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At least it’s something new I guess


Yeah that’s what I’m banking on. I get to see something different than the last 3 years. I’m here watching Giddey highlight and I don’t get the *it* factor from him at all. His shot mechanics look wonky as a mf. When he dribbles he looks like the 50 year old dude at the Y that used to play D1 who has no athleticism but knows how to pick his spots, and while he does have upside as a great passer, his best assists never seem to happen while he’s in motion. He comes to a standstill before passing the ball. Strange player I won’t lie


His upside is all in his BBIQ and court vision. He always makes a good decision. The catch is right now if the decision is to shoot the execution is inconsistent. That said his shooting % has improved year after year and he was 80% from the line last season.


Yuppp. Shooting mechanics can be tweaked and improved with practice. His IQ and court vision can’t be taught


His shot got better this last year and mainly after the whole young girl thing died down. He also had chip England working with him on his shot. I think the whole minor thing messed with his head. He’s what Ben Simmons should be minus defense. Sometimes he just doesn’t try to box out or play defense and that’s what hurt us (okc) in playing him late in games. He’s a great facilitator and he’s 21 with 3 years of experience. I think he still has upside just plays a boring game at times.


I’m fine with boring tbh as long as he’s effective. We haven’t had an actual starter quality lead guard with playmaking abilities in awhile. I’m hoping he can continue his upward trajectory here


I agree. 21 years old. Triple double threat. Point forward. The universal consensus was that he really needed to find a new team since he was basically stuck behind a literal MVP candidate. He averaged like 20/8/6 without SGA and he was just a top 25 player under 25. Giddey can be a star. Sure we probably should’ve gotten a draft pick, but this kid has a very high ceiling and I’m excited to see him get the green light here. If we can fix his shooting, he’ll be a monster.


the good thing is giddey is excited to be here similar to lauri in utah. i could see him retiring as a bull since he revived his career. being benched is a disgrace he will never forget.


Thunder Fan. It broke my heart to see him benched. Unfortunately he just had an off season due to his off court drama. I honestly think he is going to do wonders in Chicago and I can't wait to see it! He's a monster when he's the primary playmaker. Also, I know losing Caruso was hard but I can guarantee you the OKC Fanbase is going to treat him with love and respect! He seems like he really gives it his all and that's really awesome and exciting!


As a thunder fan, I’m all for Giddey becoming the next Harden aka young promising player traded because of a poor series but came back the next season like an Allstar.


Harden got traded because of a bad series? I thought it was because of financial differences.


Presti picked Ibaka over him lol


More like his owner did not want to pay luxury tax


Well his multi billion company was exploding and then he drove his lambo into a concrete overpass so I don’t think he was thinking much about James fuckin harden lol.


This a little bit off. Aubrey McClendon drove his 2013 Chevy Tahoe into a bridge in 2016 and the Harden trade was in 2012. Regardless, it was a dumb move from the OKC ownership to financially tie the hands of Presti. Especially given that the luxury tax changes made the decision much less impactful.


He got exposed in the finals but the dude was balling all year. Ownership didn’t want to give him the max as well


At no point has Giddey looked anywhere near as promising as OKC Harden


that’s not why harden got traded


it is way too early to be calling him to retire in chicago


*21 and hasn’t played a game* I could see him retiring as a bull


I'm with you. Caruso is a luxury for a serious team. We need to create more minutes for guys who can level up just like Coby did this year. Enough with this .500 ball. We need young guys who have a puncher's chance of being an all-star one day.


Maybe we could have gotten multiple picks on the deadline. We don't know if that is still available this offseason. Then there is the question of how high the pick/s would be. So I'd like to think that we got a top 10 pick and drafted 21 year old Giddy. In this draft, Giddy's probably top 5.


Agree completely with this take. I think Giddey will be a great fit with Coby too.


Would be nice to have a bit better defense there though too


I think Giddey can develop into a good defender for his position because of his size.


he has no athleticism tho. guys at his position are always gonna be able to blow by him and out-jump him


Coby showed improvement on that end, with less ball handling responsibility I think we’ll see more consistent effort from him on that end


Yeah I’m not denying that but think he’s better with the ball (not than Giddey but as a player) We’ll have to see how he does off the ball as a spot up shooter but I don’t like that as much


Can’t guard can’t shoot can’t finish what’s not to love!


Bring in Craig Hodges as shooting coach


To be fair we did bring in Peter Patton last season. Look at Ayo and how much his shot improved. It’s fair to think Giddey can have a massive improvement since he’ll have the entire offseason with the Bulls.


Doesn’t even have to be that massive. A modest 33% -> 35% and a couple extra attempts per game (should be doable with increased playing time), and I think most Bulls fans will feel better about him as a piece.


This is a great take.


FYI - Gidd E y. Josh Giddey.


I’m gonna Giddy even harder now


You do you.


We don’t see teams build around a ball-dominant player who isn’t a scorer very often, but I think it can be done. Jason Kidd is the mold, but in today’s NBA at a minimum Giddey needs to develop a reliable 3pt shot quickly, which is think he will do. Surround him with scorers and defenders with low usage rates and I think they could be a really good team.


Jason Kidd was an All-NBA defender, best passer in the league, fast as fuck on the break, smartest player on the court. Giddey is a very good passer with nice hair. Let’s not insult the Hall of Famer here.


I said the mold in terms of how the team is built. Because Giddey is a not a scorer yet he needs the ball in his hands. Definitely not saying Giddey will ever be as good a player as Jason Kidd was. But Kidd struggled with his outside shot early in his career and developed it over the years.


Shooting is so much more important now than when Kidd played, and Giddey is worse than Kidd at everything else. Not a great way to build a team these days maybe. Hope I’m wrong!


I don’t think it’s fair to compare an entire half of fame career to a 21 year old who hasn’t reached his potential and always played so far outside his comfort zone. Could Giddey be a better playmaker, rebounder, scorer? Only time will tell.


Totally. I'm pretty high on the trade


It’s got potential. Hopefully his defensive side improves cause he has the size for it


Giddey and Ayo in transition is gonna be fire.


Insert Jevon Holland….. ![gif](giphy|3owzWgnMr5vS37fBsc)


I honestly don’t hate it. Everyone that wanted draft picks— that’s essentially what you got with Josh Giddey; a high-upside speculative young talent. This is exactly the type of guys the Bulls should be exploring— a distressed asset that can potentially skyrocket and expedite our severely delayed restocking efforts. AK has dug himself a massive hole by standing pat for the last two years, so he’s going to have to get creative in finding value around the league with shrewd moves for a while. I’m excited to see if he can do that.


An important shrewd move for this coming season will be finding a way to keep the Bulls 2025 draft pick




I think that’s what they see too. It looks like soft retool to me


I agree about Giddey’s upside but not your point about draft picks. Obviously you trade for a young player because you believe in their high-upside speculation, but for Alex Caruso we probably could have gotten a draft pick in addition to a young, high upside player. Especially because OKC has more draft picks than roster spots in the next x many years.


AC should have been moved at last years deadline. That’s when you were getting a young talent+a pick. That window passed. It’s inexcusable that Caruso wasn’t moved at the deadline. But since we’re here now, this is commensurate with his value, in my opinion.


I don’t think it is. They could’ve waited a little longer to test the market some more. Caruso’s contract was so palatable that the market for him would’ve stayed pretty decent


I feel like since it was okc we were dealing with, AK could’ve just been like “give me a fuckin pick too damnit” lol yall got 34 of em you can afford it. Not to mention Giddey is expiring too and with the off the court stuff, he could be a flight risk. So give me a fuckin pick Sammy


Everyone keeps bringing up that OKC needed to include a pick because they have so many. I don’t know if I agree with that logic.


Giddey is the worse player of the two, is also expiring, and had a real off court issue so it’s possible it makes him a flight risk in the future. Add a pick


I like that logic more.


I just have a hard time believing we couldn’t have tried to get other teams in to raise his asking price and get ONE of their endless draft picks. Agree to disagree


No no no, we wanted BOTH Giddey and a pick. Honestly OKC has enough to give us two picks on top of Giddey for fuck sake lol


I only hate it because I know Caruso is worth more. OKC weren’t even playing Giddey anymore and they managed to get the most coveted 3 and D player in the league for him? Fuck that


I’m looking forward to Josh’s play in Paris this summer.


It's telling that the Thunder fans' reactions are basically "Sucks we had to give up Giddy but he should shine on the Bulls." It's going to sound crazy but this could turn into a reverse Lauri situation where for once the Bulls get a young guy whose team didn't know how to develop him within the team who goes to a new environment and starts to shine thanks to him playing his game rather than trying to fit a system he wasn't attuned for. Plus he already has his Stacey and Adam nickname thanks to balling out against us last season.


Thunder fan here, It's not that we don't know how to develop him he just doesn't fit on our teams timeline anymore. He ended up being a defensive liability since the other 4 players on our team are all very good at defense, and the same issue for 3 pointers. The Mavs series exposed his weaknesses and showed that for us to make a deep playoff run we need to get rid of him. In the regular season we did fine with him and he got a lot of triple doubles. He's a good player especially for a team that isn't a title contender and his pros will outweigh his cons for a team that isn't competing at the highest stage possible. In a couple years if he can improve his 3% and his defense he will be a very solid player without an exploitable weakness and then could be good enough to have as a top 3 guy on a championship team, he just isn't on the same timeline for the Thunder who want to win right now.


Giddey is fine if he's actually running the point he could easily average 17/7/7 this up coming season. Just don't ask him to be a spot up shooter


He's still only 21 and can easily get his 3 point shot to over 35% in the next coming years (it's currently 33% so not even that far off). Towards the end of the season his shot actually improved a lot it just fell off in the play offs. I also imagine this year was affected by the off court drama he had to deal with, which is behind him now. I doubt he will ever be an elite shooter, but I'm sure he can get to the point where he is a big enough threat you don't want him taking open 3s.


He'd easily go top 5 in this years draft imo


the 33% seems better than it is. per nba tracking data, last year 90% of his threes were wide open. he hit 35% of those. the other 10% were open (defender between 4 and 6 feet away) and his percentage on those falls to 19%. his percentage on everything other than wide open threes has actually gotten *worse* every year.


Well he hit 35% in the playoffs, it just didn't look good vs Mavs so there's some recency bias.


He was scared to shoot it, trying to force drives constantly or pump fake. Of the ones he did shoot they were wide open.


The whole team was doing that tho, not just him. Pump fake drive get stuck dish out and since we did that over and over and over, it made it easy for the mavs to pre rotate and then just stick with us until we got stuck. Only sga was looking for his shot. Jdub was throwing up bs and Chet was pump faking like he was playing 2k or something


I think 17 yes, but even higher on assist and rebound like 9assist 8.5 rebounds a game. That’s an easy game for him


I don't get it. The bulls and almost every team in the league want to be the Thunder: elite scoring pg, lots of 3 and d players, no weak links. Why would we want a player that you guys took a good look at for 3 years and said nah we can't win with you?


Because the Thunder are in a title window, they don’t have time to go through the growing pains a player like Giddey will need to become a good player, where as a team like the bulls are not competing for anything and should let their young players grow through their mistake so hopefully one day they can help us compete for a championship. The issue with us is Jerry, half assing rebuilds and complacent with play-ins because it keeps him rich.


I mean cool I guess. Maybe he grows into a playoff player Maybe he's always a flawed player who can't do two of the most important things a role player needs to do: shoot and defend


Does everyone want to though? If any, you'd also like to be Boston or Denver. There is no one recipe to success though.


Denver is a good example. Jokic doesn't fit any traditional mold but he was just so talented he popped off the screen. It makes senses to build around a guy like that I don't see Giddey ever becoming jok though


Right now the Thunder and Celtics are the only teams I can think of that have a roster with 5 elite defenders that can also all shoot the 3 above 35%. Every team wants it but that's very tough to just suddenly get. You gotta take your battles one step at a time, and at 21 Giddey can still become a solid defender/3 point shooter with time. He is a 6'8 guard so he has the tools to become a very annoying defender mismatch on a lot of people he defends, his 3 point shot will most likely be over 35% in the next few years so his pros definitely outweigh the cons for your team. Just because he doesn't fit on a team that is the #3 favorite to win next year's championship doesn't mean he is bad by any means.


I really hope so I just don't see it


Giddey is #2 in most triple doubles for people under 21 all time only behind Luka. The kid has serious potential to evolve into a very good player.


I really don't care about tripple doubles


Seriously has Russell Westbrook not already shown that triple doubles don’t mean what they use to? The pace of play is at all time highs so more counting stats are to be had. It’s not that they are nothing, but they don’t necessarily help you win or indicate you had a really good game like they use to.


I mean because there's only so many humans on Earth that fit that mold? It's not like elite scoring PGs (Boston is more about their Wings but whatever) and high level 3 and D players. Think about it. The NBA has all the best talent in the world and there's enough of those guys for like 3 rosters? Teams have to find ways to play a different way and succeed just because there isn't enough talent otherwise. It's like how everyone tried to copy the Warriors only to find out that there's not enough high level 3 point shooting guards with elite defensive passing forwards to actually build out teams and many who tried failed utterly. The big man revolution right now is basically due to teams going away from small ball shooting towards big centers who act as the main offensive engine.


Ok but why put yourself in a corner with a guy like giddey? You can choose who ever you want why this flawed guy? Is the future gonna be guys who can't shoot can't defend and don't get to the line?


You think the team could "choose whoever they want" in a deal for Caruso?




Can't wait to come back to this comment when they lose in the play in again. Praying Im made a fool.


If they get rid of Zach and DeMar it'd be very hard to see them making the play in unless they get real lucky at the 10th spot. I like the young team but there's a reason you go young to tank.


Maaann some of the nicknames Stacey could go with...


Maybe but it's going to be hard to top Himothee Chalamet even if it's a bit over the top.


P Giddey!


What’s the nickname, exactly?


Himothee Chalamet


I’m more of a fan of ‘Ball Atreides’ myself. 😆


i’m gonna be honest, the vocal thunder fans are saying it’s sad we gave up giddey. I think the majority of thunder fans know that giddey needed to leave and are thrilled with this trade


At least zero gravity is shut down in the burbs.


You deserve more for this lol


I was here. Giddey: 6’8 Steve Nash. !Remindme 5 years


I'm here for this moment


I don’t think Giddey’s making the 50/40/90 club twice


No matter what, we should’ve pried at least one first from them. There were definitely too many overreactions though. Looking at Ricky O’Donnell and Stephen Noah especially. Something like Thunder A, Bulls C- for the trade imo. It’s just egregious to get 0 picks when the Thunder have to start trading them away.


As an Aussie and Bulls fan I love this move but I hate losing out on Caruso.


Caruso is a winner and an amazing defender but which is easier to find: potential franchise player or defensive role player? I’m actually shocked at how many Bulls fans are crying about this.


Are you seriously saying someone who was just benched in the playoffs and can’t even find a starting spot on a young team has franchise player potential?????


I like the trade in general, but i still think we should have/could have gotten a pick as well fair and square


I mean, who wouldn't want a draft pick or two attached to any trade. But the reality is, we don't really know how these teams value these players and the draft picks. For all we know, the Bulls could value Giddey really high, that they turned down picks to get Giddey. Or that OKC value their picks way higher than Giddey that they can't be bothered to change their mind. Point is, we have little to no idea how their valuation goes. Not saying the Bulls made the right move. Their valuation of assets and targets could be waaay off base. But I don't think any FO would be stupid enough to not try to maximize the return.


Are you only saying we should have got a pick because the thunder have alot or because an older defence player should garner that purely because they have alot of picks or something else? Like just because they have alot of something doesn't mean shit


It’s called negotiation. If they have a lot, the risk of us sending Caruso somewhere else might force them to part with 1 out of their 17 FRPs.


Potential franchise player traded for a role player bro? 


calling Garbage Time Giddey a potential franchise player is absurd


he’s good man fr. dude can play ball.


worst trade of the decade


Not getting a single pick out of a trade with a team with OKC's draft capital is just bad, however you slice it. I'll like that trade if Giddey becomes an All Star, IG posts mean fuck all.


My excitement for the trade will probably depend on how the rest of the offseason goes. It can go from meh to LFG or to WTF or to "yeah, that makes sense."


Personally I love it too, especially considering the fact we haven’t made a decent trade in years 😂 the only issue is the case he’s got but in terms of what he does on the court this is great for the team imo.


I agree


I’m not excited about Giddey at all, they only thing that makes me feel better is that the team is finally making moves and they picked up someone younger, this is our first time making moves since 2021


At first I was like what are we doing lol. But I have since warmed up to the idea. Honestly if he didn’t have the incident with the minor (weird) he would probably be viewed a lot better. But at this point he’s kind of a meme in terms of nba players. He’s highly skilled and he seems like enough of a professional that he may still be able to develop a reliable 3 point shot. LFG Bulls!


Tough to see past the off court stuff for me. Caruso was so easy to root for


Same. He’s a 21 year old with good vision and a ton of potential. Caruso is entering his 30s and injury prone.


Hyped as fuck !


My only gripe is that we traded the best defensive guard in the league, 2x First Team All-Defense…. to the organization with the MOST PICKS AND YOUNG TALENT IN THE LEAGUE and somehow we walk away with the player that got played off the floor in the playoffs and no picks at all. Zero picks for AC is an actual travesty.


I think no one talks about how often Caruso gets hurt


Welcome to Chicago


He’s a terrible fit, play-wise and locker room wise


Locker room? Is he going to be using up all the blow dryers?


I’m just assuming nobody wants to be friends with him after the whole having sex with a minor thing


Yeah cool you guys got a pedo who got away with it.


Look weird off court stuff aside, we’re getting a good distributor that can’t shoot, is a liability on defense and faded into obscurity on his former team in exchange for a perennial all-defense candidate coming off a career year and still in his prime (albeit the back half at 30). Oh and we didn’t even get a pick either. What am I missing? Where’s the upside of acquiring Giddey outside of being a “21 year old prospect?” 6th overall pick” and “youngest ever to record a triple dub” are not real reasons lol. One of the bulls biggest issues is lack of consistent scoring on the perimeter. We ranked bottom 5 in both 3PA and % last season. A passer with a broke shot doesn’t help here lol. I hope I’m wrong and this change of scenery reenergizes him. But I also think it’s telling that reports say bulls got 15 offers for Lavine right after news of this trade broke lol.


You can’t just say “outside of” and list all of the reasons he was traded for lmao


lol this is my point tho…”he was the sixth pick three years ago” is not a real reason to trade for someone. Most good players get drafted early, but not all early draft picks are good. Where a player is drafted is not a reliable indicator of success. “Youngest player to record a triple double” is also not a real reason. That’s basing a franchise decision off a single game performance. If you’re gonna tell me that we did this because the bulls need a distributor because Lonzo is cooked and we want Coby off ball, sure I can maybe see that but the lack of defense and perimeter scoring offsets that upside for me.


you can if they’re all bad reasons. being the sixth pick means nothing. youngest to have a triple double also kinda means nothing, he was given free reign on a horrible team. MCW was a young goat and then he was out of the league within 5 years


On the court he's chill, but off the court is what I'm mainly upset that we got him for. He was Karl Malone(without the pregnant 12 y/o) off the court and got no punishment Follow up: I admit I am wrong.


I must of missed him being charged and found guilty. Last time I checked it was just twitter bullshit


Not feeling it, should've kept Caruso imo❗


Typical delusional Bulls fans trying to justify anything and every awful thing to buy tickets. Crazy.


Are you under 18?


Im also excited to root for an alleged pedophile!


Sounds like a Toolsy Wing to me . . .


He's definitely talented. Needs to work on his jump shot and stay away from Zero Gravity.


I’m just hoping this means we finally blow everything up


AC was our best asset and we got a straight up player for player swap for him from a team that is asset rich. That doesn't bode well for our returns on our other players.


Now the Bears' new punter has a friend!


I'm fine with the concept and the idea of the trade. AKME values him highly and we got the guy we want. Might be better than betting on a bigger unknown in the draft. But given the draft capital the Thunder have and the reported trade value Caruso had, it's a bit underwhelming. Can't AKME get even a second round pick?


If he ever learns to shoot and play defense, sure


Whatever you need to tell yourself.


Memes aside, if it signifies a shift towards tanking or something other than being dead center mediocre, I'm all about it Just trade DeMar, let Zach build his trade value up on a young team and then ship him out for a player+picks


I think this is a solid trade because Caruso isn’t going to get you to the playoffs. He will be an integral piece during the playoffs, but he’s not the guy that will take you to the promise land. With Lonzo being made of paper, this is really solid for the future rebuild of CHI. More of like a why not trade


I don’t think anyone dislikes Josh Giddey as a player or think he doesn’t have a lot of potential as a triple double point forward, but the fact that the Thunder sold low on him and we couldn’t at least get a pick for our most valuable trade asset is pretty upsetting


I don’t think anyone dislikes Josh Giddey as a player or think he doesn’t have a lot of potential as a triple double point forward, but the fact that the Thunder sold low on him and we couldn’t at least get a pick for our most valuable trade asset is pretty upsetting


Really hope we got some or a draft pick as well


It hurts losing Caruso for so little but as much as we could have gotten more assets. There's a lot of potential in giddey still and at least Bulls did something


I read somewhere that the FO was originally looking for packages with draft picks for AC and Zack but can't get any that's why Josh Giddy was the best deal they ended up with. What's frustrating was the timing. They didn't pull the trigger when the trade value of their players where good enough.


As an Australian, I'm very excited about this move. Good player and the Bulls will get extra publicity down here next season.


For PR? Terrible. Winning basketball games? Might be something of value.


Agreed. I'm sad to see Caruso go but Giddy has so much potential. It's a good trade for both teams.




i’m somewhat excited to see where this goes, i just wish he wasn’t a predator.


Abt? The appliance store?


I'm still mad we didn't get picks. I'm not a Giddey hater like many, he's young and talented for sure, but at the time of the trade Caruso could've gotten us him plus a first, and it's shit like that which keeps us in this slow, endless purgatory of mediocrity


I think this is how most people that don't like the trade feel. It seems they are fine with Giddey for Caruso (especially since he only had 1 year left and would most likely leave), but they wanted at least 1 pick with it as Caruso is a player the Thunder really wanted and it seems weird they couldn't leverage that to get a pick. Hell I'm a Thunder fan and when I saw the trade I immediately assumed we gave a pick or two, and was shocked to find out it was just a 1 for 1. Makes me wonder if we were threatening the Bulls to trade for someone else instead like Lauri if we had to give a pick(s) with him.


Nah, I can’t do it. His play is mid with a possible good ceiling and he got that weird case that’s sus.


All basketball ball players have a weakness. Giddy’s is basketball.


I like it too man. Think he’ll play well with Coby


People don't realize how big this dude is. He's gonna be the point guard we need for the future no doubt.


i don’t like the trade. caruso was such a valuable defensive player, while giddey really didn’t do anything last year.


Better hide your kids


I’ll put it this way, would you rather have Josh Giddey or Dougie McBuckets?


I think this was the first post he's made on any social media platform ever since the allegations


I think a lot of the hate is because of the off field stuff. Regardless of how you feel about him and his personal life, he's a decent prospect and a welcome change. At worst, he helps us tank for a good pick this year. At best, I still think he has all star potential.


I think it’s interesting everyone here was celebrating the TSJ verdict (rightfully so he was innocent) but still label this guy as a pedo when he also got played in a club when he just turned legal (21). The cognitive dissonance of it is mind boggling


There's just so little info to go off of, just stuff people pulled up on the internet. If she was 16 as people claim, and lied to get into an 18+ club with an ID good enough to fool not only the security, but also Josh Giddey, I mean, how liable is he? If you're in an 18+ club, you 'should' be able to assume everyone is over 18. Obviously that's not the case with how many fake IDs are out there and how little shits Club Security give, but people are grouping him in with Karl Malone, who impregnated a 13 year old.


They’re not bringing the case forward exactly because of what you outlined. She committed a level of fraud against him, the club, and the state technically. I think it may have already gotten settled, he isn’t being charged with anything that’s already been determined.


He's past it, it was clearly a mistake, I'm just happy the Bulls are finally making moves. Especially exciting as an Australian getting to see Giddey join us, hope he kills it for the Boomers at the Olympics.


Crazy we now have to id scan everyone you meet in a bar/club nowadays but agreed it’s pretty much over and anyone trying to keep it going is willfully ignoring it to make jokes (fine by me if they want to idrc) I’m mainly excited for him to get to work with Peter Patton. He did wonders for Coby this past year (age 23 season) and I hope he can replicate that to some degree with JG


The criticism of Giddey was not related to the off the court stuff. At all. The criticism is entirely basketball related.


we've been delusional for the last 10-15 years.. but this takes the cake


Some fans have no rational thinking left and just emotionally react. Yeah Caruso could have probably gotten us a top 10 pick or a couple late 1st rounders. Guess what though, If you would have asked the Thunder last October for a 1:1 trade to get Giddey for Caruso they would have laughed at you. 18th in the 25 under 25 ESPN list. World class vision. Great size and great IQ. Hopefully players like Coby, Ayo, Terry, Phillips get to take advantage of his skills and may all have career years in 25’ with Giddey setting them up.


he’d better stay his goofyass outta Chicago’s **night life** , tho’ ![gif](giphy|26n6R5HOYPbekK0YE|downsized)


A lot going on with the Giddey trade. Legal aside, the Bulls traded Caruso for Giddey straight up. There were better offers before the trade deadline and I imagine better offers before this trade. Bulls took on a distressed asset about to hit RFA next summer at his lowest value. He just got exposed in the playoffs and was benched. EVEN IF Giddey becomes a HOFer with the Bulls, the trade itself in the moment is a disaster and nothing changes that.


In your scenario you think trading Alex Caruso for a future hall of famer is a disaster? You can be upset all you want, but that’s just fucking ridiculous.


Calling this trade a "disaster" is a bit of an overreaction. Sure they probably should've asked for a pick to sweeten the deal, but realistically they were never getting anything more than that. I know there was talk about getting two first rounders for Caruso, but those picks were never going to be anything special. Is getting a few late first rounders really that much better than getting a 21 year old who's shown promise in his first few seasons?


You made good points until the end, when you tried to make your very specific opinion sound objective.


If Giddey becomes a hall-of-famer, this trade will have been fantastic.


Know why I wrote “in the moment”?


Hide the kids in Chicago