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Switch to 10|5 or 15|10, think about the consequences of the moves you play before you play them, play principled chess, actually review your games.


Other people will give you lots of good advice here, but I'll just add the following: Focusing too much on what you think is normal or expected improvement is the wrong mindset for getting good at anything (and can make you miserable). Focus on playing the best move more and more often and have fun with your hobby.


If you’re trying out new openings, then a temporary rating drop isn’t surprising. Making mistakes is an unavoidable part of learning something new.


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[https://www.chess.com/analysis/game/live/107175187108?tab=review](https://www.chess.com/analysis/game/live/107175187108?tab=review) link of one of game from white [https://www.chess.com/game/live/107174428990](https://www.chess.com/game/live/107174428990) game from black


What study materials did you spend your time with? You already identified what you need to work on, and that's your middle skills. While solving puzzles can improve your game, that's not enough. What if you can't see a tactic? Do you know what to do? I suggest you get the book Winning Chess Strategy by Seirawan. It will improve your middle-game skills tremendously. Study many master games so you will see how they play the middle game. In this game, see how Magnus Carlsen conducted an attack. https://youtu.be/NMvDLB5I7zU


I got a beginners level course and watched YouTube videos chess able courses chess.com courses and the books i mentioned above. Thanks for the recommendation man really means a lot


What do you mean "even" after investing time. That's literally step 0


Play like a madman and do tons of puzzles and you will improve. Just take a look at Tyler1, US League of Legends streamer, grinds like crazy, went from 300 to nearly 1900 in rapid in a year.


Thats what i tried to do went from almost 800 to nearly 450 but i get your point now i am doing more puzzles and understanding the fundamentals


A lot of people give probably really good advice, and I'm a novice in comparison, but no matter how much you study you simply need pattern recognition, tactical vision and a feel for the game, and that is only gonna come by playing a lot. Take chess hustlers for example, many never studied chess, but got very good by just playing a lot. In my 2 years on chess.com I went from 1300 to 1800 blitz by just playing (I played fairly irregulary, play 3-4 months, then stop for a couple etc). I looked at openings just to find something that I liked, imbalanced and dynamic.


When does this sub realize they needed a coach/trainer. How can you learn yourself the understanding of structures without you understanding structures. Lmao this sub is so silly. "If I buy x-book I will get better".


Bro the thing is i live in Pakistan and the chess here is zero i cant even find a coach in my city


If you want you can get an online trainer if you can get a microfone/headset.