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We're literally supposed to NOT trash the Nati. It's a whole thing


"You littered! When I specifically asked you not to!"


its not your trash, i went to the garbage dump!


only a litter ally would literally trash the Nati


I love what you did


yep - bit of a stretch. But I appreciate the support :)


Yeah don't trash it! "Proceeds to sell our railroad to a company that bombed a small town with chemicals and poisoned our watershed, displacing hundreds and killing local wildlife"


And you can’t honk at them these days when they do it because they all seem to be the violent type who won’t hesitate to cause road rage and end your life over a honk.


I've started honking. I see it happen so much I can't hold back anymore. They usually speed up to get away from me lol. I don't recommend it though. Like you said, people are wild these days.


Same, I can’t just watch people do it. Saw a guy throw a fast food bag out of his window while I was walking downtown the other day and had to yell “ you’re a piece of shit!” and give him the double bird. He also sped off. Glad we’re still alive, I bet some of them are a little more shy about doing it after being publicly called out


My partner recently had a gun pulled on him in by some guy in traffic who claimed he “cut him off” (he didn’t) and he said that my partner was the reason everything in his life was going wrong. This was in Columbus, and I was already too scared to honk to begin with because of the horror stories you hear. Ahhh so scary :(


And that's why you arm yourself.


I had some crazy asshole in a cab chase me all over because I called him an asshole for dumping his trash. When I pulled over he ran away. I guess he doesn't like firearms.


Why are so many people so violent?


Because more people are willing to be victims. Store theft went up as stores stopped going after petty theft, now they wait until you get enough to charge you higher but in the meantime more people feel like they can get away with it. Same with threatening violence/ brandishing weapons. Most people who are willing to do those things realize more and more, people aren't willing to get into an altercation because they have no means of defense. I'm not a believer of "ever bad guy with a gun can only be stopped by a good guy with a gun" but not having a means of protecting yourself and loved ones knowing the society we live in, is irresponsible.


Someone parked in front of my house by Junkers casually tossed a wrapper out their open door, and I said come on man don't do that, you're a grown up. They reached down and picked it up and I said thanks man, appreciate it and he said no problem.


You’re lucky to be alive


Yeah it sucks. There seems to be a lack of civic pride with a lot of the city.


Usually follows corruption.


Hell, I saw a Metro driver toss litter from the bus window this morning. It’s a huge problem in this city, and deeply depressing.


Bus stops are unbelievable. Even when the city provides MULTIPLE trash cans, people leave their trash on the ground, sometimes inches from the can. Colerain and Hopple might be one of the worst intersections for this.


I hope you reported them?


Oh, you bet I did!


I'm so happy to hear that. Good for you! I hope they hold them accountable.


I saw a Metro driver do this as well at the bus stop between Walmart and Menards in Evandale. He walked out of the bus to sit on the bench and pulled out an empty pack of cigarettes from his pants pocket. He then threw the empty pack onto the sidewalk and pulled a fresh pack from his other pocket. Then he unwrapped the cigarettes and threw that wrapper on the ground.


I started doing an adopt-a-corner on a particularly bad corner near where I stay. Just going out there every so often with a big construction trash bag and picking up everything on the corner. I do it basically whenever I feel like it, for my own reasons, to get outside, to procrastinate doing other stuff, whatever.


I saw someone doing this on Winton rd the other day. If this was you hats off to you and hats off to you for doing that in general!


Sometimes I'm jealous of people like that, they just give zero fucks about anyone or anything other than themselves. Can you imagine not feeling empathy, guilt or sadness? Just pure ego, it's wild.


That translates negatively in other areas of life. Very few people throwing trash out of their cars have great careers, great relationships, and great lives. They’re mostly selfish miserable fucks and that will lead to a shitty life 99% of the time.


It's absolutely wild in the apartment industry how strongly this stuff correlates to rent amount. Nice places tenants will clean up trash that isn't there's because they value a nice place to live. I worked on one property where we hired a tenant to clean the halls a few hours a week and he quit after 3 days because the other tenants started dumping trash on purpose in front of him, cause ya know fuck him for working. Another after Thanksgiving cleaned her kitchen by dumping everything out her window, just rotting turkey carcass packaging etc a foot out her kitchen windows on the ground. Then you'd get other tenants who legit had bad circumstances and they'd be out of there ASAP and working 3 jobs. Some people just are such selfish assholes their lives will always be shit because they self sabotage


I honestly can't even imagine that level of toxicity in a person, like how can a person purposefully want to make the world shittier. Even the worst people at least tend to be misguided and trying to do something good


I think of "crab bucket mentality" and how wanting to better yourself in certain communities ignites jealousy and hate in them. "Oh, you think you're better than me?" you hear when someone wants to get an education or move out of crumbling apartment complex.


Right, the epitome of the BS that keeps an entire subculture (not race) of people down


I have seen people in nice cars in nice neighborhoods (Edgewood, Hyde Park) throw trash out their windows while driving--I imagine they can't bear the thought of their fancy car being "dirty" for a few minutes?


You know, to be honest, how hard is it when you get some fast food from Arby's or Burger King to just put the trash in the paper bag they give you for your food?? Then wait until you get home and throw the whole bag in the trash barrel? Nuff said...lol


That's exactly what I do, lol. I don't even get fast food much, but I'll find a Kroger bag and put my trash in there till I get home.


Hmm I used to live in Hyde park and rarely saw that. The streets are some of the cleanest in the city despite your claims. Most successful people have a sense of pride in their communities. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, but it’s not common. The rich litterbugs may have a good career, but I bet their marriages and friendships suck. It doesn’t pay to be a selfish asshole.


Oh, this isn't often, but I did see it once in Hyde Park and twice in Edgewood. Just disappointing. Like you said, they're probably not great people in the other areas of their lives.


Yeah absolutely. Honestly you would have to grow up with a really shitty home life to end up like that


I see people dump garbage out in Montgomery and Indian Hill all the time. Don't blame the poors. Being a selfish asshole knows no class.


Walk around Indian hill and walk around price hill and do a litter inventory- it’s not close. It seems littering does know class. All classes have their litterbugs but it’s less common in wealthy areas and that seems obvious.


This is true. I lived in Montgomery and Symmes Twp. Now I live in West price Hill. I can't recall seeing anyone throw trash out of their window before moving to the west side. It's a friggin epidemic over here. Driving up elberon is enough to drive you insane just thinking about the people who don't care about their own living environment and why that is. Self hate is a real thing. Some people really don't think they deserve to live in a clean and beautiful environment. Some people do.


I've seen this multiple times specifically in regards to litter, and people always act like people litter all the time in places like montgomery, IH, or loveland. Its simply not the case.


Oakley has a litter problem, too.


*I am the center of the universe* !


One time years ago, a woman ahead of me on the interstate tossed a still-lit cigarette butt out her window--and, through some freak of physics, it got sucked into my back seat, where it set a leather jacket on fire. 🙄


Cigarettes are the worst. They’re everywhere. Literal piles on every exit ramp. It would be so easy to have a cup in your car to extinguish then empty when you’re at a gas station. You and your car already reek of the smoke.


Or, now hear me out. Major auto manufacturers could put ashtrays in cars that say, double as a change collector for non smokers!


Omg the way you just took me back… 🤣


It's really kind of a crazy thought they were removed. All the non smokers finally complained long enough about the lack of need. Mixed with the stigma that big auto was in turn promoting big tobacco. Almost seems big corpo and non smokers, as a side effect created a large litter issue. One that nobody cares about a solution to cause no big corpo loses money or gets created stigmas thru littering.


Yes! When I did used to smoke, I just kept butts in a cup of water and threw them in the trash when I stopped at my destinations.


Seriously. The worst part of cig butts is that the common mentality of smokers is that theirs alone won’t do any damage. And when that many people think that, there’s litter *everywhere*. Sucks to see.


I wouldn't feel jealous of it because it's all the result of extremely low IQ. They don't feel empathy, guilt, or sadness because they don't have the mental capacity to process information and translate it into rational emotions. Now there are high IQ people who lack empathy, obviously, but they aren't litterbugs. They're politicians, investment bankers, etc.


If I didn’t have to worry about being shot, I’d love to pull up next to one of these shits and chuck their trash back in through their open window.


It’s the people who throw out their glass alcohol bottles that shatter all over downtown who are the truest pieces of shit.


They do it allllll over. Sucks to walk a dog sometimes.


I was driving in Walnut Hills years ago when the woman in front of me threw her entire Mcdonalds bag and her cup out of her window. As soon as the light changed, the red and blues went on behind me and they pulled her ass over. So satisfying.


I’ve noticed a huge uptick in this too. I know I sound like old lady yelling at cloud but it sincerely feels like society is just going to hell in a handbasket


Omg... my front yard every day. Like... I don't want to touch your half eaten food.


I had a place in OTR for about a decade and would go out and sweep the sidewalk in front of it most mornings. I did it for years but finally said "fuck it" when, immediately upon finishing my sweeping, somebody tossed a chicken bone on the sidewalk. Some people just don't care.


Every single day.


The Nati has been TRASHED


My favorite is on the west side, I forget what the road name is, but there is signs all up and down it that say " no mattress dumping" and if you look over the guard rail it's just piles of mattresses. Makes me laugh so hard every time, like wtf Cincy?!?


Probably Faraday. I saw so many mattress lining that street I swear you wipe out riding a bike or skateboard and not get hurt


Lol love it someone at least knew what I was speaking of, if you love life laughs, go see this road


I saw a guy walk out of a market on main with Zebra Cake. Took the cake out, shoved it in his mouth and straight up tossed the wrapper on the ground. I’m over morons.


The trash I see all over this city is sad. I cannot believe how filthy it is.


A local cleaning company littered at a red light with their company information on their car. I went right ahead to google and gave them a 1 star.


Call the company directly and report it, next time, too!


They were def the owners of the company.


Ohhhhh yikes


None a ya business bruh


What’s “none a ma business”?


Talk about the highways, its trash heaven and people could care less. Id pick it up but i dont have one of those mechanical arms that i can use.  Im also fearful that A my car will get hit or B someone will throw trash out the window while im cleaning it up.


I live off a main road in colerain and the fact that I have to walk my yard to pick up Wendy’s bags, cans, cigarette boxes and other various trash frustrated me to no end. I understand a receipt or maybe even like a wrapper (could blow out with windows down) but when it’s stuff like that I know it’s intentional


We travel around the country by car a fair amount and it's shocking how much more trash there is around here than most places we've visited. Once you hit 275 you can tell you're back in Greater Cincinnati. Trash, pieces of furniture, crap blowing out of contractor vehicles, etc. Everything inside 275 gets treated like people's personal garbage dump. Pathetic and unbelievable. 


I saw a video once where someone threw trash out their window at a red light and the passenger of another car got out and put it back in the window of the litterer. I don’t even cere if it was staged or not. I wish I could do that every time.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMvx41Hbj6s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMvx41Hbj6s) You mean like that?


It’s been going on since the late 1400’s around here, as we all know! 🤷🏻‍♂️🙃


The litter is out of control. I moved back into the city three years ago and was shocked by the amount of litter and people casually throwing whole bags of garbage out their windows. I used to pick up litter in my neighborhood, but honestly why bother? The place becomes trashed again a few days later. This issue is super frustrating because City Hall knows litter is a significant issue and do basically nothing about it. They continue to heavily rely on volunteers and Public Services can't keep up. Let's actually invest some time to address this issue that 90% of all Cincinnati residents agree on. 90%!!


People do not get annoyed enough about lettering but also side note people produce so much garbage


It’s sad the amount of trash I see everywhere… like no one cares


Glad I am not the only one that finds this irritating.


Saw a child/teenager open the passenger door and dump trash on the ground over on Mitchell the other week 😔


When they closed eastbound Norwood lateral for a couple of months it was inconvenient for me, but I thought "at least they'll be able to clean up some of the trash". They did, but it didn't last long. I think it must be a secret competition to see who can throw the most junk out of their windows.


Had an Uber eats delivery driver toss his trash under his car after delivery to a neighbor’s house. I happened to be walking by and loudly said, ‘I think you dropped your trash”. He then acted like he didn’t know what I was talking about. So I stopped and pointed under his car until he finally picked it up and drove away. Amazes me how some people just don’t give a shit.


Yep, I hear you. I used to live downtown near Findlay Market, lived there 15 years. I'd go pick trash quite a bit over the years. Got tired of seeing it and it would be on the sidewalk for weeks. It comes and goes. Business closes and it would get worse. Open, better for a while. As residential buildings become vacant, worse, as they open, sometimes better or worse. People still eat in their car and throw whole bags of food and food waste out their window onto the sidewalk. I'd usually go early Sat so the people going to the market wouldn't have to see it all. So many beer cans and bottles, lots broken. I couldn't do during some of the winter because most residential landlords (mine previous included) never do any snow or ice mitigation, shoveling, salting, so it would sit. I spent the big bucks ($25, maybe?) and got a trash grabber to save my back, I wouldn't do it without. If you are serious, pick one up, think I got mine at Home Depot, boy, like 10 years ago. If you want a group, Keep Cincinnati Beautiful I volunteered with before. They provide bags, grabbers, and a T-shirt (if they still do, I don't know). Or "be the change you wanna be," give it a try. I never did it for a thank you, sometimes it made be happy, sometimes I filled a bag on barely my block so went back home and that made me less happy.


I find it completely disheartening because it just showcases the complete lack of consideration so many people have for their environment and the space we all share with each other. I mean, it’s no surprise given how egocentric our society is but it’s still a bummer when you see someone hurl an entire bag of McDonald’s out of their window without a care in the world.


I went to DC in 83. The fine for littering was astronomical then. They need that here.


We should fine people who litter instead of fining poor college kids who have to park illegally at UC cause they add all this extra housing and accept more students but haven’t done shit about parking in the past 10+ years


I was in a turn lane a couple years ago and saw the woman behind me shoveling shit out of her window, got out of my car and threw some shit back in, then she chased me for a few blocks. Good times.


Big back energy


I'm laughing cause all the people I've ever seen do it don't have a big back.


Recorded a person trash out their car window. Filed a report, attached the video. They closed the claim without doing anything


My friend keeps doing this I’ve had to pick up his trash and toss it back in his car. He’s a really good friend besides that




Vicious litterers 🤬


Yep, we all know who it is too smh


Those are moments when I totally wish karma was an actual thing. Or that I was immune to bullets and knives and could just \_become\_ karma. Either would be far more satisfying than helplessly watching it happen.


I’m appalled when I see people do this and they act like it’s the most normal thing to them. I always wonder if the insides of their cars are clean. In theory they should be, but I feel like they’re not.


Every day when I walk my dog I am picking up trash and it's really annoying. People are becoming animals. The one item I see a lot are these small Fireball bottles that I guess people are drinking in the car and tossing.


I live in OTR north of Liberty and used to go out to pick up trash all the time. It goes back to shit within the day. It’s pretty defeating. I quit doing it but maybe once a week now and I generally just focus around the park where kids play. They deserve better.




What is the point of blaming certain demographics? Like do you have a proposed solution or just looking for a reason to be classist/racist


Meh, it’s alright if I throw trash outta my window. Why you gotta hate?


I’ll let you attempt to use your brain for once to figure that out.


It's only littering if you don't call out job security lol


Job security? How about the millions of dollars we spend as a city, state, county on junk and trash removal, instead of things like idk education or literally anything else, or idk lowering those taxes which pay for it? Hint: ODOT alone spends $10million on debris and litter removal every year. Instead of spending that on fixing bridges or potholes or anything else. That should enrage you as a taxpayer. https://www.transportation.ohio.gov/about-us/news/statewide/odot-now-spending-10-million-to-clean-up-roadsides https://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/hamilton-county/cincinnati/odot-press-secretary-says-theyre-spending-10-million-to-pick-up-trash-each-year-up-from-4-million