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RJ Effect once again, came in and we CAME BACK! just hope he gets England call up


No he needs a rest over summer


I’m 0 Qqqq


This is the Chelsea mentality .. we are never out.. We are never down .. We are London's finest


Not only are the players getting used to the club, team and system but so is Poch, he with the players are also improving and acclimating.


Some one made a good point that the first half of the season there was a lot of pressure to finish top 4 with a new young squad but when we looked out of it the pressure was dropped the guys can just get on with it and build up some form of chemistry with eachother. the big question is can we keep it going into next season where the pressure for top 4 will be on for the whole season


I think we will improve next season, get another striker and hopefully nkunku can stay fit. Excited to see more gusto too


your missing a huge one, we need to piority focus on defense and fill the vacuum of thiago silva first.


Not only are the players getting used to the club, team and system but so is Poch, he with the players are also improving and acclimating.


Crazy what happens when a manager has time to implement ideas and player grow within the season


lmao this. Suddenly everyone has changed their tune now we're winning


well ofc lmao, you need to win end of day full stop, nothing else matters. Now that hes winning yes we can say its working lol I dont understand what your hinting at?


Some were reactionary. I get it, I’ve been following this club for 25 years and the standard was always exceptionally high. However, the revolving door of manager success has come to a halt. You only have to look at the most successful three teams across the last two seasons to realise they have all been at their respective clubs for a significant amount of time. We - like them - need stability. Even if Newcastle win their next two games, I would advocate for keeping Poch. One more year and if no Champions League, we can look at alternatives.


FUCKING YEEEEESSSS GET IN CHELSEA!!! And reeeeece back you beauty!!!!! Come on!!!!


So, Reece is RCB from now on? That doesn't mean he won't go forward putting Crosses inside the box but gusto in there too. This will be interesting to see. Nkunku and Jackson as front two striker? I think we are looking at a 3-5-2 in one of the upcoming games. James-Chalo-Thiago Gusto - Caicedo- Gallaghar -palmer- Mudryk/sterling Nkunku - Jackson


Reece is a beast in RCB, remember when we play against Madrid, Tuchel use to put him RCB and all the left side threat by Vini Jr was shut down by him


Forgot how well Cristo’s hold up play was and it offers just a different threat building up. But I actually still think the formation will be a bit more fluid in defense / attack.


Notes: 1. Good players make good performances. If there's any takeaway that you should have, it's this. If you have proven, reliable players on the pitch, they will perform with the expectation that they play at a high level. For the Mudryks/Maduekes, playing at a high level is currently a bonus. 2. Pochettino made an adjustment at half-time, he saw that Cucurella inverting wasn't working so he reverted him back to a regular fullback position. Good sign. 3. We were no longer Cole Palmer FC when Nkunku, Sterling, James came on. In fact, he looked pretty regular out there. It will be extremely interesting to see how this develops when our other top players start to demand more of the ball and Palmer isn't our focal point anymore. 4. No question, without these injuries this season we would have been much better. And next season, if we are without injuries, we'll compete near the top.


On your last point on injuries.. it's been two seasons (nearly three seasons) we've been hit by squad level injuries.. what's up with the medical team? We've lost more man-days than any other PL team. That, I think, should be our first order of business next season. Bring in the best possible medical team from the world, maybe from Rugby or NFL.


For sure we need to deal with the injuries, though think it turns out a little more complicated than that. Medical teams are just one part of a player’s return to playing in the PL. It’s a team effort between the player, the manager, the medical team, the performance team, the ownership, etc. The performance team need to make sure the player is fit and ready to compete in the league, the ownership wants to protect the asset but also see a return on their investment, all while the player and manager want to return ASAP- it’s a thin balance that has to be treaded carefully. There is clinical research that suggest that changing just the head of the medical team doesn’t have a statistically significant impact on injuries, but that changing the head coach and managerial team simultaneously increases the incidence of hamstring injuries. Now imagine we change the manager, the medial team, the ownership, and almost the entire squad - that upsets the balance massively. All of a sudden you don’t have established RTP protocols, no information on what each player can withstand, new relationships need to be formed between the medical team and the players/staff. You get situations where the manager has to organize training not knowing what the player can handle, players returning to training or competitive play too early due to protocols that aren’t set well and a lack of information on the player. It’s not a coincidence, but it also means that over time it should get better.


That's some incisive insights, bro! I suspect you're a reporter in one of 'em dailies tired of the rigmaroles of sleazy headlines!


I appreciate it thank you! I’m actually the club doctor, I’m trying to put pressure on the ownership through Reddit to increase my salary 😈 Here’s hoping they see it!


Yes.. owners love football subreddits for informed decision making. Nice try, sleuth!


Excellent notes! I see Gusto and Reece dominating that right side with Cold Palmer floating about. Left side is still a question mark?


Thank you! Currently Cucurella is providing the option to invert from the left, but honestly I feel that the tactical change itself was the catalyst for the uptick (not this match but the previous few) and not down to the player’s unique abilities. Cucurella for me is a too undisciplined and overeager to play there, and at his regular fullback position he doesn’t impress. Hall would have been great there, Chilwell I don’t know if he has that capacity. I would not be opposed to trying out Gusto on the left inverting on to his stronger foot, as he has actually played in midfield through the youth teams. I wanted to try James there too, with Colwill at LB (I know Pochettino got a lot of stick for this early on in the season, which is a bit weird since 3/3 of the top teams in the league played a CB at LB this season i.e. Gvardiol, Kiwior/Tomiyasu, Gomez), we would win it all if we could play a sort of system where he is the extra man in buildup but moves onto the wing in the final third. Don’t know if he would survive all that running though lol.


Well I don’t think we had a full match to see how the left side will develop but I’m assuming they would place Palmer along side one of the wings there kind of like they on the right.


I believe Chilwell can have the same effect that James had. Just like Reece, he simply has class.


I will always have time for established PL players who have shown they have what it takes i.e. Sterling, Chilwell, even Sanchez > Petrovic (though I was very impressed with Petrovic today). Hypothetical skillsets don’t always translate to the most competitive league in the world, and these players have shown theirs does, so barring any clear physical decline there’s no reason to believe they can’t get back to form.


Reece is a level above


\*3 levels above


1. Agreed 2. It was a horrendous adjustment and he is 1 dimension merchant 3. You're having a laugh, none of them put in half the performance of palmer 4. Probably, but every team has injuries and a manager worth their salt should be able to adapt that


2. :( 3. Of course, Palmer was MOTM and was wonderful today. Showed his class floating and finding space out on the left, which could be an amazing weapon come next season. My point is that he has been the main man this season, in attack we regularly just give the ball to him to him to shoot or make a good pass. That wasn’t the case when Nkunku, Sterling, James came on - we weren’t actively looking for Palmer anymore, Nkunku was connecting play through the middle, Sterling was going for the heart of the defense, James was marauding down the right. A lot of Palmer’s contributions this season came from a high shot volume and an affordance given to him to press less and roam the pitch. If Enzo, James, Nkunku, Sterling + new signings are uninjured next season, those few things won’t be given to him next season. Will be very interesting to see how it develops. 4. We had the most injuries in the league, trotting out a front four that has an average of 1 year of professional football under their belt. Managers should adjust but expectations should adjust accordingly. A team’s constraints should be understood properly - we don’t demand mid table teams finish in the top 4, in the same vein, it’s not logical for me to demand top 4 from a team with an average of 8-10 injuries throughout the season, including the captain, vice-captain, best attacker. Players on the pitch make performances, this is tied directly to point number 1.


Both of you have great points, I agree with you on 4 and 3 but disagree on 2, the whole team is improving and that means poch is too. His in game management hasn’t been great this season but recently it’s gotten a lot better, especially after half time


I think he is certainly improving, but I think that a decent manager would have us in a lot better of a position with a more profound tactical awareness


I loved Poch's Substitutes, sent all the big guns in (Gusto, Sterling, James, Nkunku), and they made the difference.


Absolutely, his in game management has improved a lot with this team


His subs were on point. Putting James on when gusto was not up to speed defensively was a great move. Obviously the attacking threat was immense, but that was definitely a great move


The ref looked like he was trying to apply a ‘threshold’ for contact. The problem is, he seemed to have no sense for what was a genuine attempt to play the ball (where a threshold is a good idea), and what was an intentional foul (where he should have just blown the fucking whistle). Looked like he’s never played the game.


I've given Poch some shit in the past, but credit where it's due today. He made good subs and made some minor shape adjustments that were crucial to winning in the second half. Good result, KTBFFH


Nobody is saying it but want to credit Caicedo. Am starting to see peak Ashley Cole in him


Anyone got a replay of the challenge on Gusto in the box? Please post it. My group chat sincerely believes there was nothing in it. Need to see it again.


Not a pen, in my view. There was contact, but Gusto already got his shot away. If he had scored that shot, no one would be questioning whether the tackle was a pen or not.


Seemed like a foul to me. Player hit him after he shot the ball and the opposing player didnt touch the ball. Gusto was prevented from potentially getting s rebound


Alvarez seemed to have almost the same thing happen to him but got a penalty out of it from the city replays I saw.


Using calls City get as a reference is not really relevant though is it?




I hate to see those given though. He got his shot off. Player came after. Maybe if it was 2 2 I'd have my tints on but for me no pen


If you’re gonna be a Chelsea fan make sure you have good medical coverage because you’re liable to get a heart attack


Man I can't believe I'm saying this but we need to thank Sterling, sometimes he scores goals that are truly world class and he did it today. Don't even know how he managed to curl that into the back of the net.


People who want him to go to Saudi are idiots. He's a PL and CL proven English player in a very dysfunctional year for Chelsea. I still believe he will come good. Without doubt he is our best option on the left wing.


He's better option than Mudryk anyday,if he fit of course




For all of his faults, he’s easily our best option at LW


Yeah Mudryk is lucky to get all the chances and he is converting too.


If man u vs newcastle is a draw we have a chance to be 7th and a chance for european competition.


Yeah not sure what result I want there. Might be better if Newcastle beat Man U and create a gap between us and them. And then just leave 6th place battle to the final day. There’s a danger that we could drop back down to 8th if results go against us.


We have to win both but if man u loses to arsenal they are gone. Next New castle needs to drop points as we are far behind in goal difference.


Yeah us winning 5 in a row would be an amazing achievement but a reality check is probably due at some point. Away to Brighton even with the state they’re in won’t be easy.


Why am I seeing some us fans saying Forest lost bc no turner or Reyna


That palmer assist to Mudryk was so Messi-esque, guy is out of this world man


definitely, or something from an Ozil or De Bruyne.


holy shit what happened 


Chaos FC happened


fucking beautiful 


And some delusional folks compare TAA to Reece!! TAA should be compared to Gusto not Reece. Gusto’s defending is suspect sometimes and gave room for CHO’s goal. Reece came in and that Forest left flank went quiet all of a sudden. Man can defend and attack like no man’s business. To top it off, he provides a barbershop haircut level assist. I’m horny pls.!!!


Both are good players bro.


Oh how we missed Reece


Sterling’s and Jackson’s goals were incredible not to mention James’ assist. I can’t believe he played like that after a 5 month layoff


That's a trademark of world class players. Come and win games for their club/country.


Game changed in the second half as our full backs pushed forward. Against these smaller teams we really need to do that otherwise our wingers are just neutralised. Glad changes were made at half time.


Gusto and James substitution were crucial


That won us the game. CHO was attacking that side a lot and Chalobah didn't seem to handle it .


Chalobah cannot defend against CHO.. thats why CHO just cut inside and scored the goal


Gusto was the point defender on that goal.


I missed which position Gusto and James played James was RWB and Gusto RCB?


Other way around. Similar concept though to the partnership between Palmer and Noni


Think it can work vs better teams? People in threads had discussion whether Gusto or James will be on the right but both were on today


Yeah it could work for sure. Not sure if it’s Noni being off today, but the runs that both Reece and Gusto made on that side seem to suit the team better


James rb gusto right wing


Okay thanks and Cucu I saw was moving into midfield We had 3 in the back or what


James-Thiago Silva-Chalobah


Cucu has been doing that the last few games. No, back 4 Benny came off James, Trev, Silva, Cucu


Ye I saw him doing the past games but didn't think to analyze what Poch is actually cooking


Fuck knows but it's working


Ye that's why I asked here, maybe tactical geniuses here can explain what Poch cooks


Caicedo. Quietly brilliant again. Loving his rise to form.


Wait, so we wat Arsenal 🤮🤮🤮to beat United 🤮🤮🤮and United 🤮🤮🤮to beat Newcastle


United and Arsenal draw is a win win for us


Two draws and us winning the remaining matches


Poch secured his job for the next season


not so fast... provided 2 wins against Brighton and Bournemouth


Not yet. We need to win our next two matches




I love him too. How he came on and behaved like a captain already. Managing the defense. Omg. The final team looked so solid.


Really was worried he was gonna have an off day coming back but really reminded me how solid of a defence we were under Tuchel. Really think Thiago can rest easy leaving.


Ohhhh take me back to the night we met 🎶🎶 The champions league 2021... Reece -Rudi - Thiago-Azpi-Chilly




Man we would have been comfortably 6th challenging for 5th if we hadn’t tied against Burnley and Sheffield, literally 2 relegation sides


So many what ifs this season. So many winmable matches we fumbled.


And imagine english teams actually didnt flop in europe, we would be fighting for CL…. Oh what could have been


Throw that Brentford draw in there too we would of been level with Tottenham **edit** fuck it throw that wolves game in there we should of won we would of been breathing down villas neck and this season would of been kind off an actual success.. fine margins


As a forest fan, good game. Both teams played hard until the last minute. Now we just have to beat burnley…


You don't even have to do that. It would take two insane results for you to get relegated.


Correct.. mathematically safe from regulation Luton needs miracles to stay up.. sorry about it, Luton fans


Reece James: Announced his appearance after being Injured for 5 months Came in at 80 min Assisted a winner Refuses to elaborate further


u forget to add... RJ even shared on social media that he will play a part in today's match




Reece has missed so much man, club games, worldcup, england calls, Hope he finds a way to coordinate his body with his RCB position with RB gusto. Looks military 🪖


He definitely needs to be in the England squad for Euro 24


London Bridge is what?!?!?!


Not a good performance but got the result away from home. That in and of itself is an improvement. We're not on the level of a Man City who brings their A game almost every match. There are going to be inconsistent performances still with this young squad. But the difference from earlier in the season is the team is developing the mentality to weather the storm and respond when they have to grind out a game.


Performance wise before sub was average because noni seemed like he masterbated two times before the game. No sharpness whatsoever, he was nullified by Forest almost all the time. Mudryk still needs to learn basics, he is on his process although a great goal. After the sub- there was experience, class and clinical aspects brought in. The game was way better both attack and solid defensively.


For sure. This and Villa showcased the resolve to claw it back after going down. Inconceivable last season, any team that scored first against Chelsea was all but guaranteed to hold the result. What a change it’s been.


The match against Arsenal still hurt my hear till now


I think the moment it really first stood out to me was against Leicester a few months back. We were in total control of the game until we weren't because of a fluke own goal by Disasi. The team was able to turn it back on and find their rhythm again late in the game. Night and day difference from West Ham at the start of the season, where they were in control of the match, let in a goal, and then crumbled.


The worst nic jack game ever and he still scored


Nah, he scored a hat trick in his worst game ever!


Seriously, kept on dribbling into defenders like he was trying to 😭. But when it comes to headers always bet on him


Funniest thing is after entire year laughed at by man u fans we are above them even though it is in goal difference.


Basically 3 points clear as they have Arsenal tomorrow.


Hoping so and manu vs newcastle to be draw.


It probably won’t be on goal difference after tomorrow.


Nah 3 points ahead now


Europe is back on wow


The fact that the tempo changed the moment Reece came back on after not playing for months, is amazing. I am excited for to see what him and gusto can do together, especially next season.


Someone pls make sure to post all the shithousery from this match I couldn’t see it


Difference between having an actual bench versus a bunch of kids


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^carbroboi: *Difference between* *Having an actual bench* *Versus a bunch of kids* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




I honestly think that will be the hardest game outta the final three.


Scrolled for a while and didn't see any mention of him so I'll say it: Thank you, Sterling! Big man Raz coming in clutch with that killer finish.


Saved the season maybe


Stepped up when we needed him the most


He's on way too high of wages and we'd be better off selling him, but he's certainly not scrap parts the way some people talk about him. Bar City I don't think there's a team in the Prem that would look down their nose at Sterling as an option at LW (at the very least off the bench).


Who would we bring him to replace him that would be cheaper and have better output?? I wouldn’t mind him staying


I don't disagree with you, but I just wanna give him his flowers for this game. We needed that leveler. Every other discussion can wait. He saw CHO's strike and raised him + a few more defenders in the way. Me gusta mucho.


Oh for sure. Wasn't meant as a disagreement. I was prefacing with the long term outlook, but he's still objectively a solid player which is something you never hear said on this sub.


Ah, gotcha! For sure, for sure.


Reece assisting a CF for a goal to win the match. 😭😭😭😭 I pray for Reece to find a way his body coordinates with his RCB position. Seeing gusto, chalo, reece on the right feels like the American Military. 🫡


It’s a bunch of nuclear weapons, F-15 fighter jets and supersonic missiles


Honestly, counting on Sterling to beat up relegation fodder should've been higher on the bingo sheet.


Caicedo Fc?


Caicedo's loft pass to palmer reminded me of fabregas. Aye aye aye


He just keeps on surprising me with passes like that. Such a class player.


WHO IS THIS TEAM! Three goals from the three “can’t finish a sitter” players of the year. UP THE FUCKING CHELS !!!


I need to apologise to Reece James. I wrote him off after yet another injury and he was out for so long that I forgot how good he actually is.


Did you doubt his skills or his ability to stay healthy?


Ability to stay fit mainly. Not really helped by Gusto’s good form. Made me think that we didn’t need him and we should cash in. But he is clearly different level.


So 20 min alleviated your concerns? He came back as the great player we was before. It’s staying healthy that’s his problem… I still think Gusto is our long term plan at that position.


Gave me a high that will probably settle over the next day or two. If he can stay fit, we need to find a way to accommodate both him and Gusto. The 20 minute cameo just reminded me how good he is. I had definitely forgotten his level.


I wish next season was tomorrow.


Reece plays for 10 minutes, instant impact. Hope he can stay healthy.


Apologies Reece for ever doubting you. His movement and confidence and skill and accuracy is absolutely mental.


grab a popcorn guys. the fantastic things that united still have to win againts arsenal and as long as chelsea not do a charity. we will see battle of the death between newcastle vs manchester united.


Let's Fucking Go!!!!




So poch in or poch out? As i said before we look VERY fit team, scoring lots of goals with a very young team, he has to stay.


If you saw Brighton vs New Castle you can see the other teams are exhausted as fuck. Chelsea looks fresh as ever.


Still out for me


His tactics are cowardly just like him, he doesn't deserve a second season but regardless of that the owners will back him >scoring lots of goals How many we concede?


Poch in, but A LOT of work to be done, maybe UECL would be better for us next season




Poch in Poch out Poch shake it all about


How I would pay for Forest to lose 12-0 the next match.


LETS GOOO Amazing subs from Poch!


Amazing comeback. Congrats boys!!! 🔵💪🏻






Mudryk GOAT is a stretch


Stretch the goat


GOAT Greatest occasionally at times?


More like Good, outstanding and terrible


Yes! Love it!


Sterling always had the talent, his mentality was always the problem. This time off from starting may have given him time to recover. Good showing today


Glad he decided to pass to Gusto for that late game shot. In the past he would’ve just shot it.




Jackson on 14 epl goals and a better goal scoring debut season than drogba, nevertheless id still explore other attacking options and keep him as a 1b option.


Can you name a few strikers who've got pace, aerial ability, passing, holdup play, and dribbling? His skillset is inconsistent but without any doubt he will be consistent.


And Jackson isn’t elite at any of those things yet. Which is why I recommend he should be a sub option just incase he becomes elite. It’s more likely he won’t so we should start looking elsewhere and not waste Cole Palmer’s time.


Do you know players who become elite by being on the bench? Aside the god gifted ones.


I should have used the word “depth” instead. A few Chelsea greats come to mind, Azpi, ivanovic, Sturridge etc. I’m not saying Nico does not have good qualities, he does but for our project we need consistent high level production which he is not delivering(not just low yield goals)


Cant insult Jackson like that. Man does some magic on the ball when he is switched on.


Depending who we get Nico will be in the 2 spot, what is our financial situation looking like?


That was comfortably better than sex, not that I’ve ever had sex.


Sterling actually stepped up what a day. He really does do his best to make us forget he’s pretty good at football


I just hope reece james doesnt announce that hes injured again after this game, I was scared that he came on too early.


Balls from Poch introducing him that early. Mid season Poch would surely only bring him on last 5 mins.


Hope we can have a fully fit RJ next season... He would be a beast


Reece is an absolute tank out there. Great to see him back looking good.


Reece is so fkin good. A whole season of him healthy. I can’t even imagine.


His touch and passing are incredible. Reminds me of Gullit, Hoddle, Le Tissier, Zidane, different class.