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“I am sorry your love for each other is superficial”


Lemme just- “I’m sorry your love for each other is so superficial that you need a kid to reinforce it.” (Rude af but I just felt like adding it, since I feel rude af rn 💀)


I have literally told family members before: "I am sorry for you if the kids are what keeps you together".


Damn, you had to destroy them like that Btw, What was their response to it?


If memory serves "You don't understand" was the reply. "Neither do I want to" was my reply to that, and that was th end of it.


I wanna be as straightforward as you dude, that’s amazing


I just don't see the point of circunstancial pleasantries. I don't care about your opinion, you don't care about mine, so why hold on to what you want to say. Let it out.


Especially when they offer their unsolicited opinions! Gloves off, bitch. 🥊


Almost the same - only I've changed the "I'm sorry for you" to "It's a pity", since I'm genuinely not sorry for them yet I do pity them and that line of thinking 🤷🏽‍♀️


Sorry for the kids


Idk about that I know people who have had kids die


Love this. They need a good verbal smack down.


Oh I'd probably directly say fuck you to this person


Even better if its coming from someone who has kids and divorced LOL Lemme tell you how ur wrong about your concept of family and love


If they’re rude enough to be such an asshole, I have no problem reciprocating and I will absolutely be using this response.


“And I wish you good luck when little Timmy leaves the nest..”


Oh yes, good addition!


It's literally so rude to tell someone their life is incomplete without brats. I match energies 🤣


Bingo. "Why is your relationship only complete *with* children? What was it before that?"


And what will your relationship be after they finally grow up and leave the house?


A good one was when a friend of a friend asked what we do with all of our spare time. My partner asked, "What did you do in your spare time before children? All that stuff."


This is perfect!


I would say: does it make you feel better about your relationship when you say these things?


OOF 👏 i love the ruthlessness


Talk to me like that and all bets are off 😈


Oh man. I love this response. related: I find most the people in my family who tell me that the best parts of their lives are their children - are just trying to make themselves feel better cuz their lives are shit. They’re family so I know all about their struggles and shortcomings. Some of them are shitty people/parents and thus are raising shitty kids.


If someone tells me the best part of their life is their children I say, "I'm sorry about that."


My goodness, keeping this and filing it away for the next time i’m told “why aren’t you two living together after 10yrs? That’s not a real couple!”


As someone who isn't living with my partner and we've been in a relationship for almost 10 years, what's the reason for not living with them? Mine are economic reasons, but tbh I've been thinking that maybe living apart it's not so bad.


For us, we both love it! So many reasons, including that i work from home (as in my business space is one closed room + half the living room) and honestly there would be no space for his stuff if he moved here and that would make us both feel terrible (he lives in a two rooms apartment, even less space for me there), i own and he rents (i have no interest in renting, and he has no interest in owning), our schedules are not always compatible, i’m a light sleeper so i wake up all the time but i also talk in my sleep (lol) so that’s fine once or twice a week we deal, but i don’t want him to be sleep deprived either lol, we like being able to see each other in person when we WANT to instead of HAVE to (we talk on the phone all the time tho, and we love it), we don’t have the same taste in music/film/podcasts (which is totally not a problem to compromise when we see each other, but compromising everyday on this would suck for both of us because our tastes are so different lol i don’t wanna hear gregorian chants and french chansonniers all day and he don’t wanna hear my r&b or pop music playlists all day either 🤣), etc etc i could go on, but the biggest reason: we both need a lot of alone time! So… why fight it, right? It’s like a perfect childfree no-interest-in-getting-married match lol We found each other’s needle in fieldssss of haystacks! 😃 We both feel very lucky 🥰 We are there for the other whenever (we live only a few subway stations apart), that’s what’s important :) Last week i discovered the term “apartner” (partners apart) and i just love it! That is totally what we are :)


yep. this right here.


I am so sorry that your spouse isn’t enough to make you happy. My spouse and I don’t need anyone else to feel complete. I pity you that you don’t have such an amazing love. I wish you could experience that too but unfortunately as you already have kids you won’t.


Oh wow I will definately answer that first sentence next time


Love this


Daaamn that last part is just *chef kiss*


As the breeders always wanna tell us we won’t know what true love is until we breed 🤣 loving your spouse so much that this is all you want and need is a much bigger and truer love 💕


"i've always thought that people just had kids to save their marriages. my marriage has never needed saving 😌🍵"


Daaaamn this one is good


Oooooo this one is EPIC!


“My relationship is based on romance, sex, and friendship between me and my gal. Kids don’t factor in. In fact, they would take away from every aspect of my relationship.”


This is a good one


This is really great, I love your response. I just tell everyone my husband is sterile (which he is) and I get a small sympathy smile and we move on. But even if he wasn’t, it works so well I’d still say it.


“My gal” 🥹 CUTE


Your relationship is incomplete without pegging. People are ridiculous don’t be afraid to be ridiculous back.




“You’ll never know true love until you’ve had your salad tossed 😔” 😂


It's sad that they have to combine their DNA to feel complete love for one another.


I would tell them that most parents I see are in a loveless marriage or divorced, so I think I‘m good. 😘


I would say your relationship is incomplete without horses.


I would say the same, but about dogs!


Yup! Or if they have dogs I say “they deserve all my focus, I don’t want to neglect them because I have kids” because so many dogs *are* neglected once the babies start coming and it drives me insane


Love this. And I agree, I hate seeing dogs treated like they no longer matter. They are family members.


I am in a lot of dog groups and see posts all the time about how the dog was so well behaved and “now that we have had our kid for 8 weeks our dog is doing XYZ” typically behaviors that get attention because they’re being neglected. It’s so sad.


They completely stop the dogs routine and exercise and ignore the dog, then are flabbergasted when the dog starts acting out. It's maddening.


Bunnies here!


And birbs


Also a vote for bunnies! That's why we have three. Moar love! MOAR!


Ooh, super cute! Not compatible with my dog though, so I can’t risk having them x


Hahah yeah, some animals don't get along. My partner's cat is afraid of the bunnies, so we're good on that front and get let them free roam without a care. Tbf sometimes even I get scared by my bunnies, my girl is very specific and if things don't go her way or fast enough she'll SLAP you or launch herself at your hand to like 'bite' (it isn't hard enough to break skin but it is unexpected) and growls. Like bitch you still have an entire toilet full of hay, you've got cabbage, you've got water, your house is clean, you got all these hidey houses, what are you angry at me for? T.T And then other days she's like cuddled into me and gets upset when I stop petting her hahaha.


Hearing about your bunnies is much more interesting than any kid story. I love hearing about animals 🥰


And llamas.


And ferrets. That's how I get strangers to stfu about kids. I just start gushing about my ferrets.


photo tax! photo tax!


[Here he is!](https://imgur.com/a/r7XMq79) His name's Asmodeus. I have a couple more pictures of him in my post history too.


awwwwww tge cutie!!! Ferrets are so frikin cute. I wish i could have one but i couldnt provide playtime




I used to have rats and did the same. Like I already have 5 furry toddlers, I have enough on my plate 😅


Aww, I used to have rats! Lifespan is painfully too short, though. My husband and I couldn't take it. I love the look on people's faces when you go off about how awesome your pets are. If they're especially pushy, I take my phone and start pulling up pictures like most people would do with their kids.


And cats 💟


Pregnancy is dangerous and could kill my partner or otherwise cause her serious harm.


Uhg, I know so many men who say they love their wives and then talk about wanting kids and I always think, “how could you love her if your willing to risk losing her for something that screams and shits?” doesn’t seem like real love and care to me and never has. It has always confused me ever since they made us watch and learn about birth in growing and changing classes


And they know nothing about pregnancy, the possible risks and normal side effects. "It's been 2 months since the birth of our child, why won't my wife have sex with me?!"


If it makes you feel any better, most men have little to no sexual education at all. Still seen some in their 30s who seem to not understand you can get STDs other than herpes from oral sex, and think women can't get pregnant on their periods....


If they've seen any depiction of pregnancy, they know enough to want anyone they *actually* care about to stay faaaar away from it. Like why would you want your supposed loved ones to be constantly vomiting and scream in agony?


My question is, do they show the boys what a vaginal birth looks like in their growing and changing classes? 


They did in ours but they just covered their eyes and made jokes and laughed, not fun to experience as a girl.


Also want them to go though torture and put their health and life at risk? Like "I love you so scream in agony for hours while your body rips open because you alone aren't good enough."


Then married people with kids shouldn't be getting divorced if there is true love.Kids are an outcome of unprotected penetrative intercourse.Don't glorify them too much. ![gif](giphy|f3Bg576x4XBhPCWKm0|downsized)


A million times this.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8062063/ lots of research supporting marital happiness declines with every kid you have


Aaaand saved that link, thanks very much 🫡


You mean my relationship is “not ruined”, unlike yours 😏




You are so right. I honestly think it's one of those clichés people thoughtlessly repeat.


I think it’s one of those clichés that people with bad intentions cling to and try to use to harm others. Like “we hurt the ones we love the most”, which is the complete opposite of the truth. If you truly loved someone, you would never, ever harm them.




I had this said to me, in so many words, by a family member who I considered my best friend. We are no longer friends. She said of her own relationship “if you love your man what better way to show that than having his baby, I love him so much I want to give him that” fair enough, but this was said just after I said I didn’t want kids after she asked when me and my partner will start trying for a baby. It was a back handed dig, and at the time I was so upset. I actually didn’t reply to her. I went to my partner, crying, saying “do you think I don’t love you if I don’t want your kids?” He told me to stop talking to people who say toxic nonsense regardless if they’re family because all it does is upset me. I cut ties very soon after, as every conversation thereafter felt like a dig at me, my relationship and our decision to be childfree.


I think my response to that would be, "No, I show him I love him by not adding more stress to our already busy lives." Good for you for setting boundaries and sticking to them. I should consider doing the same with my family. Some of them like to insinuate that my life is meaningless without kids.


I wish I did. It was constant digs to be honest, just generally how I live my life (childfree, atheist, etc) it was since we were kids, and it took to getting to my mid 30s to finally stop people pleasing.


"I'm sorry you need marital aids to stay with each other."


“Except that it’s totally not,” with an insufferable smile.


I find it odd when people say this and they aren’t like Christian fundamentalists who got married and had kids quick. Like okay so your high school boyfriend who you were supposedly “in love with” was an incomplete relationship then? Your relationship before you had kids was incomplete then? Like what the fuck are people on about.


I'd cry into my money and free time






"I'm sorry that yours is. But don't make assumptions about mine"


I'd say "well good thing my relationship is none of your business"


We just wake up every day in love with each other, and wanting to spend time together. *ridiculously confused face*


literally this. Like, we found the perfect life together, why would we make any decisions that would lead to less fun, less free time, less money, less sleep…


“Have you orgasmed yet?”


We've got everything we want, and have opted out of all the things we don't want. I think that's about as complete as we can get, because we're doing this *for ourselves.* It's *our* relationship, the only standards that matter for it are *our* standards. Why would I care about how someone else would measure it? I don't. I'm an incomplete failure in so many people's eyes already for wasting this or that potential, and yet somehow, I'm self-actualized, happy and deeply content with life. Funny how that works :) At this point someone else bitching about my life is pretty much the same as my GPS telling me I'm on the right path.


I'm sorry you've never experienced unconditional love.


"I'm sorry your relationship isn't as good as mine then, you should try having a partner you truly love that makes your life complete" And if they said it to me (childless but trying to cope, reading here helps!) I would be so hurt. My relationship is just as important as those with children. In fact, we choose to stay together with nothing "binding us". So f them. Don't say things like that to anyone, childless or child free.


So you had a kid to save your incomplete marriage? You know that never works, right? You’ll see.


"What are you, the Borg? You tryna assimilate me into your miserable collective?"


Don't care. Don't bother me. See you in hell. (Walk away.)


"Wow are you stupid."


I'd probably have a hard time containing my laughter, then I would probably respond with something morbid like "life is complete when you die." I wouldn't humor a deep conversation over the topic. People who say stuff like that are intellectually limited, I have no reason to burn myself out explaining deeper thought that won't stick. My approach to life is to only put effort into things that actually affect me. People's garbage opinions don't do that.


"Well, obviously, I disagree." Just shut that shit down.


I would say "at least we have wonderful s*x anytime we want to" 😂


“Don’t lose your day job, - because you make a lousy Judge and Jury." I have actually said this.


Lol then why are they all divorced???


"Oof. That's a self burn."


![gif](giphy|5h47LsEYbofzcgOz19) 👏🏻🤌🏻


“Weird, my marriage certificate says otherwise” “Sorry I don’t need kids as a distraction from my husband.” “Why do you think that’s ok to say to someone?” “Would you say that to someone struggling with infertility?” “Go sit on a carrot.”


"I'd tell you to sit on a carrot, but I wouldn't want to spice up your marriage." hehe


HAHAHA adding that to my arsenal.


Why would I want burdens?


"It's *my* relationship. *You* don't have a say in it."


if (read: when) i get asked this, i’d probably just say “i dunno, i’m just not selfish enough to bring a child into my relationship just for the sake of it”


Explain the divorce rates after couples have kids then


Their lives are incomplete and they needed children to ignore the feeling


Laugh uncontrollably. Then walk away or move on to doing whatever else - "these chips are great", or something.


If it’s a woman: “at least my vagina is intact and my body isn’t ruined” If it’s a man: “at least I can indulge my sex drive whenever I please and my bank account isn’t crying” At this point ifgaf and it should be obvious I only say this to to people I don’t like/ don’t respect me.


My response would be nonverbally because I don't appreciate when twits trying to waste my time with their unsolicited opinion about my life. Are they entitled to their opinion? Yes. Do I have to listen? No.


What relationship?


"Oh, that's too bad—I'm sorry to hear that, for your sake. Mine is, though."


Just because your wife doesn't complete you, doesn't mean my wife doesn't complete me. I guess I found my soulmate. Sorry that you didn't. I'm sorry your love has conditions and your wife must give you things in order for you to 100% love her. My love has no requirements.


I just roll my eyes and walk away from those kinds of people. Not worth my time or effort.




How well do I know the person saying it? Because if it’s someone I’ll never see again/will hardly ever have to interact with again, I’ll tell them my partner and I have tried and I’ve had several miscarriages and a stillborn and I’ll cry. It’s not true of course but why not make the person feel like total shit? It’s my mission to make every stranger who says things like that as uncomfortable as possible.


I wouldn’t do this because I couldn’t stomach having anyone think I’d ever want children, but I have a deep respect for the end goal.


LOL Ok I’ve stopped wasting my time arguing with people about. You’ll never convince them


I would just at walk away from the conservation. Like that amount of rudeness and dumbness isn't going to bring me anything. I'm disengaging, like my girl Meridith Marks would say


“How sad you feel that way.” Then I usually try to leave the conversation because it isn’t going to go anywhere after this. The thing I’ve really come to understand, especially in the last few years, is people who are truly happy with their lives and choices typically don’t give AF what others choose to do. You don’t want my life? Cool cool, I can totally respect that, glad we’re all finding what works for us. But I LOVE my life. Through a combination of good fortune and hard work, I’m in a great place in life. I have no regrets about my choices. So I have no room in my life for people who want to judge or demean me because I chose something different.


Your marriage is incomplete without divorce. Your brain is incomplete without common sense. Or. Or. Pause, put a hand to your chest and say "oh you actually believe that don't you" or or tell them you'll pray for them(I'm not religious, but it's really funny when they are)


Nothing, just laugh and walk away. I don’t dignify that shit with an answer. You don’t need to justify your life, choices or existence to literally anyone.


" Maybe for you is incomplete, for me it is not. Try to learn that not everyone feels and sees the things the same as you do, and you will grow immensely as a person "


I don't need kids to distract me from my marriage because I actually like my husband.


i would just say ok and avoid further conversation with them, i wouldnt take their opinions into account and would seek to cut ties with them


I always say my wife and I are able to say we love the other more than anyone in the world, and we both get to know we mean it. That definitely doesn't feel incomplete.


"Who are you to decide what does and doesn't make the relationship I have with the person I love complete?"


"That's nice, I'd rather nail my dick to a burning log."


What about infertile couples who are not able to adopt/foster etc.? Those are "incomplete"? Someone once said to me that kids are a bonus to a marriage, not the whole reason for it. And for those who actually want it. Idk might even have been my mom. I'm so glad I have supportive one and she even agrees I should not have kids 😂


"Oh, I'm so sorry your relationship needed children to be complete, that's so sad...."


If you need a kid to love eachother then, sorry that ain't love.


I feel sorry for your significant other. It must be horrible being with someone who doesn't love you unless you give them babies.


"Maybe *yours* is, and honestly that's really sad for you. I'm especially sorry you chose to have children in a relationship that felt incomplete. Wow. How sad for all of you." *pats back in show of support*


I would respond: *I've been lucky I guess*


"Then why are women often physically abused or cheated on for the first time during pregnancy?" Kill them with facts, since they've probably never heard one in their life.


I have a half-sibling that I basically helped raise. We're 15 years apart so no thanks! I've had my fill of dirty diapers, vomit and the stress of going to school while having to make sure I pick them up from school.


"Fuck off"


When you enter in a relationship you should be complete in the first place. If you expect someone to complete you then your relationship is doomed to fail They would probably cut contact with me with that lol


“Says who? Cause I’m telling you it’s complete and who would know better than me?”


That I’m sorry their life experiences have left them with that shallow mindset and I hope they manage to find more genuine happiness at some point in the future. Also ask if they’d dare say that to someone who didn’t have kids and perhaps even couldn’t have kids…. Probably the only way they’d realise how fucking rude they are being.


I'm a child of divorce so clearly that's a load of bull


Well fortunately, our relationship is no concern of yours.


"Then you're with the wrong person."


Maybe yours is...


“Wow! So, infertile couples are incomplete? Their vows to each other don’t matter? Bullcrap! You are cruel and heartless, Becky/Bobby.”


I start discussing every couple I know that has been together for years and right after they have a baby they break up. That’s my main reason I DONT want kids, my husband and I have a great relationship and I don’t want to ruin that. That’s what I say!


*shrug* “that sounds like a me problem” and just don’t engage


I'd very casually tell them how their relationship will be ending soon because they won't have time for it anymore.


I mean...ok? This person means nothing to me, they can think whatever they want.


"I see my partner as a whole and complete human being, not a sperm bank."


“It makes our relationship stronger, since we only have each other to focus on.”


“Your brain is incomplete” “…” “Yeah, that was bad…but you’re bad, too 😤”


My partner's enough for me. We live a rich and varied life which would only be less with a child.


my family is full and no longer accepting applications from hypothetical people 😘


So what happens when they move out to keep your relationship complete? How will your relationship survive? What if people cannot have children, are you saying their relationship is inferior to yours? Questions are the way to go until they go away . 😂 ![gif](giphy|l1JJ6JMcdfjDya44KO|downsized)


I would tell them "then id rather have a incomplete marriage bc your idea of a ideal marriage is my nightmare"✌🏾 Then walk away with future spouse with them looking like this:😮


If my relationship needed a child to be deeply rooted in love, I'd be horribly depressed at what a crappy relationship it was.


>your relationship is incomplete without children If there were children, it'd be a complete disaster.


This happened to me 9 years ago at my part time job. A bunch of male colleagues and I were talking and I mentioned that I didn’t want any kids and my boyfriend has no problem with it. They said that he will leave me since it’ll never be a real relationship. My reaction was that I started crying and then they all were really apologetic that it doesn’t have to be this way? It was the first time anyone gave me that strong of a reaction to my life decisions, so I didn’t know what to do. Long story short, we are together 10,5 years now and we got married three weeks ago.


So when your kids grow up and move out does that mean your relationship goes back to being incomplete?


“I’m sorry your partner doesn’t love you”


When i got engaged a receptionist at the dentist’s office said “why get married if your not having children “. I said because we love each other , she was speechless.


" My life is complete without YOU." * walks away * There seems to be some sort of long-standing obsession with social hierarchy. There always has to be some sort of scapegoat that's a '.threat.' Child-free folk and atheists are just more targets added to the ever-growing list. * lol* Good news is that realizing this (in my opinion) makes it easier to walk away from a lot of assholes.


I’d say, “Well that’s sad you think children is the only reason a person feels complete in life. What about people who achieve greatness and never want to have children, yet feel complete because of what they achieve?”


On the same note, when someone says they didn’t know love until they had kids. My old boss said this to me. I said, “Wow that’s so sad for you.” Shut her up reeeaaalll quick.


"Kids aren't a symbol of love, just of sex. Didn't they teach you the difference in elementary school?"


I'd say that I am complete on my own, and my husband is my partner in life. I don't need a child to be complete.


If we need another person to build up our relationship we’re going on adult friend finder


“I’m sorry to hear you didn’t love your partner enough and thought a kid would fix it”


because I love HIM, for HIM. as he is. no more, no less. I'm staying with him for the rest of my life *because* our relationship is fulfilling.


furbabies are valid. They have personalities feel pain and show love. Your just jealous because I dont habe to pay for daycare.


I’ve never experienced this. But I can imagine I would be the sort to ask them to explain their logic in detail, then explain exactly why they’re wrong. Changing their narrow minded views is worth the extra time discussing


That's not really for them to decide. If their relationship is staying together only because of shared kids, then they don't really have one.


![gif](giphy|9Dv0TdItNqN8wPilng) ”guess your face isn’t complete since you don’t have teeth”


'What relationship?!'


I'd say, "What a mean thing to say," and refuse to discuss it further.


"I don't care what you think"


Laugh at them and tell them to go fuck themselves


Find something that annoys them, that they consider a grating chore, then try to convince them they aren't complete without this annoying thing. Do it incessantly to the point they dread talking to you.


My relationship is just fine, not that it’s any of your business. I swear these people live to try and spread the suffering


"I don't care for your opinion it's none of your business. It's not your relationship"


Get fucked.


My honest answer? "Good bye" because I'd be cutting that person out of my life.


I just laugh at them, it’s the reaction that comes out naturally