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Maybe we can sign Dwyane Wade too!




WOW what a blockbuster that would be! Oh wait it’s 2024


If the Bulls were to ever sign Chris Paul, I'm out. Fuck that dork.


I'll always be a fan like I have my whole life but if we get Paul I'm not watching. He's my least favorite player in the NBA and I've hated him since he was at Wake Forest.


There’s a 5 minute video on YT of him Intentionally hitting dudes in the nuts


I can't fucking stand Chris Paul, that said I wish they would sign him. It guarantees that chode never wins a chip.


This Kendrick Lamar levels of hating 🤣


Hate to tell you. But he is Cobys workout buddy and mentor. Not that it means anything, and ya CP is a total DBag.


Yeah it would be good for Coby, he could get that SGA type mentorship but I really don’t want CP3 here tbh


Agreed but the Bulls haven’t had a true PG since Lonzo went down. We’re a completely different team with a pass first PG. However if we trade Vuc our spacing is going to be complete garbage


Our spacing is already garbage. Vooch was one of if not the worst shooting bigs this season and nearly anybody we replace him with would be better on the defensive end. Which is a bigger need imo


Did you just say "If we trade Vuc our spacing is going to be complete garbage"? The guy who shoots sub 30% from 3 on mostly wide-open top of key 3s...? What are you even talking about lol


You know nothing about basketball lol


Im not the one claiming how a poor 3 point shooter is going to mess up our spacing. Maybe you're just over-analyzing something that is really simple, which is....bad shooters do not help with spacing. Go back and watch the games...you can see how open they leave Vuc...


Vucevic had the most wide open 3s in the league by far this year lol defenders do not care about him on the 3 point line and he still shoots only 29%


I know it’s been a while, but Lonzo was never a “true point guard”. He was great at facilitating the break, made excellent passes down court, really had an A+ vision when passing out of a defensive rebound, but he lacked creativity and true point guard skills in the half court. This isn’t to say he wasn’t solid, but his true craft was playing uptempo and getting out on the break while trailing for an open three.


cya, i fuckin love him


CP3? Blockbuster as in Blockbuster Video current level of relevance.


I mean the only way this might, and that's a big *might* make sense is in a Vooch trade. CP3's deal isn't guarantied so if he is traded only part of it has to be paid. The Warriors apparently want Vooch, why I don't know, and so we get off Vooch's money, get CP3 as a bench guy/mentor for Ayo and Coby and as the back-up when Lonzo can't play, which will be very often. Lonzo is at best going to be coming off the bench, can't likely go for more than 15 minutes a night, and isn't going to be allowed to play back to backs. You're going to need a guy. I assume this trade also includes AC for several Warriors picks just because that's also apparently a big deal for the Warriors. Again this is unlikely but it's the only way such a trade makes sense.


This article is fucking garbage. Some guy at NBC Sports Chicago writes a filler article about an unsubstantiated take that some other guy at ESPN made in another filler article. *"Maybe a point guard whose name you probably recognise because he used to be good will sign with a big market team that happens to need a point guard, or not? A guy who gets paid more than me to write for ESPN speculates that it might happen for reasons, however no one from the actual Bulls front office has given any indication that this is the case."* Must be nice to get paid for writing this shit.


> The Warriors apparently want Vooch, why I don't know Kevon Looney's body only held up until that title run. They need just an *okay to decent* body at center, his 20m isn't bad at all in 2024 for a starting+mostly always healthy and available center ++ they probably feel like they can get his 3 ball back to a nice 37/38% on their team (Considering everyone who leaves us shines it's a really good bet,)


The Warriors also make everyone shoot the shit out of the ball. The fact Vucevic already has a few seasons doing it I'm sure is gonna help. I'd put good money Vucevic shoots 37-38% if he went to the Warriors.


If this fucking bum balls out after being the worlds tallest bricklayer for us...


Between this guys Napoleon complex and Lonzo literally turning into Frankenstein why the fuck is PG a priority when White improved dramatically as the starting PG? Chris Paul couldn't do shit with the Warriors why would he all of a sudden make a depleted bulls roster better as he's already washed? Just blow it up already and build a young squad that will compete and the city can be proud of. I'm tired of mediocrity and winning enough games to fuck us out of a top lottery pick. The tanking should have started 3 years ago if not sooner.


To be fair, this article is just some guy's opinion saying the Bulls should sign CP3, not a report that the front office is looking into it. Terrible take either way, the article argues the Bulls need someone to split time with Lonzo as he eases back in and doesn't even mention Coby White, our current starting point guard?


Also, why would Chris Paul want to play here at the end of his career? Nothing about this makes sense for either party


Money probably


Also, we don’t really have cap space to sign CP3 anyway without paying tax. So I highly doubt this happens. But maybe AK gets creative. I am not holding my breath.


Agreed clearly this guy Ryan Taylor has no fucking clue what he's writing about.


This guy just asked chatgpt to write about a possible trade and published it


Aren’t he and Coby really close? Coby used to play on CP3’s AAU team. He might want to come here and mentor Coby some more. Also money. Those would be the two reasons.


Mentor how? CP3 has never won a championship because of his little man syndrome. He's labeled as one of the toughest guys in the league to referee because he's an asshole.


He’s going to be a first ballot Hall of Famer. I get that he’s not likable, but if you think there’s nothing he can teach young players, I don’t know what to tell you. Whether or not that’s worth a roster spot, the minutes he’ll take away from someone else, and whatever salary he’ll demand is another discussion.


Yes! There are a couple young guys to keep around but the focus needs to be getting draft picks and building this team


40 year old chris paul is not going to affect our chances of making the top 6 seeds. I do however, think the golden state warriors are a good trade partner for us. Especially if we are looking to tank (which i doubt the FO is). But even still, i think the warriors would be interested in zach lavine given the fall of klay thompson.


~~Quick someone convince them that Vooch could be their new Bogut! Except without the toughness or defense. Yeah.. that isn't gonna work.. fuck.~~ Quick someone convince them that Vooch could be their new Mo Speights! Except he shoots sub 30% from 3


Granted he'll probably start shooting well again as soon as we trade him to another team.


I’ll be honest, vooch’s percentage was terrible this year, but man he hit some hella clutch threes for us this year. I dont know whats going on with his shooting, but i have no doubt that with the right coaches and training he could get back to shooting well


Freaken hope not. Still waiting for vuc to be replaced not Coby of all ppl. This year is the final year I'm putting the eggs in the basket for paw also. He has to show up this year it's been too long watching him just letting others go to work


I truly believe it doesn't matter what they do. The team will be in hell forever. It's what Jerry wants. Middle of the road guarantees "meaningful games" at the end of the season so he can lead the league in attendance again.


It's mind boggling that he gets to profit off delivering a piss poor product year in year out. A far cry from fire GARPAX yet nothing has changed. All the team had to do was hand the keys over to Jimmy Butler and make him the face.


He let garpax take the fall for his disinterest in actually competing. Also i probably will never get over the Jimmy trade


There's no way we sign CP3.


Hell no


Blockbuster CP3? In the year of 2024?


Continuity + 8 year behind the curve / IDGAF ownership x yearly revenue = takes like this


The bulls are gonna run a full 5 guard line up. Or 4 guards and vooch. Horrible.


So lonzo to a 4 year deal in bullspeak.




Why do we need a point guard if Lonzo ball is truly back? And maybe Ayo becomes the guard we've always been looking for? Keeps getting better every year.


Yeah that's just what we need a 40 year old injury prone point guard. Yep. BRILLIANT.


It doesn’t take a professional analyst to see that there is a BALL sized hole in the Bulls roster.


Why the hell do we even have to hear things like this, especially from the homer based NBCS Chicago? I mean who cares. Paul is washed up, he is 40yrs old and has been injured by the end of the season/playoffs almost every year in recent memory. I would sign him for the vets min and no more. Most NBA GMs have to be the worst managers in the entire world. They are stupid and apparently easily lured by old players living on their former glory. Look at all the 'star' laden teams in the west that got flushed early in this year's playoffs. GSW, Lakers, Clippers and Phoenix are all teams in the luxury tax with many high payed old guys that fell apart or couldn't get past the teams with either good rosters of young guys or guys in their prime. We need to continue with the youth movement. Coby an Ayo both made big leaps last year and are shooting the 3 well and playing both sides of the floor. Pat still has promise, he is very young and we have all seen flashes. He needs to be starting at SF as he is not a PF, his is a big wing most likely suited to being a 3 and D guy. If we could get a good PF that gives us rim protection and can switch on D then keeping Vuch wouldn't be that bad. Its like this FO is stupid and so is the Chicago press. We need athletic size and 3pt shooting. Sure a pass first PG would be nice but not a washed up guy at 30M. I would love to swap out either Debo or Zach for Mitchel, I have always admired the tanacity he plays with and also really like Jared Jones JR....I am lucky enough to have been in my 20s during the dynasty years and saw it all.....but being a Bulls fan now is just wearing me out.


We could use a 6’-6” PG with Chris Paul skills, but not sure he exists. Coby is fine for now but that’s not our issue. We need a rebounder with great put-back skills.


Signing doesn’t make sense. Maybe they want to trade for someone like Trae Young.


Blockbuster is way too strong of a word here.


that title is doing some fuckin heavy heavy lifting


its gonna be kendrick nunn isnt it?


Oh hell yeah another declining star on a short contract? That has always worked!


3 Alphas 2.0


I understand we are worried about blocking minutes for Coby and ayo. But I think this makes sense. The bulls need somebody that aligns their offense to more or less force vuc and demar into the roles the bulls want them in. Neither coby nor ayo are that guy, Coby is more your traditional combo guard


The bulls have zero franchise players on the roster that you can build a championship team ...period. Demar and Zach should have been traded long ago they are complimentary pieces at best. The bulls will be in 4th place in the central for quite some time unless they make dramatic changes to get younger. The Bucks had an off year ...the Greek isn't going anywhere... the Cavs are young and hungry,... Pacers are a complete team on the rise also with youth on their side. The bulls just don't have the infrastructure to make smart strategic decisions that position them to go after generational talents like wemby who they can build around.


I was in on getting a point guard. I like Coby and Ayo but I'm not sure they can match the Kyrie, Jacob, Luka, Jamal Murray, Jrue Holiday, etc of NBA point guards. Throwing out a washed up player like CP3 is a hard no from me.


Josh Giddy. Blockbuster. 😅