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Haha great comeback line from Vidit


they still look like they could go out an have a beer together after this concluded and I love that so much


Vidit is somone who cannot avoid cracking a smile ... he is so jovial 99% of the time.


That 1% - šŸ˜¦


They actually can, Hans turned 21 yesterday and is legally allowed to drink in the USA.


haha, hey perfect timing!


and can become the youngest, and first, world champion from the USA!


That's definitely easier for him than for Vidit!


He's definitely the best chess player in his chair.. until someone else sits on it.


Really? You should google Robert James Fischer


It was a jokeā€¦Hans has made outlandish claims in the past about his mark in history


a streamer knows when the mic will capture his voice


Vidit seems like the nicest guy, he could vibe with anyone.


Bloke is able to vibe with Hikaru and make him talk in a sportsmanlike manner after losing twice. And vibe with Hans. When you can vibe well with two of the most unlikeable people in the community, you have to be one of the nicest guys around.


Could someone please provide a transcript of what they are saying? I canā€™t hear it properlyā€¦


This isn't an exact transcript, but summarises what they say: Host: "*Hans Niemann you seem like a nice guy, despite the bad-boy image*..." Hans: šŸ˜œ (jokingly) "N*o, I'm going to go back to my room and summon such hate and vitriol for Vidit, and I won't be smiling tomorrow"* (meaning he is going to get into warrior mode and won't be in friendly mode for the match) Vidit: šŸ˜Ž (witty punchline) "T*hat's true, you won't be smiling tomorrow"* (meaning Hans will be upset after losing) Hans: šŸ˜µ Vidit: šŸ‘‹šŸŽ¤ Host and audience: šŸ¤£šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


Perfect translation


His room won't be smiling either


Only real OG Hans haters/lovers will understand this one.


Turn on the closed caption.


Sorry, but *where* is the closed caption? I have only quality settings. I google it requires add-ons (for certain browsers).


On reddit app, turning on captions causes the player to misbehave


Why is Hans hair vibrating


Engine feeding trash talk lines???


Is that a blunder??


Engine miscalculated at very low depth it seems


You are on fire!


that's how strong his hate and vitriol for Vidit is, he's vibrating with rage


Vidit is the man


00:15 is that Boston Mike?


Yes, didnā€™t you seem the gleaming head?


nice catch.




I will never understand Hansā€™ accent. It came out of nowhere. Itā€™s like heā€™s trying to sound like a Russian grandmaster. Bizarre


He's lived in Europe when he was young and then in America and he's stayed in a lot of countries. It's not bizzare when you think of it that way. He moved to Netherlands when he was 7 so it makes sense he has some mixing of accents.


That normally happens when you can't be around anyone of your natural accent. Like a Scot moving to a place with no Scottish people might revert to something more "neutral" over time. It is extremely strange to happen to an American, you're surrounded by your accent


But this supports his explaination about spending a couple years of non stop traveling for tournaments with only foreigners to talk to.


All of his colleagues and his coaches/seconds are also European. It's natural to want to modify your way of speaking to fit in amongst others when you spend a large amount of time with them. For example my parents are immigrants, both myself and my sister use a different accent when speaking to them in English, but change our accents in other contexts He probably uses his European sounding accent in a chess context, and then when he's speaking to other Americans he probably reverts to his American accent.


That might be true for most Americans, but Hans is a chess player. He's constantly travelling and talking to Russian and European players. I think he even mentioned during the pandemic he basically didn't leave his house and had a super weird schedule because he mostly talked to Euro players/coaches.


I'm American and speak good conversational German (a little better than B1 level.) I've lived or spent a few weeks in Germany almost every year in the last four years, and every time I spend even two weeks there trying to speak as little English as possible, my American accent becomes a little more German.


The United States has an huge range of accents. Anyone who things theirs such a thing as an ā€œAmerican accentā€ has never been to America or talked to Americans. The US has a more diverse range of accents than anywhere else else in the world, this is a moronic comment.






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The American mind couldnā€™t comprehend European dialects, never mind Asian ones


A dialect and an accent are distinctly different things. Americans have 10 different accents within a single state and every fucking country on earth sounds different in our language on top of it. A dialect and an accent arenā€™t the same thing. And if you want to talk about dialect, I seriously fucking doubt most people from outside the US can understand any Ebonics at all. Different dialects have different vocabulary and grammar, thatā€™s not what an accent is. Please name a single country on earth that has anywhere near the number of accents as the US.


More diverse than anywhere in the world! How many languages do you speak?


4, what about you? Do you understand what an accent is? Do you understand why so many non native English speakers struggle so much to learn the language compared to other languages? English pronunciations and accents are incredibly diverse and there are more accents in the US alone than you would find across any other country in the world.


Are you aware of the country called India?


Funny, because the English language wiki states the UK has the greatest number of different accents. Makes sense, given the US accent has only been diversifying for a couple hundred years.




There absolutely is a standard American accent most Americans are capable of forcing when in mixed company or being made fun of for their regional accent. It's our version of received pronunciation. Also saying the US has a more diverse range of accents than anywhere else in the world is just silly. We're a young country, much of which has only been populated by English speakers for less than 200 years, and as such we have very limited accent diversity for the amount of geographic area, and since radio/television/internet, it's only going to get more homogenous.


It became ever more clear to me that there's an American accent when I came to America.


You must not talk to very many different people then, or youā€™re basing that off of the he news, and the way people talk on TV isnā€™t the same way people talk in real life across the country. The way people sound in Chicago is different from anywhere around them. You can travel any direction 4-6 hours around Chicago and there are a variety of different distinct accents in every direction. The way people sound in Chicago, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, central Illinois, and southern Illinois are all different and all unique accents. Even within the unique American accents you have breakdowns, someone from Tennessee and someone from Sourhern Texas sound dramatically different even if they both have ā€œsourhernā€ accents.


I've talked to countless Americans. I told you I came to America. I've been to Chicago and nearly all the states you've mentioned. I know what the "southern" Texas accent sounds like. People born and raised in America have an accent in general that is uniquely American (especially if they're Caucasian) - even if it includes subcategories like the southern accents. Have you been outside America? You don't realize it until you live in another primarily English speaking country.


Just that many people in the Netherlands barely have any accent. His mother is Danish though, so maybe that's where his accent comes from. English is super weird as a second language because there is no standard pronunciation - you must pick an accent.


What?? Dutch people can have really bad accents, its one of the most distinct accents you can have


I donā€™t think his mother is Danish, but maybe Iā€™m wrong about that.




I mean if you bounce around a lot of places you conform to their accents slightly, even adults in college that go abroad can pick up an accent, itā€™s not to crazy for a kid to pick it up and have a stronger one.




Lmao fair enough


there's barely a difference from how he always talks, you guys are mega exaggerating


Yeah but was it in your adolescence?


it's not that unusual. it doesn't happen for everyone, but it's not uncommon. i lived in various parts of the uk for a few years when i was a teenager, had a very international group of friends, and when i came back to the states my accent was all types of fucked. even now, over ten years later, if i am with british people or watching british shows, my accent kind of switches back a bit. it's probably a combination of that and some type of try-hardness that he feels is essential to his personality/image/brand, which tbh, it probably is, given that it gets him attention every time he talks. i wouldn't be surprised if he had a bit of a weird accent, people commented on it, and he thought "oh wow this will make me stand out" and just played into it edit: i'd also like to point out that a bunch of chess players have weird accents or other speech patterns. hikaru has a very specific intonation and meter he uses which is kind of an exaggerated 'streamer' voice i'd call it, half the chess world says "but ok" every other sentence for no reason at all (i couldn't get through the abhimanyu mishra interview on csquared because of how many times he said it), i think even fabi's accent is kinda atypical. and then you have someone like yasser. has anyone met anyone in their life talk the way yasser does? chess players are just sorta socially weird people and i don't think unusual speech patterns are that atypical for socially weird people




His voice slowly morphs into Sagars


The thing that stood out to me most about Fabi is he canā€™t say ā€œeligibleā€ and then there was one podcast where he said it and then was like I know you guys have something to say about how I pronounce that.


Dude go to another country for a week. Stay in London for a week and see if you don't start letting the accent creep in.


It does though? He has grown up in a few places, so he knows a bunch of accents and so sometimes switches between them. What I dont understand is people thinking that he's faking his accent, which makes no sense at all. Literally why would he do that? Not to mention Hans also knows a bit of Russian and appeared in Russian podcast recently on Levitov. When you're learning languages, your accent tends to change.


>What I dont understand is people thinking that he's faking his accent, which makes no sense at all Probably because people (maybe one of the chess bras) that have interacted with him said he doesn't have it in person and puts it on for the camera combined with it seemingly appearing overnight. >Literally why would he do that? It's not uncommon for Americans do it when they want to sound worldly. Especially those wanting to be the center of attention. Have you never heard someone could back from a semester abroad with a fake accent?


could also argue that the chessbrahs only say that about him cuz they are trying to be the center of attention. people will latch onto anyhting unique about a person to bring them down. at least he's not a cookie cutter gen z'er that starts every sentence with the word "literally"


Because it makes zero sense? Plenty of American players have played abroad lol. None of them have accents


I agree his accent and tone is unusual but I always find it strange that people don't say the same about Caruana, yes he has italian parents but he grew up in Brooklyn, he has plenty of linguistic quirks lime Hans.


I don't think the point is about having quirks or an unusual accent, the point is his accent changes quite clearly. Caruana's accent is consistent.


but it's a fact that those who have sufficient exposure to 2 or more accents can find themselves anywhere in a continuum from one accent to another. I mispronounce vowels in the presence of middle-eastern english speakers but pick myself up in the presence of Brits or Americans. Not sure what I do with Indians, I think they throw me totally off :)


Someone should do a compilation of his accent throughout the years maybe.


It's just because he likes to meme, and that fake accent is funny for him to use and make people think he really sounds like that lol. Edit: For anyone downvoting me, do you have a better explanation to it than mine? Does his accent just naturally come out [when he starts talking about "playing some russian school positional chess" in this video,](https://youtu.be/wsneCN1IdQk?t=66) when it was a completely normal American accent before that?


If Vidit has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Vidit has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Vidit has only one fan then that is me. If Vidit has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Vidit, then I am against the world.




Could you tell me the source for your clip?


trash talking before the match is a thing in chess now too?


Where can we find the match?


Chessbase India stream in 19 hours. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Q9BZh6lsM0


Thank you so much


Also Evergreen Chess on YT


Hans really set himself up for ā€˜But please donā€™t trash your roomā€™ joke, but the host and Vidit didnā€™t capitalize.


Hans just needs to give up being the first American chess champion and go all in on chess villain. Complete with face paint.


I love it


Could this be the match up that finally puts Chess on the map?


where tf can i see thisss???


Chessbase India stream in 19 hours. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Q9BZh6lsM0


thanks but i was asking about the conference, i am aware of the Chessbase India live stream.


Where can we watch the games?


Where can I watch this??


Love the banter already haha. I love both of these guys, but only one can win sadly. Match is gonna be so hype tomorrow.


Why would you love Hans?


Not OP, and I wouldn't say I love Hans, but I *love that he exists*, if that makes any sense. Having colorful/controversial personalities at the top level makes for entertaining chess and associated drama.




For one he never accused another player of cheating in an OTB game because he lost


Heā€™s a funny guy who does dumb stuff itā€™s great entertainment lmao


Better than loving Hikaru šŸ˜‚


bro, I never said i love hikaru and i dont. i dont even watch him no more since he's been advertising gambling. still i think hans is not likeable at all. plus, that mf doesnt even know how to dress decently. saw him in sitgess 2022 and he was "rocking" black/red af1 to a purple/yellow college jacket. jesus. that was even worse than him cheating.


Still dresses better than Naka šŸ˜‰


And heā€™s cuter than Naka šŸ˜‰ and heā€™s packing more than Naka šŸ˜‰ and he just has such a nice body šŸ˜‰ should I add anymore for you?


Better chess player than Naka, better human being than Naka šŸ˜


Oh Boy šŸ¤”


? What is there not to like?


the cheating, the antics, the arrogance, the haircut and so on


Thatā€™s exactly why I love him, well not the cheating part but everything else is fun


You wasnā€™t there. That outfit was trash.


Bruh itā€™s chess not miss universe I donā€™t care about the outfits šŸ˜­


And thatā€™s propably how you look


And his fake cringe accent he uses to fit in


So not much compared to what's there to like about him, especially since the cheating is well in the past.


samay raina proud student...


Hans is corny, but I like how heā€™s not hiding from the villain persona šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


What did Niemann Niemann say? I didn't understand anything




Theyā€™re playing tomorrow??? Where??


Even Dana White was watching this 00:17 and thinking about hiring them


Hans is not a nice guy wtf is wrong with idiots normalising shit behavior


Both Hans and Vidit are play acting for the audience here. I am sure they both get along fine.


Wut? This is basically a combat sports style press conference meant to create clips and hype around the "fight." Obviously this isn't being taken seriously


Relax dude


It seems like theyā€™re both just joking around


Hikaru at Hans age was arguably worse. It's *exceptionally* possible Hans makes a face turn at some point, and frankly I can't wait. He's not there yet, but nothing he's done so far is anything other than be immature IMO. Keep in mind, nobody in any of this has actually *done* anything morally abhorrent. Chess drama is exceptionally tame, hard to genuinely "hate" any of the people involved.


itā€™s banterā€¦ theyā€™re trying to hype it like a boxing match or ufc event.


You a Mag cuck still salty?


What are people normalising?


Dis Hans take that from Batman talking about Superman?


Hans' face when he realized he blundered


Hans is an insufferable prick


Why does Hans try and sound Russian lol?


slumdog chessville poor Vidit


I'm confused... are we meant to care about who wins this match?