people think past is not important.


It's usually the people with a shady past who say it's not important. Example: if you see a woman saying body count shouldnt matter she likely has a high body count


As a married woman I have a very very low "body count" and I have never looked at sleeping with a lot of people being a big deal. My husband has a very high "body count" I truly never cared about it. It's just sex.


That's perfectly fine, I think it comes down to a person and their own preferences. Some people are fine dating people with high body counts, others are not. Both of these are fine as long as you are honest about your preferences. For me, I dont need a virgin but dont want a woman with a high body count either(past behavior can be a great indicator of future behavior) I see it as no different than a woman who says she prefers to date tall men.


If a woman I date has a high body count from the past. That usually means lots of sex for me🤑


Of course women who werent promiscuous can give you lots of sex too and still maintain the ability to pair bond.


There is something called a reformed slut. Not sure if that is true, You just have to work harder, 64M


Personally I kind of look at the reformed slut needs to be looked at why they reformed. A girl could sleep with hundreds of guys then get married and have kids and be fine, but if she just claims to be reformed without doing any soul searching or any big life event, I'd be very cautious.


yes they lies about her or his body count of shaming.


Of course men and women lie differently about this. A man will inflate his body count. If he tells you 9 it is probably 3. For women, if she says 9 it is probably closer to 30. It's the old American Pie rule...for men divide their number by 3, for women multiple it by 3,


I’m a guy and would never inflate my number…my actual is bad enough according to my gf


Wait, your gf mocks your body count? Does she say this like you aren't good in bed?


is it bad for a woman to have a high body count? feel like in this day n age, it's pretty common. it's never a question i ask or care to know .. adds no value in me getting to know someone, n if you actually do vibe well it really shouldn't be a deciding factor


It depends on the person and their preferences. Personally, I dont need a woman who is some pure virgin. But nor do I want to date a woman who was highly promiscuous. Past behavior can indicate future behavior. Plus there have been loads of study done on pair bonding and the more partners a woman has the less chance she has to do that. It;s also about how someone views sex. It's one thing if you've had a lot of long term partners and had sex with them, but if you're doing all these casual hook ups it shows a certain attitude about sex. Which is fine,, some people see sex as this intimate act between two people and others see it as something you do when you're bored and out with your friends at a bar. Here is the truth about men: most men(not all, but most) feel the way I do, we would prefer the woman we end up spending our lives with had not been promiscuous in the past. It's just some men have adjusted their expectations to fit with the times.


Actually the “best predictor of future behaviour” is a team of three precogs.


Only if the one being observed isn’t aware. Otherwise, the observation itself alters the outcome.


I never understood why people would question that. How you behaved in the past is pretty indicative of how you will act now and in the future. But people get angry when you judge them based on their past.


Well I’m willing to judge other people that think they can judge me for judging them. Doesn’t make a lot of sense, does it? We all judge everything and everyone. It’s how we live in the world and survive. How did this judgement of people that dare judge even start?


Why would this relationship be any different than her last two?


She claims I'm different because they were serial cheaters


Look at it like this... So is she.




The FBI would give her one more chance: it takes three to make a series.






Why did she date serial cheaters??? It doesn't reflect well on her decisions. Why didn't she just dump them instead of also cheating? Do you really believe she didn't cheat first? Does it make it any better that she slept around after being cheated on whilst pretending to want to improve the relationships?


She is a serial cheater also sooooo!


Dude, once a cheater, always a cheater. It’s like a drug to them. She was lying and sleeping around on her last two bfs, and she told you that “you’re different.” Wanna bet she said that to the other guys? She’s bullshitting you bro, she’ll cheat on you just like she did them - assuming she isn’t doing so already. You can’t possibly stay with this chick. She’s admitted to being a serial cheater herself. Dump her ASAP.


She claims!!!! Right… wonder what they would say about the relationship


Come on… you are different… but let me tell you… she is the same. Like other comment said, you do you.


Once a cheater, always a cheater.


Twice a cheater....is starting to form a pattern.


Has she done the work to find out why she cheated and then address and deal with those issues? Does she hold remorse and is realizes the consequences of her actions? If your answer is no, then run because she will repeat the pattern again. Unresolved trauma does that to people.


She said she was young and dumb


To me “Young and dumb” is only an excuse so you do not have to take responsibility. Without growth you are still young and dumb. You know what: old people are dumb as well. Age is no indicator for maturity. It sucks she was cheated on, but 2 wrongs make no right. The fact that she sees no problem with that and displays 0 critical thinking of her own wrongdoings is a big red flag. From my own experience with being cheated on: I would not even touch her with a pole.


Bro you should go talk to the other two dudes and get their side of the story and then decide conclusively. Do it without her knowing if you can.


He asked for advice and he has 99 responses telling him to ditch the cheating 304 but he’s insisting she won’t do it to him. He must be a special person.


How old are you and how old is she?…


Did she also say "past is past bebe"


Have fun always doubting her if you stick around.


She is pimp slapping you upside your head with the red flags my guy. For gig’s, what if 2 years from now she thinks you are cheating, for whatever reason. What do you think she will do based upon her last 2 relationships? And I am pretty sure she vowed in those other relationships not to cheat either. 10 months is a long time for sure, but guess what cheater’s do? They cheat. It is in their makeup. They lie and they cheat. Of course only you get to decide, and reddit may not be the best place to get life defining advice from. Personally, if a woman said that to me, I would proceed with caution. You have to protect yourself, because the cheater won’t. The cheater will do what they always do.


On one hand, she was upfront and told you; the other hand, she's 0 for 2. You might wanna think long and hard about this one.


Why even chance it? There are so many other women who don't cheat. If you are going only on her looks, you get what you pay for.


Can’t trust no 304 ..protect yourself babes


Going for the 3rd times the charm/3 strikes you're out coin toss? The odds are not in your favor, lad.


Short answer, NO. Serial cheaters rarely strap because they lack the ability to properly consider the co sequences of their actions and the initial rush of hormones in a new affair override their brains.




Why date a cheater??? Cheating shows a lack of moral values and a lack of understanding that relationships are built on loyalty. Why date a disloyal woman?


"Once a cheater, always a cheater" They have that saying for a reason. They have that saying because it's ***TRUE***. Guard your heart if you decide to go out with her.


run fast...


Once a cheater always a cheater


Shit no I wouldn't give her the time of day. You've gotta be a world class moron to invest in a serial cheater. Which is exactly what she is.


Run, her moral character is low and cheating percent is high.


She has a history of dating serial cheaters and them blamed them for her cheating. That's just damaged goods no matter how you look at it. A well-adjusted individual (except in rare circumstances- minor children etc.) Would have just broken up with the cheater. It makes me wonder, does she have a busted picker (chased the bad boys and now is settling for who she views as a nice guy) or did she drive them to cheat (think dead bedroom etc.). Neither answer is good. She is recreational use only.


Once a cheater always a cheater


Since you are so trusting…there is a really nice bridge in Brooklyn available for a great price….


Boy, you dumb af!


Question for her, ask her is she believes cheating is abusive behavior? Then ask her if she believes she is abused to those she cheated on? Then ask her has she gone to therapy to understand her abusive behavior and what has she learned from this therapy about her abusive past? What has she done to make amends about the abuse she caused? Once you get through this line of questioning, you will know if she actually has learned anything or not.


Lemme guess, “you’re different” right?


I don't believe that always a cheater always a cheater. But I believe that the first step towards change is to recognize your own mistakes without trying to blame others. She cheated because she is a cheater. If you're cheated on, the ONLY correct course of action is to end the relationship, not cheat back.


Should you believe her… of course not.. she has a proven track record… you only have her word about being cheated on… Yes you should run if you don’t want her next story being that you cheated making her cheat..


Why is she your gf?




> She has cheated in her last 2 relationships and vows not to cheat in our relationship, should believe her No.


Cut her immediately before your feelings keep getting stronger for her. I can absolutely guarantee she is cheating on you too, by now she is a Phd at it. She is just pretending to be “honest” about her past, chances are she is not even telling you 10% of the actual truth. Move on and find someone else.


She cheated in all her relationships. She’s telling you what’s going to happen.


I wouldn’t believe her. But, if you can harden your heart, have the mind set that she’s really just a FWB, don’t share any finances or property, have fun and enjoy the girls company until she cheats on you or you feel that she’s proven herself.


Was she remorseful the first two times


Idk. I cheated a lot, but I never took relationships seriously. Then I met my now spouse. I only have eyes for them and have been loyal for over 20 years. Guess which one cheated? It was not me. Even though they swore it would never happen bc their Dad did it. People change. You can't predict the future, and worrying about it is a waste of time. Enjoy today.


When you come to this site, you are only going to get one answer. I guess she could not have disclosed that information, but she did. There is something to be said for her being honest and transparent. Some people learn and better themselves. Ithers learn and just get better at hiding what they do. You could chance it that she is the former. If you feel the reward is worth the risk, go for it.


My man I’ll say this she is telling you that she cheated she communicated it to you I feel you could give it a try but you have to confront her and make extra comunicación about your doubts and keep cautious she might cheat on you.


It is only a matter of time before she convinces herself you are cheating and cheats. Remember she is saying her exs cheated and that is why she cheated. Ask her for the names and numbers of her exs so you can get their side of the story. Bet youvshe says no. In fact, bet you they did not cheats.






Cheaters cheat, it's a choice they make nothing complicated here. Nothing their past ex or you in the future makes them do it. They just choose it, and the more they choose it, the more they continue to choose it. I'm not suggesting you break up with her, but don't make her your world and put her on a pedestal. She needs to know anything fishy, hidden messages, going out late and getting drunk with the GFs, having male friends, etc. The list is long, but that's what you need to do in this relationship, which doesn't sound fun to me. But like she chooses to cheat, you can choose to stay or move on.


You’re the only person here that knows her enough to give an informed opinion. I think it’s good that she’s been transparent about her past and I think it’s because she’s probably serious about not making the same mistakes again but only you can tell how sincere that is, really. Follow your gut.


We can assume that she was honest about her past cheating. If she was going to lie, she likely wouldn't admit to the cheating. Whether her past partners also cheated is an unknown. It could be a lie she tells you and possibly herself to justify her past behaviour. You now know that she has a history of cheating with she feels that the relationship is not going well. This does not instil a great deal of trust in her commitment to your current relationship. Tread carefully...




How old is she and how old was she when she cheated? I generally judged a GF by how she treated me and acted in our relationship. Obviously I’d be a bit more cautious but she did tell you upfront. Most of the time you’d never even know. Trust is earned over time. Even if a GF never cheated prior, it’s not like I’m going to assume she would never cheat. I’d proceed just like I’d do anytime I was dating someone. Trust was given out as it was earned but I also wasn’t overly paranoid either. I didn’t assume a GF was gonna cheat on me - otherwise I wouldn’t be in the relationship. When someone is young and someone cheats on them, they usually cheat right back as revenge. So if that was why she cheated, it sort of makes sense. Dating is figuring out if a person is compatible with you and worth the continued investment in the relationship. That’s what you are doing now by dating. I don’t see it as any different as dating anyone else. Many ppl wouldn’t be honest about it anyway so you’d never know.


People grow up, you know? I cheated in 2 relationships. In the current one, I would NEVER do that. It's been 3 years and not a single unfaithful thought.


You are rare, serial cheaters who often stay as serial cheaters and it's only been 3 years come back here when you haven't cheated until the day you die and then feel pride not now.


The first one, I was just 16.. the second I was in a relationship with a person that turned out to be gay in the end.. we had a lot of sex related problems that led to some agreements about opening the relationship..I was supposed to ask before hoking up with someone, and once I didn't. I came clean to both. Maybe there is something to do with the context? but I have no interest in cheating. It actually disgusts me. People make mistakes, and relationships are complicated... I would never cheat again. Today, I would've simply break up.


As I said a person who's a serial cheater might not cheat again but it's rare.


Well at least you are forewarned, so when it does happen it won't be a surprised. But you'd probably have better luck at winning the lottery.


Sure, Jan.






So she made a mistake. And then rather than learn from that mistake, she made the same mistake again… and then rather than recognizing these things as mistakes at all, she self justifies by saying “well, they cheated on me, so…” Third time’s the charm, right? Right…? I don’t see this going poorly at all. Props to her being honest about it all, but honest and repentant are not mutually inclusive, and most certainly not here if she’s got a justification for doing what she did.


I mean she has a high cheating percentage already… she’s looking for a gullible guy. Are you that guy? Because she’s gonna cheat.


You have right now the chance to dodge a very painful bullet. What are you gonna do?




Has she been through years of therapy and been able to give you an explanation of how she allowed herself to do something so reprehensible? Serial cheaters rarely ever turn a new leaf. They usually need to hit rock bottom and even that might not be enough for some of them.


Fuck no


If you really want to believe she won’t cheat that’s your call. However, I’d suggest you take things very slowly. Make sure you use protection. Don’t buy a house together. Keep your finances separate. If you aren’t already, take your sweet time about living together and don’t even talk about, much less actually get married until you can say with certainty she will never cheat on you. If you ever do decide to get married, plan on having a prenuptial agreement in place. Good luck, the odds are against you but hopefully you can beat them.


My ex cheated on me and broke my heart, friends told me to cheat back and show him how it felt. I couldn't do it! I'm not a cheater. I couldn't even bring myself to think about it. Nothing makes cheating okay.


Believe but verify


I guarentee you you end up like her ex x2. I also guarentee you if you contact her ex x2 their version will be vastley different from hers. Stay and have children with her and you have to live with it. STD is also a real possibility. So get tested regularly!!!


Hahaha!! Oh sure, you will be different!!!


No. You should not believe her. One time, maybe... But the last two serious relationships she cheated on them, and admitted to it. You have a few opens. End it and run. Try to trust her but know if it happens you set yourself up by staying with her for the outcome as a risk. Or enjoy the time with her you got till something happens and not allow yourself to become "attached". But that is not the "good guy" path. And that could make a situation where she love you and stays loyal; then you make mistakes instead...


I suggest she will cheat ,,, my advice is to open your relationship


The most self destructive thing a person can do to themselves is enter into a relationship with a confirmed serial cheater. You deserve what happens to you if you do that.


My last bf cheated on his last two gfs and had great excuses as to why they happened (he had fallen out of love, knew he was gonna dump them soon, they were bad ppl, etc) and then cheated on me in what seemed like a great relationship. I’d say I was a pretty good gf and I know I’m a nice/faithful person so I’m not sure what excuse he’ll use to explain it to his next gf. No, I didn’t see it coming. Yes, I decided to trust him despite his past because I genuinely thought he’d put in the work to change and thought our relationship was different. Do with that what you will


Well, Mr Frog (OP), looks like you got yourself a scorpion. Have a nice swim across that river......while it lasts.


You will not make the difference. I think.


I am not a hater so I give the benefit of the doubt first and foremost : she cheated in one relationship and it went wrong. She repeated the experience and ironically, it went again down the drain...! Any sane person will understand that repeating the pattern is not an option. I would not preemptively dump her.


you’re gonna be back here soon man


OP I have now got myself into the mental position where I assume that everyone could cheat. I no longer worry about it. I judge my relationship on whether I'm happy in it. Is it meeting my needs.


Leave her


I think you should observe the situation and give her a chance, being vigilant but not obsessive. People can change


Once a cheater, always a cheater. She should have walked away and saved her dignity.


Once a cheater, always a cheater. She should have walked away and saved her dignity.


Once a cheater, always a cheater. She should have walked away and saved her dignity.


She should have walked away and saved her dignity. Once a cheater, you know the rest.


She should have walked away and saved her dignity. Once a cheater, you know the rest.


I've been cheated on and never revenge cheated...I value myself more...they can have their shame and guilt ...I don't want it . Now...im not sure how old she is...im older and wiser these days . I believe people can change . What I'd like to know is what has she done to change that behavior? Therapy? Because it's a character flaw in my opinion, and that needs to be worked on... im thinking you have other red flags popping up? 🤔


I have an ex that cheated on me repeatedly. We don't keep in touch but do come in to contact every few years and catch up. She's very open with me and has admitted to cheating on her partners at every turn, there's multiple new stories every time we chat. It's been 15 years since we were together and she's still not changed and I doubt she ever can. She suffered terribly growing up at the hands of a narcissistic mother, whom she hates deeply. By all accounts she's great with her own kids but something I've never said to her is that when it comes to men and relationships, she's just like her mother. I think saying that would hurt her deeply.


If she cheated to be with you, then immediately ended it with the other dude so you and her could be in a relationship then maybe I’d look past it. If she just openly cheats in relationships I’d prob stay away.


She’s a bit of a fool to admit she cheated. I’d stay away for idiocy rather than her past behavior


OP, you are starting a relationship with someone who betrayed their past relationships. I don't know this person, but you have to realize that what makes you any different than the past relationship partners. You're starting a relationship with someone you already don't/shouldn't trust. If you decide to have a relationship with this person, please be casual-semi committed....and brace for impact.


If a misunderstanding were to take place, she's far more likely to just step out on you rather than discuss it with you, cheating is a counterattack to her so be prepared for it to be used against you the moment you do something she thinks require retribution(the operative word being thinks)


Friend I advise you to leave her sooner or later she will protect you from cheating on you or she has already done so so go away and find someone or make sure that your own life gives you a real woman capable of respecting the your love




I just came from a story where OP told her friend that she shouldn’t get pregnant by this dude because he already had a kid he doesn’t take care of. When people tell you EXACTLY HOW THEY ACT then you should believe them. Go no further in this relationship with this girl if you don’t want to have concern on your brain for the remainder of it. Always believe people when they tell you exactly who they are.


She will most likely cheat and put the blame on you.


I responded once already that she was honest and upfront. So, perhaps she learned from the past to become a better person... or not. It is up to you if the reward is worth the risk. If so, tell her so, but that given the past, you two need to start with boundaries that are applicable to both. Two broad based boundaries that have worked very well for my wife and me these past 50+ years are: 1. If you would not do it directly in front of your significant other, or without their full knowledge and approval... don't do it. 2. Do not allow yourself to be in a situation or environment in which the potential to inadvertently violate #1 has even the slightest opportunity to occur. Discuss what led up to her bad decisions at the time and how the two of you can commit and apply these boundaries to prevent any potential of doing so again.


If she is saying she only cheated because her partners were cheating on her then I don’t know. I’d give her the benefit of the doubt. You’ve already been together 10 months.


Absolutely not


If you have any common sense,you'll run. Stop thinking with your dick. Bruh,run. Don't even do fwb with this woman. Updateme!


Based on these answers then my husband has cheated one me. We have been married for many years and he told me last year that he has cheated on every girlfriend he had before me.


If she cheated on her last 2 relationships then what makes you think she won't cheat on you next? You should definetly run while you can bro, it is never too late to do exactly that.


Once a cheater, always a cheater. Get out before she does this to you. It will be less painful for you.


Mate... Call it quits and do it quickly. My ex gf did the same and funnily enough she cheated on her last 2 partners. She cheated on her ex bf to be with me (I had no idea about this until we broke up). If she's cheated before no doubt she will do it again.


If she hasn't been in intense behavioral therapy that addresses the mental and personality issues that caused her prior choices to hurt and betray someone she supposedly loved, then her words are empty and she is still a few years of behavioral therapy from even being worth considering as a long term partner.


No dont. People are slaves to their patterns and repeat themselves unless they consciously tackle the root cause. Usually cheating comes from underlying insecurities and self esteem issues or just the thrill of it. Its like having to do something for the first time, the times after aren’t really giving as much guilt or thrill so they never stop. Thinking you’re gonna be different is your own bias. Id suggest not to go along with it.


If you are ok being cheated on then that's fine else you shouldn't. Some people don't feel valued and cheat some people see the opportunity and cheat. These days its hard to find someone doesn't cheat. There might be rarely any couple non of them cheats. At least one of them does .


Run while you can. In other comments you say she dated serial cheaters, so she revenge cheated? Which means she thinks so low of herself she will let some dude hit it just to get back at another guy. Just not relationship material bro, bounce.


Don't believe cheaters.


I heard that from my boyfriends too, & they all cheated. I agree, once a cheater always a cheater. I even warned a couple of their next girlfriends…they got cheated on too.


Why are you with her? Did she just reveal this cuz if not.. why bring it up now?


I had a lot of chaotic relationships younger and grew out of the chaos that cheating, lieing, etc brings. First off, people don’t cheat because others cheat. They do for themselves it’s a selfish choice. Need to own that all decisions we are responsible for. Second, you’re probley going to continue with this relationship which is okay and good, why step away when you’re invested on a “what if”. However, if there’s signs that your relationship isn’t fulfilling for either her or yourself then listen to your instincts and have grace if it ends. That’s all you can do. Honestly, it might end up still as a “young and dumb” learning experience.. but that’s life and it’s worth it. Keep working on internal growth, set your boundaries, and if something bothers you stand up for yourself. Also, if you can’t trust walk away before you spiral into misery. Not good for either of you. Lastly, if she does cheat remember.. it is an internal decision that doesn’t reflect all the work and effort you put in. Cheaters are often mentally stuck in the merry-go-round of self worth that was instilled in childhood or a previous experience. Don’t carry others weight and it’s not your job to fix people. Work on your own security and that’s what you’ll attract.


Once a cheater, always a cheater.


I won't marry her for sure.


So I had an ex (emphasis on ex) that told me she ended up cheating in most of her past relationships. She cheated to start our relationship on her last BF. Shocked Pikachu face 🫨 guess who she also cheat on? I'm not telling you what to do. But has she had therapy to deal with her issues? Or is she free ballin relationships still? Unless she has worked and is working to improve herself....


Mmmm this issue RN is you're asking if you can trust her. But this shows u already do NOT trust her. It's very good of her to share that so honestly with you about her history. But you seem to have already lost trust with her. Do you have any suspicions currently? Do you believe her story entirely? Are u able to be comfortable in the relationship? If u can't trust her or be comfortable just end things and go again with someone who doesn't lose your trust


Fuck and no


Do at ur own risk


It’s quite possible you’re dating my Ex. If so…RUN


Unless you get off on her cheating on you otherwise make an exit.




Welp, you’re ten months in. Can you extract yourself painlessly? If so, give it serious thought. People CAN change, but they almost never do unless there is a SIGNIFICANT consequence that gave them the drive to want to be different.


She's probably already cheating OP bro. Pop smoke and bail out dude!!!


As a person who has indulged in such behavior and no longer does, we do change. People do evolve. Once a cheater always a cheater is utter bullshit seeing that people do work on themselves to become better people. You can choose to believe her. Just know if she cheats it wasn’t your fault. It wasn’t that you shouldn’t have believed her. It’s that she hasn’t changed and was a liar from jump.


Dont save ha she dont wanna b saved


Remember the words. 'A cheater is always a cheater'. Run, don't give much thought about it. Relieve yourself of future heart pain and endless drama. Cheaters are always those insecure types always looking for attention and validation. If she feels you don't give her enough or that she has a bad sleep and no longer feels attracted to you, she'll do a monkey branch. Cheaters can't reform, they are a lost cause. However, if you stick around establish serious boundaries. No male friends, no clubbing with the girls (those are single people activities), no girl trips, not going for drinks with coworkers... you need to tell her these are your boundaries (one of many you should have, thats on you) and depending on her response act accordingly. If she tells you she thinks the same about the nights out and trips, male friends then you might stand a chance, but again the risk is too high. If she tells you, you are controlling, sexist, abusive… that she needs this kind of “quality” time with her girlfriends, that all the girls do it... then you might demote her to a side chick. Expect some waterworks and crocodile tears. Wish you good luck with this piece of my mind.


Your post is a little unclear. If she found that her previous boyfriends were cheating, I think that at least opens up the relationship (if it doesn't destroy it outright). Under those conditions I would not call hooking up with someone else as cheating because her partner had already established that the relationship was not exclusive. That being said, you now know her go-to way of handling a cheating partner. If she suspects you of cheating she may just jump into someone else's bed rather than talk with you to find out the truth. I would not necessarily advise dropping her, but I do advise caution in the relationship.


y'all been together 10 months already, has she cheated? that's the real question.. 🤔


Happened to me she didn’t tell me she had previously cheated on her last two relationships until we were like 7 months in… my dumb ass thought I was different than those guys 😂 trust me when she cheated on me 7 months later I looked mad dumb… meh ride that wave brotha you’ll see.. what I’d do in the mean time is see if she will match your energy or if she one of those life sucking humans who gives minimum effort back.. just observe and hold self respect for now but keep it locked as a red red flag..


Lmao 🤣 this guy🤦🏽‍♂️🙄


#1. People can either cheat when they get the urge, or they control their urges. Your girl has previously crossed the line, and you now know this. All it now takes is a rough patch with you, or a better deal elsewhere to do what she’s done before. #2. I guarantee that if she confessed to two, the real answer is more likely 5. Cheating is lying. Liars don’t offer the whole truth when they confess to something.


Maybe if it was one time I can get past it & believe. But 2x is showing a pattern…


“Everything that happens once can never happen again. But everything that happens twice will surely happen a third time.” Don’t be her third time. Yes, I’ve read this from a book, but I feel like it applies here. I also believe people deserve to have a second chance to grow and redeem themselves. But she obviously needs to take a step back from relationships and work on herself right now. If she doesn’t at least try to work on her issues first, then all you are going to be is a drop in a bucket of her broken relationships. Look, it is sad that she got cheated on. That does fuck you up as a person. But it also doesn’t give you the right to sabotage the next relationships and hurt other people. If you want to give her a chance, then feel free to do so. However, you would completely be in the right to protect yourself by ending your relationship with her. If you still want this to work, then I would suggest individual counseling on her part and maybe couples counseling for the both of you. Good luck.


She claims these incidents happened because someone else cheated on her first, meaning she did it for revenge, also meaning that, hypothetically, should you not cheat on her then she will not cheat on you....However, Going off that theory is problematic already but also consider that she happens to hear a conversation you had with someone, happens to see a message on your phone/computer or anything else that happens to be misunderstood as "cheating" and without talking to you about it and/or confronting you about it.......she goes out and "gets her revenge" instead?!?!? Not worth it in my opinion, but that's my opinion alone. Wishing you luck however you choose 🤞


No, you should not believe her. Once a cheater, always a cheater. Cheaters are, by definition, liars and all you have is her word she cheated because she got cheated on. Importantly, there are only two reasonable things to do when one catches one's partner cheating: Forgive them and accept that it will probably happen again. Leave them. Cheating back is stupid.


She is not YOUR girlfriend, don't get too invested, just enjoy your turn on the ride...


imo u could give her a chance bc if u lovw her and she rlly loves u then she shouldnt do that but its a chance she would cheat sinve she did it twice


Avoid the STDs and heartbrake now. She is for the streets and you should treat her as such. Have some self respect.


Dude, if you have to ask that, you already know the answer.




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