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Stage 4: Bargaining


Bruh, slow down, I'm still at grief I think




I think it was reported that gallagher isnt seen as part of the project so hes probably gone for the right amount


Not part of Chelsea’s project maybe. All top managers love a player of Gallagher’s ilk so we’ll see


Let's be honest not every top managers love Gallagher. Guardiola for example won't even sign Gallagher, because his football require technical players to work.


The same Pep who plays 4 centre backs and tactics involve kicking it in behind for Haaland?


Jfc the Gallagher cope? You really think he would be playing in a guardiola midfield lol? Those 4 center backs are better on the ball than Gallagher that’s the difference, did you not watch stones in the CL final?


4 cb’s not counting Stones who played in midfield


When Poch left I mentally said goodbye to Gallagher. It seemed that and similar issues were at the heart of that decision, which I’ve no doubt was mutual.


I just think he’s gone mate unfortunately. Bit of a shit one but think we just need to accept it and move on!


He's alot better technically than Gallagher, I think he'll surprise Chelsea fans


And what Gallagher is really good at isn't going to be too needed in this new system. Especially with his contract running low and the wages he'll most likely want to get.


I mean even in our last few seasons Gallagher didn't have the technical ability to be a Chelsea midfielder, he just made up for it by being a workhorse, but that isn't enough for a club like Chelsea, you need to be technical. He's been alright the past few seasons but imagine if there was a more creative player in his role, Chelsea would've performed much better.


Oh yea, we're on the same page. I was saying that "what he's really good at" (pressing, workhorse) isn't needed here anymore. Especially for the wages he wants. For me, I'd rather him sold regardless as I just think we can fill out a bench with more "needed" roles. I find pure workhorse-type players to be an oddity at a top club. If a top club is losing...you don't want them as you want a creator/scorer as a sub. And if you are winning, you do rather like that press/energy...but you also want someone who can keep the ball, and also launch a counter.


Yeah for sure, he's a type of player to suit a more aggressive, press heavy team. Chelsea just aren't that, they are a fluid-possession type team, that's why I'm excited for players like KDH, who can pass, shoot and bring the ball out of defence like Kovacic. I can't recall all the times we've had our build up play break down due to Gallagher playing a slow pass, losing possession and not being able to beat his man. We need to be a club which is comfortable in transitions and possession if we want to be a champions league level club again. Selling him makes sense, he can find his level at a smaller club, while we get a big transfer profit from an academy prospect. I'm still grateful to him as he put a shift in for us, and is a Cobham boy.


100%. He seems like a great guy and was one of the few that was healthy. Also loved how he took a step-up from the season before. But he's just not needed if we do intend to challenge.


perhaps, but i dont think just because of that hes automatically an upgrade over gallagher. kdh was extremely average in the prem. i also think chelsea fans will be surprised by how much he loses the ball


Where does this leave Nkunku. The 9?


Whereever u want. CAM, LW, Striker


I’m trying to be convinced on KDH, but it’s hard. He doesn’t have the same engine Gallagher has, his best season was in the Championship, and his last cameo in the Prem wasn’t impressive. KDH isn’t even a young talent, so u know you’re getting the finished product. For those of u saying he’s better technically than Gallagher, maybe so. I haven’t watched him a lot, but he’d have to be as least as good going forward as Mbeumo for this transfer to make sense TL;DR It’s bad that Gallagher needs to be sold, but getting KDH seems like a sideways transfer; the team doesn’t improve much


Do you truly believe maresca will shoehorn a player like Gallagher?


KDH is likely going to be the stater from MD1 and Gallagher will have to do what he’s done every season- work hard and prove himself. With a three man midfield he should get enough starts as a rotational player


Yeah but will Gallagher re-sign to be a rotational player? He has one year left on his contract and will feel deserving of a contract on similar wages to Enzo and Caicedo. After all, he doesn’t miss games, scored important goals, and is a national team player. The board obviously will not want to give him such wages because they don’t view him as being as valuable in a possession based system and so something will need to give. Either they give him the contract he wants or he’s sold in the summer so there’s some profit to be made.


Just to add 2-3 more points - ~~it appears that we currently have 3 HG players over the limit for next season's Premier League squad and we need to sell them.~~ Plus, there's also the next PSR to worry about (deadline is next summer) and Gallagher seems like the one who will fetch the biggest fee among those earmarked for sale. There's also UEFA's FFP to worry about but I don't know where we stand exactly on that one (deadline for that is Dec 31).


Hopefully papa Conte picks his son up from Cobham and brings him back home to Napoli for good whilst we get 30-40 mil for him 😉


Most reputable reports seem to point to us not being in-need of funds to comply. I think it's just that what he offers isn't as needed anymore, especially for the wages he'd want. I think this signing is the "Gallagher doesn't want to be rotational" signing + the obvious benefits of getting a guy more catered to this style and the fee that we can get from Conor.


>Most reputable reports seem to point to us not being in-need of funds to comply. For the PSR ending June 30, today, we're fine (albeit after doing some weird things like selling the hotels etc, IIRC). It's the next one that we have to worry about. Ornstein said so last month. [https://www.reddit.com/r/chelseafc/comments/1cqeuws/david\_ornstein\_chelsea\_do\_not\_need\_to\_make\_sales/](https://www.reddit.com/r/chelseafc/comments/1cqeuws/david_ornstein_chelsea_do_not_need_to_make_sales/)


Depending on our sponsors, maybe Top 4, and if that Club World Cup maybe gives us some nice money, we might be generally in the same spot as other clubs in the realm of "needing a few sales". Ornstein didn't say we needed it as a panic either. As he also mentioned players like Silva getting off the wages. We have Kepa/Lukaku as well as normal sales. For me, I really don't think Gallagher is a PSR/FFP sale more than he's just really not needed. Just like Mount. If you have the chance to upgrade or your system isn't something where their strengths lie, sell. From his wording, it doesn't seem like any sort of worry in the realm of opinions I see on here about a hard "need" to sell more than just selling players that don't fit or how they fit and the wages they want don't align.


Well, there isn't any sense of worry because there's a long time before the deadline. Selling the likes of Kepa and Lukaku helps but that doesn't generate pure profit like selling academy players would. And it's been often reported as that, especially when the club continue to spend big on young players.


It's not an academy thing. People are latching onto that because it can paint a negative light. How our two academy lads that would have sold for the most money are still here doesn't really point to it being about the academy. The system is setup to have "pure profit" on academy sales...true. But Gallagher isn't looking to be sold because he's "pure profit". He's looking to be sold because our sporting directors and such don't find him to be all that great. When player's contracts get close to ending, they are looked at. If they look to be first-team quality, they will be looked at for an extension. If that extension isn't happening because the player believes themselves to be more important than what the sporting side at Chelsea believe....then the extension talks won't end with a contract signed. If that isn't the case...they'll be sold.


In regards to Gallagher, the club have been trying to sell him since last season, even before the SDs got in here and, you can argue all you want because I'm just going with what has been commonly reported, the thing often reported is he and some other academy players are/will be sold for PSR purposes. What I would say is Gallagher could be sold for PSR purposes AND that the SDs, now in place, don't view him essential to the team.


What happens with Nkunku and Jackson?


I don't think Gallagher in the Ndidi role is a shoehorn job is it?


Well the better player has to play? Conor clearly is, KDH had two full seasons in PL and did jack shit, just because he was good in the championship doesn't mean he is good enough for chelsea.


That is patently false, KDH was solid when Leceister finished eighth and then was relegated the next season. You just didn’t watch him play presumably. Not saying anything about Gallagher here either.


I dont need to watch him to know he is not up to chelsea standard, 3 goals in 2 season is fucking shit


Was he a striker?


Was lampard a striker?


Lampard was one of the greatest midfielders to exist lol


then you know the standard that chelsea should expect.


They've been trying to ship him off for how many windows now, he's gone. 


They haven’t succeeded. Why would they this summer? They can’t sell him without his consent 


The issue with this would be how it would leave Nkunku, Palmer, KDH and Jackson all operating in similar positions without any being that well suited to keeping width. Maybe possible with serious in game rotating between the front 4 but I doubt it.


Who is KDH?


Kevin De Hrunye 


There is no use keeping Gallagher if he is just a rotation player. The same reason why there was no use keeping Tomori, RLC, Tammy, Gilmour etc. The reality is for Cobham players, is the only way to not be sold, is to be the undisputed best in your position. Look at Reece for instance. Also we have way too much rotational players at midfield. Gallagher's the easiest to sell.


Gallagher stops being the easiest to sell when he won't discuss anything with another club, and is perfectly happy to leave on a free.


Wouldn’t be the smartest thing to do. Probably the best idea to cash in on yourself while stocks are high if you inevitably leave anyways rather than risk playing a season without being a significant player in the first team


He wants to play for Chelsea, and doesn't want to play for anyone else. Smartest choice there is to play for the club you want who you have a contract with. If he reaches the end of his contract and leaves on a free, he can get a hefty signing on fee along with better wages. Anyone thinking that he won't play is deluded.


I think literally every Cobham player we’ve sold in the past couple of years, bar Mount, wanted to play for Chelsea. But they’re also professionals that understand they need to play to begin with. Sentiment is not as valuable as the fans make it to be. We just signed KDH who is the positional counterpart to Gallagher and is also way more appropriate for a possession based system. There is no chance Conor plays reasonable minutes this year. Nada. We have to accept that. Ask Malang Sarr what a year of being out of the first team can do to your stock


Mount also wanted to play for Chelsea until the new owners shafted him. But the circlejerk is strong here. Sentiment is all there is. Successful clubs historically are built on their academies its only the last decade with a cheating City that have changed that. Chelsea fans rating a championship player who has failed in the PL already, over one of the most loyal players the club has, and has been one of the best performers over the last season. 👍 Sarr the player we picked up on a free because his club let him go, and wasn't good enough to make our squad? That Sarr?


Oh, I know where this is going. Mount and Gallagher good, everybody else bad. https://www.sportbible.com/football/mason-mount-father-man-utd-chelsea-transfers-074954-20230707 I bet you also think Caicedo and Enzo are shit as well.


Oh I know this is going if we paid 60+ million good, if you are an academy kid you are shit. https://sg.news.yahoo.com/mason-mount-confirms-why-left-112417958.html Neither of them are shit, neither of them are worth the money we paid. I bet you are a "pUrE pRoFiT" fan.


Try look how they defend in corners.


Side note but absolutely ridiculous how we can play that many games next season


Gallagher is gone bro


It's not happening. And selling Gallagher is not the end of the world


This is the high tier copium that I need to huff too. Surely Gallagher stays…


The issue is we have 8 central midfielders in the first team with KDH.  Sadly it likely means Conor is going.  Makes most sense from a financial perspective.  


I think people in this sub reddit are sometimes far too negative. I actually agree with this take and think it makes a lot of sense. Be optimistic lads. CG would never move to a direct rival anyway , And I think hes made it quite clear several times that this is his club and he will fight for his spot. UTC 💙💙💙


I don't mind him moving to a rival! Chelsea is not loyal. No reasons for its players to be


Why do you think poch got fired. Gallagher was the sticking point. He will go and he must.


If we’re relying on a player with 3 goals in 60 PL games at the age of almost 26 as our attacking midfielder (and a player who was set to join Brighton) then that shows we are not serious


All i really want is nkunku in the starting 11


Of course that can, but they shouldn’t. having them both in midfield sounds bang average to me


Well looks likely Carney is going .


Personally i prefer him to Gallagher.. but still feel like we should be signing players a little more talented than KDH. He could prove me wrong though


I didnt want gallagher to leave but with kdh its more palatable


Last stage of grief: Acceptance



