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OP definitely just didn’t see the knight at all and stumbled into a brilliant 💀


This is exactly what happened :D


99% of "brilliant move" posts on this sub are really just OP blundering a piece and not even noticing it, let alone having at least the slightest idea of the next moves of the "brilliant" move


This is a beginner sub, what do you expect?




This is so incredibly lovely!


i literally wrote down what i expect edit: also, being a beginner is no excuse for bragging about something you didnt achieve edit2: so the downvotes are saying that im wrong and beginners are absolutely expected to be finding all these brilliant moves and arent just blunders? crazy


They're not bragging tho, they're asking why they got that achievement


that comment was about the other kinds of posts, like "my first brilliant move!" or "i got 3 brilliant moves in one game!" edit: lmao the downvotes on this comment like wtf was even wrong in this you're all just butthurt


K but this post is verifiably, certainly, ascertainably, viscerally, indefatigably NOT one of those posts. So the downvotes are intended to incentivize you to instead post this comment on a relevant post.


posting this comment on a more relevant post would make more sense yes but whether the intention of this post had any amount of bragging is not verifiable, ascertainable, definitely not visceral (wtf) nor indefatigable. i think you should actually try to learn the words instead of just looking up the thesaurus and going yep yep wow yep


I need not a thesaurus, I just have an exquisitely extensive vernacular. The title is a question, so yes, it would be original research to suggest that any bragging is present. For the record, every adverb I used applied. Apparently I can't reply, but thank you person who corrected me.


For the record, the words that you used were adverbs


Imo the downvotes are just for coming in hot like that on a beginners subreddit. Those posts you're talking about are probably from people who don't understand how/why the move is tagged as brilliant. Put yourself in their shoes, chess is a hard game and when you first see those two exclamation marks it's super natural to be excited. I recommend giving a pity upvote and then moving on instead of coming to the comments to lament


Who exactly bragging here?


who is talking about the current post?


So who’s bragging?


Almost everyone else in the comments of the post. That's sorta what they're for.


The reason people are downvoting you is because they misinterpreted your comment. The people in this thread thought you were talking about OP instead of other posters in this sub, and while you could've phrased it better I don't think that's really your fault. When it happens, you're better of just moving on instead of editing/replying to anyone. Way too much work trying to argue with Redditors about anything, but most of all semantics. Give them maybe one reply to explain yourself (but do it a little better, i.e. "I'm talking about other posters, not OP") and if they still don't understand then just disable inbox replies.


thanks, well i know fully well on reddit once you get negative votes on one comment, you'll be downvoted for the entire thread regardless of what you write i dont mind reading all these snarky replies thinking they're being smart to be with the herd. it is what it is


Go be a dick in r/chess


where the f was i being a dick


Tbh, i agree with you. I don't know why people are downvoting you.


I got a brilliant castle the other day, was confused as hell and saw I could pin the queen with some moves


chess.com algorithm for brilliant move requires a sacrifice, so when you castled you probably "hung" a piece brilliant moves are despite the name in many cases not really brilliant, but are just 2-3 move tactics starting with a sacrifice imo it's just a way the website tries to hook people into regarding it as some sort if achievement to hunt for, but generally the post game review labels "brilliant, great, best" are just chess.com terms and aren't really what they mean (best is not necessarily the best move since chess is not solved nor did the engine run into enough depth)


Its a hard move to see based on your elo. A greek gift might not be brilliant to [chess.com](https://chess.com) if you are 2400 but if you were 400 or maybe 1400 they would give you the brilliant sticker.


Bro you sound like the most pretentious and insufferable person ever lmao get over yourself


After knight takes, you take with the pawn. Discovered check, king must run. King runs back, you promote to a queen. King runs forward, your rook goes to the back rank and you promote anyway in a few moves. King can't take the pawn, defended by the bishop. So you sacrifice the rook for the knight and to promote to a queen. If the king runs, there's checkmate in a few moves. chess.com says a move is brilliant if it is a sacrifice that's good for you whether or not your opponent takes it, which is true here.


This is the right explanation (as far as I can see). Basically, after Re2+, these would be the main lines: * Nxe2 fxe2+ * Ke1 Rf1+ Rxf1 exf1=Q# * Kg1 Rf1+ Kh2 Rxh1+ Kxh1 e1=Q+ and ~~white~~ black is winning * Ke3 Rf1 Rxf1 exf1=Q and ~~white~~ black is winning * Kf1 fxg2+ Kg1 Rf1+ Kh2 gxh1=Q# * Kg1 f2+ Kh2 Re1 Rxe1 fxe1=Q and ~~white~~ black is winning ​ Let me know if I missed something! (edited to correct glaring mistakes)


Ke3 after exf1=Q black is still winning but needs to get the pawn in h asap, if they fail to recognize the threat on their next move and fail to keep pressure on the king up white is winning.


My god I just now notice I wrote white is winning instead of black!!! I'll correct it. That being said, you're completely right, but white can't stop Qf6, which negates any potential defense of the pawn and threatens capture in two moves (or upon promotion). If black delays, though, and lets the game play out like h7 Qf8 b3 and then fails to capture, check, or line up on the a1-h8 diagonal, Bb2 is coming and they won't be able to stop promotion without losing the queen.


After Re2+, Kg1, you can play Rxg2# instead


The sniper bishop, that son of a gun! Nicely spotted, my friend, and a lovely checkmate!


​ https://preview.redd.it/0fe6mg17613b1.jpeg?width=1378&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd60d658a7c95eb2619bfcd8402cbbe5fe4be22c




Thank you so much for writing these out! It's hard to keep track of long lines when it's written out in English


No worries! I'm trying to get better at writing and reading notation, so it's a pleasant exercise for me as well! :)


But what if king moves e1 to stop promotion?


Which line are you referring to? In the starting position, the king can't move to e1 because of the rook on e2. If Nxe2 fxe2+ there is a line with Ke1, but yet another rook sacrifice leads to checkmate. Let me know where you were thinking about Ke1! :)


Ur right. O couldn't see the queen promotion forced mate😭😭 I can't see that far mannn


After Re2+, if Kg1, Rxg2# The rest is fine.


Yeah, mate in 3. Unless the king does g1 h2 which delays it but gives you a huge advantage of promoting to queen without a sacrifice (likely trade rooks) which gives you a chance to mate in a few more moves.


Sorry very casual player here, but I don’t understand your discovered check comment about the king. The king won’t actually be in check so can’t the queen just take the pawn?


The king is in check from the rook on f8, the pawn is protected by the bishop on b5


Oh I see. I mistook the king for a queen and the bishop on the back line for the king. Thanks!


I don't really feel like notating so here https://preview.redd.it/hbrp06sgp33b1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b69e93726d9991782dd9c2e3ab80ef09a0bda8f6 edit: i forgot last part pawn takes rook and promotes to queen and king can't take back because of bishop


What about Ke1, that move seems safe?


After Ke1, black plays Rf1+. White has no choice but to play Rxf1, black follows up with exf1 and promotes to a queen, which is mate.


Promoting to a rook is also mate but funnier so therefore the superior move.


can the king not just run to E1 and there isn't checkmate bc the rook on H1 blocks the black rook from doing anything there


And he sacrificed! The roooooook!!!!!!!


I could see king even moving to g1 (if they don’t see the knight take) and then black moving to g2 for a checkmate if I see that correctly


you sacrifice both rooks though. the king can otherwise just body the pawn


What if king e3






This one


so you dont need to get a mate for a brilliant move? what if you ultimately lose a lot of material just to get a sacrifice? sorry im still ignorant in chess


this has to be one of the most beautiful accidental moves I’ve ever seen


that bishop doing the lord's work


​ https://preview.redd.it/frxq42ep513b1.jpeg?width=1378&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30980fbf66a6aea7435e35916a61651aa6164529


Since nobody said it, I will.... *HE SACRIFICED* #DA ROOOOOOOOOOK!!!!!!!!


*ahem* # DA ROOOOOOOOK!!!!


Google Evil Crook


![gif](giphy|Lopx9eUi34rbq) THE ROOOOOOK


ya but you said it twice !!


I analyzed the image and this is what I see. Open an appropriate link below and explore the position yourself or with the engine: > **White to play**: [chess.com](https://chess.com/analysis?fen=2k2r2/ppp5/7P/1b6/8/2N2pP1/PPPPrKP1/R1B4R+w+-+-+0+1&flip=true&ref_id=23962172) | [lichess.org](https://lichess.org/analysis/2k2r2/ppp5/7P/1b6/8/2N2pP1/PPPPrKP1/R1B4R_w_-_-_0_1) **My solution:** > Hints: piece: >!Knight!<, move: >!Nxe2!< > Evaluation: >!Black is winning -6.60!< > Best continuation: >!1. Nxe2 fxe2+ 2. Ke3 Rf1 3. Rxf1 exf1=Q 4. d3 Qg1+ 5. Kd2 Qxg2+ 6. Kc3 Qc6+ 7. Kd2 Qxh6+ 8. Kc3 Qc6+!< --- ^(I'm a bot written by ) [^(u/pkacprzak )](https://www.reddit.com/u/pkacprzak) ^(| get me as ) [^(Chess eBook Reader )](https://ebook.chessvision.ai?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot) ^(|) [^(Chrome Extension )](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chessvisionai-for-chrome/johejpedmdkeiffkdaodgoipdjodhlld) ^(|) [^(iOS App )](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1574933453) ^(|) [^(Android App )](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.chessvision.scanner) ^(to scan and analyze positions | Website: ) [^(Chessvision.ai)](https://chessvision.ai)


Test 1 since I somehow can't reply to this post


No you commented 4 times lol. It’s just reddit’s problem.


Oh... Thanks for telling me.... Idk what just happened and I'm embarrassed😭


redit sometimes loses connection usually when you see "unable to post" you've already posted i don't trust that message either, copy paste my comment, and reload the page


Ree2+!! If knight takes 1. Nxe2 fxe2+, Kg1 e1=Q+ Kh2… 2. Nxe2 fxe2+, Ke1 Rff1+, Rhxf1 exf1=Q# 3. Nxe2 fxe2+ Ke3 Rff1, Rhxf1 exf1=Q… If the king runs 1. Kf1 Ree1+, Kxe1 f2+, Kd1 f1=Q+, Rhxf1 Rfxf1# 2. Kg1 Rexf2# 3. Kf1 Ree1+, Kf2 Rexh1… You can win a rook, make a queen, or win the game depending on responses from the opponent. [Edited after response correction]


This is incorrect. If the king runs to g1, it's mate with Rxf2. If the king runs to f1, and black follows with Re1, of the king takes the rook, it's a forced mate with f7+, forcing the king to d1, at which point the pawn promotes, then rook takes, rook takes, and it's mate. Edit: ignore the second part - you clarified that that would be mate


Nxe2 fxe2+ Ke1 Rf1+ Rxf1 exf1=Q#


You sacrifice the rook with that move and if he takes it he's done for


If knight takes, then you take the knight on the next move with discovered check and there is no way to stop the pawn from promoting


It appears to hang a rook to Nxe2, but after you take back with pawn, it's a discovered check, and the most instinctive move, Ke1, actually hangs M2 to Rf1+ Rxf1 exf1=Q#. If the king runs back to g1 instead, Rf1+ Kh2 and now you can promote to queen on e1 immediately and trade rooks on f1 or take the rook on h1 immediately with check and then promote with check after Kxh1 is forced. And if they run forward to e3, the next move is *still* Rf1, and they either take it with rook and you capture-promote on f1 or they don't and you promote on e1.


Maybe because this move will win you a Knight and a rook by just sacrificing a rook, inshort you'll end up with material advantage.


Because you sacrificed both the Rooooooooks 1. Knight takes e2 , 2. Pawn takes knight, revealed check 3. King stands in front of pawn . 4. Check with rook . 5.rook takes rook , Pawn takes rook ,pawn is queen. #Checkmate


hi i think it means the crown chess piece is a good one because you can almost win with it so yeah sorry i dont know that much chess it means that it is a good chess piece


Pawn takes knight check then king has to move up then pawn promotion to queen which will be safe from the rook


Horse takes rook. Pawn takes horse. King is checked. King moves near their own rook. Pawn promotes to queen. I think that might be checkmate.


If nxe2, fxe2+ ke1 rf1+ rxf1 exf1=q+


Ke3 instead of Ke1 to avoid mate


Since nobody said it, I will.... *HE SACRIFICED* #DA ROOOOOOOOOOK!!!!!!!!


And he sacrificed… THE ROOOOOK!!!!


Since nobody said it, I will.... *HE SACRIFICED* #DA ROOOOOOOOOOK!!!!!!!!




Checkmate is when it’s a players turn and their king is in check and the player has no legal moves they can use to get out of check.


Sorry sometimes I confused my terminology.


White can really only move their king to g1 or f1 as if they take the rook its still in check, same goes for if it takes the pawn, there is still another rook protecting that pawn, so anything that takes it is in line to be taken in turn.


>If they take your rook with the knight, your pawn will take their knight and your other rook is open to take the king. Taking the rook with the knight is the only option for white to come out alive and also the biggest chance to turn the game in their favor at the same. After the knight takes, the best continuation for black is the pawn taking the knight as you've said. This opens up Ke3 and suddenly black has only one move that works in their favor anymore. Which is sacrificing the other rook. Everything else you try after Ke3 ends up with white having advantage. And a little bonus: after Rf1 Rfx1 exf1=Q black still has very little moves that keep their advantage up until they've disposed of the white pawn in the h file.


Since nobody said it, I will.... *HE SACRIFICED* #DA ROOOOOOOOOOK!!!!!!!!


Since nobody said it, I will.... *HE SACRIFICED* #DA ROOOOOOOOOOK!!!!!!!!


Engine can probably, if you're already consulting it


Nxe2, fxe2+. If Ke1, Rf1+, Rxf1, exf1=Q# (bishop protecting) If Kg1, e1=Q+ If Ke3, Re8+, Rf1 will still force a queen or win the rook The hard part in most attacks is to calculate what if they don’t accept your sacrifice. They are just as important. Re2+, Kg1, Rxg2# Re2+, Kf1, fxg2+, Kg1, gxh1=R+ (underpromote to bm), Kxh1, Rf1# is checkmate


If knight captures Rook, you capture knight with a pawn thus making a check. And you cant take Rook with a king.


Because any sacrifice that makes your position better is a brilliant move in the eyes of chesscom. In this case you sacrifice the exchange to get a unstoppable passed pawn.


sacrificing the rook to create a discovered check (since white's best move is to take the rook) and then I don't think he can stop you u from promoting ur pawn since the pawn is protected by the bishop.


Knight from 100 miles away:


Because any line from here is a forced mate


Forces the knight to take, and creates a passed pawn which is protected while simultaneously putting king in check.


Is there any way at all white gets out of this one? I only see forced mates after this


Don’t see a forced mate but there is no way that pawn isn’t promoting. Best case is white trades a knight and rook for two rooks but the pawn promotes to a queen


Okay mayyybe you're out if you take with knight and you do ke3 after check


Knight takes rook, pawn takes knight, pawn is protected by bishop, king is in check by rook, king moves somewhere, rook goes to back rank if rook takes rook pawn takes rook = queen, anything else happens pawn = queen


Pawn promotion


The brilliancy is roughly defined as sacking a piece to get an advantage. Usually that means you're going to be winning material, but if you're already winning, it can mean losing material to help close the game down and secure a win. Nxe2 fxe2+. Ke3 Rf1. Rxf1 exf1Q. Now you've gone from being down a full knight into a Queen bishop vs Rook bishop endgame, plus your opponent has no developed material, and his king is exposed in the middle of the board., and you're fully developed.


If night takes rook pawn promotion is impossible to stop if king goes back still has multiple good moves with rook.


A lot of layers leading to this unstoppable promotion lmao


When the dust settles you will promote your pawn to a queen!


mate in 3!


Forced knight capture, pawn takes, king retreats to B1, pawn promotes, checkmate.


Bruh you just made an incredible rook sacrifice and don’t even see why? Haha


Knight takes rook, pawn takes knight. White in check, if white moves back it’s mate or your up material Ke1- rook back, white rook takes, promote, mate Kg1- promote than your up material and whites cornered Kg3- rook back, takes, take to promote. You gain a queen


Allows you to make a queen I believe


Damn that position is high value af


Pawn recapture eventually into queen promotion checkmate.


The knight can take your rook, so it's a sacrifice. You have forced mate with the following line: Nxe2, fxe2+, Ke1, Rf1+, Rxf1, exf1=Q# Edit: It's actually not forced mate because he doesn't have to move his king to e1, but you're completely crushing and promoting your pawn to a queen at a bare minimum.


Execellent move + sacrifice for postional advantage = Brilliant move, generally.


You get a queen out of it. Knight takes. Pawn takes. King moves to black square to block. Other rook comes up for check. White rook takes. Pawn takes and it becomes queen. Check mate if king didnt run


If you play the right moves he can’t stop you from promoting


Did you take a moment to follow what the engine said to do in your analysis?


Cause: NxE2+PxE2;KG1+PE1;KH2+RF1 You get to promote a pawn and expose the king after you sacrifice the rook for the knight. You should end with 3 more total material and a very stable offense and white with 3 less material.


you're about to be the proud new father of a queen


white king can't capture with the knight cuz it will lead to you being up a lot of material, but then you'll take a lot of pawns and maybe some back rank pieces the sacrificed rook is protected by your bishop, so knight takes rook, pawn takes knight (1 step from promotion, also a check), white king goes in front of the pawn, you sacrifice the other rook, white has to re-capture with their own rook, then you capture it with the pawn... into a rook and that's checkmate, maybe white king could run but you'll be up a queen


Knight takes the rook, pawn captures the knight. King has to move diagonally, assume it blocks the pawn in this case. Pawn is 1 away from promotion, move f8 rook to f1. Forced h1 white rook to capture, and then the pawn captures it, covered by the bishop. Promote to queen, checkmate. Assume the king moves to g1. Promote pawn to a queen, force the king to move to h2. Things get less certain there, but you now have a queen, bishop on white, and a rook, and white only has 1 functional rook and a pawn close to promotion... near your rook. Assume the king goes e3, and move the rook to f1. No check, no forced capture. If the white rook captures, promote pawn by capturing. If not, take rook anyway, then promote...


It's protected by the bishop


Sacrifices rook for a knight, but becomes "brilliant" because it creates a passed pawn.






From my inexpert opinion it looks like you're trading two rooks for a knight a rook and a queen promote, seems good to me


i have to ask.. did you actually notice the rook can be taken by the knight?


No… That was a bullet game though.


I believe u end up with a queen? knight takes, pawn takes, check, kign moves, rook to enemy back rank protected by pawn, enemy takes, pawn takes and queens, King can't take queen bc bishop protects THAT is v pretty


Nxe2, fxe2, ke1, rf1, rxf1, exf1=Q#




1. Nxe2 fxe2+ and promotion is unstoppable


Actually insane


so. if Kxb5: \*truncated


Brilliant moves are dependent upon the player’s skill level, otherwise only Grandmasters would get them. That said, this move is a very smart move. If knight takes the pawn takes with check. Ke1 hangs mate, with Rf1+, rook takes then pawn takes back for promotion to a queen. That’s not the only line, of course but it’s looking like black has an advantage despite a material disadvantage. Even if not, this rook move is likely black’s best move.






It pretty much guarantees a promotion and puts you up alot of material.


These “why is this brilliant” posts get more stupid by the day


Unstoppable promotion after knight takes.


Here is why it is a brilliant Move. Nothing else works and it offers material temporarily. White has no good response: Kg1 Rxg2# Kf1 Fxg2+ Kg1 Kxh1 = Q Kxh1 Rh1# So, both king moves lead to unstoppable checkmate. What about taking with the knight? Nxe2 Fxe2+ Now there is 3 paths from here: If Ke1 the rook, bishop and pawn create a mate starting with Rf1 where eventually there will be a black rook or queen on f1 with mate. If Kg1 it looks like you have chosen to allow promotion, getting a queen right away may not even be the best move, but it's definitely winning. It's good enough to win as the white king has poor shelter and development. There is just no counter play there for white. After E1 = Q then Kh2 Qe2 is a mean looking move. It looks like Qh5 followed up with Rf1 is mate unless white does something crazy like offering a free rook with Re1. This is a hopeless line as well. How about bravely marching forward and running out to the center with Ke3? That is immediately met with Rf1 anyways. How are you stopping e1 = Q? You are not unless you play Rxf1 and allow Exf1 = Q so that's what you play because you want less rooks on the board since your king is exposed in the middle. This is probably the best line to try to defend too. Rook and opposite bishop vs queen and opposite bishop. White has 4 extra pawns, but none are useful and they all weak and could be rounded up easily. The better you are at chess the more you would hate white's position. The h6 pawn is whites only prayer here, and it will be easily dealt with.


Because they would follow up with the knight taking, which you could then follow up by taking the knight with the pawn causing a discovered check


You end up making a queen


White has no good moves and black pawn will actually reach promotion which is also controlled by the bishop. 1. Nxe2 fxe2+ with Rf1 soon to follow and white is lost. Or: 1. Kf1 Rxg2+ (discovered check) 2. Ke1 f2+ and it's all over for white. ​ 1. Kg1 f2+ Kf1 Re1+ ditto it's \~game over.


Hi How are you Play games


did he just blunder a brilliant move 🤨


If night takes horse then you get a queen. I seem to be too used to chess if I can spell knight wrong.


I would guess because if he takes it with the knight you have a passed pawn 1 square away thats protected by the bishop? And then if he blockades with king you check with rook, he trades rooks and you queen winning the game?


there is a secret tunnel that allowed the King to go supersaiyan.


It's because you're sacrificing the knight for a winning attack.


Take the rook, you loose to a pawn. Take the pawn, you loose to a rook. You can't take anything. You must retreat. Black can win in 5 moves or less. White is cornered. Then again, the knight can save you, but black will undoubtedly take it with the pawn, also forcing to retreat.


Because you're sacrificing your rook. But yoi would get a queen out of it at worst. More likely end in mate.


Mate in a few


Because white forgot to play pawn to b4


I see mate in 3 after this.


It promotes your pawn after eating the white horse once it takes the rook giving check in that brilliant move. This reverse check on the king forcing him to move to e1 then you can check the king on the back rank and the only move is for white to recapture with his rook and you recapture with your pawn which is now on e2 and IN DOING SO, PROMOTE TO QUEEN (or rook) checkmate!


1. Nxe2 fxe2+ ( 2. Kg1 Rf1#) 2. Ke1 Rf1+ 3. Rxf1 exf1=Q# either way, checkmate is certain... in 2 or 3 moves


1) Kf1 fxg2+ Kg1 Rf1+ Kh2 gxh1++ 2) Kg1 Rxg2++ 3)Nxe2 fxe2+ K moves Rf1 and the pawn queens


You just flexing, aren’t you


Re2+ is a forced win for black. The pawn will promote, or white will get checkmated. For example: 1… , Re2+ 2. Nxe2, fxe2+ (rook hits king, bishop defends pawn) 3. Ke1, Rf1+ (king tries to block pawn, rook check leaves one legal move for white) 4. Rxf1, exf1=R# (underpromote for stylish checkmate) OR: 3. Kg1, Rf5 (hard to find in between move here, Rf5 sets up unstoppable checkmate in 2. No matter what move white plays, (4… , e1=R+) is unstoppable. Kh2 is forced, followed by Rh5#. 4. Kh2 only prevents style points. (4. Kh2, Rh5+. 5. Kg1, e1=Q#) note that a rook doesn’t checkmate now, because the f file is no longer covered after Rh5) Alternatively, white can move the king instead of taking the rook. 1… , Re2+ 2. Kf1, fxg2+ (rook and pawn hit king, rook on e2 defends pawn and bishop defends rook) 3. Kg1, Rf1+ 4. Kh2, gxh1=R# (underpromote for stylish checkmate) So on and so forth. You get the idea, black is winning by force. The only lines that don’t get white checkmated is in the first variation: 3. Ke3, Rf1 4. Rxf1, exf1=Q Now you are up a Queen for a rook, will feast on whites pawns, and will mercilessly hunt whites king into the center of the board like a tar feathered shame parade.


Because white will instinctively respond with NxR, but then: PxN+, Ke1 f8-f1+, Rxf1 PxR, promote to Q and mate. Sorry if my notation sucks. It's been a while.


Alternatively: Kg1 won't work because Rxg2 mate. Alternatively: Kf1, Pxg2+ Kg1, Rf1+ Kh2, PxR promote to Q and mate.


The bishop is the beauty, but the pawn is so dangerous if it becomes queen


u/Formal_Consequence85 you should post the full game and hope it gets picked up on YouTube. Great move.


If knight takes pawn takes with discovered check from the rook, if the white King then retraits to the backrank Rf1 forces Rxf1 and then you can promote to à Queen with check


It wins by either checkmate or allows promotion of pawn to a queen.


It forces a cascade of moves that win black a new Queen. I would have personally used the Bishop instead of the Rook, to ensure that the white King evades the check in the right direction.


If white takes pawn then rook mates


I mean unless you screw up bad the next 3 moves are basically set


that is a very fancy check mate coming up and you should be proud if you manage to pull it off


Because they only have two possible moves and either way, Rxg2 is mate.


No matter what the opponent does, that pawn is going to krump them.


After you take the pawn on g2 with you’re pawn the king will go to g1 and then rook to f1 checkmate


That pawn is 100% getting promoted, thats why


Knight takes, pawn takes with discovered check from rook, king moves behind the pawn, rook checks with support from pawn, rook takes, pawn takes back and promotes to queen. Checkmate.


because you found a smart mate in 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if the knight doesnt capture your rook though


In analysis there is a "show moves button", check there.


Take knight with check then threaten promotion


It sacs the rook because the knight can take it


Probably because you get a godlike pawn on e2, and with the Bishop guarding, white’s position might have to stay frantically defending against promotion