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They’re doing it to us again, we’re bout to overpay for the Ipswich town manger ffs


Forget about Brighton, United is the real hold up. He's a United fan. He has coached there before and know some of the players. He will have far more say and budget in transfers than at Chelsea. The expectation is low at United. Radcliff is a smart owner unlike ours.


While I agree with your overall point, isn't it a bit early to call Ratcliffe a smart owner? It's been like 2 months since he bought a stake in United. BlueCo also didn't look too bad 2 months into buying Chelsea.


All Ratcliffe has done so far is berate support staff and cancel shit. Beyond that all talk about values, and tapping up other teams execs. I’d agree the jury is very out on Ratcliffe.


Was the 443 thing not in the first 2 month?


Paying off the ref to be on our side was a great idea, yet you all shat all over it. 


Just realised what sub I'm in, apologies lads I got lost.


We’re all friends here.


Somehow this feels threatening.


Just trying to make Reddit a nicer place in these chaotic times.


It’s quite a common thing especially in La Liga.


3 months apparently


Are we really judging the ownership off a typo smh


Hahaha was thinking just this!


I think it was. But personally, that wasn't enough to convince me we're fucked, I think I started realizing that around November.


yeah that's fair. might have jumped the gun there. he's doing well for the brownie points so far but so did blueco in the first 2 months like you said. gotta give it 2 years to know for sure


He also has a minority stake, very different to the whole new ownership we went through


He also has a minority stake, very different to the whole new ownership we went through


Smart owner, yeah it’s a bit early, although you could easily say he’s a smartER owner, given anyone beats our moronic ownership group


Plus, raw chicken. Don’t forget that. Horrendous owner 🙃


>He will have far more say and budget in transfers than at Chelsea. This is part of why I cant see why any decent manager would want to join us. They'll have seen the stuff about Poch with the owners trying to sell Conor and Trev and be thinking "Why would I want to go here over somewhere else if I dont have enough control to even keep players let alone pick some targets?".


I’m just imagining the board trying to sell this to any competent manager: “You won’t get to have a say in transfers, you have to just use the players we pick out for you, even if they don’t fit your system. Also, we expect a treble and anything less we’re sacking you. Do we have a deal?”


I don't know how those morons will sit on the interview panel, and with a straight face tell the head coach: you will be given player of our choice, you can't keep a player if we decide they need to be sold for profit or if he is underperforming some doo doo metrics that we care about.


Conversely (and even worse in my opinion), prospective managers now have a win-win. Do well and you’re a hero, do badly and it will be Chelsea’s fault and you’ll have a massive compo payout, few years out and another decent job somewhere.


Hell, managers at Chelsea now might not even be able to pick who their starting 11 is game-to-game with how the board is acting, especially if the reporting is true about the board letting Poch go because he thought Enzo & Caicedo might be a bust as far as pairings go.


It does seem like they’re treating football managers the same as a baseball manager. Baseball managers don’t have any say over lineups or decisions anymore and they’re just there so manage a clubhouse. The front office sets the lineup and tell you what decision to make for each situation based off probability. That approach won’t work in this sport


I'm not convinced on the Enzo Caicedo angle there. Poch isn't dumb enough to call bust on something when one of the players was playing for months with a hernia. Enzo himself said he felt he would be hurtling the team by continuing so he was obviously aware he wasn't bringing the level he knows he can if fit. Poch would be aware of that too so he wouldn't be calling quits on that partnership totally. The only question would be is if he thought that Enzo could play in the system thats been working with Cucurella inverted or not. Its hard to see Enzos place in that system but inverting fullbacks is what's working in the current state of the game.


Its a bust hernia or no hernia. Its the same thing as having a Caicedo and Billy Gilmour in a pivot.


Why would United go for an unknown quantity. They're already hurt with ten haag


> The expectation is low at United. Radcliff is a smart owner unlike ours. Our owners replaced the whole squad and have us as the 4th best team in the league. Radcliff had to talk about all the mistakes he's done at Nice when buying United, perhaps a bit early to make that comparison.


4th best team in the league lmao


We got the forth most points this year.


lol absolute dog shit take


ah, the intellectual has spoken


Wait until you see how much we paid Bobby Robson’s Former translator. 


​ https://preview.redd.it/b07k7o2v362d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f23ea36a09b4592d850e33d99345a2011595ca38


No no, maybe it should be a👍 in this case.


Compared to Enzo, no they are fleecing us.


I've seen this before


£115m contract incoming


Not the 115 I wanted to see 


I think I have seen this film before. Didn’t like the ending


This is the sequel


They gave so many signs 🗣️


If Brighton sign him our owners will want him even more, they’ll get De Zerbi in then start side eyeing Kieran McKenna at Brighton all season


They'll get De Zerbi, then when De Zerbi inevitably gets fired after a year, we'll throw in £120m to take McKenna off their hands.


Sorry guys, this one's on me, I hit F5 a little too hard


I refuse to believe this is true unless we're undercutting like mad. We were paying Poch the third most in the league, there's no way our "project" is so much worse and our pay not so much more that he could prefer them.


We’re still paying Potter tbf, wouldn’t be surprised if Poch was still on the payroll aswell.


Still paying avb ain't we? Lol


I assume we’re still paying conte too based on the timing of his lawsuit against us


i thought if he got sacked that'd be the case but since it was "mutual agreement" they must've come to some agreement about reduced terms or no terms.


I mean the owners claimed that we weren't and I know we definitely weren't with Tuchel, so I highly doubt that's true. They claimed that all manager contracts they've signed have "cheap" break clauses specifically so that they wouldn't have to pay for a whole contract if they fired someone early


Ngl, these new owners could tell me I’ll get wet if I go out whilst it’s raining without an umbrella and I still wouldn’t believe a word they were saying to me.


I second this. No trust. 


>We were paying Poch the third most in the league JFC


I don't think it's unrealistic that Mckenna looked at how things went with Potter and decided he'd rather avoid it for now


Or that Brighton offers a good upgrade in talent and paycheck with a bit more stability and lower expectations to cut his teeth in the PL. He’s supposedly a United fan too so it’s not a bad place to bide his time waiting for that. A short stint at Chelsea where - rightly or wrongly - he gets sacked in short order could dent his reputation and set back the crazy progression he’s had in his career to date.


How does brighton offer more talent and money??


More than Ipswich


Idk man, Potter earned 6M in salary + 13M in severance for 6 months of sabotaging us. If i recall correctly Potter was earning 2M annually at Brighton so it'd take 9.5 years at Brighton for McKenna to earn that kind of money


That’s “idc if I ever getting a job after this” money


Yeah, but it's been over a year and Potter is still unemployed. We quite possibly destroyed any career momentum he had.


He also rejected Ajax and has presumably had contact with other clubs as well


I think he is waiting on the england job


Yeah that’s what I’ve seen rumored as well


Potter or McKenna? Ajax might be in worse shape than us right now. The worst shape I've seen that club in my entire existence.




Potter is a retired millionaire.


He would probably have his compensation slashed or removed. He's unlikely to be offered that much anywhere else so he's probably happy to carry on rinsing the club.


As opposed to looking at how things went with De Zerbi and decided he'd love it?


De Zerbi left because Brighton refused to buy the experienced names he wanted. Any manager who considers us has to take into account that we won't give them time to build something and has no control over transfers.


I mean, he also left because they sold all their big stars and replaced them with potential and dinosaurs. Not like it's just because they didn't buy De Zerbi's players, they also got a bit skimpy with the replacements in general. Made the biggest sale in the league, ever, and replaced him with the likes of Milner, Dahoud and Baleba lol


Yeah but nobody is looking at De Zerbi and saying he is a terrible manager. He will easily get a job at a top club. Going to Brighton, adhering to their policies, doing well for a season or two and leaving in the same or a better state is not a bad thing. Going to Brighton wont likely end his career before it begins, going to Chelsea could have a much bigger negative impact.


It could still be a more attractive stepping stone position for a young manager. At Brighton, he just needs to hover in the top half of the table and play decent football and he will be regarded as a success. At Chelsea, he has to win or he will be dragged by the media and the fans every week until he is fired. It’s not an attractive position at this point unless you are certain you will win, yet we aren’t going after those proven winner managers.


De Zerbi requested Dahoud.


6 months work and a sweet payday? Yes please


Entirely reasonable. You have the option to go to Brighton, with a decent team and set up, lower expectations, and build a bit of a reputation. Or Go to Chelsea and have to be a football messiah, otherwise you potentially lose your career.


Club is a mess. He's trying to progress his career. Potter has essentially fallen off the face of the earth since we sacked him. I wouldn't touch this project anymore.


Potter is clearly waiting around for a job he wants. While collecting cheques. He’s turned clubs down in the mean time, most recently Ajax.


Potter is at the same level as Daniel Farke. No one will be offering him much.


Yes, and before us he was linked with City. Do you see why promising managers may not want to come here?


McKenna needs to think really hard about his career. He never had a playing career outside of youth teams. He's not already set for life in terms of cash. 1 or 2 years of big money at Chelsea does not mean all that much, when he could more comfortably hone his craft at Brighton, in an environment with much more patience, and then move to a CL club when he feels he's ready.


We should be undercutting and definitely should not be paying a CL salary for a struggling Europa club It's better if the coach joins thinking he can actually progress here rather than just for money n high profile name


If this means throwing the kitchen sink at Seb Hoeness, then we will feast. If this means throwing the kitchen sink at Enzo Maresca, then we will starve.


What is so good about Hoeness?


He finished second ahead of Bayern. His side has improved (in terms of point total) as much as Leverkusen. But I haven't seen any links with him and he has rejected Bayern and I can't think of a more attractive job for a German.


Bayern's senior player clique + their overly mouthy directors is probably a key drawback to a lot of ambitious managers.


Plus his uncle is literally lord commander at Bayern, and he still opted to reject them and sign a contract till 2027 at Stuttgart.


So 1 season ? He’s had 1 good season?


Yes like fucking Xabi Alonso.


Lots of things. Mainly his difficult to spell last name **hoeneß** **hoeneß** **hoeneß**


Yeah exactly... Where's the special B letter? Need to know it for the first 4 months of season when we slagging him off and begging for poch to come back 🤣


You just have to hold down the s and it’ll pop up if you’re on mobile


Thankß ;)



But isn't spelling his name a **meß**?


I can confidently say none of us here can evaluate who will be a good manager. What I will say is I loved watching Stuttgart this season, very fun football.


He was great on Blockbusters. I’ll have a P please Bob.


I feel like from McKenna's perspective would Brighton really be worth moving for? Chelsea is a massive jump for him, but if I were him I'd rather stay at Ipswich than go to Brighton.


I’d jump if I were him. It’s very typical for promoted side to play good football but not translating it at Prem due to the sheer talent gap. Recent example is Burnley and Norwich. Ipswich is in the same boat. If I get to “try my ideas” out with a way more talented squad while I’m still a young manager, I’d absolutely take the risk.


Definitely. Before your stock falls from being tarnished for a) losing matches and not being pragmatic, or b) losing matches but not sticking to your principles that got you promoted. The narrative about squad being nowhere near good enough gets glossed over and if the manager is any good then they should be able to adapt.


He's not a "my ideas" manager, though. He's from the Mourinho school of thought who set up to play a specific opponent. He's 100% bound to keep Ipswich up, considering how flexible he is with the tactics.


yeah that's possible. My only knowledge of how he sets up comes from a YouTube video. So obv take everything with a grain of salt. He does seem to prefer possession/build-up in general so I think that suits our squad pretty well.


If Mckennas smart, Brighton is a perfect jump, there's no way he can fck it up really, the club is run incredibly well and they have a solid squad.  Chelsea on the other hand are a bit of a mess, they buy who they want and get rinsed by the selling clubs, and the owners have a trap door underneath the press conference room if they want to sack you. 


Chelseas board also just wants a yes man at this point and it sucks, like all the coaches that rejected Bayern they might not want that culture to work in.


Agree, it basically stalls his career. Going to Chelsea, on a high after back to back promotions has a lot of potential upside. Brighton is basically more of the same, buying low, fending off big clubs, aiming for as high in the table as possible with no real expectations. Joining Chelsea, with the expensively assembled talent, great facilities, reputation and with lower expectations than ever is an easy choice. Staying at Ipswich with his League 1 squad in the EPL is the biggest risk


If you actually read the article it’s a nothing burger update looking for clicks.


I hate being tied to BRIGHTON in everything we've done last couple years....we should be mentioned with man city and liverpool and arsenal. compete with mid tier clubs and become a mid tier club


If I'm Brighton I overpay a little bit to beat us to the punch now and then flip him to us next summer for a massive profit. We're like a trust fund for that club.


I'm sure they think they are


If we get beaten to a manager by Brighton then delete club


Should we really be too disheartened if they beat us though?


makes me wonder if all these recent managers we have been linked with were just a smokescreen for De Zerbi


Boys get prepared for enzo maresca because if Mckenna isn’t happening he is the backup option


Curious, would you prefer Maresca or De Zerbi if it came down to one of those two?


De Zerbi but the owners probs would butt heads with him too


Regardless of what happens, this thing is incredibly entertaining.


I've already accepted we're not winning anything until this ownership is gone, so I'm just enjoying the show at this point.


I feel like if the league cup final had been played at the end of the season we’d have beaten Liverpool, even with their injured players back.


Why are we going for the same managers as Brighton ffs




Why would he leave city group and girona to manage us? Whsts the upside for him?


This is no problem. knowing the affinity Todd n co have towards Brighton, they'll probably sign him afterwards and pay Brighton their compensation 😂


Just here to say...."Fuck you Putin"


That's not happening


Would be quite funny


They are delusional


Who are Brighton kidding 😂😂😂


I need a summary.



Chelsea can just pay Brighton crazy money for him later




They can have him…..


This is who we are competing with boys. Get ready for another mid table scrap(if we are lucky).


Fuck Brighton, their fans are overly entitled fucks. Anyone but Maresca at this point please lol


If we don’t get mckenna we are getting Maresca bet on it


Perfect, we don't want him until he's been at Brighton. That's apparently our transfer policy. We will have him here in a season and a half.


Thanks god, now someone please take maresca too.


I don't believe in this. But it's funny to think we are competing with Brighton for managers now.


Must be the lure of managing Danny Welbeck


“Experienced PL proven goal scorer”


Toddy will explode if Brighton get him


Is he just playing us to get Brighton to pay him more? More logical next step in his career, lower risk/low expectation job, and if he can leverage our interest to get a top salary too?


lol yeah right 


Wasn’t there just a post in this sub a few hours ago that McKenna gave the go ahead to Chelsea? Weird report


It would be funny as hell if this happens. Cow dung on the faces of our Sporting directors and Eghbali.




I'll pay for his airplane tickets to Brighton


Let them have him.


We want to be Brighton so bad. It makes no sense.


Yeah they’re copying the wrong club. Someone need to tell the owners, Man City are the team to copy.


I don't think we're really in for him... Which is probably a good thing


DeZerbi pump fake.


God I really hope so


As someone who have no clue who is this guy, is he any good?


We’re all in the same boat. No one has a single clue. This guy hasn’t managed a single Premier league game.


This headline is wild. Not sure what's worse, the fact that we're going for a former Tottenham youth coach who has never managed in the first division OR the fact that Brighton are confident they'll get him over us.


he'd be stupid to kamikazee his career at chelsea like potter. i'd sign for brighton if i was him without a second's thought


I think this is a logical step for him. Why jump to a huge club with a horrible track record of dumping managers when he can go to a smaller club that's more able to allow him to grow. The owners have totally fucked the new image of their "project" by continuing what Abramovich was known to do to managers.


Even Roman didn’t sack this many managers in a short period of time.


The chelsea-brigton-ipswich love triangle


Since Conte, and especially since Tuchel, I have wondered why any manager would take the Chelsea job. If it's for the money and chance to manage world class players I get it but there's virtually less than zero guarantee you will have any sort of leash at this club.


Surprised the board haven't gone after the Atalanta manager after last night...


Why would he choose Brighton over Chelsea. Doesn’t make any sense.


It does, if you think you’ll get fired in a year and your career gets ruined. See what happened to Potter?


Plenty of Chelsea managers got the sack and were able to get jobs elsewhere and flourish. Potter is probably the only one who hasn’t. And that’s his choice since he’s had offers.


Yeah they did. But those were already big established managers. Mourinho and Conte getting a sack is different to a young manager trying to prove themselves at the very top.




I wouldn’t say he went on to do anything major. In fact he faded away quickly especially after that Tottenham job.


Here we go again. Let’s not get sold a bag of potatoes again and massively overpaying.


They can fucking have him


Just when I thought chelsea got their sht together and back on track they pull this.... down another drain they go ....


Hahaha it’s hilarious sometimes how our ownership end up overpaying for everything. Potter then and now McKenna. Player transfers as well .


No way. Why would he choose Brighton over Chelsea?!


Just stop ffs. I hate this management group. I also hate the dodgers so I guess it makes sense.


PLEASE BRIGHTON SIGN OUR WHOLE SHORTLIST. best scenario is not getting anyone the ownership wants.


Should be fighting bayern for kompany tbh




Swear these reports just make up stories all day long, just fuck or and report what’s actually happened when it happens and stop speculating


The fact we even want this guy shows how sad our club has become.


Fire a more experienced, more accomplished coach and replace him with a less experienced, less accomplished coach. What could go wrong? Chelsea is a jinxed club. Nothing ever goes very good for very long at Chelsea.


I beg to differ. We had a good previous 20 years. Some Of the finest players in European football with some really important trophies in our cabinets.


Why would you let Poch leave without having his replacement already lined up and locked in? That seems like the kind of thing only a bunch of fucking fools would do


Squabbling over a manager who was in League 1 just over a year ago.


This board suffers from media speculation induced hysteria. Take a deep breath, get a grip, and calm down. At times, it is like a kiddie's playground on here.


Well they couldn't beat us at all this season, maybe they'll not be as shit getting this guy off our hands.


I'm so fucking sick and tired of Bohely and Co going for these hipster coffee shop managers. I don't want De Zerbi or somebody from fucking Ipswich Town. Throw a blank check at Tuchel if you have to. Hell, I would prefer they try to tempt somebody like Hansi Flick over.


Good! Don’t want him.


Has there been a time when Brighton haven't been confident... 


Good, let them do that for once ffs. He’s from the fucking championship. Honestly, how good is this guy?


I literally can’t not imagine why any successful manager would want to sign with Chelsea after we let a coach go for rescuing our season. The only ones we’re gonna get are the coaches who are okay with half assing the season and don’t mind getting fired since they know they’ll get a huge payout. I thought the Abramovich turnover was bad, this is a horrible situation.


If this was the New York Times we’d actually have to be worried