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Glad it was good because it has an interesting look.


I gotta hijack your top comment. Yes, I understand the picture doesn’t do the food justice. I know a lot of people really hate vegan food. I am unfortunate in my life and can’t eat dairy or most meat anymore due to medical issues I have and will not disclose. So I went to VeganDale to try a bunch of food I can eat without worry! It was amazing for me to see lots of food I could actually enjoy and not have a care in the world. I found a great tasting mac and didn’t get the name of the place because we walked around so much. This mac made me feel like I could enjoy one of my favorite foods again without dairy! So I came here to see if anyone also enjoyed a wonderful dish from this place and could give me the name. I was ready for the anti-vegan comments but I really didn’t need DM’s telling me to go unalive myself for being a “stupid vegan”. Really thought a lot better about this Chicago food community. If you’re going to VeganDale, I hope you have a great time! I will answer all of your questions. If you’re being rude or mean I understand! You can just move on to another post and I hope you have a wonderful evening! If you’re not vegan that’s great! I didn’t ask you to be. Just remember being kind is absolutely free! I hope you never get talked to the way I was this evening for posting food. 🫶 goodnight!


It sounds like what you're saying is you had the same initial reaction the person you're replying to did.


Yes, I do agree with the initial comment that it had an interesting look!


100% when I got it I was suspicious on if it would be good. It turned out to be so good I’m sitting at home regretting not getting the name.


I didn’t go, but took a look at the food vendors. Could it have been Southern Fried Vegan from California? Saw they have Mac and cheese on their menu


Their mac does look similar!! Thank you sooo much!!! 🫶


Go to Whole Foods and get the Soul Vegan Mac and Cheese. I'm not vegan and I think it's pretty good


Thank you for the suggestion will try!


I recommend their Lasagna as well!


Honestly, would smash. I wasn’t there but my only suggestion is to search around for a list of vendors that were there and start the wormhole of matching your Mac to pictures of their Mac 😅


I was hoping to find someone here that went that also got this. Otherwise I’m 100% going through the list of vendors and comparing. 😂


All of the soft serve ice cream at Sugoi is vegan. They didn't plan on it being vegan, but the vegan ice cream simply tasted the best when they were trying different recipes. I literally have dreams about their matcha ice cream. It has something like 60 g of matcha per a half gallon of ice cream. I'm obsessed. It's my favorite ice cream.


That sounds amazing!


It is so amazing. I can't recommend it enough


That...looks terrible. I'm so sorry...


It didn’t look great but it tasted amazing!


I don't mean to be a troll or mean, glad it was bangin'!


You’re good! I know vegan isn’t everyone’s first choice but it truly was soooo good.


Vegan or not - this didn’t photo well. Not on your ability to take the picture either. It’s just. Ya know. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


I get it! No picture will do it justice but it was great!


I had no idea this was a thing! Was just looking through the vendors online and so many options. I wish I knew and went. I’m not vegan but always trying to find yummy stuff that’s better for me and environment. I’m going to guess it’s one of the bbq or southern places? Which there aren’t that many. Hope you find it!


You can hit up veggie fest in Lisle in August, which has no entry fee, or one of the Chicago vegan test kitchen pop-ups, which are much smaller scale but also free to enter ([their IG](https://www.instagram.com/chicagovegantestkitchen?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==))


Thank you! I will definitely check it out :)


I haven't been to the pop-ups in a while but there's usually a vendor who has vegan mac and cheese


If you go next year, I recommend going early to avoid longer lines! Gotta be one of them but there was soooo many! Thank you!


I almost went, but it was so damn hot my gf and I got tired on our way there 😅. Cooled off in the museum next door, and then we got sleepy and walked back home. 😂 We're like a 60 yr old couple. I heard something went wrong with the wrist badges today though.


I get really worn out from the heat too! I tried these frozen neck rings from Amazon and it helps so much. They’re filled with some sort of gel that freezes really fast and you can wear it directly on your skin without discomfort, which I was really surprised by. There’s a million cheap brands selling them online. There’s also rechargeable fans that you can wear around your neck, they kind of look like headphones, and they help a lot in conjunction with cold rings.


Yes the wristbands flopped hard! Food was great though but yes such a hot day! Had to stay hydrated and take breaks in the shade.


How were the lines? I’ve been twice and the lines for everything were ridiculous.


The lines were manageable at *most* stands. I will say the more popular stands had insane lines so we kinda split and conquered for those. The cashless wristbands were a total flop though.


Going tomorrow mostly for the concert but could you explain what's happening with the wristbands? They seem to be pushing them really hard, also is the 75-100 daily recommended spend accurate? If we see this Mac and cheese will be sure to get the location name 🤗


So today the wristbands kinda flopped. If you plan on spending money on food/drinks load your “wristband” up tonight so you don’t have to reload it during the day tomorrow. Basically you have the option to preload your band. However if you load it after they “sync” it you’ll have to go back in line and “re-sync” every time to add money on to it. It’s so backwards. They did send out an email today apologizing for the wrist band issues so maybe they’ll have this fixed tomorrow but I wouldn’t rely on that. I personally only spent 50$ on food/drinks today but some places are way more expensive than others. Have so much fun tomorrow if you find the mac and cheese lmk 🥰 Edit: we stayed a little later tonight and some of vendors ended up accepting our cash and cards so I think some of the vendors were prepared for the wristbands not to work.


Thank you so so so much for the additional details and the heads up! I'll go ahead and load up now. I'll also be sure to look out for the Mac and cheese 🤗


Absolutely! I would also recommend getting there as early as you can to avoid the lines. Have fun! Keep cool in this heat too! Bring water and make sure you take breaks in the shade if you can. ♥️


I concur as well


Auto correct haha! Fixed, thanks!




Okay thanks!


Lol sorry I'm kinda drunk and thought it was funny. Genuinely hope your food was good


No worries! It really was good!


Thanks for letting us know!


No trolling. Continuing to troll will result in a temporary or permanent ban.


I am going tomorrow for saweetie but I will sample some vegan food I’ll stop here!


I remember the first time that came to Chicago. It’s crazy how big it’s gotten


First time I've heard of this [VeganDale](https://www.vegandalefest.com/chicago/)


Lots of great food!


I went two years ago and it was a disorganized mess.


I guess that just goes to show that you can't judge food by the way it looks.


I respect vegans so much and try to minimize animal products in my life, I can tell the texture would meld together nicely vegan food is so weirdly good sometimes


It really is! It might look weird but the flavor is next level.


I'm a pastry chef and I break my nonvegan mac n cheese all the time so I believe you the flavor/texture was totally fine lmao


Honestly it so was!


Was that before or after you ate it


This sounds like a joke post. It looks absolutely awful when vegan food can look so much better.


looks horrible ngl


I thought this was an apple crumble at first glance. I'd still try it but it does not look like I would expect.


There are not enough derogatory words to describe this picture or the mockery being made of mac n cheese.




That looks like straight shit


Wow vomit


That looks like shit dude, but at least it tasted good.


That looks like shit from a butt




If it’s not your taste, that’s fine! You can simply go on to the next post. 👍




It wasn’t trash. It wasn’t egg, it’s completely vegan. No one is making you eat it. Have a better night. 🥰




Who’s upset? Not me! You both sound upset though, have a good night!


Keep being positive and ignore them, I like your vibes!


Appreciate it! 🫶




Thanks for your opinion! Have a great night!




The celebration of mediocrity and trash! Rejoice.




Posting turds and getting mad people don’t believe it smells like roses. This isn’t because it’s vegan. It’s because it looks like actual shit.


I’m not mad at all! You do seem mad though.


Toxic positivity and rallying around gross food. Win!


Food is meant to be shared and bring people together, especially in Chicago where food is a huge part of our community. Personal attacks, fighting, and public shaming are not allowed and may result in a ban. Gatekeeping, gaslighting, trolling and/or just in general being a jerk will not be tolerated. Direct replies to someone that contain a personal attack or posts (including photos) that personally attack or degrade someone will be removed. Excessive abuse of this rule will result in a permanent ban.


Food is meant to be shared and bring people together, especially in Chicago where food is a huge part of our community. Personal attacks, fighting, and public shaming are not allowed and may result in a ban. Gatekeeping, gaslighting, trolling and/or just in general being a jerk will not be tolerated. Direct replies to someone that contain a personal attack or posts (including photos) that personally attack or degrade someone will be removed. Excessive abuse of this rule will result in a permanent ban.


Did someone take a shit in your plate?


Nope! Someone did make some really great vegan mac though. 🥰






I know it’s immoral to eat animals but I just can’t with this food.


If it’s not your taste that’s fine, I know it doesn’t look great but it genuinely was delicious!


Can’t critique shitty looking food or the 14 vegans will downvote ya


So all carnivores are immoral?


Non-humans aren’t capable of moral reasoning.


Nice of you to make that reasoning for the animal kingdom based on nothing.