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I assume your gf is a stripper? Seems like she fucked him and he used a condom. Probably went down on her and she enjoyed it. That explains the big lips. Sorry for that brother, but you should have expected that cheating was a big risk due to her being a stripper.


“I’m in love with a stripper”. TPain


4 years down the drain, she literally just started doing it. Shut in cute little autistic girl


There's not even a faint "excuse" like she did it for money, she is unhinged, unstable and is morally bankrupt... RUN, my friend, RUN...!


And yet in his other post there is more back and forth with her gf and she says he didn't give her any money. Hard to tell exactly what went on here but not getting any money for what did happen? She is going to be hella popular but not very successful at paying her in bills.


It was over when you agreed to be in a relationship with a stripper. You need to work on yourself respect. Did she say you were insecure if you didn’t agree?


Have you been this naive all this time (4 yrs).. or.. .. you’re just more naive than Will Smith on “Independence Day” Ps: MultiPuns; IYKYK.


The moment she started doing it was the moment you should have ended the relationship.


Bro why would you date a stripper? That was the 1st mistake. I wouldn't be surprised if my girlfriend slept with a client


The "slut shaming myself, like I always do," She's done it before and she'll continue to do it.


This one screams out to me.


Just ask her outright how long she has been fucking other men because you have the evidence.


I think the biggest concern I have is the comment about being proud of herself for not slut shaming herself like she “usually does”. How often is this happening that she’s working on getting better with her self esteem? She’s done something and it sounds like it’s a regular thing. If you think you need more evidence, just wait because she’s going to give it you. My opinion, you don’t need more evidence, it’s clear she’s not 100% invested in your relationship. The conversation you saw never mentions you and her friend is enabling her with “be safe” comment. Begin the process, figure out when and how this will end, expect her to lie and gaslight, and grey rock is the way. Good luck, my friend.


Police are at the top followed closely by military.


Noooooooooooo. #1 rule for a monogamous relationship. Never date a stripper or a prostitute. Should be a no brainer. Strip clubs are ground zero for infidelity.


You’re dating a stripper. Of course she’s fucking customers. Walk away and don’t date strippers, nurses, or flight attendants.


I got free stitches once from a nurse I was dating. Thankfully she didn't cheat on me until after my arm healed.


Teachers are up there too surprisingly


Yeah, I actually have a very long list. But figured I’d keep it to the worst few professions.


Why not teahcers? I mean, obe heard that many of them like crasy stuff in bed and are pretty kinky but. Did not know about them coming off as unfaithfull


Idk the top three unfaithful occupations are healthcare, airline, and teachers.


Nurses. The whole lot of them.


Wait what? That's a thing. As a male Nurse and I can't say that I've seen much in the way of infidelity in my line of work. Moreso I hear my colleagues talking about their ex-husbands cheating and running off with younger women.


This is all bullshit. According to these guys, any woman who has a job is a cheater. I doubt there are statistics to back it up.


Or just google list of professions with highest cheating rate


Woah, woah, woah. As a nurse, I resent the statement of don't date a nurse.


Not saying this of all Nurses , but they have a high % of monkey branching to a high net worth Dr. Sorry but true


Most nurses I know aren't married to doctors.


Who says they’re always able to lock one down; they monkey branch all over.. seen it in few i messed around with - be it nursing school and graduated ones.. Long hours, odd shifts, high stress.. and morally flexible peer group communities & work culture, maybe cause they see death and disease so much it’s their nihilistic self justifying escapes.


Yes, most are not married to doctors, but the ones that cheat and monkey branch do so , starts with the supposedly extended shifts at the hospital as told to me by PI friend !


2 out of 5 nurses that I knew through close family monkey branched to doctors.  1 out of 3 teachers tried to monkey branch.  None of the others got divorced.  Not half but I never thought of it before.  Those were the only ones that got divorced 


PI friend, told me that the wife would mention , to hubby , that she was working a couple extra hours. She would leave her phone in the locker, so it could be tracked. she also left her car , in the underground garage, so it could be found. so when the PI was in contact with the spouse, they both knew the tracker and the car in the garage never moved. She would tell her husband she was a floater for the extra hours for overtime , so he thought nothing of it as because the phone always showed her location phone inside the hospital. The PI delivered flowers (from Patient ), to the nurses station , and they told him she left two hours ago. PI , told the nurses station , he would bring back the flowers tomorrow, at the same time , the next day , and they told him she always runs out of here , after her shift ends. PI , staked out the garage and found that she was getting in the doctors car and going to a hotel 15 miles away. he tailed them to the Hotel,Kissed in Car (pictures) .while they were kissing in the car, PI went into the hotel , They actually walked in Hotel separately , got pictures. But when they came out, they had their arms around each other. , groped her as they both got back in the Dr. car. Case closed!!! after she was outed, supposedly , she continue to be with the doctor. Not sure what the endgame was. PI friend crazy stories.


How many nurses have you known in your career that cheated? How long have you been a nurse?


Unless you looking for a good fuck, but not necessarily a good woman lol


As a stripper I just wanna say not everyone fucks their clients


Whaaaat? Impossible! Reading posts here you'd think every woman on Earth was an evil cheater.


If y’all had a QR/ Barcode we could scan for body count and history.. but it’s not like it’s all documented to verify or deny.


Of course not. But how can you tell the difference between the ones that do and those that don’t? Also, sex workers of any kind are poor relationship material. They view their bodies/sex as a commodity.


Doesn't that count for everything in life? Why paint an entire vocation as cheating trash?


Oh yeah nurses love to cheat.


You’re dating a stripper who cheated on you and is PROUD that she’s not “slut shaming” herself. “Shut in cute little autistic girl”???????? No friend, she’s trash. What the actual??? You were fine with her going from “shut in” to stripper but this is a surprise? I just want to shake you awake friend.


You are dating a stripper. What could possibly go wrong?


OP - Under no circumstances do you EVER marry this person. She will constantly cheat on you. Just do yourself a HUGE favor and end it now.


Bruh . . . She fucked him and probably sucked him off too. Then she kissed you in the mouth and you're talking to reddit about it and not her??!! Smh


Didn’t touch her after that night, unknowingly. I’m gone now I just wanted to see if anyone knew what she was doing


Pack her stuff, leave it out.. or if you can move and block her on all comms, do it. Gather evidence or she can use cops to false accuse you since you were her room board and all $$$.


Lip is another name for the labia. The folds some call them around the vagina


That’s suspicious. I think cheating happened.


Send a anonymous text to her work and say my bf cheated with one of the girls there and i found the girls bf and spoke to him and he went though her phone and told me this then say what was in the text then see what happens after then confront your gf and lie and say a girl got in touch with me snd asked if you work here and said she found out her bf cheated with you and she had pfroof so i looked though your phone abd saw this so explain it to me


Shes a stripper , just say colleague at work friends said they had “S” with a stripper , and they described you and said your stage name. Look in her eyes when you ask her


Yh but he can lie and pretend to be the guy gf and make a complaint and say the fake gf spoke to the bf of the stripper and he went theough the phone and found all the evidence and if the guy does have a real gf he can find out and speak to the real gf wife if he rally has one


Yep. Just throw more lies into a story full of lies... Seems like the right way to go. WTF? smh smh smh


Don’t lie if you have the nerve to go through a persons phone you need to own what you did and tell them the truth


OP , Is this her first time as a stripper and she changed clubs ? how long is she working this place , this friend probably turned her out, how to make more $$$ per shift !


A month, can’t work any other job so she wanted to do this to help me earn some money towards bills because I pay everything in our life


if she has a mild form of autism, she could still work at Walmart, making $18 an hour instead of taking cash for sexual favors updateme


She tried and was extremely depressed and angry all the time, she was also too slow and they tried to fire her but I worked there too and talked them into just switching her positions. She quit and would probably never work there again even if it meant no having a home


if she has mild form of autism the owners of the establishment should really know, she can get to all kinds of trouble because of her naivety


Blue light specials; depressing. Red light specials; exciting. 😂


Proud to not shut shame herself like she "ALWAYS DOES". Man this isn't her first time.... obviously. Kick it to the curb.


Why would she need a condom for oral she cheated bro …dump her and move on she’s a wh*re


a lot of reasons “ herpes” for one.


Yeah I get that ..I was just stating how she mentioned a condom to show she cheated no matter what if it was a bj or even intercourse


Totally agree


Condoms doesn't stop herpes


"He is safe" she had sex with him. Condom or not. This seems to the norm for them.




She’s a stripper bro. At least you didn’t get married. Take this as a win. If people want to walk out of your life, hold the door open. Work on yourself you’ll be ok.


You don't have to believe, you've caught her not only cheating but doing it for money and proud of herself. My man, if that doesn't end it for you then you might want to come to terms you're in a one-sided open relationship.


Ok, your gf is a walking Petri dish of viruses, but keep wondering if she cheating as the burning sensation you feel gets worse AND you keep sleeping with her.


She doesn't even view you as a human being, she's misandric and her friends are enablers. Your pain is irrelevant to her, exit strategy time, she'll dig her own hole all by herself.


MultiPuns; IYKYK. When you’re more naive than Will Smith on “Independence Day”


Will smith is so cool, I wish I was dating him instead


His wife in that movie is a stripper and in real life Jada is his lifetime emasculator. What you smoking?


You gotta take into consideration he’s a great actor and made some banger movies. And a lot of inspirational speeches


Yes. But unfortunately hasn’t realized or been able to unlock himself from the she devil Jada.


You wanna know how to tell if she's cheating. Check her occupation.


What is bad is you mooning over a stripper. How this came to be is a mystery, but the outcome is not. Either get used to her fucking other men/women or get another girlfriend who does not. You can't have it both ways. (but it seems she can).


It’s your call but I wouldn’t want a stripper gf to help pay bills I would have her home not s screwing other people


Sounds like he had big lips and she wasn't used to kissing his big lips.... She is a new found ho.. run dude.. where she work at?


She's cheating, and it's not the first time. It sounds like the dude had a big D and she's not used to it. How long are you going to tolerate this ? Move on


Is there an update on what happen ? Did you confront her ? What did she say? Did yall break up?


Maaaaaan, you know what it is. That lady works at the fck house Holmes…. YOU need to take your arse on somewhere and mind your business… bcuz what she doing over there ain’t none of it!!!! Long of the short, gtfawayfromthatladyassoonaspossiblebcuzshefcknanyandeverythingthatcomesthruthatplace


The “slut shaming like I usually do” comment suggests that this may not have been the only time. Only one thing for you to do — Let the ho go.


This will be your life being with a stripper. Non-stop.


The friend asked her did he give you money. I don’t think they were talking about tips when the friend said “did he give you money”. Seems like your stripper/girlfriend is taking money for sex. “i’m not slut shaming myself like i usually do “. Seems like the customer/JOHN. had a big one and condom didn’t fit. or broke. Not sure oral or regular updateme


She said no!! lol


How do you know it was big :/


you said “big lips? did she mean dicks”. so big . . . .


You’re dating a stripper bro. Ofc she’s cheating💀 why would you be expecting loyalty from someone like that?


She's an escort


bro...she's a fuckin stripper 😂😂😂


Dude.... A stripper? Really? And you're questioning this?


Run Forrest Run - get out before she gives you an incurable STD.


Dont date any more strippers my friend. Im sorry.


Stripper girlfriend. On to the next.


"I'm so proud of myself for not slut shaming myself like I usually do" That line right there tells you everything you need to know. She's fucking her customers on the side for money. She used to feel bad about it before, but not any more. She probably makes fun of the fact that she has unknowingly cuck boyfriend loyal waiting for her at the house. That's not the first time she's done this, and it won't be last time. If you do bring this up, she's gonna attack you for invading her privacy and it will be your fault. Just tell her it's not working out any more and leave her. She's not worth the hustle. Don't even worry about big lips.


She fucked some other guy, and you're worrying about what the big lips comment means? Are you dim? She absolutely, positively fucked some guy. Deal with it as you wish, but there's no ambiguity there at all.


lol my dude it was over when she became a stripper you just didn’t realize it 🏃


OP she is just doing her work with a plus ultra for tips, but seems that she do it for free. And if this is not clear enough yes she cheated on you. Also what could You expect from a stripper? I Saw in one coment You Made that she recently start doing this? Why did You let her?


Yikes I feel so bad for you.


Leave her ass


Rule one. Don't date strippers. If chances are and u guys met. Don't fall in love. Heard many stories about men falling in love with strippers like this


Not very often do you find a stripper that sticks to their ground rules I met one but she bends the rules 😉😉


What can go wrong with a girl named destiny, platinum, Rose, diamond ecstasy Tiffany, Monique etc. i’ve never been to a strip club, but I heard these are the names they use 🤭


Personally I like Gemini and Ana


Update: she made out with the DJ he pulled his d*ck out with a condom on it and she told him she was uncomfortable


So... considering that story doesn't make sense for what you read in the texts, there's cheating case #2?