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You sacrifice the rook to gain a rook plus a pawn.


Plus, prevent black from castling once they moved their king. Minus, the knight will get stuck in a corner.


no it wont get stuck in the corner since g6 will be free


Nf6 prevents king controlling g6, f7 is controlled by the knight. The knight is free just in time.


Wait... doesn't it go rd8+, Kxd8; nf7+, Ke7; nxh8, nd7; and now the white knight *can* get to g6, but it *can't* escape after that, since the king can chase it down before white can ever get control of h4, f4, or e5? Edit: I just checked it out in the engine. The knight *is* stuck at that point, but white has a tricky line of h4, then xg5, then Rxh5, protecting the knight just as the black king gets there. Edit 2: black *can* eventually pick up that trapped knight (or at least force a knight trade where black also picks up the pawn that they lost earlier), but white has far too much momentum on that side of the board now


Can you please show the lines? h4 is a crushing move, if Black takes, then rook just gobbles up until h5. Or if pawns take, take then Nf7 then Ne5 (else the rook just gobbles everything on h-file).


So you lose a pawn and a rook for 3 pawns and a rook while simultaneously weakening the e6 pawn. The knight gets to roam around the centre in case b8 bishop overlooks the e6 pawn. It also prevents castle and exposes the king to potential threats. Plus the fork will most likely persuade the king to move on the king side which make it possible to give a second check before escaping to xg6 and afterwards to xf4. It also threatens pawn on h6 as now both rook and knight are attacking the same pawn. Black will lose another pawn in the process.


I meant "knight is in the corner, and white will require to use tempo to get it out of there," not "knight is in the corner forever and ever."


Castling isn’t that important since the queens + one pair of rooks are off the board. There is less danger of an attack, and the kings want to be in central positions to support the action as the game transitions to the endgame.


The move is for tempo, winning the pawn and forking the rook sets up an ideal position for white since blacks bishop can’t be activated and our bishop can easily skip through untouched after either side plays e5. We’re queenside and he’s blundered his castle and is stuck kingside trying to do too much and recapture a knight that’s well safe and sound already.


The position actually gets really cool once you start thinking about that knight that's stuck in the corner. Because it is 100% truely stuck if black follows Nxh8 with ...Nd7. Just go check it out, trust me. See what happens if you play Nd7 as black and then proceed to chase down the knight with the king. It gets pretty cool.


It’s only stuck if white panics and plays Ng6 immediately. Look at the lines that don’t retreat the knight. It’s in no immediate threat on h8, so white has time to play other moves to let it escape—the big issue for the knight is that g6 isn’t safe for long, so it needs someplace to go from there. White needs to dislodge black’s g-pawn to free up f4 and/or h4, starting with using white’s h-pawn. The other line for black to try to trap the knight goes something like …Nh7 (covering f8), Ng6 Kf6 (covering e5 and e7), Nh8 Kg7. But again, white doesn’t have to play Ng6 right away! e5, Bd3 protects g6 for the knight.


Yeah, and there's also the line where white clears out the h-file with their pawn & rook, protecting the knight that's still chilling on h8. Overall, there are some really cool lines - too many for me to try summing up in my one comment


Fair enough. I thought you were claiming black wins the knight by force. Cheers.


Then you can prob develop the bishop and bring back the 2nd rook with check if black doesn't do anything about that


how does he gain a rook?


Option 1: King takes the rook sacrifice, and the knight takes the pawn, forking the king and rook, winning a pawn Option 2: King moves out of the way of the rook to avoid the fork, and blunders the rook for free.




nf7 got a pawn.


Knight fork winning a pawn


Rd8 Kxd8, Nxf7 forks the king and rook and you win a pawn


Also prevents castling which is arguably more valuable then the pawn


This isn’t always true, and isn’t true in this case. In the opening and middle game, king castled to safety behind pawns is an advantage because it’s easier to defend, but… Look at the position above: - A black king on g8 has little to no pawn cover, and c8 isn’t that much better - The position is probably trading into an endgame soon, when a centralized king is typically an *advantage*! (“Activating” the king in the endgame means bringing it out from cover so that it can support your pawns and pieces. Since the king is slow, a centralized king is more easily able to support either side of the board as needed.) - A one-pawn advantage is bigger when there’s less material on the board.


Well I did say arguably and you've made some good arguments of the contrary. Bravo


Sorry, I didn’t intend to pick on you in particular!


Black probably doesn't want to castle in this position even if he could do it for free and get another move. e7 is a much better square for the king than g8. It's safe there, defends weaknesses/rook infiltration and is closer to the center for the endgame.


Yeah but at that point most of the pieces are gone.


On average Stockfish gives the right to castle about 0.5 points of value. So really it's a rook plus a pawn and a half


The rooks are traded so its really just a pawn and a half


Yeah but I wanted to list the total "amount" captured by these moves just to be clear


I would prefer the pawn, thank you very much. Especially if there's no queen on the board.


It also eliminates castle. Win pawn. Trade rook. Eliminate castle


do you think it would eliminate castling?


after Rd8+, the king can either Kxd8 (next: Nxf7+) or Ke7 (next: Rxh8). Regardless of the move from black, black will not be able to castle either way


Not true, black can resign and castle freely the next game




Yea. I should have written in out to explain. But a vulnerable king in the late game is VERY helpful. Castling does 2 things. It activates the rook (a powerful piece suddenly throwing weight in mid game is useful. It also sequesters the king into an easy to defend position. By forcing the king to capture or move, it can no longer castle, and both of those things become difficult to do.




Rg1 is a fascinating move


Because it does absolutely nothing to the entire board


I was looking at that too. I think OP is anticipating some sort of battle brewing over g4 and just not calculating properly?


No I think he's just trying to get his rook developed, without really knowing how to do that


Rook G1 Rook G1, what the hell is that move


Rook g1 Rook g1 Make a move that makes no sense Why on earth would you play that (I think) That move literally makes no sense Atleast castle your king What the heck is this move What are you trying to accomplish I have no idea


Once the king takes the rook you can fork the king and rook, winning a rook and the pawn :)


It gets you into a Gotham video


Rook g1 rook g1, make a move that makes no sense


One habit you should break asap is wasting a move. Moving your rook does nothing for your position. It's basically saying you have no idea what to so and putting your opponent in the driver's seat.


I need more explanation about reasons why someone play Rook g1


It wins at least the e pawn. After Rd8+, if Ke7, you skewer the king and win the rook with Rxh8. Kxd8 is thus the best option for black. But after Kxd8, you take the pawn with Nxe7+, forking the king and rook. So you win the rook back on the next move with Nxh8, and your knight can next escape from that corner with either Ng6 or back to e7 depending on where black moves their king.


Technically you skewer with Rd8+, and moving out of the way allows the capture. For those who are confused by the tense like I was.


Yeah, I was trying to say that Kxd8 from black is their best move, despite allowing the fork, because the rook on h8 would be taken if they simply moved the king out of the way.


Yeah that rook is dead. You either get it for free with yours or trade rooks and take a pawn.


If black follows Nxh8 with Nd7, how does the white knight get out after Ng6 though? Black's pawns block the h4 and f4 squares, and the black knight now blocks a e5 escape


Yeah, tbh I didn’t calculate too deeply, but I merely noticed that by removing the e pawn, a pawn wasn’t defending g6 anymore. But after looking with fresh eyes, I still think that white can eventually rescue that knight in the corner by pushing the h pawn if black plays Nd7?


Yeah, there are a handful of different lines, but that's definitely one of them. It's a really cool position - a nightmare for blitz/rapid, but it'd be fun in classical.




Fork if I know




Maybe, but doesn’t this give black a tempo to get out of the Rd8+, Nxf7+ threat? Something like Rg8 would protect the g-pawn and remove the threat of Nf7.




Sure but if the rook is on g5 then Rd8+ Kxd8 isn’t forced to set up the fork. There’s no skewer, so Ke7 is a perfectly fine response to Rd8+.


I know your question’s already been answered, but I felt I should say this. Look for checks. If you can find a sneaky trap but it would only work if their pieces were in certain squares, such as in this case, moves like that make them think “Wow my opponents an idiot, I can just take that” and then you pull the gotcha. Hope you get some brilliancies!


Because they must take with the king. If they move the king to e7 you just get a free rook. So they take it... Then you play Nxf7 and after they move you win the rook in the corner. It is a way to win a pawn. There is still work to do, and it's not an immediate mate, you just win a pawn this way.


Knight can fork king and rook if the black king takes


Use an engine and it'll tell you. Believe me, you'll learn more this way.


I analyzed the image and this is what I see. Open an appropriate link below and explore the position yourself or with the engine: > **Black to play**: [chess.com](https://chess.com/analysis?fen=r1b1k2r/pp3p2/2p1pn2/4N1pp/4P3/P1P2P2/2P3PP/2KR1BR1+b+kq+-+0+1&flip=false&ref_id=23962172) | [lichess.org](https://lichess.org/analysis/r1b1k2r/pp3p2/2p1pn2/4N1pp/4P3/P1P2P2/2P3PP/2KR1BR1_b_kq_-_0_1) **My solution:** > Hints: piece: >!King!<, move: >!Ke7!< > Evaluation: >!The game is equal -0.13!< > Best continuation: >!1... Ke7 2. h4 gxh4 3. Rh1 Nd7 4. Nc4 a5 5. Rxh4 b5 6. Nd6 Ne5 7. g4 Nxf3 8. Rxh5 Rxh5 9. gxh5!< --- ^(I'm a bot written by ) [^(u/pkacprzak )](https://www.reddit.com/u/pkacprzak) ^(| get me as ) [^(Chess eBook Reader )](https://ebook.chessvision.ai?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot) ^(|) [^(Chrome Extension )](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chessvisionai-for-chrome/johejpedmdkeiffkdaodgoipdjodhlld) ^(|) [^(iOS App )](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1574933453) ^(|) [^(Android App )](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.chessvision.scanner) ^(to scan and analyze positions | Website: ) [^(Chessvision.ai)](https://chessvision.ai)


bruh stfu lol


Just plug it into an engine, why do people post this stuff??


Because the engine is generally nowhere near as good as a human at explaining why something is a good move. Particularly if the audience is a beginner.


It's a tactic for a pawn bro please be fr


Have you never met a beginner? There are millions of players to whom this is not at all obvious.


Yeah exactly, you just argued my point. It's so simple it doesn't need a human explanation


Why would beginners ask questions about chess in r/chessbeginners? It’s a truly perplexing question.


If we just plug everything into the engine we can just stop talking about chess altogether.


You can ask for opening tips and whatever, but don't post easy tactics.


Easy to whom?




Ask an engine, this is a surface level problem. An engine would give the answer instantly, it's a waste of time and everyone's effort to look at this.


There are tools available to you that help you answer your own question rather than running to reddit


Because the computer is a scumbag


It really is the best move though


Quick Tip 1: To know why the engine is recommending a move / saying a move is wrong, click over analysis mode, play out said move then follow it up with your theoretical responses to that move and see how the engine responds. Quick Tip 2: On Chess.com, you don't have to rely on the Coach / Game Review / Hint. This also applies to any engine on low depth. Somewhere in the engine suggestions section is the computer "depth". The higher this value, the more accurate the suggestions will be. Quick Tip 3: For questions on engine move suggestions, we suggest you post them to our dedicated thread: [No Stupid Questions MEGATHREAD](https://www.reddit.com/r/chessbeginners/comments/yqqnz8/no_stupid_questions_megathread_6/), as stated in our Community Guidelines. Thank you! - The Mod Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/chessbeginners) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Set them up for the old okie doke


win a pawn?


Kxf7 (i guess?)


Because after king takes, you have a fork on f7. So you don't only get back the lost rook, you're also a pawn up too


https://youtube.com/shorts/nHbqsMDjmxw?feature=share Google attraction lol lol


You win a pawn if they takes


And a rook if they don't


Fucks everything over for black. If they don't take they lose a rook. If they take they lose a rook and a pawn from the knight fork. They also lose the ability to castle.


after king takes knight can fork king and rook then win pawn


Stops king from castling to safety and knight f7 forks king and rook (after king takes your rook). You win a pawn and king is stuck in the middle of the board.


Forces the king to move to a space where you can then use your knight to fork, putting the king in check and threatening the rook. Since they have to move the king out of check you get that rook and that pawn, for the price of your rook. Puts you a pawn up on the exchange.


Because then you go nf7 and win their rook. So you win a pawn in total


king cant take or you forke their rook. you basically always win one mroe pawn,. but it is a really hard movfe to see.


After king takes (which is almost forced since moving to e7, the only other legal move, just straight-up blunders the rook), you have Nxf7 forking king and rook, so you win back the rook you sacrificed and win a pawn.


When the black king takes the rook, you can play Nf7+ to win a pawn and gain your rook back. After Nf7+, it'll probably go something like Ke8, Nxh8, black moves, and then you can get the knight out of the corner with Ng6.


It is the best move because you can sacrifice the rook to capture the f7 pawn and win your opponent's rook. I would not use this as a good example of chess in general though. It just so happens to work out in this specific scenario, however in almost all cases that are similar to this one, it would be best to develop your bishop


if king takes then N f7 forks the king and rook. if he doesn’t you’ve skewered king to rook anyways. either an equal trade or straight up winning a rook you’re playing on your terms to simplify the game in your favor.


After Kxd8 you play Nxf7+ forking the king and rook, winning a pawn


You rook sac so you can gain a fork and a free pawn


I am also a beginner, so before I look, is it because it baits them into taking it and then you can go nf7 and your knight can get their king, rook and pawn?


Can someone please explain to me like I’m 5 why the king can’t just immediately take the rook after this move with zero consequence?


After black takes the rook moving knight to F7 takes pawn, puts black in check and attacks their rook. White is up a pawn and black can’t castle


This app always wants me to sacrifice the rook for no reason


it saw your move and decided hell no. just kill it (this is obviously a joke. its like others stated that its a knight fork


Because check and if Ke7 then take his room on h8. If he takes rook then fork with Nf7


king will take the rook and your knight will be going to f7 then you get a fork


After king takes Nef7 forks king and rook and you’ve won back your piece. Assuming Kc7, you can then also take the free pawn on f7.


Cuz then U take the pawn with the knight and then you fork the king and the rook and úr up a pawn


Because then you can play Knight takes f7 check and grab a pawn while forking king and rook. Your knight can then safely escape.


Rook sac, Kxd8 NxF7+ and that’s a fork of the king and rook. This results in you winning a pawn and a castleless king which is slightly advantageous in the middle game


Because the *cheeky fork* awaits


if they take you have Nf7+, forking the king and rook


google fork


google rook sacrifice


It leads to a fork on their rook




Moved the king to stop castling and sets up the fork


Because you win a pawn, but position is a bit trickier than it seems. 1. Rd8+ Kxd8 (if Ke7 2. Rxh8 and white is a rook up) 2. Nxf7+ Ke8 3. Nxh8 and white is a pawn up. Your only concern should be not having your knight trapped, which seems to not be the case (since the f-pawn is gone, you could basically come out through e5; like, Ng6 and then Ne5 ). But if you don't, you would basically have blundered a piece, so watch out for this. Sometimes the king itself may trap your own piece, so this should be careful analysed.


1.rook D8, king D8(forced) 2.knight F7 (forks king and rook)


Because you sacrifice... THE ROOOOOOOK!


I have trying to learn the fried liver. and while this isn't the fried liver it feels kind of like the fired liver


Google “after game analysis”




Google it


Wins a pawn, Rd8+ Kxd8 Nxf7+ Ke8 Nxh8


Because if king takes, then knight goes f7


King takes rook, knight to f7 fork the king and rook


For a king rook fork




if they take, you can fork


Extra pawn


RD8+, Kf7x+, Kh8x


You fork the rook and king and win a pawn