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About the same. I had pushed to 950 blitz and then, due to lack of time to played blitz exclusively for a few weeks. This was a very bad idea. I got objectively worse at every part of chess. It took a couple weeks of rapid playing to recover and not feel worse than I was before. I think this level is not the level to worry about blitz.


Exactly the same here. I can’t seem to get past 800-900 blitz no matter how much I try


Same but I’m 600 in blitz


Don't worry, we all feel like total idiots playing this game. :) Do you want to know your reward for getting stronger at chess? You won't *feel* like an idiot any more - you'll finally *know* in excruciating detail all the dozens of different ways in which you truly *are* an idiot. :)


First thing Fabiano says in the interview after that last candidates match was “I feel like an idiot”


Too real


Chess is a lot like golf for me. The better I get, the more I notice I’m doing wrong.  It’s the circle of knowledge analogy. If you imagine what you know as a circle, and everything around the circle as what you don’t know, the bigger the circle gets the more you realize there’s so much you don’t understand. 


That's why the saying "ignorance is bliss" exists


Time advantage can be as good as material advantage


I'm 1800 rapid and have taken a lot longer to get to around 1500 blitz. The amount of blunders by opponents in my rapid games is exponentially higher than in my blitz games. The average blitz player is A LOT better than that of rapid.


Average 1700 blitz player is as good as 2000  rapid 


Sounds about right... I am 1697 blitz and 2001 rapid


It is just this. I had a blitz rating of 1800, and after 2 years of not playing reached 1850+ rapid effortlessly. I even forgot half the stuff I used to play in certain openings. The player pool is a lot better in blitz.


rapid ratings for some reason are quite inflated, but 1800 and 1000 seems like the time control itself might be an issue. Some people just dont intuitively jump to good moves and are simply playing worse with less time


My theory is that most beginners play rapid since they need the time to think to understand the game while blitz and bullet is more popular among experienced players.


Also, a lot of rapid players treat it as a blitz game anyway and move way too quickly. Thus it's easy to capitalize on mistakes if you take your time. That's why I think I'm higher rated at rapid. 50% of my games, my opponent seems to have almost the same amount of time as we started 


It's weird for me. I'm 1200 in rapid and 500 in Blitz. But then I'm also 1700 in Bullet so I can definitely make good and intuitive moves, but Blitz is just not my thing


The some reason isn’t too hard to figure out. Strong players generally don’t play rapid time controls online. They play blitz. The rapid ratings aren’t inflated; the player pool is just a lot smaller and the TC attracts weaker players.


Yeah, I feel like that much of a difference may simply be a time control preference. When I used to play OTB I was quite poor at Blitz but fared very well in Rapid (against virtually the same pool of opponents).


In 200 points more in rapid than blitz in chess com and over 300 in lichess, its normal such variation. Yours is higher, and probably due to a good streak in one or a bad one in the other. And in blitz is more likely that your rating is in part your mouse skills or time management that it seems it isnt your forte Edit: also, its more common such differences if you started playing not long ago (up to 2 years I would say)






Time plays a huge role and while 800 point diff is a bit extreme, it's not unheard of.


I'm about 1000 rapid, barely pushing 600 blitz on a good day. I just can't blunder check that fast.


That's completely normal. I also had a considerable difference in my ratings. In my case I can calculate decently but my brain did not recognize tactical patterns automatically. When I had enough time, calculation served me well, but in faster time controls I didn't have time to calculate and I couldn't rely on pattern recognition. What helped me was solving (thousands of) easier tactical problems to drill the patterns very well, like mate in 1's, easy fork tactics and so on. I have been doing this for a couple of months and my blitz rating (\~1750) is catching up to my rapid rating (\~1900) now. You might want to try that.


I'm in the exact same boat, got to 1800 rapid and wanted to up my blitz rating and I've been stuck around 1000 blitz. I feel like the shorter time control has been making me feel time pressure and blunder more frequently.


Player pool in rapid is weaker at the lower distributions for sure. Way easier to get to the 1800-1900 range. I’m sure it evens out towards the top.


bro as of right now, chesscom rapid has the biggest player pool on the world. How can it be weaker if 73mio active players are in there? Just because the elites play blitz?


Out of that 73m about 72m are weak players. That's how it is weaker.


But you act like only morons play rapid and only prodigies play blitz. They are mostly the same people except for the professionals. Blitz as a format is just way harder, but the playerbase is the same imo


That doesn’t make any sense. If the playerbase was identical but the format was harder then the ratings would be identical between it and rapid. Elo is not an absolute scale it’s a relative scale. Weaker players play rapid likely because it *is* harder for weaker players to play blitz so they stick to rapid at the lower distributions. You also player fewer games in rapid so I think the ratings are less accurate for casual players. A few lucky games/winstreak will spike your rating for a longer time because you simply play less games to lower it and vice versa.


My last comment to this: If anyone reads this and thinks he made solid arguments: he brought bad arguments and he is wrong!


I don’t think you know how a relative rating scale works?


Im about 1500 rapid and get absolutely demolished when i play 900-1000 blitz every single game.


First off, the rating isnt an objective number, its relative to a given pool of players so they arent directly comparable. Faster time controls make pattern recognition more important, you can grind through that or do a bunch of puzzles to help speed it up


How much Blitz do you play in comparison? I have 13k games, 80% Blitz and i'm 1700 rapid/ 1500 blitz.


I'm 1300 rapid and just broke 1100 blitz yesterday. Blitz players are stronger per rating point than rapid players. An 800 point differential sounds like more than normal, but people usually do have lower blitz ratings, because the competition is harder. You should get your scores closer together by playing more blitz and getting used to the time control. You can't spend as much time thinking about your moves, and that takes practice.


Makes perfect sense to feel like you’re making worse moves with less time


I am much higher in rapid than I am in blitz. It happens


Yeah I’m 1400 in rapid and I’m fighting to get to 1000 in blitz. I can ether think mediocre in 10/15 or think quickly and poorly in 5/5 lol


I don’t play blitz, only bullet (1300) and rapid (1500). (I’d love to be 1800 someday tbh). It does make sense, when you change formats you have to relearn how to best utilize your time. With shorter time controls, there is inherently more risk involved than in rapid. You may have to play sketchy moves that you don’t want to play, because you don’t have time to calculate. In my experience, the key is remembering that your opponent also has to play sketchy moves, and knowing when to take your time to strike.


lol same


You're stronger than me in rapid but I'm in the same boat. 1600-1650 in rapid and about 1000 in blitz and even lower in bullet. I'm just slow and methodical.


Right there with you. Managed to get up to 1100 in rapid, stuck around 700 in blitz. It’s just the time. I was much lower in blitz while still climbing in rapid. I download lichess so I could do the free puzzles, and I think that has helped me tremendously! Forcing myself to find solutions quickly. I did nothing but puzzles for a week, played some blitz and went 8-1.


I'm a noob in both (1000)


Actually same lol, high on rapid but low on blitz, most of the time it's very stupid mistake too, it just as if I don't play serious chess in blitz the same as I do in rapid


This post makes me feel so much better lol. I’m pushing 1600 in rapid and I got shafted by 1000s players


I was playing at a casual OTB meetup last summer. At 5 0, I was getting good positions and losing. At 10 0 I was getting good positions and it was a tossup. At 15 10 I was winning. Some people do better under time pressure than others.


The blitz pool is a lot stronger, there's typically a large delta between rapid rating and blitz, in addition, you don't play blitz regularly, making your delta worse than the already normal difference. Online blitz rating is closer to ELO rating than rapid, still higher by a couple of hundred points, so it may be right on for you


Makes perfect sense. Blitz has a stronger player pool because people new to chess tend to play rapid first, then only play blitz afterward. This effect gets compounded when people lose a few blitz games, and only then find out playing rapid is better for new and improving players, switches to rapid, then only comes back to blitz 1000 games later. Meanwhile people who've already played lots of chess, when they go onto an online chess server tend to almost exclusively play blitz too whereas the rapid pool has a much lower ceiling. edit: usually this gap is only around 200 points or so, and goes away around 2000 elo. Your gap is bigger than this average 200 points and may hint at a subpar internet connection, not removing piece animations in settings so u have less time than your opponent, poor time management, or yolo'ing openings which u can think your way through in rapid, whereas in blitz u really do want to get out your first 15 moves cleanly in under 20 seconds.


I just climbed out of the 1200 blitz bracket and was feeling stronger AND WOULDN’T YA KNOW I’VE TILTED BACK TO 1250 and just got checkmated in a game WHERE I HAD THE QUEEN PINNED TO THE KING. Need to walk away and come back once I’m in a better mood


I'm 1600 rapid 1600 blitz what does that mean.


I suggest playing may be 5+0 or 5+5. I am also rated >1800 in 10+0 and 1+0 but my rating fluctuates between 1600 and 1750 in 3+0. You need to be in certain groove while playing blitz, you are making each move in 2-3-4 seconds. There rarely are times where you take more than 10-15 seconds for a move. You can't find the absolute best moves, neither can you calculate much. So you make good enough moves in 2-3-4 seconds time.


Bullet is even worse. I'm 1k in blitz and 700elo at bullet. The matches there are insane and I like it.


im 1800 rapid and in the 1400 blitz.


Maybe the weird openings played by 1000s affect you in a way.


Oh these things happen. I have beaten my 2000 (rapid) rated friend in a 5|0 blitz game. I'm 1200 :D


The blitz player pool has stronger players so this is very normal. It could be a touch higher though but I’m sure that’ll go up after you 1)become a stronger player 2)get used to the quicker time controls.


I had some health issues for over a year and my blitz fell 150 points. I think physical fitness really affects how well you perform in blitz. For context I am 2400 rapid, 1970 blitz.


1100 rapid and struggling at 600 blitz


I lose on time so much playing blitz and that’s because there are some positions in chess where you have to sit and think.


Blitz is a lot more difficult, at least rating wise. Im like 2200-2300 in rapid and 2000-2100 in blitz and i only play rapid to relax. Blitz is always tryhard meta.


i’m the same way about 1650 rapid but 1050 blitz. part of it is the player pool is tougher but i also just play so much better with that extra time


If you have not played thousands of blitz games, this is quite a expected result 


Blitz is the most competitive time control, I’m almost 2100 rapid and 1700 blitz. But +800 is definitely on the high side.


Are you an older person? Fluid intelligence declines rapidly with age.


Think that's pretty normal. I'm 1700+ rapid, but struggling for a while now in the 1100 blitz bracket.


My 5+0 blitz on lichess & 10+0 rapid on chesscom is same, around 750. 3+0 chesscom blitz is 300. It's just how it is i guess? Some of us need time to think tactics?


I have the same issue. I've just passed 1700 rapid and have been stuck at 1300 blitz for the better part of a year lol. I do have a newfound appreciation for bullet, having just gone from 1000 to nearly 1400 in a month, but I often have to save losing positions by being tricky in ways blitz players don't fall for. Blitz is weird, because you need to be fast, but you also have enough time to think and have to balance these two elements simultaneously to excel at it. I think it's a mixture of a couple factors. We play better moves when we have more time and thus win more rapid games and the blitz pool is murderously competitive.


Am I the only one who plays blitz better than rapid 😂😂


it's 100% about getting used to it. i was in a similar situation and after playing blitz for a few months im around 2000 blitz and 1800 rapid (though i dont play much rapid anymore)


I am 1700 blitz and 1700 rapid but tbh Rapid was more difficult to me because people play way better, they generally find good moves and I am not patient enough to take my time and think


I am 1300 blitz and 1400 rapid. I rarely play rapid. When i play rapid recently i won 17 in total 20 and felt like rapid was too easy.


Cheats using extensions no way players that weak beat class A players.


I'm 1431 in rapid and hit 1000 on bullet just a few days ago after months of trying (almost over 1 year)


3 or 5 blitz? For me they are different, much different than 10


2300~ puzzles, 1600~ daily. Never played blitz, rapid or bullet on my account, until yesterday where I tried some bullet and blitz all day for fun to see where my ratings are, no prep whatsoever. 700~ bullet 1200~ blitz Bullet should be renamed to bulls@$¢ 😅, I think in elos bellow 1500, its basically a contest of who can make more blunders, I reviewed some games, i was worst, but the opponent wasn't much better either. On blitz, for the most of the "run", I was around 900 to 1000, only in the last few games I got some good games, and of course, some elo from cheaters getting caught. So I feel you, I can't think under such low times, more than 50% of the losses were by time. By the comments, it seems it's a normal thing so don't worry. We all improve at some point.


Yeah you have less time to cheat in blitz ;)


Same. Im 1700 rapid and only 1000 blitz. I've only been playing chess for about a year, so my concrete calculation is way better than my intuition at the moment.


One dynamic that goes somewhat underemphasised is that better players are less likely to go to random opponent online chess for longer time controls, because they often have friends and clubs for that. So the ratings for shorter time controls are often relatively deflated.


Is that really the reason? 


It's certainly part of it. The level of play in your first games at any time control is quite different It mostly levels out, but not entirely and there are always going to be outliers.




A 600 playing some Najdorf line with white is quite impressive sometimes. There is indeed lot of opening cheating