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Move on. She's not the one


OP needs to stop tolerating women that bring nothing to the table except misery and their body. Start valuing yourself more OP. It is fair to demand that your partner/date brings mostly the same value to the table as you do. And people that cheat are monsters. Stop seeing them as anything else. They do not want to act like they are worth any effort, so give them that. Forget that they mattered, forget that they existed. The humans you tought they were never truly existed are died a long time ago. Now they are simply an air-gap that you can't walk through for some reason.


I have a question. Do you intend to marry her,,? If not just use her as afuck toy that she is. Stop doing thing for her or caring for her. Youcould give 2 flying fu,,, what she do, When she ask why you have change tell her that we are just friends with benefits, and you never intended to take it to the next level, that you realized all she can give is sex like she gives others, i have said this lines before and they work like a charm, they always come apologizing but they know their new reality,


Bruh, kick her to the curb and hit the gym.


>Every girlfriend I had left me for another man If you always go after the same kind of women, you will get the same kind of girlfriends.




What you have proven to her is that you can be manipulated, and controlled and the reason is simple you are more invested in this relationship than she is and sadly she knows that and is disrespecting g you because she can and you will just take it....brother you know exactly what to do...just do it. Take back control


Love yourself, dude


Ok dude, time for some truth.  You SERIOUSLY need to get yourself in check because man, you reek of weakness and desperation. You want to know why literally every girl you've dated cheated on you? Because you lack self respect and you're a doormat. Your girlfriend cheated, you took her back, and continue to do the pick me dance which let me tell you, women do not respect that shit. Women don't respect white knights and they certainly don't respect cucks.   Stop being this girl's meal ticket while she treats you like shit. Break up and don't get back into another relationship until you learn how to respect yourself. And while you're at it, hit the gym and start watching some Clint Eastwood movies. 


You’re fucked up and an asshole for telling someone the reason they got cheated on is because they lacked self respect. Really? Not the depressed girl who cheated because she needed outside validation so much that she took advantage of the guy who’s actually loves her? Come on. I know it’s obvious that she’s keeping him as some sort of placeholder while she fucks around but you didn’t have to be so cold and turn it on OP. Edit: Misread and realized you said “literally every girl” yeah, you’re fucked up.


Yeah ok. The good news is I really don't care what you think. OP needs to hear some reality and if that offends you, so be it. 


Uhhh the “depressed girl who cheated” isn’t writing in for advice, the guy who keeps getting cheated on is. Do you honestly think OP should ignore this pattern and chalk it up to being unlucky instead of doing some honest self-reflection that might hurt, but will hurt a lot less in the long term if he can identify the root causes within himself triggering this pattern of disrespect from his partners? I mean, maybe you could chalk up the first time with one, maybe two of his partners cheated on him. But 4 different partners, not to mention reconciling with the last? Respect is earned. And he’s clearly not earning any with his romantic partners, and usually that DOES begin bc you don’t respect yourself. That doesn’t make OP any less of a man, especially when he’s young and inexperienced with the opposite sex. But it will if he doesn’t get a little “tough love” and continues to blame everyone else for his problems…


He can choose better female next time, but only if he fixes himself first and keeps her in check. One must be better first to be able to make wiser choices. If you live like a pushover, you will get shoved. It was her fault but he can’t fix her, he has to fix his battle-stations for the future to avoid repeating this pattern.


I would suggest psychotherapy to try and understand yourself, as well as your relationship patterns further. Regarding your girlfriend, I can understand working through a one time incident of cheating, but now that it has happened again I would suggest for your own mental health ending the relationship.


She will continue to cheat .I guess you don't mind it obviously so what do you want from all us redditors you know she is cheating you know it's been more than one time yes she cheating and yes your being a doormat and yes again you should leave her maybe her mental state of mind is because she can't handle the guilt anymore if you don't leave it's going to send you down! He sane path .


Cheat on me once, shame on you Cheat on me twice, i'm a cuckold Cheat on me again and again, doesn't matter coz I'm a cuck


You either end id with her or fun being stepped on, and getting cucked.


Wow ur a simp


Why are you doing this to yourself dude. Just get rid of her. You’ll find your person. Here’s a thing if you get an a relationship you need to have a strong barrier and a strong sense of being. And when you show them that you have no backbone. They’re just gonna take complete advantage of you so that’s probably why all your relationships have ended up the same way they know they can do whatever and you’re just gonna be there. You need to stand up and have some self-respect.


And you want to continue with her because…….?


She was not too depressed and sick to cheat on you though and then plan to do it again. She’s using you. Let her go and get into therapy so you can figure out why you are attracting women who will use you and cheat on you. I think part of the reason may be you ignore red flags and simply give too much. That can change with help. Good luck, OP.


Don't give her anymore of your time. Leave. Stop being so nice that's why you're not being respected in your relationships.


She will manipulate you again and again cheat on you... Why invest your time in this boring worthless relationship while that so-called gf is not interested in it and interested in someone else dick. Sorry, but you should left her and changed yourself like have some personality, some good standards and more don't trust anyone so easily. Nature can never change. And stop expecting from anyone people never gonna do some good in return for your favors. You are generous and thoughtful you must meet someone who is not interested in your money or sex. You should meet those who want to invest in a relationship with whom you expect good in return for your favors. Who cared about you, love you not become a selfish bitch


She is not the one. You will find the right one. Keep trying.


She’s not the one, leave her, once a cheater always a cheater!


Why are you letting another person leach off of you and take advantage of you? How can you "love" a person like that? Please learn to be comfortable in your own skin and comfortable being alone until you can find a person with at least a bare minimum of respect for others.


This is so hilarious.


She belongs to the streets buddy


Bad move right there that first title bro should’ve left her to begin with if she cheats that like dude code from ages ago lol


Dump her, she isn’t cut out for relationships.


Do you love yourself? Think bro


She already made the choice very simple for you. She cheated and then was caught ding it again. This right here is the deal breaker. You don't need evidence or confirmation. She willingly did this, she doesn't give a rats ass about you. Just send her away and live your life.


What u expect? U gave her the ok to cheat when u forgave her.


This is just sad. It's like y'all think they stopped making pussy or something. Dude there are billions of other women out there. 97% are horrible cheats, or been passed around so much they're half insane, but outta that 3%. There are some keepers. It's really just getting lucky. Remember this tho for all your days.. NEVER TAKE BACK A CHEATER... good luck


Love yourself enough to not let others disrespect, and degrade you. Subscribeme


It’s about power and respect. She has the power and you get no respect. Why would you be willing to accept a C- relationship knowing she could leave or go except for the care you provide. She milking you like a Guernsey and when she’s able, you sadly will be but a regrettable footnote in her history.


Leave, please save yourself.


Move on , she’s not worth it. You’ll find someone, don’t rush it, find someone who you can love and build a relationship with.


Get out.a good, loyal woman will want you.


There are more woman than men in this world ... Leave that ho and find someone worth your love. She ain't it.




She has no respect for you, she doesn’t appreciate what you’re doing for her, she’s just using you! Time to move on, and with your next girlfriend, never give her more than what she is willing to gives you. Good luck OP.


Move on. Hit the gym. If your a provider you will find someone who values you. No need to degrade yourself out of fear.




She's never going to respect you since you kiss her feet, her problems need to be hers to own and you need to ghost her. Don't tell her you're gone just go, she'll likely beg and plead cause you're safe and she doesn't want to lose what you provide for her, but it's not worth it.


You're either too afraid to leave her out of comfortability and worried you'll never be able to find better or it's out of her manipulation of her mental health over your head. What is she offering you? How is she being a partner to you? You'll find someone else and it may not be instant but real love is worth the wait and after this relationship you should work on creating healthy boundaries for future relationships, self confidence, and figuring out what you want from a partner so this doesn't happen again. Also, it's one thing to be there for someone's mental but you can't fix them only they can. If her mental is an issue in the relationship and she isn't taking necessary steps to help herself then you are not qualified to do it for her. Cheating once and taking her back, I get it. Cheating twice, she has an internal issue and once again you are not qualified nor are you obligated to take that shit.


Jesus man! End it with this girl and keep looking. Come on snap the fuck out of it


Let her go! , you can’t unscramble scrambled eggs . I gave a man 8 years of my life , a baby and he still continued to cheat . We were even engaged ! Cheaters will forever be cheaters they just get better at the game .


You are doomed. Poor you.


Since you forgave her after cheating she knows she can walk all over you with no repercussions. She has little respect for you now and will lessen even more over time. She WILL cheat again.


She sees you as the push over you are. She will continue to treat you as a doormat. Leave her dude she ain’t the one


I don’t think you’re a cuck. I think you need to stop accepting poor treatment. People will continue to treat you like shit if you let them. You should’ve left her when she cheated the first time. Stop accepting the bare minimum. Set standards for yourself and stick to them.


Once a cheat, always a cheat. take yourblife back


Good women love their man too much to ever cheat. You are trying to shortcut the dating process by showering women with money and then expecting gratitude as a replacement for love. If you go after the same type of woman, you will get the same result: cheating. I suspect that you are insecure and feel that the only way you think you can get a woman is by throwing money at her. Talk to your friends and relatives and ask them to give an honest evaluation of your strengths and weaknesses. Not everything they say will be objectively true, but pay attention to any patterns that emerge and work on improving that part of your life.


Friend, you need to stop and take accountability for the type of women you are choosing, and also for what characteristics of yours that make these women feel comfortable doing these things to you. Learn to set boundaries, and stand on them. Look for red flags and learn not to invest emotionally in loose women, and get yourself together first. You can not control the actions of another person, buy you can control how they treat you by removing those that do not respect you from your life. Keep your head up and stay focused, good luck!


If you act like a doormat, people will walk on you.


Sorry but she lost respect for u the first time she cheated and u forgave her. Should have dumped her on the spot. Her reception of u is that u are weak, that's why she could plan on cheating on you a again. Women are not attractive to men whom they perceive as being weak. Wouldn't b a surprise if sex has nose dived


I mean she’s gonna keep cheating so you might as well keep forgiving.


Move one 😬


You deserve to be loved like you love her. She doesn’t love you like that.


Let it slide once they start ice skating


They leave bc you enable this behavior. Sounds like you need to man up and stop being so nice. Dump her and watch her want to come crawling back. Don’t fall for it.


I didn’t even have to read ur entire post the first couple sentences is all I need. She doesn’t love u. She’s looking for someone else . Let her go! There is someone meant for u she is not the one!!!


No leave her she is hurting you in ways you don't acknowledge


you're trying to fix something that you didnt break and its not your job to. its her job to put work and effort back into the relationship even prior to cheating a relationship consists of more than one person working on it. she isnt. is it her mental health? maybe. is it YOUR job to fix everything? hell no. you've gone through this unfortunately more than once, its time to start standing ip for yourself. you shouldn't be in a relationship where youre juggling everything together to make ONE person happy, especially since its not being reciprocated. kick her out. she doesnt have to go home but she cant stay there. she isnt your priority, and in fact no one should be rn. you need to do what makes you happy and ill tell you what her staying in your house isnt gonna add anything but more stress to your life. X her out of your life completely and start doing things that make you happy. surround yourself with people that ACTUALLY appreciate and love you. now idk when or where the right person will come around, but if you can be at a place where you're happy with just yourself then everything else will work into place. and if not who cares? you got yourself and thats all thats needed. hoping for the best op.


I'm here to tell you difficult truths. If all your girlfriends have left you, depending on the number, you have to start analyzing what you're doing wrong. And if you agree to stay with someone who has cheated on you, it means you have no self-respect.




If you stay with her you're just mentally exhausting yourself.


OP you need to think about who is it you really love, the real person that has cheated on you at least 2x, or some image of her you now know is a lie? How can you know the 2x you know about are the only 2? Because a known liar said that was it? So her cheating has totally destroyed any trust you ever had in her, and her way to try to rebuild that trust is to try to cheat again. What in this gives you any reason to think she would ever be faithful?


Know your worth bro


Have you talked to her and told her that it is not ok??


You know could forgive her and still yeet her out of your life.


If you bend over backwards, you don’t get a spine, then she can’t respect you = she can’t feel attracted to you anymore. Naive Disney fantasies or catering and pandering to her. If you allow her to trample all over you as you have there’s no way she can’t feel attracted to you. That’s female instinct. Once that’s dead it’s all a waste of your spending any time energy or money. If you don’t respect yourself, and kick her out of your life, she can’t respect you at all.


my dawg you might Just wanna focus on yourself n self esteem! fuk these hoes! get on your shit n stay on your shit! focus! hit that grind


Cuck’s are cucks by choice. So, do You want to be a cuck? If not, you’re not a cuck and you need to move on and develop yourself so that you aren’t defined by other people. I don’t know you but I suspect if you’re letting women in your life define you like this you might be similarly passive in other areas of your life. If so, do you want to change? If you want to change you can. Self Help books and content or therapy would Be my first suggestions if you want this to change.




There is no Love without Respect. And that woman has ZERO respect for you. Leave her immediately, start working out and going to therapy. As you gain more self-respect and confidence in yourself, you will attract better partners.


Once a cheater, always a cheater, get rid of her and get a woman that you don’t have to worry about . That’s the way to go.


If you act like a cuck and sound like a cuck, then you’re probably a cuck


She will cheat again trust me..


Thank you all for your comments and opinions, I'm at my 150th push up.


Your partner does not have you as a boyfriend. She is for whoever she wants to have sex with. Just understand that she is not your girlfriend. You do not deserve that title. Why don't you know what you are? She has you around probably for money and gifts. So, understand that and don't expect more. She is using you. So, be used or leave her for those who will use her for what she is good for. Don't be disillusioned.


All these comments make me terrified for the future of this city… All People make mistakes and if they take time to reflect, learn and apologize the relationship it can be even stronger than it was from the past and it can withstand any challenges they face. People that try to tell you how to feel and what to do are people that don’t take your. Feelings into consideration but want to selfishly take from you what really are their true intentions? Watch out for the snakes in the grass especially on open house days. Good People learn from their mistakes which makes then try even harder to prove how strong their love is for each other


Where are you seeing she learned anything or tried harder for the relationship? She tried cheating again, but got caught. More than likely she's cheated other times u/chooseanot doesn't know about. Nothing you said makes any logical sense. >Good people learn from their mistakes Where did she learn? How to hide it better? Go back to your pro adultery subs with advice like that.