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>Unfortunately, this relationship with the other girl did not go well, even though she loved her very much, she had bipolar disorder and BPD and it was really impossible to stay in the relationship, so in 2019, I also ended that relationship. ​ This line confused me. "she loved her?"


I called BS when the first mention of their partner is as Him. Then it gets changed to she/her and wife. Yen the other stuff. I just gave up and looked at the comments 🤣


Sorry again, I did the whole translation with deepl from my original language


I assume it was meant to be "he" and folks don't proofread. But who knows


I'm assuming no proofreading and English may be a second language


Sorry I meant "I love her"


Just send her a text. What you can’t do is nothing. “I’m not sure what you thought would happen when I found out that you once again betrayed me. I even sent you a message not to, and you assured me you wouldn’t, but still did. Don’t try to deny it, I know more than you think I do and I have evidence of your betrayal. Clearly you don’t respect me, yourself, or our relationship. I probably never should have give you another opportunity to hurt me. I did because I love you, and you once again have shown me that I can’t trust you. I can’t be married, or even in a relationship, with someone that I don’t trust. I will begin the process of canceling the wedding and I wont be around when you get back.” This will get you a result. She will likely freak out that you know and you’re ending it. Updateme!


Tell her you know she cheated and there is no need to return. She's into this guy and if he's around and available she is going to hit that. Just the way it is.


Dump that b*tch …you deserve someone who will not cheat on you


She's a cheater don't marry her because she will cheat again. You are not her man just a meal ticket. Text her on what's with evidence and just say it's over the wedding is off.


That's the problem that super confuses me, I know that she loves me and she is happy with me, but I think she is I love also with him, so it is not that she loves only him...


It's look like you her third choice at best: 1. Herself. 2. Him. 3?. You. So do you really think that how love looks?


If she also loves him she definitely only loves you with half a heart and for what you can provide. Do you want half a heart or a woman that really is in love with a whole heart.


You should probably sign a prenup because despite you being a catch she will take your ship down with you the cherry on top! She probably didn't learn her lesson either!


If it is your residence pack up her things and drop the bags off at her parents or siblings home. No explanation required. If it’s her residence pack up and leave. Maybe tape a photo of her conversation on the door but you don’t owe her anything more. Cancel all the arrangements, send out a mass email stating due to unfortunate circumstances the wedding will not be taking place. More forward not backwards.


If you are okay with that she will cheat, then by all means stay and get married. This will not stop.


It’s time for you to move on from her and not look back. She has a history of cheating and history repeated itself.


just cancel the wedding as soon as possible! You are buying a hell ticket for yourself. Your life will become more terrible than this. Why do you still want to marry her? you know that she is not faithful she never respected you and your relationship she never takes it seriously! if you live in her home pack up your stuff and move out before she returns to her trip. Or it's your house kick her stuff out text her all the evidence you have of her unfaithfulness and tell her that the wedding is over and she doesn't need to come back here and tell her you've thrown out her stuff also change your door locks and never give her any chance again. You deserve so much better than her and find some good hobbies, some good friends and enjoy the rest of your life. I know it's hard for you but you have to be a man of honour you have some self respect you can't be more fooled by her. Soon you will get some one better than that whore! Best of luck!


The problem is that we have both a mortgage at 50%, not that easy


can you ask about getting the rest 50% or 60 70% like a lawyer or something? sorry I don't know much about it


Nonsense story. Write better. Youre making it sound like eveyone wants to hear a part 2 but the protagonist is a weak guy who's still with his cheating girl..


Sorry again, I was very nervous when I wrote it yesterday and I used deepl from Spanish


Your world will collapse MORE if you marry her, beause I guarantee you, this behavior will repeat itself in the future if you stay with her. She's not just a cheater, she LOVES the thrill of it, she's addicted to it, and will do it again for sure. Get out now. Imagine trying to get away from her after you have kids, etc.


It's time to face facts. You will never know peace and trust with this woman. It ended when you discovered her telegram secret conversation, designed for cheaters and decievers. There is a much better woman out there for you, so stop wasting time with this one. Be brave and move on. A life of lies and mistrust in a marriage is no way to live.


Of course they will get together again. It gets easier to cheat every time after the first. You need to cancel the wedding because you won't ever be able to trust her again no matter where she is by herself.


Man, do not marry her. Be wise. You are being a complete fool by marrying her. It's high time to end this relationship. Pack your bags and leave the apartment you share with her. Make sure to take printouts of the messages and put it on the dining table for her to see. Do not explain anything. Just ghost on her. Block her number and don't give her a chance to explain.


Send her a video of the chat. If you managed to save it. If so then say you told me one thing then set about setting up the complete opposite of what you said. Your intention was 100% clear about setting up a meet. It's up to you if you're going to carry this on. Personally i wouldn't want the fear and trust background stressor program always running but that's me. If you are going to go through with confrontation. Know that you've been proven right on this one.


I honestly think you should just ghost her. Tell everyone the wedding is off with proof of her cheating, and just move on. If the guy is married or has an SO, find out and inform them as well.