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Replace it with the four stars of the Chicago flag. That’s my vote.


Absolutely. The placement of the sign is genius. That 45 degree angle, you can see it from the LSD bridge over the river, you can see it down the street canyon from 16th street. Needs to be light art, eventually, and I think the stars would be wonderful there.


No…and here’s why. The architect who designed the building built it so that each tower - the Trump Tower is actually three towers of various heights - was at the same height as a surrounding building - something one can notice at various angles of view, both at ground level and at higher elevations. This design allows the building to fit in the skyline, and not just dominate it. When Trump put his name up, positioned as it is on the building, and with the particular height and width of the letters, he did two things. 1. He showed his unmistakable narcissism and vanity, and 2. most notably, he ruined the visual lines of the building. Now, instead of one’s eyes being able to pan up and along the lines of the building, taking in its character and how it fits - and yes, it does fit in well - our eyes are abruptly stopped at those enormous letters, detracting from the visual marvel of not just the tower, but also the surrounding buildings. To just replace his name with some other eye arresting decoration would be committing the same architectural sin.


Three towers you say? Then we shall have to use the Malört logo. It only has 3 stars.




It would arguably be a lesser sin, since it would still ruin the intent of the architect but it would do so in a much less disgusting manner


Ah, very Catholic of you. Yes, not a mortal sin, which condemns the city to the horrors of an eternity in hell. No, merely a venial sin, one which can be absolved with some time in purgatory; or, perhaps, some indulgences. A few times around the rosary, say, with a couple of “Our Fathers” thrown in, just for good measure. However, I would rather avoid the sin altogether, and the subsequent indulgences, ‘twas possibly.


are you from the 1400's? indulgences aren't a thing anymore, and haven't been since the mid 1500s...


Yeah nowadays you just buy pardons from the president


Those are only for sins against the nation.


I have seen prayer books from the 1920s through the 1950s which list the indulgences to be earned from each prayer. What changed after the Protestant Reformation is the selling of indulgences.


Fjfkdldldld i love their sin math. If I do two bad things now but three good things later, I TRICKED GOD! 😂


Technically one doesn’t trick god. If you’re not sincere in the act of contrition, your penance and indulgence are just empty gestures, and you are still in a state of sin.


Well said


This is the correct answer. And even worse, the kerning was all messed up. (I think it's since been corrected.) So when the name was first put up, it looked something more like "T R U MP" I will be celebrating in the streets when these letters finally come down from an otherwise beautiful building.


Kind of like a rude, territorial dog that comes along and pisses on one’s leg, and now everybody sees it and can’t look away.


Did Trump pick the position of the name? My understanding was that he merely licensed his name to the building and that he never owned it.


Trump owns the trump towers in NYC, Chicago, and Las Vegas


“Owns” in the sense we don’t know how much debt trump is carrying secured on the building and it’s financing / tax losses trump claimed are the subject of a fraud investigation https://www.propublica.org/article/trump-irs-audit-chicago-hotel-taxes


The Trump organization owns them, until at some time in the future they sell them, or liquidate their control because of legal action or coercion by debt holders.


You can see that damn sign allll the way down Wabash and it’s the biggest buzzkill


Also pretty prominent on the boat tours


My vote was just take it down and let the building do the talking, but I love this.


>Replace the four stars of the Chicago flag with a rat indent. That's my vote. That'll do.


this made me laugh out loud


That's actually such an iconic idea. The tower is already cool minus the sign, but it would make it much more recognizable and significant nationwide, imo.


This is a great idea!!


Wow this is the best idea I’ve heard in a long time. Love it.


And make them rainbow colored


A convicted felon with his name on things wouldn't be a first. There are plenty of those in Chicago/Illinois.


After every governor of illinois, they’re suddenly shocked


I mean we have the Balbo Monument and Balbo Avenue named after Italo Balbo. >a leader of the Blackshirts, the paramilitary wing of Italy’s National Fascist Party, who later became Mussolini’s air commander and governor of colonized Libya And everyone is cool with it, and he didn't buy the building, we just kind of honored him


Why do we enshrine him here?


He did a big transatlantic flight from Rome to Chicago with a bunch of Italian seaplanes for the Century of Progress Worlds Fair in 1933. Aviation was still in its nascency and few people had seen formation flights of that scale, so millions of people came out to watch (for context, only 28 of 78 attempts to fly across the North Atlantic had been successful to that point, and all of those had been individual planes, not formations) Balbo received many honors, not just in Chicago. For instance, FDR awarded him the Distinguished Flying Cross. He was also well-received by Italian-Americans, who were still facing widespread discrimination at that point. He also died before America entered the war so I’m not sure there was big push to rename the street at the time. I am firmly in the camp of “rename the street named after a literal fascist” but I understand the thinking at the time. Just rename it for Fermi or something


Kind of like Lindbergh. He did some cool stuff with aviation so he's considered a hero even though he was a nazi.


Really interesting, I didn't know about this before! [Wikipedia entry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decennial_Air_Cruise#)


Name it after Obama. It’s nothing but presidents for those blocks anyway, and he’s from Chicago for beef’s sake.


I think he flew over the Atlantic to Chicago? And Mussolini donated a Roman column that is still there for the occasion. I think it was more a diplomatic move for Italian Americans to feel relevant and fascist government to project influence abroad.


Everyone is cool with it? I just think nobody knows anything about it. Fuck that take it down lol


There was a proposal a few years ago to rename Balbo Drive because of the above reasons. A group of Italians didn't like that and stopped that proposal. But council wanted to feel like they were still doing something and had a one track mind on renaming a street and so then decided to rename Congress Avenue to Iba B Wells with the claim that that was somehow a happy middle ground that made everybody happy. Background article: https://chicago.curbed.com/2018/7/30/17624010/congress-parkway-ida-b-wells


And all the Columbus shit. Italians really need better heroes.


Guglielmo Marconi! And yes of course Marisa Tomei.


Amerigo Vespucci cmon now!


tony soprano


it's a me Mario!


Frank Sinatra, Enrico Fermi, are two off the top of my head. We're only naming these things post mortem right? Otherwise Marisa Tomei comes to mind because of My Cousin Vinny because of court because....


One hundred percent down with replacing all Columbus statues with Marisa Tomei from My Cousin Vinny


Gotta love how we had a campaign to get rid of these problematic street names but now years later both streets are the same but we have an intersection of Wells and Wells and now Lake Shore Drive is 9 syllables long




That’s a little racist to call two Italian men from different eras “Columbus shit”


Blows my mind that Congress got changed to Ida B. Wells instead of Balbo. Like, c'mon, let's kill two birds with one stone here


Well in 1946 they tried >That the city of Chicago honors a man who organized thug squads and helped bring Mussolini to power and keep him there is, at best, a gross anomaly and, at worst, a moral outrage https://www.chicagomag.com/Chicago-Magazine/August-2008/Dubious-Legacy/ Tried in 2011 https://www.chicagotribune.com/2011/06/27/naming-wrongs-rename-balbo-drive/ And 2018 https://abc7chicago.com/balbo-drive-ida-b-wells-chicago-streets-street-renamed/3513643/ I honestly just think it's funny ever time I watch the Fugative and they stop at the fictitious Balbo L stop that the moral outrage of pulling down the Columbus statue was there, when we have a monument and street named after an actual fascist and no one really seems to be upset with it.


I mean change that too


It depends on the contract that got his name put up there. I believe it's sort of a franchise agreement that's been hard to back out of.


Well the Trump Organization owns the building so… probably not as hard as you might think. Or impossible, depending on your point of view.


Do they own the building? It was my understanding that Trump actually owned very few of the Trump Towers and that most of them are subject to naming/branding deals that also give Trump favorable terms on leases in the buildings. I could have sworn that Trump doesn’t actually own Trump Tower Chicago


You are correct but he does own the NYC, Chicago, and Vegas one. Unfortunately I believe that makes it harder to get rid of his sign. But maybe there can be something done with all the tax avoidance, illegal dumping, and bribes done by the owners of the building.


I don't see how he's going to pay the half billion he already owes without selling his crap.


I don’t want a felon sign, that’s for sure.


Maybe we could add a word to include his next honorific, "Inmate Trump".


All they have to do is pass an ordinance. It would take a fraction of the time/effort as say...building a new NFL stadium on the lakefront


You can’t have selective enforcement though - Trump is a brand name. You’d have to enforce it on Hyatt, Marriott, etc (source: I’m an ex-exec for a major hotel chain that dealt with city compliance a lot)


you could have an ordinance barring convicted felons from putting up their name up on a building over of a specific size though? It wouldn’t be selective enforcement, just a very tailored ordinance, but idk


But good luck convincing a judge that an ordinance tailored so that it can only apply to one person isn't intended to target that one person. Eyesore of a sign, worse of a person, but a layup of a free-speech case.


Creative. I like it.


Yeah, I'll admit it's something I don't really care to follow more than I have already. There are condos there. It's not true the convict owns everything. But my understanding is the condo board discussed getting rid of the name since they were having trouble selling units. But prior agreements prevented them from doing that without litigation. Maybe they're in a stronger position today.


I also recall learning this a while back


Mayor Daley sent bulldozers to close Meigs Field in the middle of the night. Surely something similar could be done here...


And Burge had an amazing record for getting suspects to confess. I hate the sign, but I'm not the one to talk to for making... arrangements.


This. The name will be up there until the building is sold someone because the current owners can't stop bleeding money for lack of residents, or at least they stop licensing his name. Honestly, I'd love for the city to pass an ordinance banning any prominent lettering on the skyline/river to prevent this from happening again with someone else. I don't want to see any vainglorious idiot's name in giant letters on that river view.


Sign will only come down if it isn't owned by trump or a trump loyalist. Being a felon doesn't stop someone from doing businessnand advertising.


Ask Mike Lindell


We put Daley’s name on buildings despite his involvement in a white street gang that participated in a race riot so the bar is already very low


Seriously, I dont know my Chicago history as well as most, but I highly doubt his is the only problematic name on a Chicago building


It's actually okay to be like "I don't like this piece of shit's name on my city" without being expected to meticulously research every historical piece of shit. But mainly Daley's name is not in GIANT FUCKING LETTERS visible from blocks away. I could care less that it's the Trump building. I hate seeing any stupid name on the skyline from that far away.


Balbo Dr/Monument would like a word lol


This is America. We put slavers on the currency.


If you want to go one step further, Andrew Jackson made lamp shades and bridle reins out of Native American skin from some of his many massacres. Think about that the next time you whip out a $20.


They were gonna replace Jackson with Harriet Tubman but then Trump got elected and no way that racist ass was gonna remove one of his heroes.


You aren't even exaggerating. Andrew Jackson really is one of Trump's heroes in American history. it's like Trump is going through life on his evil RPG playthrough picking all the troll responses


Oh my! A felon you say! Man, this is Chicago. Half of our governors have been convicted felons in my lifetime, and a lot of the aldermen and mayors should have been. You're in a city that was practically rebuilt by bootlegging and a whole bunch of our most well known citizens are convicted felons. When I was in Ukraine last year, people would say "Chicago the criminal city" and pantomime the Tommy gun gesture when I told them where I was from. We're famous for felonies around the world. If we start purging the city of felonious landmarks, it would eliminate a lot of the walking tours. Let's not clutch our pearls and pretend that we're aghast at corruption. We can take his name off the building, but let's do it for the right reasons. Because Trump is an asshole.


Don't forget the speaker of the House and the chairman of the House ways and means committee and Jesse Jackson's kid...damn the list is long [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Illinois\_politicians\_convicted\_of\_crimes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Illinois_politicians_convicted_of_crimes)


Replace it with Rod Blagojevich


They'd have to put that name on the tower vertically.. lmao


One of my favorite things about this city is the unanimity around the idea that that fucking thing is a blight.


I actually really like the architecture of the building, just that giant name is such an eyesore


It'll be a fucking parade when it happens. Dye the river orange.


this also made me laugh out loud


Just on Reddit - wait till he has a rally you’ll see who lives around you


He'll never rally here. We scared him away once and we'll do it again.


Except he had one (ONE!) in 2016 and it was a mess. Sparsely attended, tons of fights broke out & he didn’t even go on stage. No reason to believe one today would be any different.


As much as this depresses me, you're probably right.


Is it? Last time he had a rally scheduled here didn’t he cancel it because of the tons of protests?


Yes, scheduled at UIC but canceled


Nah, I saw his rallies and counter protestors, there’s like 20 hardcore Trump supporters in the whole city


And 19 of them are CPD.


I'm sure there are plenty in the suburbs and the rural areas around Chicago who would come into the city if Trump came, though. Random anecdote but I was walking down Broadway in Boystown with a friend back in December at like 2:40am and some redneck in a big lifted white pickup truck and he stopped at a light and yelled at us "Are you guys f\*\*\*\*ts?". Didn't feel threatened really, he drove away pretty quickly, but that stuff still can happen in the city, I just assume this guy came from outside the city. He was looking for trouble driving through Boystown at 2:40am though.


It goes without saying but fuck that guy, man.


There's dozens of them!! Dozens!


I would give up every single sign in the city if it meant getting rid of that


This question will always be asked and if you think the answer could ever be yes then you’re in for disappointment 🤷‍♂️


wait until you find out about Balbo Drive


Shh... only paying attention to *current* news cycle.


Considering there’s still a street named Balbo, Columbus, and Cermak, I dont think the city cares much about criminality


what did Cermak do other than getting shot by the mob?


You have to call him a justice-impacted individual now. Sorry, I didn't make the rules.


Just take the T down and I'd be happy.


take down the p, too and open up a trader vic's.


Take down all letters except for P


Remember when the M was out for like ever?


Maybe he’ll sell the naming rights for legal fees


Let's just take it down as a town.


Genuinely unsure why no one’s tried this yet, it seems like the batshit Chicago thing to attempt


Because it would require cranes and demolition and you’d have giant industrial letter structures falling to the Earth. You can’t just climb up a ladder and unhook them.


Well, have you tried?? When has a little no-permit construction gotten in the way of Chicagoans and our dreams?


I think the most you’d get if you actually got a Meetup together to really try is a bunch of people on the ground trying to throw rocks at it and maybe one or two that somehow get out on top of the sign and then quickly go back inside when their fear of heights kicks in or their Malort shots wear off.


Trump tower was built with an EZ permit -I swear to god we are only replacing 3 sheets of drywall.


They managed to bulldoze Meigs Field in the middle of the night.


The mayor bulldozed Meigs, not a bunch of agitated redditors. Also it was on a horizontal plane.


Oh, yes, but it's fun to think about.


Security is tight, you'd need a lot of people in on it


Sounds like the opening line of a heist movie


There are almost 3 million of us!!


Im in


Vibrators around the city would get a well-deserved night off when that word is finally removed from that building


Felons don't have first amendment rights?


Hate to break it to you, but Trump owns the building…


It was tried a few years ago and the sign meets city requirements as it is. There’s no rule saying a privately owned building must remove a sign because the sign bears the name of a convicted felon.


I care more about the criminals walking around with ski masks, smoking on the El, robberies, etc , than a sign of our previous president... To each their own 


I mean that isn't new for this city lol


The city is plagued by many convicted felons


Imagine caring about this


One has nothing to do with the other. Trump owns the building. He still owns the building. That won't change unless he sells the building. Any law they pass to try to get the sign removed will be sued into oblivion. See Martha Stewart for recent references. \[EDIT\] And for those that think he doesn't own the building, see the following: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump\_International\_Hotel#:\~:text=Three%20buildings%20are%20named%20Trump,Trump%20International%20Hotel%20Las%20Vegas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_International_Hotel#:~:text=Three%20buildings%20are%20named%20Trump,Trump%20International%20Hotel%20Las%20Vegas) - Three buildings are named Trump Hotels and are owned/operated by the Trump organization: Trump International Hotel and Tower (Chicago) Trump International Hotel and Tower (New York City) Trump International Hotel Las Vegas https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Trump\_Organization#:\~:text=The%20Trump%20Organization%20is%20an,subsidiaries%20using%20the%20Trump%20name. - The Trump Organization is an American privately-owned conglomerate owned by Donald Trump. It serves as the holding company for all of Trump's business ventures and investments, with around 250 of its affiliates and subsidiaries using the Trump name. So he owns the company that owns the building. Therefore, by the transitive property, he owns the building. Sheesh!


He doesn't actually own the building though ... But yeah everything else you said is correct.


He does own it.


"He," Donald Trump, the individual, does not own it.


He owns the company that owns it. Semantics.


we could totally get that sign into the river on an early Sunday morning


*Sad Meigs Field noises...*


Where’s Daley when we could actually use him


He would have the balls to do it


I like your moxie, kid. Apropos of nothing: I have a really good socket wrench set and a bunch of other tools. For redecorating purposes.


Tour the parking garage for connection details.


Sunday morning? Try tonight at 6pm, nobody will be in the Loop on a Thursday evening lol


He doesn't own the building. You shouldn't be this confident on something so clearly incorrect.


Who does?


Deutsche Bank aka Russia


This case will be appealed. Let’s wait and see what happens!!




I haven't forgot about the child molesting Speaker of the House.


TDS is absolutely real


The first step is admitting you have a problem. Now get help and seek atonement.


There is already a law on the books in Chicago against putting letters up this large on a building, so no.


Why would it come down? Am I missing something?


Being a criminal is practically a requirement for high political office in Chicago/illinois, so I doubt it makes any difference. But to answer your question seriously, no, it’s not going to impact his name on the building at all since they arent tied together. The only way to get rid of the sign is for the building ownership to decide to or for someone to buy the building


34 for 34...lol. all cause his dumb ass barebacked a pornstar


My understanding was more or less doing the same thing 34 times. There were a few instances where there was a little more or a little less evidence, but it was mostly likely going to be all or nothing.


You'd think what is arguably the largest criminal case in US history would inspire people to figure out how criminal cases actually work. Yeah, it's no shocker that all 34 counts were consistent when each count was basically representative of a different piece of paper signed.


Another month, another post about these 5 letters on r/chicago. Rent free.


If you think this conviction sticks through appeals in a non-NYC court, I’ve got beach front property in Iowa to sell you.


Piss off he owns the building dip shit


Replace it with a billboard of Biden taking a shower with his daughter ! Or Maybe a poster of Hillary and Obama drinking wine and laughing as brave men died in Benghazi


Johnson should go Full Daley and have city workers rip it down overnight. He might actually gain some popularity.


Plagued? Yes, how will CHICAGO deal with a singular building's association with 1 criminal. IN ALL OF ITS HISTORY. Yes, won't someone please think of the children.


If you hated felons you wouldn't live in Chicago, you don't hate the fact that he's a felon you just hate him as a person and this justifies your feelings.


There is no reason to remove it. It’s not a public building. The city has no say nor do the citizens. Please stop wasting your time and energy on it. That’s the best thing you can do. There are far worse things going on in the city than 5 letters on a building. It really doesn’t matter either. It’s a hotel brand, it’s not different than Marriott. I promise the owners/Executives of similar companies do the same shady/illegal shit.


I vote to rename it Justice Impacted Individual Tower


Why would it get taken down? Half the city is damn near felons lmao


Gosh, we may have convicted felon as President. Forget about stupid sign.


I don't know about you, but I can pay attention to and care about more than one thing at a time.


Look at this genius over here!


Hold up. I'm not saying I'd complain but isn't this the same town that deifies people like Al Capone? There are tours dedicated to crime so why draw the line at Trump?


I was having drinks at LondonHouse on their rooftop and I was like damn you can't really get a good picture without this man's name...


Who cares. Our city is a mess. 


hey now I just moved here and I like it >:(


Let's replace it with Biden, then turn it into a home for people with dementia. Biden will get the first room free!


Thought the trump org only owned the hotel area and naming rights? There was a solid article awhile ago on precisely how little he actually owns


If he sells it no way new owners will ever keep the name…trump brand is being hurt by his own actions.


I've always wished the t and p would magically fall off


the amount Nazi-esque bootlicking in this thread and in r/chicago as a whole defending a felon, rapist, white supremacist, conman traitor trust-fund bitch is fairly sad and pathetic. So many kids with no father figures growing up it seems :/


IDK but that tower needs to be razed. It looks like a giant glass dildo.


Support the Felon Building Sign Removal Act. (FBSRA) #felonsignremoval