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As far as I see it he's doing you a favour by taking out the trash.


IRONICALLY I’m a bin man 😂😂


Then you should appreciate how hard this guy is working


You should most definitely thank him.


Save them under trash #1 and trash #2 so you know never to pick up for them again.


For real, OP introduce the next one to him as well.


Small town problems


Worst thing is man must travel near and far I live in Glasgow, Scotland 😂


You are lucky, that one is a good city. He probably just bored 🤣🤣


Maybe he’ll be my baby reindeer 😂😂😂


Talk to him and say how is it that both my ex gfs cheated on me with if he starts getting agressive or statts swearing and saying stuff like i dont care post it on social media and ask tour first ex gf if it was worth itbcheatingbwith a guy that you didnt even end up getting with and tell your second ex say this guy dosnt like you he inly goes after girls i like thats why he got with my first ex


Find out if he has female family members or male up to you really..... and nail one. Petty vengeance is sometimes needed 😂😂


He's obsessed with u. I have a chick that did that to me


Find his mom. Or, dad😅


Why have one.. WHEN you can have both 🤔 I mean I don’t swing that way for me but imagine a male insulting you by saying I fucked your dad? Ain’t no coming back from that


forrealll brooo😂




Man he's up 2-0. You need to play some offense.


I mean, maybe he's doing you a solid by showing you these ladies aren't worth your time?


change city...


I hope you told your latest ex that she was his latest conquest of your ex’s.


There was a time where guy's like him would end up in the ER after you hunted him down and took care of business. We need to bring those day's back. 


Why? He doesn't know OP so it's not like he's doing it on purpose. It's a small world and they're probably in a small town.


Glasgow, Scotland ain't that small.


Who says those days are gone?


Why? It’s not the fault of the other man You’re recommending that OP beat up some random stranger because his girlfriends are cheaters? HUH? OK, tough guy


I wasn't recommending anything, just making an observation. But let's be honest, it worked back in the day. Men were more apt to protect their marriage and families because there was respect. Nowadays, guy's who prey on married women feel empowered because they know the law is on their side and there's no shortage of guy's who won't do anything. Look at all the stories on here of men who get cheated on and how they react. It's pathetic. 


I was glad to see someone finally wanted to take my ex off my hands. I even played it enough to make him want her more. Back then I imagined the day when I could shake his hand and thank him right in front of her. I eventually quit daydreaming. She married him all but immediately after our short marriage was annulled. He definitely tried to emulate me and fill my big shoes. He got drunk and sent me a message on FB I skimmed it laughed and blocked him. Sometime after he got drunk and sent my mother a message on FB. The last woman I dated received a drunk message calling her out to fight him at the house he was living at with my ex. I told her it was a trap and he would call the oink , especially if he lost. He called me out a few times he showed once and wouldn't throw down. Trying to maintain his composer he said something about how I had nothing left to take. I laughed and replied with " I was taught to give my broken and used toys to the less fortunate." While he spent 18 ish years watching for me to come for her. She's been cheating on him with every male that will go there. As for me I finally did him one after years of his BS. His little sisters are twins they can tell him about their weekend out of town with yours truly


Cheating girlfriends and seducing a wife are 2 different things kinda


Can't really argue with that. 


Fuct up. Totally.


hes weird....like super weird. im sorry you went through this op hopefully he stops being some obsessed fan of yours and disappears. if it happens again id embarrass all of them like damn youre THAT obsessed to be me??? gross 🚶🏻‍♀️


Im about to get stabbed off this man


get with his sister of female cousin


That’s wild🤣 he has some sort of vendetta or it’s really just one of those “small world” weird things ya know. Either way def warn the next girl about him and start locking all your windows if you don’t 👍🏼




Get the phone number and find this joker.. it has to be someone with a beef with you… I would be hunting him down and getting some answers… You will probably be surprised when you find out the identity…


He’s the grim reaper. Always making an appearance just before your relationship dies.


I would have a chat like Negan would with this guy.




wtf nah dude he has to have tabs on u 💀


Nah bro thats 2-0 go sleep with his mom.


Lmao bro you unlucky af hahahaha


Why is this guy out to get you?


Does he have an adult sister or single widowed mom? How far is he willing to take this game.


At some point you gotta crash out 😂😂


He must have a bigger pp 🤷‍♂️


Bang his sister or mom. I would like to see him stealing that from you.


"I start talking to this girl" doesn't mean you're together and she's cheating. What is with people who think that just because there's some mutual attraction, they suddenly own that person? It's not cheating unless the other person verbally commits to you, without pressure. Like "I don't want to see anyone else but you, let's be together, in a monogamous relationship, OK?." stuff. Not an 'assumed contract" where there isn't one. You were cheated on once here, not twice.


Tal vez sea hora de que lo confrontes y busques ver si tiene un problema contigo aúnq la verdad si quieres dale una lección buscar algo de venganza tienes mi apoyo yo tampo creo q sea casualidad una golpiza siempre en calidad en esos casos 


Naaaah bro he's up 2-0 in the seriesagainst you.... you gotta start playing some offense 😭😭😭😭


This is empty accusation. Nobody could make adultery by telephone or texting. Stupid. This phenomena is the fruit/illness of this post-modern internet world.


Stop cuffing females , stop getting into relationships, don’t set yourself up for any more hurt, do you live on a college campus or something lol and it’s not your fault lots of women cheat. At least you found out