• By -


>find it in your heart My favorite response to this was in another story on this sub where the OP asked their boss if they intend to stop spending holidays with their children after 18. When the boss was like “Of course not”, the OP essentially responded with “My parents feel the same way about me and want to see me.”


That’s why whenever someone tries to use the “Well I have a family!” excuse as to why I should give up my holiday for them I tell them “So do I.” My family didn’t just cease to exist the moment I turned 18 and moved out.


I constantly talk about my family. My family is my partner and our dog. Feel free to Fuck off if my definition of family doesn’t match yours and you think my family is less than because of it


Same except we have a cat. 


I basically have no family except for my pets. And they are as important to me as any human family would be 


Well said!


I hate this thing of 'parents have dibs on days off' the fuck you don't. It's Disney, not a funeral. Get over yourself, the other coworker asked and got approved first. This whole thing just boils my piss, honestly. I'd never offer up any info about my family/plans purely for this reason, because for all they know, I could have kids and I can't imagine you have to legally disclose it.


Haven’t heard “boils my piss” before but I’m gonna start using it now lol


Just had to comment to ask what part of the world you are in. I have also never heard that phrase and I love it.lol


UK lmao. We’ve got some pretty interesting phrases.


I think this is why 90% of the shows and movies I watch lately are set in the UK. The dialogue and inner monologues are so much more colorful and fun, lol.


Highly recommend the movie Snatch by Guy Ritchie if you’ve not already seen it. Plenty of absolute gold lines in that xD


Every time I encounter my neighbours' dogs, my brain instantly goes "good dags". I can't control it, it's an instinct at this point lol


Someone I know can repeat Bricktop’s nemesis definition verbatim xD and “four seats and a steering wheel” pops into my head far too often.


"What do you mean you 'lost' him? He's not a pair of fucking car keys now is he?"


hello son


I haven’t seen that yet. Thank you!!


A lot of the BBC versions are better - Coupling comes to mind. Brilliant was hilarious


Adding that to my list, too. Thanks!


Have to also mention that BOTH versions of Being Human are amazing if you enjoy the supernatural element. I'm probably going to binge the BBC Ghosts soon, US version is too cute.


The humor is pretty geared towards Brits (at least I think) but nothing that’d go too over anyone’s head.


I’ll have to check it out.


Oh you’re in for a treat!


Guy Ritchie’s work is amazing. Also recommend RocknRolla and The Gentleman by him for a similar feel.


Thanks for reminding me of RocknRolla, haven't seen that one in ages and I'd love me some Gerry Butler ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


What you need to watch is Peep Show, my friend.


My UK friend told me they called idiots “weapons” in Newcastle. I need to incorporate this into my vocabulary.


Absolutely British isles phrases are the best. These folk must be glaekit lol


You should watch Love Island UK. The slang is amazing


I’m a fan of trash TV so I may give it a watch. Thanks!


Me too, and its absolutely amazing just to listen to them talk and banter! Subtitles have to be on though 😂 Do NOT watch the US one, it sucks. UK is so entertaining and I learned so many words I wish I could use!


This is why no one at my job knows my home life. I don’t need this shit.


Just like if I ever have to take time off to get a vasectomy I know I'm not letting my work place know. One lady that used to work here was going in for plastic surgery and got her FMLA revoked when middle management found out. I haven't even whispered my thoughts of getting one to the co-workers that I trust for this reason and plan on just saying "I'm going in for surgery and the doctor says I need to be off for these days."




When my former boss asked me this when I scheduled my vasectomy she seemed utterly shocked that I offered up that information so willingly. And after that she never asked again about my PTO requests 😂 she was cool though, miss her.


Boils my piss 😭


Literally want to pretend I’m a step mom if I start a new job to avoid this bs


Your comment is so awesome! if I could still give some Reddit reward. Hope my little rewards for you from Google go well. 🏆🌟✨🥇🌟✨


i’ve heard “boils my ass” but not “boils my piss.” i’m stealing it lol


I wouldn't cancel mine either unless they will pay for all the expenses I already prepaid before my own vacation. They could have scheduled their trip way before mine and now they want my slot? Nei.


Oh no, she must find it in her heart to pay for those as well. Or better still never ask for time off ever again. Think of the parents !


I wouldn't cancel it even if they offered to pay, I value my time and plans more than that. Why can't they plan in advance too?


I’d just say “Hey boss, I’ve got plans but since it’s so important to you that Karen gets to go, I’d suggest YOU do her job for her while we’re both gone.”


Plus pay for all my cancelled expenses and her very important family times. Since they’re so much more important of course


This is the correct solution.






Yeah I’d have been like “ok, find it in your heart to cover the cost of my flight cancellations, give me a few grand bonus, and add 5 days of vacation time to my tally on top of what I’m getting back from giving up my holiday.”


This right here, except I'd ask for two additional weeks. Good for this woman to hold her ground because this is some serious pronatalist martyr bullshit.


Exactly. Your lack of planning should not impact my previously affirmed plans. Sorry.


“Your poor planning is not my emergency”


Yep, as I sip my cocktail at the airport lounge before the flight lol.


No kidding! Everyone seems to forget there is actual money being shelled out months in advance immediately after getting approval for the time off. I mean, think about it, airplane tickets need to be bought in advance, deposits are needed for some places like hotels, restaurants, tours, and what have you. It takes a few months to put aside and save up spending money, too. Does the selfishly entitled "Mombie-Comes-First-Before-All" care about how much you stand to lose if you just "Oh,-So-GENEROUSLY-Found-It-In-My-Heart" to up and abruptly cancel your carefully planned vacation? Nah. In fact, I'd rub it all in her nose for being so tacky, ***rude***, and entitled! "OHHH! I'm going to have *SOOOO MUCH FUN* on my ***pre-planned*** Christmas Vacation! My *own* family and I are going to visit and do what*everrrrrr* we want!" Cuz, I can be petty like that, sometimes. 😝


while this is undoubtedly click bait, these kinds of people do exist. in my old job my coworker asked me to move my annual leave because she needed that day to take her kids swimming…. like girl that is so not my problem


I acknowledge my professional bias, and am working on it, and try to address it internally before any action is taken. But parents, especially moms married to their children's father, are often the worst for this type of entitlement. At least in my 20+ years of working. It's so tough to navigate and I'm always happy to be pleasantly surprised (which really just means that a child has a father who parents).


I was told that I had to cover for a woman because she needed to cook her husband food… I’m like wtf!?!?! I have to do the opening & closing shift cause a grown ass adult can’t even put together 2 slices of bread to make a sandwich???


My cousin once left a very serious family meeting about the ongoing care, housing and end of life plans for our beloved grandma. Her live in toddler, I mean boyfriend, didn’t have any clean pants. So he CALLED HER and specifically asked her to LEAVE a VERY IMPORTANT FAMILY MEETING because he didn’t know how to throw his own fucking skid marked panties into the washer.


I work with someone like this. Generally a nice person (if she ever shuts up about her kids) but the worst coworker. Never on time, always taking time off, leaving early, planning her free days with no regard of other people. Her delusions are strong as she believes her having two kids is an excuse for everything... Yet still bragging about her family life so... girl, where's your husband and your parents and his parents and basically all those people who are present in your children's life according to you? Why it's always you leaving early every few days because kids? everyone else tries to figure out whats wrong with her and her family dynamics... That's the person who will openly judge you for not going out with annoying coworkers to party after work but when you get annoyed and tell her to go there herself if it's such a great idea she bounces back with I HAVE A FAMILY. Girl, I don't brag about my private life, you just assumed that I have all the time in the world because I don't have kids.  Sometimes you want to murder people like this. 


Love the Emily the Strange profile pic 🖤🤘🏻


haha thank you! she’s the best 🖤


But it's a swimming emergency! You can't just swim on another day!


If you know it happens IRL why would you think it’s click bait? Lol


just the source, everything i’ve seen from yourtango is bottom of the barrel click bait crap




Parents are unreal!  I once had roofers who removed my old shingles and went home leaving a bare roof no tarp.  Of course it rained and soon water was pouring into my living room.  I called the roofer saying you need to get back here pronto to tarp my roof.  The roofer got really pissy saying "I'm reading my kids their bedtime story.  I don't have time for this".  Yeah Bob, my ceiling is about to cave in but the bedtime story is the priority?  Nope.  He did come out and tarp the roof but I couldn't believe he said that. 


I hope you made him and his company pay the damage to your living room.


We'd just moved in and I was planning to paint anyways so I didn't bother.  It was mostly water marks on the ceiling and walls. 


I'd still be concerned about mold depending where you live


I’d actually demand a refund lol


Fuck a refund, if there was damage inside the house because of their negligence I would be filing a lawsuit.


![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf) Thats all


How I love Lucille Bluth (as a character, not a person)


loose seal! loose seal!


I just don’t understand the whole “I’m a parent so I’m better and more deserving than you”. You literally CHOSE to have kids. And having kids isn’t some noble task like it maybe was considered centuries ago when kids were dying of everything. Literally anyone can have kids. (Edit: meant conceive or get pregnant) It’s not a hard job. And yet they think they deserve a Medal of Honor and constant consideration over childfree people?


I think that some parents believe they're contributing more to society than us because they have kids. So in their minds, they deserve better than us. Because we are just selfish and lazy, running away from our obligation to reproduce /s


I would honestly want to have a conversation with them about why they think having kids contributes more to society. Like that somewhat makes sense when the average lifespan was 60 something and kids died from diseases all the time. I’d argue that child free people are choosing to contribute more to society by our own actions instead of projecting our expectations on to offspring that didn’t even chose to be born, let alone contribute to society someway. Straight from birth, “you have to prove your existence’s worth. Good luck” Honestly with how fast we’re running through natural resources, I’d say child free people are contributing more by not creating more mouths to feed and demanding better reproductive care too.


I've told a parent, "it remains to be seen" whether or not their sprog is a contribution to society. And, "that'll take DECADES to figure out."


Some people honestly think everybody's final goal is marriage and kids. Like their minds cannot comprehend any other option and if you're not following that path they'll think you're broken. They would happily force people into marriage and parenthood.


This.  They honestly believe they are adding value to the world by bring some poor kid into it. 


I mostly agree with you, but I think it is a hard job, but not a hard decision. I think most people just have kids because they really don't know any other options. So, no, people shouldn't be congratulated for doing what is the expected thing people do in current society.


Sorry, I meant conceiving a kid/getting pregnant is pretty cut and dry, not raising one. The main reason I’m not having kids it’s because raising them is too much work than I can commit to.




I've been called to turn up asap on my day off too because a coworker whined about something related to her son (who she always used as an excuse, we later found out he was ~17 at the time, not 10 like in her pictures). I lied and said I was 5h away visiting relatives. I was sitting at home but it's not like they could prove it. If they want me to be on call they have to pay me for that. ETA: she had screwed me over before, by pushing me to switch days off with her, then called in sick when it was her turn so I had to work both days anyway. And she was a repeat offender with this sort of stuff.


People like that piss me off so much. I'm sorry you went through that. I had a CO worker who would not work Saturday due to religion, and it screwed the rest of us so bad.


As a manager, I'd pair them with someone who always needed Friday or Sunday off for the same reason.


This is currently happening to me too… I don’t know how my coworker gets most of every Saturday approved… my job currently moved me to Monday-Friday but then asked me if I could hold out a bit longer since my coworker was off 2 Saturdays in a row… ugh


I get the weekend thing, but also don’t sometimes. My mum has had Wed/Sat off for as long as I could remember and she honestly loves it. When we were kids, having a weekday off meant she could get shit done while we were out of the way at school. It legit never bothered us that she (and my dad) weren’t hovering over us 24/7. We were too busy being feral backyard children.


This also irks me because it means management is pitting their employees against each other. And it's usually entirely unnecessary.


That's probably the REAL reason they do this. "Good luck forming a union now. Mwa-ha-ha!"


> Evie's boss forced her to tell her co-worker that she was the reason she couldn't go to Disney World. Ceding control of how an unpopular decision will be framed is *so fucking stupid*.


Michael Scott move, for sure.


LOL I get that she willingly delivered the news as a way to show how unbothered she was, but I would have refused. "You're the manager, you get paid to manage your staff, YOU tell her."


"I'm about to experience this vacation. See you in a week"


Let's be honest here, none of the co-workers single or not would have canceled their vacation for the single woman. Nice people finish last.


I’m the single person who would be like “I’m the one going to Disney.. Haha!” I haven’t been in a while.. but I used to go multiple times a year.. parents would look at me like “you look so well rested, and like you are having so much fun” Actually there would be two types of parents.. the ones who would be dragging their kids, absolutely miserable.. “we paid for this vacation.. and you are going to enjoy it.. even though you are hot and tired.. and just want to be at the hotel swimming”.. Or the parents who were over tired. This poor little 4 yr old kid, who wearing this plasticy princess dress was crying to please take it off.. it was about 95 degrees and ridiculous humid. Her mom was like “you chose it, so you have to wear it”. I felt so bad for the kid. She wasn’t screaming.. just crying quietly.. I was sitting on the monorail.. facing her. I had never seen a little kid at Disney World who looked so miserable. Like “you are the parent, lady.. 4 year olds don’t understand Florida humidity.. you should have said no, or brought a change of clothes”. I wanted to buy the kid a t shirt and shorts..


Even I do that as an adult! I will wear clothes for a certain event, but also bring backup clothes/shoes just in case. Yeah, maybe I’mma look a little stupid wearing trainers with this dress, but at least my feet aren’t screaming anymore.


I am not a kid fan.. but this little girl looked so sad, and her mother was being so cruel. She wasn’t throwing a tantrum. She was just quietly crying after her mother screamed at her. She was uncomfortable on the warm monorail. The heat from outside had hit her while we were waiting in line at the hotel. They could have stayed on the monorail and went back to their room.. But no.. the mom was making the 4 yr old “suffer” for her “choice of outfit”.. because 4 year olds know about weather planning for an all day outtting in a place they aren’t from. God forbid the parent actually parents, and says “no, you will be uncomfortable”, or packs an extra outfit. I get the excitement of being dressed up as a princess as a little kid at Disney world. I’m not a kid person .. but seeing the really little ones all dressed up, interacting with the characters.. it makes me smile when I see them.. their smile are so huge. When they are still in that age where they believe it’s all real.. it’s charming.. even if you don’t have kids. But that parent was just so horrible. I should have saved the kid lol.


Also, a lot of sites sell more comfortable/breathable princess dresses because we know the store bought liscenced ones are cheap. I see them on Etsy a lot. So if the parent was a parent and *planned* they could have just bought one of those.


I got into “Disney boundingL when I was going .. it’s a lot of fun!


My CF friends and I go to Disney to annually on a girls’ trip and I swear half the time it feels like we are more concerned for some people’s kids than their parents are.


It’s funny. I’m a child free dude but I love hanging with my friends and family’s kids at times. I’m not a child hater, they are actually really hilarious to be around and it’s cool to see their curiosity. However, that’s because I’m only there for the good moments and they’re not my responsibility. I would love to help my parent friends out and take their kids to the zoo, or Disneyland, or the aquarium, cuz that’s fun as hell. But I get to give them back at the end of the day and go home and sleep when I want to.


This is so spot on. My nieces and nephew are surprisingly well behaved for me and they are actually funny as hell. I live three hours away from them, so when my brother comes to town for business it *is* super fun to take them to the zoo and what not, I kind of turn in to a kid myself for a little bit. It’s such small doses that they don’t even get the chance to drive me crazy lol. Giving them back at the end of the day is the best part though. ETA: Actually, if I ever had to have a regular job again, I’d probably lie and say one of my nieces are mine. Then any coworker who tries to give me shit for not covering them *because kids* can kiss her, and my, ass lol.


I have a dog. I’m just gonna call it my child.


That poor kid. Last time I was at Disney there was a very sick kid who was being dragged from ride to ride. The mom was all stage-whispering, "Does she still have a 101 fever?" I couldn't get away from those people fast enough. Those people are horrible parents.


I’m starting to see the benefit on making up an imaginary family: here is my perfect stock image family. It’s not like your coworkers will ever meet them. You’ll have so many reasons to take time off, leave early or be late 🙌😂


Is this a real site? I'm just asking because I've never seen anyone use 'like' as much as the person in the article.




Its a crappy blog that scrapes content of social media and posts it as articles. This entire blog post was based off some random woman's TikTok.


You must not be from California lol. People use "like* every other word here and it is very annoying. I once sat in class and tallied up how many times a guy said "like" in his sentences while speaking and it amounted to over 50 times in 2 minutes.


I'm from California and I assumed this was a Cali thing, but when I lived in Ireland people said "like" a lot, too, just in a different part of the sentence. Cali: "Okay, like, it's not a big deal" Ireland: "It's not a big deal, like."


Interesting, I didn't know that


I've also heard this exact story a few times, down to the responses everyone had, a few times.


I'm such a SoCal girl that I didn't even notices the "likes" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Me neither.


![gif](giphy|d1E1msx7Yw5Ne1Fe|downsized) Me to that persons kids when they ask me if mommy is taking them to Disney world


"I want to spend time with my children 🥺🥺🥺" yeah well so does my mom, you're outta luck


Why would she need to take her kids to Disney world on the most expensive week of the year to go? How about you wait until Evie gets back and then take them on the cheapest week of the year to go? Problem solved.


This pisses me off SO MUCH! At my job, we sometimes have the option to work from home, but individuals with kids are always favored, and I never get the chance to WFH and always have to show up to the office. That isn’t nearly as bad as the article I just read, but goes to show that we miss out on a lot of benefits just because we are child free.


When I worked for Wells Fargo there was a big team meeting asking for people to volunteer their PTO to a coworker who had kids. I asked why we were being asked to provide our time off, when the company could just as easily do the same without negatively impacting the rest of the department. My manager tried to talk to me about it after the fact as being inappropriate but I shut that shit down. I told him the only inappropriate thing today was asking the team to cover their time off after watching her take numerous vacations the same year. It’s not like she didn’t know she was pregnant at the time. Poor planning on your part is not an emergency on mine. Sorry not sorry. Take it up with the company.


I'm assuming this story takes place in the US, which really is just another reason to pity the entire country - I don't know how people haven't revolted. I'm in Brazil and when I worked at an office, the only thing they asked was for people in the same department (small office) to not take their vacation time at the same time - the idea of a boss basically demanding an employee give up their vacation time is insane (also probably illegal - not to say I can't see it happening, but not like in these American stories). And making the employee explain to a colleague that too bad so sad? Never. Put it down in writing first, *boss*, then we'll see. No? Oh well. Sure, maybe it wouldn't be good in the long run, but a toxic work environment isn't made to last anyway. Although I have no doubt that here the percentage is likely the same regarding "of course parents have dibs and are entitled to time off and dipping out of work", if not higher. Then again, not to be smug about it, but by and large, the US seems to have very few protections... or rights to employees, and ah, Brazil has *a lot* of them. Again, not to be smug about it lol US, you make me *sad*.


It makes most of us sad too.


US work culture is toxic


>I don't know how people haven't revolted We have a militarized police. I wish we could be like France .


Except their protests did no good. At least not this time.


There are undoubtedly bad places to work in the US but it isn't everywhere. Whether or not you have kids has absolutely no bearing on whether you get time off at my firm. And, frankly, I've never seen time off denied.


Imagine if jobs had a system in place, a calendar maybe, you could check your time off and others time off.


That manager is shitty and should be written up. No how about YOU tell her she can’t go because she sucks at planning ahead. This is not the employees job to deliver bad news.


My coworker was livid that I requested time off exactly a year in advance (the earliest we can) for a big trip to South America with my husband and in-laws. She was not able to get the time off during her son’s fall break because I had already requested it. She had the audacity to come up to me and ask me to move my vacation because it was more important that she could be off when her son was off. I told her it was a big international trip I was coordinating with the schedules of 5 other adults with jobs and lives and I could not do that. She demanded I ask them all to move their work schedules so we could take the vacation at a different time so she could have the time off. I just stared at her and she actually stamped her foot and told me I wasn’t old enough to understand and I would get it when I had my own kids, so just move the damn vacation! This woman is 42 years old.


Why did you not laugh in her face?


I was so stunned I was just staring! I told her I wasn’t moving it each time she demanded it and she huffed off and told me she hoped we were on different services (therefore less affected by taking off at the same time) by next year. She’ll probably get it anyways now because I don’t work there anymore 😅


We don't care how media depicts this #westandwithsinglewoman


I would have been much worse to Karen. "It's not my fault your husband didn't wear a rubber"


I've definitely switched vacation weeks with some moms when I worked in retail, but that was only because I hadn't made any concrete plans (I can go to the museum on another day for example) but my coworker was so grateful about it she bought me stuff at Disney world. I didn't ask her to but she just did it to be nice. But yeah if I have concrete plans that I cant change, the answer will be no. Sorry not sorry.


Schedule your Disney trip for when you can have off. It’s literally open every day of the year.


I worked as a cleaner to keep the lights on in my 20s. Basically it was expected that the ones without kids would voluenteer to take the xmas jobs and it wasn't a 'thank you for doing this' kind of a thing, more of a 'I'm entitled to force you to take the shitty shift'. So I worked through all the popular public holidays. OTOH those days usually had better pay, which also annoyed the hell out of the people who first forced me and other women without kids to work. the whine about us not deserving the extra pay was just the icing on a turd when they returned from the holidays.


Wow! That is so shitty!


Your poor planning is not my responsibility


The worst ones in my experienced are the “struggling single moms with three kids” sob story — in my experience those types they really like to put the guilt trip on ya!


My partner likes to say "lol! No way I'm gonna make accommodations for your cum pet". He's been removed from places lol


“Cum pet”. Disgusting. I love it lol


Coworker caves, kids get to go to Disney, "Moooom, I'm booooored!!!", kids sit in on a Star Wars live show with their ipad on full blast.


Her coworker can wait until she comes back from her vacation to take hers. Parents are not more important despite what this parent coworker thinks.


Good for her. Entitlement runs deep with some parents. Just of course these people will shun her at work cause that is also how they are…


If they wanna play the "kids need to see their mother" card -- Evie's mom hasn't gotten to see her child in a year


Real talk my childfree friends— I think I have made the mistake in my career one time of giving into this and only because I felt the “be a team player”pressure on me, but I was seething inside and still very resentful. It was years ago and I regret it to this very day because no one appreciates when you make the sacrifices they say they do but they don’t. I think a lot of parents think that the social pressure will make the childfree person give in. And they really do think that their lives are more valuable than yours because they have a trophy from the time they had sex.


I used to just roll over for these things too when I was in my 20s, and then I got a boss who, when I asked her if I could move an approved vacation (that I’d asked for months in advance) for another coworker with a “family” that needed the time she was like “Do you WANT to do it?” And I was like “Well, I’m not going anywhere, I don’t have any plans so I CAN do it.” And she said “No. Whatever you have planned or not planned is important. It’s your vacation, you have earned it. Someone else’s poor planning shouldn’t result in you feeling you have to accommodate them. I encourage you to take your vacation and not rearrange it.” that was the first time I realized I didn’t have to just give up on everything because I didn’t have a classic “family”.


Those kinds of bosses are rare and should be treasured and appreciated. I’ve only had one boss and one only who came up to me one time and told me that she does not believe in giving people with kids preferential treatment and that I should take the time off as scheduled because my time is as important as any other employee. I only had one person to say that to me the others just thought that my time was less valuable because I am child Free.


Yes, I love this boss and I'm so fortunate to have her. It's extremely rare! I let her know whenever I can how much I appreciate her hard work for her reports. If she ever left, I'd follow her wherever she went.


What I say now is we should have a ME TOO MOVEMENT for the Child Free working people. Just like women have been sexually harassed. We have been harassed at our jobs because the person in the next cubicle had a kid and we did not. I say times up for that!!!!!


I have never been asked to change a vacation because kids...but I have had to cover the same woman's maternity leave 3 times in the busiest parts of the year for us.


This is absolutely ridiculous. I wouldn't cancel my vacation either. Disney World isn't going anywhere anytime soon.


The mother's lack of planning is not my emergency. My vacation got approved first, I've booked my tickets and hotel, you can find a different week to take your kids to Disney.


After one month in a call center work, really bad shifts, which are so few weekends free, and really valuable. It results this girl, let's call her Uber Karen, cuz I'm so pretty and so on, it's getting away all weekends free cuz "Im departing to blabla" all 3 weekends she made her way, running between desktops nervously begging to fat it guys to "switch cuz important thing". Well seems it was my turn, after 3 weekends saturday and Sunday working, that was my Friday night, spotted her coming my way. "Hi Steven, my friend" (Nothing more far from reality, never crossed more than 2 words). I need to ask you a huge favor, could you switch this weekend with me I have tickets for...(Insert lie here) Please please? And smiling and soft touching me. "Sorry I have plans" I replied. -Come on, I promise I will cover you in "other occasion" not even offered next weekend haha. "Nope, sorry " -Ok nevermind.. and walked to next guy. She got it ofc. But the next 6 months i worked there she never said hello again. Or even lookeda at me. Make your own conclusions.


Props to her for standing her ground -- I imagine the pressure was intense...and the guilt-tripping too!


lol, no. I don’t have kids for a reason


When I worked at a college I definitely understood what it was like to be Evie. They expected me to do more work than all of the people with kids and be willing to work during the day and come back to work at night. I still think about the time I worked all of my Saturdays and my boss came into my office and tried to make me work another Saturday because my coworker who sees his kids everyday wanted to spend the Saturday with them. I told her that I had plans to see Hamilton and she tried to say that I could go after. I was so mad, like we would have been late if I did that. I straight up told my boss that I was going to go to Hamilton and that they would have to figure something out. Leaving that college job was one of the best decisions of my life, they expected me to work crazy long hours and guess what? I was salary so I got no overtime.


I used to love, watching parent with shit planning hustle last minute to find someone willing to trade with them. I loved telling them no, only the ah parents. I would help out the good parents, if it was reasonable.


Parents are so entitled!


“Now kindly bugger off” lmbao


I’m thankful that I have a great boss who doesn’t do that nonsense, but this is exactly why I only share my personal information on a need to know basis. If I request time off, it’s no one’s business for what that time off is for. If I’m putting a day off or vacation way ahead of time, it’s a heads up, not me asking permission. The only time I’ve shared any reason I’ve been off work is because I had to let them know I was in the hospital or some other emergency. And usually they don’t need to know for what reason unless it would affect my work performance or if I have something communicable.


fr. if i’m putting in time off i’m not asking for it. i’m informing them that i won’t be in that day, and they need to do whatever they need to do about that. when i worked in a call center there was a required box to put in a reason for your absence, and i always just put “i will not be working on this day.” it’s never been denied but my boss was mad and kept trying to talk at me about it. i was like, i have pto. i’m using it. i don’t need a “good enough” reason to use a benefit that the company provides me. it’s up to me whether i wanna go on an extravagant overseas trip or veg out on my couch lol


I had certain bosses who made it clear you had to ASK for time off not REQUEST it as you were being presumptuous to ASSUME it would be approved.


lmao i’d argue it’s presumptuous to assume i’m gonna plan my whole life around work. they’ll manage without me there for one day. even if it were more i’m sure they’d be fine


LOLOL!!! I love this story so much! Is DisneyWorld going somewhere? Won't it still be there if she takes her vacation the week after Christmas or any other time?! I can't imagine the entitlement to want someone to cancel THEIR vacation so you that you can plan a vacation. CF person responded correctly.


Please tell me it's satire.... I doubt it is, but I cannot read it bc it sounds so fucking whiny.




I think so many of these stories though are just rage click baits.. and none of these people exist :)


I agree, fake story.


It would be funny if this person weren't thrust in to the spotlight for demanding their rights not be taken and given to someone else simply because they ______ without contraception.


I am so sick and tired of the arrogance of these people- you have unprotected sex and then this kid is born and now my plans need to be put aside because of what you did no I don’t think so!


That manager and coworker are so cute thinking she’s going to cancel her plans she made well in advance and likely be out of money already put down on the flights and hotel. What the actual fuck??


Don't talk to him about it in person. Write it up in an e-mail and cc HR. Also request your time off in writing as well, so it's a matter of time-stamped record. Never let these things devolve into hearsay.


I do not believe for one second the trip to disney world was a last minute thing. I believe Karen had this planned for some time.




This was a reddit post a while ago.


i will only change schedules with one person at work(work bestie) everyone else knows they can kiss my ass


I worked for a company that had everyone come in during snow unless it was really really bad. Then once everyone was there and working for a few hours people could start to go home. BUT the parents always got to leave first.  Meanwhile all us child free folks had to be on the roads back home at the worst time and try not to get in a bad accident, or stay until close. 


Never tell your employer anything about yourself. And always remember it's not only acceptable but the morally correct stance to lie to your boss if questioned.


I am sick of it. And the same people also complain when they feel they’re not offered the same opportunities because they have families. You can’t have it both ways. If you’re someone who constantly is asking for accommodations and time off due to something happening with your kids, don’t complain when others move up and you don’t.


I don’t care about someone’s kids, not my problem if you get to see them or not. I’m going on my vacation.


Lol you can try tell me I won't have my vacation, honestly you can not approve my vacation, I'll just be sick for that exact time, my vacation isn't a request it's a statement, as in this is when I'm not going to fucken be here.


Thankfully, this hasn't happened to me. I hope it doesn't, because if someone is dumb enough to use the term "find it in your heart," I'll probably just say "bruh, I don't fucking care" on reflex. I've always made decisions based upon logic, not emotions. And vacation is an opportune time to unwind and get my shit back together so I can prevent burnout. Also, my heart is the size of a chickadee's heart. I can only bring myself to care about so many things, and Karen going to Disney World with her kids during Christmas vacation is not one of them. Also, boss needs to have his ass handed to him and grow up. What a fucking prick.


But aren't Evie's parents entitled to see their daughter. it's the same thing - right?


In Europe we have it even worse. Here, parents with kids oficially have the privilege to choose vacation dates first, as per the law. Some of my friends haven't had a Christmas vacation in 5 years because their colleagues with kids always get priority. Additionally, parents with kids receive extra paid days off. For instance, those with 3 or more kids under 12 years old get 2 fully paid days off EVERY MONTH, which adds up to 24 extra paid vacation days a year! Those with 2 kids under 12 years old get 1 fully paid day off every month, and those with 1 kid under 12 years old get 1 extra paid day off every three months. It's all in the law. The downside is that employers aren't required to pay overtime for employees covering for parents unless they are taking on a full shift (meaning 100% of the workload) or if they have to show up at work just for that. Some companies compensate fairly for this, while others don't. Just imagine having to cover for a colleague 2 days every month without any extra pay just because they are a parent and you're not. Moreover, parents can take as many sick days as needed for their kids, even for minor illnesses like a runny nose. Again, the law doesn't mandate employers to pay extra to those covering for colleagues on sick leave unless they are taking on a full shift. So, picture this scenario: you cover for Karen for two weeks because her two kids gets runny nose one after another. When Karen returns, the first thing she does, she takes her extra 2 fully paid days off just because she can. This was one of the reasons I decided to quit my job and start my own business. I've been successfully self-employed for 10 years now.


People who have kids are a different type of entitled


Ah, yes, children are the ultimate excuse to get a special treatment! And it's not always about the children's sake, but the parents ego, which needs a constant filling. 


This wouldn’t be as much of an issue if we had protected workers rights like in other countries. I wish everyone was guaranteed to 30 (+) paid days off yearly and it was the managers responsibility (and not the employees) to actually “manage” the business/company. If I’m sick for example, I’m not calling a million coworkers to try to find someone to cover my shift. That’s the managers job. I’ve quit places for trying that with me and blatantly told them why. The more that people do this (if they can, I understand not everyone can) the better chances of having that important cultural shift that we need for more workers’ protections and work/life balance.


Nah, bro, fuck your generic capitalist vacation. :b


This is such clickbait that may be pure fiction. Its literally based on what this woman said on TikTok lol. The problem with posting and sharing things like this is they make it look like people who choose to be childfree will grasp at any story of entitlement by parents no matter how little credibility they might have.


Single woman should just say she is busy working on her OnlyFans customer appreciation day that day. Sorry, can't cancel that.


That's absolutely insane to do that to do this woman (the single woman). Also, how is it the workplace's business as to where or what the single woman chooses to do with her vacation? It's not her responsibility to accommodate for anyone with families. If the woman has available vaction time, then she should be able to use it as she pleases. Maybe this single woman has other obligations in her life as well.


Honestly, even though I have children, all employees are still in equal positions. Children are not the reason why single people's holidays are postponed. I myself worked shifts when my children were young, and my husband and I arranged childcare between us without asking colleagues to change their holidays for our children's sake. We decided to have them, and their care was in our responsibility. The same applies, for example, to airplane or movie theater seats.