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I got yelled at and stabbed for being straight in astoria the other day, currently in the hospital but the doctors refuse to treat me because of my heterosexuality




I got one now I’m anti-Ukraine


Is it gay to be anti-Ukraine now?


I don't know but I've heard it's anti-Ukraine to he gay.


So Russia is gay? Fuck I got all my fake news media mixed up.


It’s fake and gay news, news for all of the fakes and gays.


I love Reddit


Are you vaxxed? Reddit is definitely all men.




That was me and it will happen again straggot until you learn to be normal like the rest of us. I’m not paying $3500 in rent to see heterosexuals in my neighborhood.


I saw a straggot holding hands with a girl... In public! Thank goodness there were no kids around


skirt wrong degree drab hospital rotten dog ludicrous lunchroom wide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


brush it off and be a man lmfaoooo


I was stabbed at the other day, because my track pants were "straight up G"


Be safe. I was lucky enough to find a straight friendly clinic recently in Chelsea. There is hope for you


There knows the gayborhood.


I weep for MANkind! My huge, bulgy muscles weep, my enormous penis weeps.


Likewise. I spend most of my days thinking about the days of traditional masculinity when men had strong, bulking, veiny muscles. Now it just fills me with horror to constantly think about the average soy-cuck gay liberal with their small effeminate frame, skinny shoulders, and flat stomachs. Just disgusting.


Flat stomachs are good. You must learn to modulate


Skinny guys are packing monsters between their legs. Every skinny guy I know is at least moderately hung and some are hung like horses. Those muscle dudes, yeah not so big…


>my enormous penis weeps Might wanna get that checked out boss


Might be one of those diseases that straggots give to each other.


I as a woman, second this. I don’t like going to work at all and I think we should go back to how it was. Except babies. Babies are stupid. You can’t even have a conversation with them! I think it’s rude to just lie there and scream when I’m trying to talk.


I agree! Why can’t we go back to women staying at home with the children while men provide. Those were the best times. Woman had coffee and cigarettes while they b!tched about their men.


Except NO KIDS. NO.


Get in the kitchen.


The future is obviously stay at home dog moms. 


I'm so glad a woman, found this thread!! This thread was way too heteronormative!! I'm aggregate I find this sub to be bordering on white supremacist ideology. Quite frankly it's too much of history and not enough HER story!!


The only men with T in NYC are the trans men! SAD!


That’s deep lol do you ParTy?


No I only shoot up H like a real WHITE man. All these estrogenized youngsters smoking fent now smh Where are the good old white masculine tweakers these days?


They are all away from these sanctuary cities I’ll tell you that


the T is in Boston you fool


The only masculine men in NYC are migrants. NYC is where males come to turn gay.


Males cum to turn gay 🤍


You’re only gay if you identify as gay


Really? My wife has been irritating me lately by making more money than me. Maybe I should make the switch.


Yes, NYC is like that movie with Will Smith where everyone turned into gay vampires, I think it was called "Gay Vampires in Future NYC".


Will Smith has destroyed our civilization.


I think it was "I am Fabulous".


hurry run jellyfish muddle thumb point serious slap offbeat mighty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Edit: very happy the liberals affirmed my decision. Name calling, hatred, and all in the name if someone not conforming. I didnt state the extent of my beliefs, what they actually were, only the categories in which they fall under and you all jumped on it. The herd is strong. Lmfao You think being gay is hard? Try coming out as republican on r slash Staten Island. See how much love you get from the TOLERANT left.


simplistic cobweb unique agonizing dull offbeat fine rinse history innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not much post history but it reads like a jerk.


I feel you - being a white man here is really a double edged sword


Because apparently nyc is a great place if you're a lady who likes to do the pegging in the man in a relationship lol


Me: Pretending to look disgusted at this statement while booking tickets to nyc


Underrated comment


For a second I thought this was just the normal nyc subreddit 


Straight white men are the fucking minority in this city


Do what you want at home but nobody wants to see you being all straight and white in public


Give us our Sylvester Stallone movies back! Manhood is in shambles! It's almost as if Men aren't the center of the world anymore, the fall of Western Civilization is at hand people!


Like [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eASRE6YBU0M) where Sly shows us what REAL NYC dudes are about! Hardly gay at all except for the singing, dancing and outfits.


Stalone? He was gay?


I don't think so, he was in that porno in 1970. Although, you do what you need to do to make it in Hollywood I guess.


Damn, that’s like 5 pop culture terms and one emoji in one rage post. Definitely a millennial.


I've given up. Without the pronominal pronouncements, I'd need a professional chick sexer on retainer—if they could work with humans. I got your NY tmesis right here: (he-f%$#@n-his).


Even farts are rainbow.


The very reason I am banned from it!


they are putting chemicals in the tap water


marble rob axiomatic sand point clumsy thought growth physical ring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well, I think unfortunately for you, NYC and frankly the whole ne corridor is a liberal refuge containment area.


Protein content: * milk 7g per cup * semen 12g per cup * tofu 20g per cup CHECKMATE CISHETS


Won’t anyone think of men with lifetime daily wire subscriptions?


Are you the guy who wanted to know why the feminine men were getting the hot females but actually it’s just because people don’t like you?


NYC Cops are now HotCops


No Country for Buff Men


The disintegration of western civilization Based


I experience this too. I saw a straight man get jumped the other day right here in Gay City for simply refusing to twerk.


Overall in New York City, Biden received 2,321,759 votes, 76%, to Trump’s 691,682 votes, or 23%; a margin of 1,630,077. In 2016, Hillary Clinton 79% won of the vote to Trump’s 18%. [https://www.gothamgazette.com/city/9961-breaking-down-2020-vote-new-york-city-biden-trump](https://www.gothamgazette.com/city/9961-breaking-down-2020-vote-new-york-city-biden-trump)


Umm, the term is people with male anatomy. You are erasing me as a Pro-Trump, intersectional, Omni-cause activist, with a really impressive lady 🍆. You really need to educate yourself and check your privilege. But first, can you tell me where those dudes get their nails done on Staten Island?


Actually, statistics show integration is at an all time high


It’s changing. Trust me


I like fat Women.


because their mind goes to the left, everything they own in the box to the left😂them gender benders😂


I got downvoted on another thread/replies because I shared how I was chased by a crackhead with a needle in his hand in West 4th St station and liberals wanted to make me seem like the crazy one lmao. Reddit is becoming a hellhole.


Stop being a wuss that’s just Tuesday.


It probably has more to do with the type of man that uses Reddit vs the average Native New Yorker.


Someone didn't get hugs from mommy and daddy enough as a child


Because Staten Island with its known radical liberal culture is just taking over everywhere


They’ve been taken over by yuppies from Ohio.


Heaven forbid people do what they want that makes them happy. What are you the happy police? Why are you so worried about what other men are doing? Someone is in the closet haha


crown shame chase cobweb zesty chief roll soup tart rhythm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The fact you're so worried about what other men are doing is suspect, wouldn't you agree?


O no your not allowed to rape your wife anymore, and want other “tough guys ?¿” to validate your existence?


Go sit in your raised truck and cry you bigot.


Imagine assuming all of this. Incel libs are abundant.


Assuming what that he has a raised truck , probably 80% chance , and I am not assuming he is a bigot he made that clear on his own, what else am I assuming that he has the physical capacity to cry ? Assume “all this “ wtf are you talking about you fucking moron , now go try to get laid by your fat wife and I will continue being happily married to a hot wife and not being a racist rapist supporting trump want to be.


Hmmm, you sound like the hateful left that is. Enjoy your “hot-wife” getting ran through by the illegals you support in your own home right? Or are you so hypocritical but aren’t a working citizen yourself and want us to support them? Oh but hey I’m assuming…Maybe you do work-probably in an office-but maybe you should send EXTRA of your money to support Ukraine. Re-read your above comments and explain who really sound like the bigot. It’s not a word you can throw around because your favorite like-minded incel friends say it on CNN. Enjoy being a cuck you weirdo!


I work and pay taxes, everyone else in the world has as much right to this land as “Americans” do . You can’t own land ,country built on murder and greed . You want a pedophile dictator. Go right ahead. Biden has deported more people than trump. You are being grifted by a snake oil salesman and are too stupid to have your own thoughts. God you are so fucking stupid it is really scary


And no shit war for profit should not be happening. lol. You are falling for this shit so bad. They want you to worry about illegals while they continue to exploit you and the environment for profit


Sounds like I hit a nerve lol


TRUMP 2024 🇺🇸🗽🇺🇸🗽


This is the state of Reddit. Yesterday, my comment about men paying for shared expenses was removed and the mods called it “red pill feminism”. For context, I am a man who pays for my households’ shared expenses. Any idea that goes against the echo chamber of Reddit is chastised


Republicans trained all of their followers to hate major cities that have a little crime and have minorities


forgetful rinse library wrong test joke butter bright yoke sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“Why so many liberals…” Because Liberals use their sense and efforts to be well-rounded and well-read on topics, ideas and opinions. It is important to be savvy and reflect on one’s opinions and others experiences. Reddit, being the “front page of the internet”, is a good first stop to get a breakdown and reaction from a current event. It is NOT the only source of news, but is good to check out. Republicans just stick to comment sections… ANYWHERE on any platform. and don’t reflect on multiple news sources. They just ask mom and dads boomer opinion. You CAN say anything you want but, when you’re met with a disagreement, you seem to be more fragile and annoyed than said “liberals” . This doesn’t mean you have gender dysphoria, don’t worry. It’s not happening to you, too, maannnn. But you’re being sensitive … on Reddit.


Cause they can’t get laid. No game


lol go beat your wide some more idiot


Your bias is showing.


They're not just on the NYC thread. They're all over the site. My guess is 75% of the posters on Reddit are left to liberal.


I think you and the rest of the incels are whining too much. Why don’t you do what the rest of them do and buy a diesel pickup truck, strap some fake balls on the hitch, then “roll coal” before parking in an EV only spot when you go to Walmart to buy your tampons, you limp dicked freak.


Let Me She Them Titties!


The internet is already inherently extremely left leaning. NYC is one of the most left leaning places there is in the country. So that’s what you get when you put the two together. Generally people become more conservative as they get older. The thing about older people is they care less and less about participating in online forums.


They are everywhere on reddit say anything against their beliefs get banned


I would assume that most of the men with manicured nails in a Staten Island thread would be mobsters...


I have a better question: why do you think men with testosterone aren't also liberals?


It’s almost as if NYC is a liberal city and NY is a blue state…


I would only say that NYC is pretty liberal itself sooooo…..


Too many libs and conservatives in NYC tbh.


Too many people if you ask me. This used to be a park.


1664 I could have bought the whole god damn city for $24!


You manly men types seem insecure in masculinity. Why not buy a truck or another gun or get that damned punisher insignia tattooed on your eyelids? You will feel better.


Because nyc is full of us damn libs… think you’d be used to it by now


Our schools are pretty decent and we have to use critical thinking skills to survive here. Critical thinking + education + knowing when someone born in NYC is full of shit = knowing one side wants to help people and one side is full of child molesting felons who want to take away all of our rights.


Reddit is a mostly liberal platform.


The fact that you think liberal men can't have testosterone just shows how much of a beta cuck you are. What are you an Andrew Tate fan? Real alpha following another poser. Omg I haven't laughed this hard in a while, so thank you!!!! F'in hilarious!!


You know who’s responsible for all of this 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱


Liberals are the majority on Reddit period. Anyone saying anything in opposition is downvoted to hell for merely thinking different.


Liberals can’t be masculine? lol ur confusing liberals with leftists.


I guess we’re not this insecure as you, and just act the way we want. Get over yourself and be as masculine or non masculine as you like. You’re not the gay guy finding it difficult to tell the world your identity.


Honk if true, yuck if true - lol regardless


Lol...if you're a horny young man of a certain age...you have to espouse liberal bs if you have any hope of getting laid


because NY is a liberal state and city. Because Reddit leans liberal and is filled with 14 year olds. And Conservatives love to play the victim card. So there are like 5 reasons why it's filled with liberals.