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Nope, chess is a contest on who plays better. If your opponents take free pawns and you get lost, is because you played worse. Stop losing pawns or create better attacks.


yeah fumbling an attack is a skill issue


Skill issue. You either make or let games go boring yourself, and you're definitely missing tactics or the ability to set them up with good activity


Completely a git gud issue. If you are mounting a deadly attack but your pawns are toast and the attack fails then it's not so deadly and not really an attack after all  just blunder after blunder


It's a perfectly reasonable strategy to try winning a pawn and then convert the endgame. The better you get the more common this gets. It's up to you to not let it happen. This has nothing to do with "online chess". It's chess beyond the absolute beginner level.


If you’re sacrificing pawns for a deadly mating attack, then you gotta mate them, or else you’re just down a bunch of pawns. That’s… how chess works


Welcome to the cutting edge of rationalist, scientific 19th century chess. You might want to play chess like you're an absinthe-swilling romantic daredevil, sacrificing your pieces and pawns and demonstrating your wild martial prowess over the board, but just recently, some guy called Wilhelm Steinitz discovered that you don't lose so many games if you don't throw away all your pieces all the time, and just accumulate small positional gains over time, and he proved it by being better than everyone else and that's how it's been ever since. As Wilhelm Steinitz himself observed 'Yeah, science, bitch!" One way to get round it would be to go straight into the opening with wild aggressive gambits from the outset. King's Gambit, Jaenisch Gambit, Cordel Gambit, all that stuff. Force your opponent into sharp knife-fighting chess from move 3 by gambitting that f pawn or whatever, so they don't get a chance to start that positional pawn grabbing stuff.


Funny thing is...I bet Morphy would crush Steinitz. Hell, even Tal became a world champion.  You are right though- If OP wants crazy chess, it is up to OP to get the opponent into the deep, dark forest where 2+2=5.


Stop hanging pawns maybe?


That's just part of the risk of sacrificing pawns. If you can't get anything concrete out of the attack you sacrificed material for, it doesn't matter how "scary" the attack looks. You either had a tactic that you missed or the attack never actually worked at all.


The higher in rating you get the more the loss of a single pawn if you aren’t getting compensation will many times be the difference between wining and losing. Its just how the game is played


The solution to this is to get better at attacking.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ChessPuzzles/s/aNErcNhhp5 This is from one of my rapid games. I was rated 1720, and white was 1690. Notice that I'm down a pawn. This is definitely a you problem. If you want more aggressive, tactical games, you need to switch up your repetoire and style accordingly.


You seem to be following the idea that the best way to play chess is to try to attack the enemy's king. The reality is you can only conduct an attack when the positional factors call for it.


A pawn is a pawn


Mora pawns in chess is just like ball possession in football. Generally, you win you have more of it, but it can be a senseless feature if youre not efficient in killing the game.