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She thinks you're sus.


lol she’s probably sick of me checking on her all the time 💀


I would continue to do so, the only squinty chicks or chickens that I've ever had were not feeling very well. She's not showing any other symptoms? 🙃


She has had squinty eyes since she was 4 weeks old. She is now 15 weeks old and she is definitely smaller than the rest along with another chick I have with the same squinty eyes. She is definitely eating, drinking, and being a chick for the most part. I had a 2 different chicks die on me this past month so I am just a little more on edge. I treated them with corid about a month ago because of the first chick dying. I think it was due to wry neck or an impacted crop. Then the other chick I lost was raspy and staggering some, so I treated him with antibiotics immediately. He was doing great after a few days of antibiotics. He was walking around normal, eating, and drinking, but I found him dead a few days later. :( Then I had a big hen die this week and she had a pale comb and poopy butt. I have no idea how or why she died. I was going to treat all of my chicks after he died, but they seemed to be doing fine. I did catch a few of them sneezing more than normal I believe, and one with a little crusted nose. I went ahead and put premoxil 550 in everyone’s water this afternoon. I have some older chickens in another pen separated by just a fence. This is the flock in which my older hen died this week. Should I treat them with antibiotics too, even though they aren’t showing signs of a respiratory issue?


I wouldn't do too much all at the same time. It could just make things worse. If you're having a lot of heat make sure that they have fresh water, at least twice a day. I know that's a lot to ask I have a lot of chickens myself... But sometimes just a little bit of supportive care can help them pull through. Besides you don't want to give too many antibiotics without knowing if it's a bacterial infection. That just causes problems in the long run with resistance to medications. Probably wouldn't hurt to add some electrolytes or rooster booster something like that...


I have done poultry cell, rooster booster, hydro hen, I also did a little apple cider vinegar earlier. Ive done all these different days of course. I had one sneeze some nasal discharge out of his nose while I was out there, and another with a crusty nose. I’m new to chickens and I don’t want to lose anymore, so I’m hoping I’m right with the antibiotics.


Chickens sneezing with nasal discharge can be a sign of a few different respiratory problems. Here are some of the most common causes: * Infectious Coryza: This is a bacterial infection that causes sneezing, watery eyes, and facial swelling. It is highly contagious and can spread quickly through a flock. * Mycoplasma: This is a bacterium that can cause chronic respiratory disease (CRD) in chickens. Symptoms of CRD include sneezing, coughing, wheezing, and difficulty breathing. * Infectious Bronchitis (IBV): This is a viral infection that causes respiratory problems, as well as kidney problems and egg production issues. * Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT): This is a viral infection that causes severe respiratory problems, including coughing, gasping, and difficulty breathing. If you see your chickens sneezing with nasal discharge, it is important to isolate them from the rest of your flock and contact a veterinarian. Early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent the spread of disease. Here are some additional things you can do to help prevent respiratory problems in your chickens: * Keep their coop clean and well-ventilated. * Avoid overcrowding your coop. * Provide them with a healthy diet and plenty of fresh water. * Vaccinate your chickens against common respiratory diseases.


What about eye worm or Marek's?


The only symptoms I’ve seen from her is the squinty eyes. She’s always had those ever since I got her. However, some of my other chicks were sneezing and a little runny nose, so I’m treating for a respiratory infection.


Either way you are so caring and good luck. It can be so disheartening living in uncertainty no matter what.. best wishes to you and ur flock.


What state are you in? Certain states are having severe Coronavirus spread. There are different versions of it, some being deadly. I'm in CA, and mine caught it from 4 babies brought home from a hatchery. I can also tell you, get a necropsy if another one dies! Only $25 in CA.


Mississippi and I don’t think we’ve had any outbreaks of bird flu. But I for sure will get necropsy if another one dies! I’m a new chicken owner so I’m still learning about how to raise these babies


You do have a lab in Mississippi! Here is the link: https://www.vetmed.msstate.edu/clinics-locations/lab-system/poultry-research-diagnostic-lab


Put some electrolytes and packets made for water into their water


I’ve done hydro hen for electrolytes and I’ve done poultry cell. I’m not sure what else I should do?


You’re both wrong. That bird is evil! **EVILs I’s tells yas!**


She didn’t want me looking at her man that was beside her😅




Maybe she's just sick of your shit.


lol love this one.


That's some *major* side eye - haha


Keep an eye on her. (Pun intended) Could be the beginning of something. Her tail looks a little droopy in the 2nd pic as well. If she can't keep up, or isolates herself. Might be time for some preventative measures. Heck, might even be time to start throwing probiotics, nutridrench, Apple cider vinegar, etc., to the whole flock.


I caught a few of them sneezing a little more than normal when I went into the coop, so I treated everyone with Premoxil 550. I had a chick pass away about a week or two ago with what I assumed a respiratory infection. He was a little raspy so I separated him and treated him with antibiotics. He got a lot better but then unexpectedly passed away after I thought he was good. I have a few bigger hens and a rooster in a separate coop who show no signs of respiratory infection, but they are right beside my chicks that I just treated. Should I treat my big chickens to be safe too?


Chickens sneeze?? I love this sub


Yes it’s so cute🤣


Feed dust and dirt can get in their nostrils, and they let out a little squeaky sneeze. It is cute. I panicked the first time I heard it, though, because nobody told me it could just happen and doesn't spell immediate doom.


Yeah! First time I heard my bantam roo sneeze took us both by surprise! 😆


They do! My girls often squeak when they do. My rooster lets out a high pitched honk when he does. It’s hilarious!


Not sure about antibiotics to the whole flock if some are not infected. I was just talking about giving them all a boost with more homeopathic solutions. You'll have to wait and hear from someone more experienced with antibiotics and such. Good luck! We all love a healthy flock and times like these are stressful for sure.


Thank you! I have given them poultry cell, hydro hen, rooster booster etc. My guess now is it’s respiratory related so I’m praying the antibiotics clears all this up because I am new to all this too lol


We're always learning. Sounds like you're doing all the right things.


My chickens only squint when they are sick


She has been like this since she was 4 weeks old💀 but I did go ahead and treat everyone with antibiotics because I caught a few of them sneezing more than I wanted them to. I have bigger chickens right beside them in a separate pen. Should I treat them just in case too?


You should not randomly give chickens antibiotics


Okay. I gave my younger chicks the antibiotics because they had sure signs of something respiratory related going on. I will just monitor the big chickens and just give them vitamins to boost their system for right now.


I reach for VetRx first, before any antibiotics & rub a few drops under each wing at night, so they're sitting with it & inhaling it's goodness until morning. As it's her eyes, I wouldn't apply it to her comb (as is sometimes suggested), as it could aggravate any sensitivity already going on around her eyes. Try it for a few nights & see. Good luck, you're so onnit & doing your best ;)


If she's not showing any other symptoms that's most likely just her face lol


She has rbf lol she can’t help it


She can, she just doesn’t want to. She’s a sassy one.


Resting Cluck face


Please keep an eye on her ❤️ definitely looks like it could be somthing.


She has had this squint since she was 4 weeks old. But I’ve had a 3 die this month, so I’m a little on edge now :(


Sadly that happens in the chicken community.. if you need someone to talk to you have me ❤️


Where are you located? Might be worth checking if the avian flu is in your area.


Curious their location as well




I had a bantam rooster like this. Obviously make sure your bird is healthy and feeling well, but sometimes they just look like shady lil birds.


It's eagle face =D




She will be the one to never turn my back on🤣


Gojo satoru


yes my beloved


means this one is sweet and sour


I have a creme legbar with almond shaped eyes that make her look a little stoned.


Going to name her stone🤣


I have a Cream Legbar with squinty eyes too! She looks tired all the time and seems tired too. I think mine has “failure to thrive”. She’s always been a little off kilter since the beginning. She’s about 9 weeks old now.


We have a squinty girl, [she always looks angry](https://www.reddit.com/r/chickens/s/s2bZWdIukg)




You found her out! she goes around the back of the hen house and gets high 😀😭💜


Nope but I have poults like this- they just came out of the womb and decided to judge me and side eye me any chance they got!


I have a hen a lil over a year old and she's had squinty eyes like that for awhile now. She's acting and looking healthy tho but I may do some digging and read thru the comments here maybe give her some eye drops I still have some chicken eye drops somewhere I just don't wanna use em if it isn't necessary.


The side eye is real


Judgy chicken


Chickens shouldn’t sneeze really atkeast not enough to ever notice they are sneezing alot.


Asian bird flu?


I was scrolling all the comments for one that went this direction… (are ya sure the chicken isn’t just trying to mimic someone’s eyes?)


Right. It’s good for a laugh


Not a chicken owner but I've been around birds and parrots long enough to know that squinting eyes can be 3 things, a sign of sickness, just extra tired, or they just randomly do it for unknown reasons. I recommend just keeping watch on this one and see if they have any other symptoms. If it's nothing their squinted eyes should be back to normal by the next day. Or they'll stay like that if they've always been like that lol


I have another chick who has the same squinty eyes (since they were 4 weeks old when I got them) and it is the same size as her. I was out at the coop a little bit ago, and caught him sneezing some nasal discharge from his nose on the ground. Is that respiratory related?


As far as I know you can't rule out the possibility. Usually really bad respiratory infections less to lots of open mouth breathing so this could be the beginnings of one. But if anything is abnormal with birds it's a cause of concern. Their nares should not have discharge.


I went ahead and treated them with some Premoxil 550 in their water. I have more older chickens only separated by a fence that is right beside the chicks cage. Should I treat the older chickens too? I had an older hen die this week and she had a paler comb and poopy butt but that was it. I couldn’t figure out why she died because she wasn’t sneezing, had no discharge or bubbly eyes. I’m on edge because I don’t want to lose another chicken :(


Oh man that sucks. I wish I could give you advice on this. No idea what the proper procedure for medication or quarantine would be here. Sorry ☹️


Thank you for your advice. If it were you would you treat everyone even the big ones?I didn’t realize how easy it was for chickens to get sick. I feel like they die at the drop of a hat or at the slightest inconvenience 😂


That's just all prey birds. They are extremely good at hiding illnesses. And by the time you see symptoms it's probably progressed a lot. So it looks like they died quickly but in reality who knows how long they've been fighting and hiding being sick. I think to be safe one should medicate them all, which no one likes to do. I would also probably quarantine the ones that are most obviously sick.


I definitely will start my bigger birds on meds tomorrow. They are all going to bed now lol. Thank you so much for the advice and taking time to respond!


She’s judging you 🤣🤣


I feel like this needs to be cropped in some and made into a meme.


She thinks ur up to some suspicious activities


Yeah I had a male we named Fry because of the Futurama meme with him squinting


Bombastic chicken side eye, criminal offensive side eye


This one is shifty, a bad egg, be careful, she’ll turn the others against you. This is straight up Mean Girls and fetch is never going to happen Regina


Dang y'all are hating on her so hard no wonder she's looking at you like that smh


She’s extremely skeptical and judgmental about everything you do lol


It mycoplasma no doubt. Please buy this and treat the whole flock it's contagious: [https://jedds.com/products/amoxy-tyl](https://jedds.com/products/amoxy-tyl)


I treated my chicks with Premoxil 550. I have bigger chickens in another coop separated by just a fence. Should I go ahead and treat them to, even though they show no symptoms?


I guess that has the same ingredients and am wondering why it didn't work. How long did you treat and did you mix with water as the only water source? The one behind the squinty eyed chicken has it as well/ I would honestly just treat them all.


The chicks are on day 2 of the antibiotics, but I haven’t treated my older chickens that are separated by my fence. I’m a little nervous about treating my older ones because they show no symptoms. I put poultry cell in the big ones water to give them a boost of good vitamins


Okay, then treat the chicks with the antibiotics. It could take 5-7 days to fully take effect.


They probably look normal when people aren't around


The rooster wakes her up too early.


Can she get a cup of chicken coffee.


Yes and she got really loud all the time , she was the chicken that alerted all of the flock that the farmer is here


Def lock your doors at night… she is coming for you


Resting Hen Face LOL


She clearly disapproves.




"I know what you did"


I have a three year old hen that’s been squinty since day 1


Any weed plants nearby?….lol…She just looks a little high.


She's judging your every move


She’s so done with me💀


This is the definition of resting bitch face


Going to name her Karen


She’s judging you SO HARD. Hahaha.


She really said “why are you breathing the same air as me”🤣


*world domination plan intensifies*


The chick is staring like she knows something...you dont know and then Judging you for it


I hope you named one of them Chickity China.




I breathed the same air as her🤷🏼‍♀️


Another thing that occurs to me... you haven't had any solvents around, or freshly painted anything? Anything "fume-y"? Or... are they hanging out somewhere extra dusty? She could be reacting to super fine particles in shavings or hay/ straw? ETA diatomaceous earth?


Not to my knowledge that’s why this situation is so weird to me! I’m new to chickens and I am definitely still learning about everything. I feel like chickens get sick for no reason at all lol. Maybe it’s just how she is or maybe something more underlying. She has been like this since 4 weeks and has always been the smallest. I’m hoping that’s just how she is, and maybe she was the runt of her brothers and sisters


I've had two hens who started out smallest & ended up biggest! So, lets hope she's a slow starter & she's just fine =)


A Shifty Chick planning a heist then flee the coop!


The small ones are always the ones to watch out for🤫


Allergies maybe? My australorp did this, turns out she had allergies to ☆something☆. i put her on acv water and some boosters for a few weeks, and she doesnt do it anymore. Same as you tho, since birth basically she squinted.


Did she ever stop squinting after that? I have treated them with an antibiotic (Premoxil 550) because they were sneezing more than normal. I also had one with a crusty nose and caught one of them sneezing up some discharge while I was in the coop. My guess is something respiratory? I have done everything known to man I feel like lol. I’ve done hydro hen, poultry cell, rooster booster, ACV yesterday (all on different days of course). I’ve had 2 chicks and 1 hen die on me recently. So I’m just frustrated and on edge about what to do lol


Oh yeah, shes back to normal. But she wasnt droopy tailed like others have pointed out that your girl is. Thats def a sign of something else going on- probably internal. How are her poops looking? Have you isolated her? If others are sneezing and crusty, i would check the bedding- mine was allergic to straw *i think* and since we got rid of it, she cleared up. Maybe try dusting the floor with diatomaceous earth and feed them less crumbly food or wetted food for now? Something/ anything to keep the dust levels down for them. Even a fan could help. I feel your frustration!!! Chickens are weird. I hope you figure it out soon tho, Im sorry youre having a hard time.


The reason I’m thrown off is because she’s been like this since she was 4 weeks old. I also have another chick who is her size too and he had squinted since he was 4 weeks old too💀 Im a first time chicken owner so every little thing worries me. I didn’t even know chickens good get sick over nothing and die at the drop of a hat 😂 Is DE safe for chickens? I’ve heard mix reviews on it but I really wanted to try it. Also, do you recommend anymore products you use to keep your chicks and chickens healthy?


Oh mine absolutely love it! They dust bathe in it and it helps keep their coop clean. I have been using it for 4 years with no issues. Apple Cider Vinegar is a godsend. It has fixed so many near death chicken issues for me over the years. I also put a scoop each of Fresh Eggs Daily Brewers Yeast and Vital Nutrients chicken vitamins in with their feed and shake it up. That really helps. Makes their breath very garlicky hahaha but it seems to have helped them a lot. I also give them a scooping of Manna Pros Omega Egg Maker once a week or a little more. Thats about it for me. I give them Manna Pro layer crumbles and medicated grit for feed, and a cup or 2 of mealworms and Manna scratch for a treat- daily. I have 6 hens- all different breeds. The Australorp (chainsaw) now lays big fat extra large brown eggs every day and doesnt squint. They just have a dirt floor in their coop since they hated all the other bedding i put in. And I live outside Chicago if that helps with climate/environment.


I am definitely going to get some now. Thank you so much for the advice! This is a new learning experience for me lol. I definitely want to go the natural route with my chickens from now. I feel like they will be stronger that way


Aww always! No worries :) I hope things turn around for you soon


Could you please tell me what brand of DE you use? I want to make sure I get the right kind for my flock!


I had a squinty eyed Rhode Island Red Chick That I specifically selected from the feed store because she was small and sickly looking and I knew she likely wouldn’t make it if someone didn’t give her special attention. The worker that caught her for me told me that she had noticed the chick too and that it didn’t seem to be eating. She didn’t know much about poultry and was doing her best by just making sure the chick was at least getting the electrolyte water. I called the chick Cinnamon and she was very small and thin. The size of the Bantam silver Polish chick I got at the same time. She also had droopy wings and her squinty eyes and skinny face made her look super grumpy all the time. For the first week I had to assist feed her to make sure she was getting anything, but then all the sudden she perked up and started to eat on her own. The other standard breed chicks outgrew her and she stayed the same size as the Silver Polish for about the first 3 weeks before she started to catch up to the others. As soon as she didn’t need me anymore though, she wanted nothing to do with me. Cinnamon is now 14 weeks old and and her best friend is a 16 week old Maran. They are the same size :) She’s feisty and doing great. I never did figure out exactly what made her so weak but a little helping hand that was needed in this case. I hope your squinter gets better too!


I see her peaking the ground and drinking. I rotate poultry cell, hydro hen, normal water, and ACV. To my knowledge, no one is bullying her or keeping her from eating. I’m on day 2 of Premoxil 550 because of some crusty noses I saw in one of my hens, more than normal sneezing (I actually caught one of them sneezing something out of his nose lol), and the corner of there eye seemed a little bit sickly. I had 2 chicks die on me this month. One had her neck slumped in and a little crooked one day. The next, I found her unable to pick her neck up. My guess was wry neck after doing some research. I gave her Vitamin E and an egg yolk but sadly she passed away. I had another chick who was staggering and making a gurgling type noise so I immediately quarantined him. I gave him Premoxil 550 and he began to get better and was doing great. He was eating, drinking, and being a chicken. A few days later I found him dead. :( I had another chick making a raspy noise and gave him the same antibiotics by pill and he’s doing great. Maybe I caught his earlier? Next, I had a hen’s comb turn somewhat pale and she had a poopy butt but no other symptoms. She died the next day. I’m not sure what I’m dealing with. Everyone is doing great as far as I know right now. I’m a new chicken owner and I’m very frustrated and on edge. I wasn’t sure if this chick that is squinty has the same problem. She’s had this squint since 4 weeks as well as another chick in my flock. Should I isolate her and just make absolute sure she is getting enough to eat? She seems to be peaking around and eating when I’m out there.


If you have previous instances of disease and death then yes I would I isolate as a precaution. Being alone could stress her out and make her worse though. It’s also bird flu season I believe, So whether wild birds frequent your yard is something to consider. You can keep them on the broad spectrum antibiotic but if your problem is viral that won’t do much, a round won’t hurt just for the sake of ruling things out though as long as you don’t over do it. If you have a vet who sees poultry and can afford to go, I recommend taking the cautionary approach and taking her in. You could be dealing with a number of things too, that’s always a possibility and a vet could help you pinpoint what all it is. Weakened immune system from one thing can lead to opportunistic diseases. Deworm them if you haven’t already, it’s a good idea to do that 1-2 times a year anyways whether your using commercial dewormer or natural methods. Check legs for leg mites, that will stress them and weaken immunity too. Skip the Vaseline and legdips for that, just ensure they have dust baths and put First Saturday Lime in there. First Saturday is more expensive than regular Lime but it is water proof and will still work to repel insects once it gets wet. I would buy the regular cheap lime for anywhere like inside the coop and lay boxes that won’t come in contact with water though. Also careful with the apple cider vinegar water. If you have the metal waterers it will rust your waterers 10x faster. It can also irritate their crop. I also can’t imagine the acidity would interact well with medication. The hydro hen might be good for a probiotic but aside from “microorganisms”the guaranteed analysis has Salt then just Potassium?


I only have given them ACV once so I don’t think that did them much harm. But I will definitely keep that in mind about it. I’m not sure if I should isolate her or not since she has looked this way since she was 4 weeks old when I got her. I figured she would have died if there was something else wrong? She is definitely a lot smaller than everyone else. Maybe there is something wrong with her, but she’s made it this far. I may take your advice and look into getting her examined. I’m new to chicken owning, so I’m definitely still learning. Thank you for your advice!


Definitely plotting to murder you in your sleep.


Asian breed?

