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>Car payments? Just fucking sell it dude. this but unironically


Yeah exactly. If you're in living in NYC struggling with car payments you're unironically terrible with money (save for maybe a few very specific low-income, total transit desert neighborhoods)


Imagine if everyone who drove started taking public transport all at once with the amount of people who already take it. Trains are already filled to the brim and plagued by delays due to congestion but people act like adding a bridge/upper Manhattan driving tax will make the commute around the city better. It really is horseshit that they expect people to just get rid of their cars when the other option is to take an hour and a half transit ride to wherever you gotta go. It’s taken me that long for over a decade since I was in high school. Express busses are the same thing, they just let you close your eyes in peace while riding.


If wealthy car owners and elites start taking shitty public transport, it will not stay shitty for long.


It's weird that people still think car ownership in NYC is exclusively a wealthy person thing. In uptown MH and the outer boroughs you'll see plenty of immigrant families sharing vehicles or using them for their businesses. Street parking isn't something you bother with when you can shell out 500/month for a private spot. You also see plenty of finance yuppies who commute via subway/train. This isn't the 1920s. Poor people drive and rich people take public transit and only drive when they're venturing out of the city to visit family or take a vacation.


Of course there are outliers but I think its safe to say that a majority of rich people use cars/uber.


Actual rich ppl in the city don’t drive themselves. they have chauffeurs that pick them up and drop them off at places. A 15 dollar toll won’t stop them from using their cars one bit. I was luckily able to date one briefly and got to see elite world of the rich in the city if only for abit. But they are the minority, most ppl who drive live in the outer boroughs and do so because the outer boroughs train and bus infrastructure lacks heavily. Some ppl have to take 2 buses before being able to take a train just to get downtown. At that point driving makes sense. A lot of ppl here who hate drivers only think that nyc is only Manhattan which is fine if you wanna implement absurd taxes or tolls but when it affects the outer boroughs which are mostly filled with middle to low income family that’s where it gets stupid imo


But but where will all the homeless go?


Hopefully in to a home, with the money that public projects inject in to local economies.


Abracadabra! Lol




Busses would be infinitely more efficient. Many more people could safely bike without fearing for the life constantly. The extra revenue to the MTA would theoretically increase bus and train service. Many streets would become walkable and pedestrianized. The air would become exceptionally cleaner. The streets would be less noisy and people living at grade would sleep much better. All good things really


Unironically this, especially about bikes. If all the streets were open and safe to bikes, hell if only one lane was open and safe to bikes, it would totally change transit in this city. An urban planner told me that bikes are already the fastest way to get around NYC if you’re willing to bike outside bike lanes, but no one does that since it’s just not safe.


I mean, quality of life improvements from less pollution and cars on the road is great but I wouldn’t give up my mode of transportation with the promise of the infrastructure changing. Their promises are filled with lies. If I want to take the bus to Jamaica, the bus that runs there (Q65) with little to no traffic is plagued by elephant trail busses. So they effectively run in a loop leaving a giant lagging wait time if you decided to leave at the wrong time and missed the herd. Do you honestly think that less cars on the road will keep the bus drivers from holding each other’s tails with their noses? It’s an organization issue and honestly with over 8 million New Yorkers paying 3$ both ways everyday, I find it hard to imagine they don’t already have enough money to optimize how their crews operate. I wouldn’t be so quick to implement “mandatory” public transport for all citizens now knowing that a good percentage doesn’t give a flying fuck about the dangers associated with COVID. Yes it’s like the flu now, but back when it was scary they didn’t care about immunocompromised people. They had to be forced to wear masks and even then it could get violent.


Like the other responder said which you failed completely to respond to, if the rich and powerful had to take the bus and subway to get around there would be almost immediate improvements to both transit and the homelessness crisis. We’ve seen similar things happen with HIV/AIDS, the implementation of sanitation systems, mid-century smog in London, etc.


That is about the most unironically circlejerknyc thing anyone could fucking say but yeah parrot off the douchebag that thinks rich people will swoop in and solve our problems by holding hands with us plebs


If our problems become their problems then yes, of course things will become better. Rich people literally control the government at all levels, why wouldn't they be able to improve existing busses and trains if they had to take them?


Something like 100,000-150,000 people drive into Manhattan every day. Something like 4 million take the subway every day. Not to mention the bus and other rail options. I think those 150,000 people, representing less than 4% of *just the subway number* could be accommodated pretty easily. And let’s not forget how much faster buses would move without all these jackasses driving in NYC.


It actually wouldn't make a noticeable difference in Manhattan and inner Brooklyn and Queens because public transit is so much more efficient than cars and already carries so much more.


Oh look, a lifelong New Yorker with a nuanced opinion downvoted to hell.


Definitely, everyone complains about how expensive it is because of car payments. If the homeless just ubered wed have no housing issues


It’s the illegal drug prices that are making everyone broke. Have you seen the price of fentanyl lately? And angel dust is just for rich people now, smh.


Lots of people who talk about how prohibitively expensive NYC is never factor in the cost of not having a car, [which liberates $10k / yr for the average person](https://www.moneygeek.com/insurance/auto/analysis/costs-of-car-ownership/#:~:text=The%20average%20cost%20of%20owning,Driving%20Costs%E2%80%9D%20report%20in%202022.), or slightly under $900 / mo. more you’d have for something like rent, in addition to having a higher income from working here.


Honestly, facts. When I -veeery briefly- moved to LA I was excited about cheaper rent until I realized I’d be paying for a car on top of rent it wasn’t all together too much cheaper


This assumes you have some relatively new car that was bought with financing and still has payments every month. The best NYC car move is get a versatile non-SUV vehicle (I’m a station wagon guy myself, Volkswagen at the moment) that’s like 10-15 years old or something, so you can own it outright for not a ton of money. These older cars usually (though by no means always!) require a bit more maintenance, but the beauty of New York is you barely put any friggin’ miles on your car. I probably do 5k a year at the high end, maybe a bit more if I do a long road trip or two. Fuck a huge car payment, man. Not worth it just to have a screen in your car or whatever, especially since you’re gonna have to shell out for insurance anyway (which is also cheaper with an older car, btw). EDIT: To be clear this is assuming you aren’t genuinely hard-up for money, in which case yes the best move is not to keep a car here at all. Still, definitely don’t let your drivers license expire, that’s all I’ll say, lol.


Damn I work in Queens I drive about 350 miles a week from Nassau but it's only 16 miles there and back not sure where the extra comes from


Actually, insurance prices are through the freaking roof. Over $900 a MONTH to insure my 18 yr old son’s 2008 Honda Civic. Or would be if his stepfather wasn’t kind enough to just add my son to his insurance. My son pays $350 a month that way. If you’re a young male, and can’t rely on a family member or parent to add you to a plan, you’re screwed here.


The problem is his age. Insurance will jack it up since he is only 18. $900 a month is crazy though


It was absurd lol. My son cracked up laughing. Imagine deciding at 13 you wanted a car. Wanted one badly enough to deny yourself things like expensive sneakers and video games in order to save for it. Christmas money, birthday money, odd jobs for neighbors - everything banked through your teen years for this one thing. You save $20k and you STILL do the responsible thing by buying a used car with low mileage that’s good on gas and cheap to repair. You don’t go for the (insert pricey used sports car here) you REALLY want, and save the rest of your cash for emergency repairs, only to be told insurance alone was gonna wipe out $10.8k in a YEAR. Most of what’s left after buying the car considering post pandemic used car prices. My son wound up cackling I think because it was better than crying. I’m a single mom who only pulls in maybe 60-65k a year. I couldn’t afford to help with this, nor do I drive myself so I had no policy to add him to. I work remote, no need to drive. He’s very lucky his stepfather stepped in, considering we split up YEARS ago.


This is literally me, 2010 Passat sWagon (yessir) I got for 6k on marketplace from a Russian dude in Brighton beach. Thing runs like top, gets 32 mpg and got me 18 days of skiing this year. Just don’t ask about the parking tickets


Sell it ? He owes 30k on it Let it get repo has my money!


Followed all these steps and I just purchased a penthouse . Thank you


That’s small talk buddy. Talk to me when you get the Hamptons summerhouse smh


You guys are doing it entirely wrong. Life is supposed to be about having fun, not working to death and scraping by. My parents bought my brownstone for me and gave me their old (2022) Lexus they got bored with so I have no living expenses and just spend my time having fun with the income from my no-show $500k/year job (embarrassing salary I know but I can stretch it pretty far) at my dad’s PE firm. Toughest part of my day is figuring out which Rolex to wear. I plan to retire at 37, which is the age I can access my trust fund and will just travel the world after that until I die. Again, it’s not rocket science so just roll up your sleeves, work harder and be wise with your money (spend on stuff that makes your life more fun not living expenses).


I wish this weren’t half my fraternity but it was.


They sound like an industrious group of young fellows. Watch their behavior and mimic their habits - stand on the shoulders of giants my amigo.


Never thought about it that way.. thanks 


still drinking at local rustic cafes like starbucks? they're too expensive! use your Capital One Venture X Rewards card (only $395 fee) and support true local roasters by going to the Capital One cafe. Pay with your Capital One Venture X Rewards card for half off drinks. Don't forget to tip your Baristanista™ at least $2


Also this but unironically


You don’t need the venture x even lol


Ew people actually have those no fee cards?


Bruh haha


Followed all these steps but I a living on the C train.


I literally work in one of those apt buildings in Murray Hill and it's totally like that. Parents fund everything. Pay the rent and send their kids on vacation. It's crazy to see such different worlds coming from the hood


I just recently moved from Austin TX & the prices are comparable (except for rent). The biggest money saver is no $600 car payment or car insurance 🙌🏽


I was about to lose it then I saw the sub lol


You can def be fine with 4k a month but you may have to get a roomate regardless


u/j your advice is actually not bad lol (especially the car) but seriously, just get good at life! (i'm sure preston would agree)


But but i just dropped $50k a night on a Villa in Dubai!


Preach to em


This motivated me to grind harder


Those Krispy Kreme rewards on 29th and Madison Ave really hit the spot when the Popeye’s (right next door) app glitches and won’t let you get the free Apple Pie. Then you can then go yell at one of your Salesforce friends (1.2 million a year, he does shit for like 8 companies while clocked in at your location and we all know it) about how Popeye’s can improve by using Salesforce, but how he is actually a shitty Salesforce programmer AND analyst! Jokes on you, Brooklyn! Moving out!


There’s a Krispy Kreme on E. 29th Street x Madison Avenue?!


I think the Krispy Kreme is technically on 31st? It’s where Madison ends next to the Popeye’s. I just worked on 29th and Madison


This made me laugh out LOUD


I mean honestly rent is really going up a lot in a lot of cities, and I swear I have been to a grocery store in North Carolina that charged more than Manhattan, and the CVS near my mom's house in Maryland charges more than 10th and 42. Life is getting more expensive everywhere, I just think sometimes NYers don't realize it.. Many 1brs in cities with jobs are in the mid 2000's now.


Phoenix is rent my 3 bed 2 bath house 2300$ and that’s with ridiculous inflated prices


But then you gotta wake up in Phoenix everyday.


Phoenix is a 🔥 city you are buggin it is absolutely gorgeous a1 restaurants and Mexican girls on the west coast will put these South American girls to shame in the east coast the only thing I don’t like is outside of nyc everyone is hiphop


It was in Cary, wasn’t it.


St James


Those damn oak island elites ruin everything!


The two on the main drag were ok, it's was the fancy one in the shopping center by UPS made me feel poor! Nice store tho. General lack of eating options except at the beach, the rest of the area lacked sandwich shops, pizza, food trucks, anything. Just gas stations (not the kind with good subs) and dollar general.


I LOOOOOVE telling people that I’m actually paying less in rent than in MONTANA! My friends and family look at me like I’m crazy for moving here until I tell them I’m only paying 2k/month but get access to real jobs and entertainment!


I mean honestly if you don’t go out all the time and live in the most popular neighborhood you can save money. I save plenty and I live in NYC and my income isn’t that high. I don’t even deprive myself of anything really, I just don’t go out constantly like most people seem to. And I don’t have a car (unironically saving thousands a year)


Poor parents.


Fuck not having a vehicle loser


I contemplate this alot over my $10 latte.


Don’t make absolute shit and ask me to support it I’m seeing a lot of soybois on the sub lately downvoting very pro drinker takes. Since you are reading, read this- don’t ask me to support terrible fucking garbage not even you will watch. You want a Daisy Ridley Star Wars movie do you? Then why aren’t you and your hormone deficient brethren watching it- is it because it’s boring shit? Didn’t we tell you it would be?! 10 years of this- 10 years of these weak ass men getting in the way of a system that use to work. Do everyone a favor and fuck off- as the great and noble drinker says.


Is this a joke?


Typical yuppie


You're not unlucky, you just suck at drunk driving. - Hannibal Burress


Hahaha fucking love this!!


How much is a 1 bedroom flex?


Just stop being poor


All I hear is “your parents” and that’s exactly why majority of people can’t afford the city,, they don’t have mommy and daddy money


Around 3k a month for a one bedroom or studio alone in nyc atm. Even affordable housing is 2300 or more


NYC needs leveling


such a naive and privileged take


This person must not own a car or health insurance oh can’t forget about car insurance


I live in the sewer. Free food, WiFi, lots of space!


In all seriousness though, you absolutely can make Manhattan work with 4-5k a month net. Will require roomates but yes you definitely can. Just don’t be a ridiculous spender


You are poor. Get over it! Been living in the city for 10years. And that’s literally a bunch of bs I have read.


Housing is expensive in NYC but that’s just about it. The majority of expenses New Yorkers complain about are expenses that they willingly do.


The broker you feel, the better off you will be in 10 years.


I thought this was circlejerk sub?


This least funny circlejerk reddit. It’s just people who are clearly mad


I deeply feel this if you know how to move and grove in nyc it’s really affordable and convenient and incredible city if you focus on advertising around you then you will feel like dog shit cause you’ll want everything you don’t need


Uhh that budget is actually reasonable. 4k a month in expenses works out to 48k/year. Add on 10k/year for savings and that equals the median income in Manhattan. Studios in Murray Hill are like 2.5k/month. That leaves 1.5k/month for all other expenses: $500 food, $500 entertainment, $500 other.