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If you run out of time you lose, the only exception is when there is not enough material left on the board for your opponent to checkmate you, in which case it's a draw.


If your opponent can give you mate, then you lose on time.


If you time out, you lose only if the opponent has any legal sequence of moves that checkmates you. Your king+queen vs a lone king would be a draw on your timeout because the opponent can't checkmate you even by playing both sides himself, but king+rook+knight vs a king+rook would be a loss on timeout because he has sufficient material to checkmate you. If neither side has sufficient material or it's a dead position (locked pawns that can't be passed by kings because kings can't hang themselves), it's just a draw on the spot with no agreement necessary regardless of time situations.


This is the correct answer. Beginners may struggle a bit to fully apply this answer because it is not obvious what material is sufficient to checkmate...but this is the right answer.


It also gives some fun trivia like: while N+K is a draw due to insufficient material, if you have N+K and your opponent times out with a pawn on the board you can claim a victory.


More trivia: it’s a draw if you have KNvKQ and the side with the queen times out, since there’s no possible mating matrix.


How is king and queen not sufficient material to checkmate? Edit: Nevermind, I didn't read properly.


It's the side with the K+Q timing out, so it's the lone king we are talking about


" the opponent can't", the player with only a king


Your opponent needs to have insufficient material that allows him to do checkmate. Rook king is enough to checkmate if blunders happen technically.


Rook and king can always checkmate vs king


> insufficient From what you wrote I think you mean "sufficient", right?


Blunders like continuing to play an entirely lost game?


If it was king/queen vs king its a draw on insifficient material. In the other excample you could just sacrificed your rook for a draw.


I don’t know how to help someone who says they want to claim a draw after resigning… thank goodness a lot of people are offering the helpful and correct answers for this poor, lost soul…