• By -


Germany Sure as shit aint Domination


Maybe they should bring back economic victory to Civ


Diplomatic victory in V is basically an economic victory.


I'd much rather see that than the diplo victory tbh. They'd need to develop the economic system a bit more, at least in relation to international trade, but it would be nice to see the "you're clearly so economically dominant that you win" victory. Would cut out the middle step of buying a crap ton of units to go on a conquering spree...


Bring back? Was there ever economic victory in civ?


SMAC had one, have enough money to buy out ("mind control") some proportion of other civs, click a button, other civs have X turns to take your capital.


CivRev had it


Ah, alright, never played that one


CEO **Nwabudike Morgan** of Alpha Centauri could explain it better than I could...


Third times the charm


What you think you are? Mars or something?


It's gotta be science. German science is known to be the finest in the world.


We are definitely not good or efficient at building rockets


V2 was the basis for many future long range rockets


Diplomatic probably


Idk y’all went to war with the whole world and nearly won 😂 https://youtu.be/uXdtafGdIVM?si=ZG5xF2fefI32YorR


Singapore We are an NPC city state


Yeah, we are, lol. Or maybe possibly, diplomatic cause of our open diplomatic policy


You seem like a pretty scientifically advanced country from an outside observer


Yea but they don't have enough production to actually build the spaceport and do the projects in the end-game.


Don't be fooled. All the tech comes from you, and increasingly even the grunt work is being outsourced to non citizens. We just happen to be conveniently located in a lucrative spot of the world guarded by big shiny toys backed by deep pockets


Hong Konger here. Fellow NPC city-state, but in the 80s to 2000s our movie industry gave us a pretty good run at cultural victory. I think we did okay for a city-state vs all the empires vying for cultural dominance on the World Stage. Now Japan is culturally dominant over us.


North Korea We keep trying for the domination victory, regardless of the warmongering penalties. Once we unlock some more tech and science game is over.


Me everytime I play on deity


It’s not everyday you see someone from North Korea. Also today I learned there’s a North Korea flag emoji🇰🇵


North Korea, all the victories simultaneously.


I didn't realize that Reddit was legal in North Korea


Could be an ex-pat


Poland: - definitely not science (we still cannot into space) - definitely not military victory (maybe in the late medieval era) - definitely not diplomatic victory (our great allies from west and east) - religious/cultural victory isn't likely, although it could work (maybe)


John Paul II was beloved enough, Poland can into Religious victory I think


Poland would be cultural victory at late middle ages/early reneissance - late Jagiellons cultural peak was real in central and eastern Europe.


america could've locked up that domination victory in 1945 but didn't wanna incur some harsh warmongering penalites. probably sealed the cultural victory with great musician david hasselhoff playing at the fall of the berlin wall.


I mean, America is really fucking close to that cultural victory the biggest competition got brought down in the 90s


We likely have the diplomacy victory too, given how influential we are economically and militarily. (Not to mention our permanent UN Security Counsel seat)


I think we got close in the 90s, but started losing a lot of diplomatic points after 9/11.


Don’t forget science, which I’d say might beat out culture. Especially if the victory condition is the base one of going to mars. Also the only nation that could feasibly pull off domination, the geographic advantage alone might be enough. Combine that with NATO and other alliances and a military victory by anyone else is even harder to conceive.


We decided that a total collapse defeat sounds better though.


I think we low key going for a "diplomatic domination"


You can't really objectively measure how much cultural influence America has but I bet if you could we would have won the game years ago


Basically everyone in every country in the world owns a set of jeans. America won.


Pretty much. They buy our stuff, listen to our songs, and eat our food.


In the game you win if you attract more foreing tourists than any other individual country has domestic tourists. From what I can see China has more domestic tourists than USA has tourists total (domestic+foreing), so no victory for USA. This is from 2021, but I doubt USA could overcome the sheer population advantage china has in the past.


America already won the cultural victory. It's so dominant that we're described as having no culture. That's how ubiquitous it has become, American culture is the default.


China has way too many domestic tourist thanks to its sheer population size, I dont think USA has a chance.


Look at where Starbucks and Kentucky Fried Chicken locations are. Yeah, we already won that culture victory. Now we're just playing out turns because we can.


The idea that Starbucks and KFC are culture is so funny.


I mean, I don't see why it shouldn't be seen that way. Ramen is basically fast food, and when you see a ramen shop in the west, I'd consider that a Japanese cultural export.  US fast food certainly isn't up my alley, and it certainly isn't high brow culture, but who said that the only culture is high end culture?


The funny thing wasn't that it is low brow culture. It's that Starbucks just sells Italian style coffee and KFC is just fried chicken that is already a dish in dozens of countries. There's nothing "American" about them. Marvel movies are low brow but they're a shining example of exported American culture. Getting a venti latte is not.


Would you mind showing me evidence of this historic Italian cultural item known as a frappucino? I can't say I ever saw them once at a traditional cafe when I was in Italy. As a matter of fact, most Italian cafes don't even serve coffee with milk after lunch. The idea that Starbucks remotely resembles an Italian cafe is laughable, and is further proof of American cultural dominance. It's so strong, it is literally overwriting what people think of as Italian cafe culture. 


The point isn't that it's real Italian coffee. The point is it isn't an example of American culture. It's an example of commercialised Italian culture. It's an entirely empty cultural experience. An American streak house on the other hand. One in which the interior looks very "Americana" one in which long smoking techniques and cuts specific to American BBQ are used would be a cultural export. Starbucks represents nothing. It's like calling H&M a Swedish cultural export.


I refuse to take anyone seriously who makes the claim that Starbucks is commercialized Italian culture. Thanks for telling me that you've never even set foot in Italy before. 


I live an hour from Italy 🤣. This is such a ridiculous hill to die on. Starbucks is not Italian culture. It's a commercialised empty hint at it. There's nothing "American" about it. There's an attempt at "Italian" about it. It's the equivalent of an Irish pub in Bolivia. There's an Irish "theme" but that isn't culture. There's nothing but a veneer of a culture but it contains no culture. That is why Starbucks is not an American culture export, it's simply a business the equivalent of a H&M or Primark of coffee.


How about Taylor Swift and jeans?


Japan or the Soviet Union? Japan is still culturally relevant despite its economic stagnation and the Soviet Union was never really a powerhouse in terms of culture, only more “hard power” stuff.


Japan is relevant but not that relevant. Meanwhile in Japan, it's a pretty popular tradition to eat KFC for Christmas. When you got other countries eating your mid teir fast food for holidays, you won.


Japan is going hard for a culture win with anime (unless it's actually a religious one..?)






China is working its way up there.


I really don’t think China is close with the cultural victory. In China they are wearing our blue jeans and watching our Marvel movies. I can’t think of one Chinese made movie that has been big globally


TikTok is the best argument China has for Cultural Victory. But even that is just building off things like Vine


All of the content is made by the people though, it's not like many Americans are consuming Chinese made content on tik tok.


I feel like chinese culture was more impactful when I was younger with actors like Jackie Chan and kung fu movies. I actually can’t name any chinese film within the past decade.


The ip man movies are phenomenal


The first movie came out 16 years ago


China has a lot of culture but not nearly enough tourism


yeah no one seems to be going to paris, china


Brazil Late game Cultural in 2002, when kids all wanted Ronaldo’s haircut. [Here.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c3/9f/9c/c39f9c631ed2321677da53c10ce8da84.jpg)


My first thought for America was domination but we never really became an empire in the general sense. Hegemony sure. We have overseas territories too. It’s less about conquering and more about facilitating or protecting international trade though. We’re good at trading. I’d say it’s cultural. America is a cultural powerhouse. From Hollywood to Broadway. Some of the greatest writers, musicians, and artists in history.


That was my thinking too. We could probably pull off a domination but a cultural win is much easier in general. Science would be a close second with religion being not applicable.


America could win a religious victory in theory. It got a real late game religion in Mormonism.


Or Evangelism or something like that


There's also Jehovah's witnesses and Scientology which are ever later


I'm surprised how many of you guys always lean towards culture rather than science. You guys are very clearly winning the space race but your culture isn't as prevalent outside of the US are you might think, your music culture being a big exception I think. For example, when it comes to sports culture, the three most popular sports in the world are soccer, cricket and tennis, which are all English if I'm not mistaken, and they're played all over the world. Meanwhile US sports haven't really made it outside of the US at all, bar some small exceptions like baseball being pretty popular in Japan. Regardless, the way to win a culture victory, at least in Civ 6, is to attract tourists and France and Spain are ahead of the USA in that regard, by a surprising margin to be honest.


That’s fair. Science would work too. I’d say the tourist thing really comes down to the US only having two large nieghbors and oceans between the rest. I haven’t seen prices between the US and Europe/Asia lately but I’d have to assume it’s an order of magnitude more than a train ticket from Germany/UK to France. Not knocking Europe just pointing out you could travel though 5 countries in the time it takes to travel the US.


I agree that America is leading the science victory but I think it is also winning a cultural victory The cultural victory in civ is an abstraction, but even if we go with it, you're leaving out that domestic tourism also matters. America has an order of magnitude more domestic tourism than anyone else in the [OECD](https://data-explorer.oecd.org/vis?tm=domestic%20tourism&pg=0&snb=11&vw=tb&df\[ds\]=dsDisseminateFinalDMZ&df\[id\]=DSD\_TOURISM\_DOM%40DF\_DOMESTIC&df\[ag\]=OECD.CFE.TOU&df\[vs\]=1.0&dq=.....TDS&lom=LASTNPERIODS&lo=5&to\[TIME\_PERIOD\]=false&ly\[cl\]=TIME\_PERIOD&ly\[rw\]=COMBINED\_MEASURE%2CCOMBINED\_UNIT\_MEASURE%2CREF\_AREA). I wouldn't be surprised if countries like China and India have similar amounts or even greater levels of domestic tourism, but I doubt that the other countries in the top 10 of the Wikipedia list I assume you're using for international tourism can say the same


What are you talking about? They know Brad Pitt in Bumfuck Africa were the only screen to view American movies is a crack smartphone. I seriously could not overestimate and overstate America's cultural dominance if I wanted to. Basketball is the fourth most played sport on Earth and is rapidly set to overpace tennis as it becomes the game of choice in the newly developing Urban cores of the developing world like china. American cultural dominance is so ubiquitous from architecture to Fashion to design elements in how people make cars that people don't even notice it.


You Americans seem to be so obsessed by wanting to win the cultural victory that you keep forgetting the game-mechanics. For a culture victory you don't need the most domestic tourists but you need more foreign tourists then any other country has domestic tourists and yes, you have a high domestic tourism, but due to the lack of direct neighbours you lack in foreign tourism, especially since China has an equally huge amount of domestic tourism. You guys would however win the science victory with ease. Ironic, since you seem to be at the verge of choosing the dumbest fuck alive as your new president. Again. ... As for the question, I'm Dutch. If there was a trade victory, we might be in line for that one, otherwise I would say the diplomatic victory.


> They know Brad Pitt in Bumfuck Africa Yeah they know Liam Neeson too, what's your point. You think America is the only country with talented actors? If you want to big up the American film industry find a more meaningful way to articulate it. You probably thought Liam Neeson was American. > Basketball is the fourth most played sport on Earth Yes but it's only popular in a handful of countries and it just so happens that two of those countries (US and China) have two of the three biggest populations on earth. Rugby is less than popular than basketball overall but I'm pretty confident in saying that's it's in more countries top 5 most popular sports than basketball is. Which is more relevant when talking about cultural outreach to other countries. > American cultural dominance is so ubiquitous from architecture to Fashion to design elements in how people make cars that people don't even notice it. What an ignorant comment. The US dominates fashion culture? Does Paris and Milan know? And I'm sure car manufacturers in Germany and Japan are totally taking notes from you guys and installing extra large cup holders and bullet proof windows in their latest models. Don't be so blinded by American exceptionalism and maybe visit other countries.


As someone who lives in Japan and has visited/lived in other countries, America has definitely won. American fast food is prevalent in many countries. In Japan, they eat KFC for Christmas, and China literally has car drones that will devliver it. Almost no one gives a fuck what high society fashion thing is going on in Paris or Milan, but they do sure love American blue jeans and other middle class brands (Nat Geo brand is pretty popular in S.K for some reason). American block busters pretty much steamroll everything else worldwide. America competes with Japan for the biggest gaming franchises worldwide. Basketball and Baseball have been skyrocketing in popularity Japan and China. Iphones are seen as a status symbol from Africa to India. I've noticed you seem to bring up Europe a lot, so let me be frank, Europe is an ever shrinking power both economically and in population. American culture might not be that popular there, but outside of that small continent, it dominates the world. No average person knows any European super heroes, no one uses any European tech as a status symbol, and no one pays attention to their elections and celebrities like they do America.


>America competes with Japan for the biggest gaming franchises worldwide. A number of which are actually made in studios in Canada and Europe. >Basketball and Baseball have been skyrocketing in popularity Japan and China. Soccer is about 4x more popular than both combined. Also, don't forget that it was a Canadian who invented basketball. >no one uses any European tech as a status symbol BMW, Mercedes, Aston Martin, Rolls Royce, Maybach, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Maserati, Ducati... Need I continue? As far as status symbols go, the iPhone is an outlier. European luxury brands dominate in that regard. Bernard Arnault of LVMH has spent more time atop the Forbes billionaires list the last couple years than Elon Musk has due in large part to his company's significant activities in the luxury products market (Louis Vuitton, Moët, and Hennessy being the company's eponymous brands).


Implying that any media on the planet comes close to Hollywood's utter dominance certainly is a hot take.  >Liam Neeson  Which country's films does he act in the most. What does it tell you about America's utter dominance that the example you gave was of foreign actors leaving their country to work in the US.








This guy said he’s from Dublin. Therefore he isn’t a Brit.  Hard to argue against your ignorance with that kind of comment. 


Yeah, as an American I’m always shocked when science isn’t the first thing to come to mind. Science is largely what allowed the country to excel in everything else; it powered the military, made people interested and aware of American culture, etc. I feel as if the devs have some aversion to making America a science civ for some reason.


Because if I go to a remote tribal Village in sub-Saharan Africa they might not know who Neil Armstrong is. But the absolutely know who Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise or Arnold Schwarzenegger is. And they probably all watch American movies on their smartphones. America is winning in science. America has uncontested Global dominance in culture


America's absolutely been an empire in the general sense. Like in the most literal sense of the word we've been an Empire and we absolutely still are an empire. Why do you think the empires conquered? It was mostly to get new resources. We just found out it was way easier to set up a puppet government or Ensure that the ruling Elite benefit from good trade relations with the United States


They should add a money based victory or ~~Civilization~~ LOL


Denmark Early-game Domination


You just need to let Charlemagne run out of steam first


Germany We tried culture with Bach, Beethoven, Göthe, etc., but at some point we lost focus and tried for Domination, which absolutely didn't work out - should have stayed in culture or tried for science, we got multiple great scientists around that time. But we fumbled our lead in science due to warmongering, and now we're kinda just nice and trying for Diplo Victory.


Should have gone for victory in Chemistry!


If you think about it no victory is permanent. Even if you have a domination victory there will one day be rebellions. Cultures rise and decline. Religions grow and fade. Maybe a science victory will be permanent but I’ve yet to see anyone come close to completing a mars colony


Britain its hard to look past cultural. Our cultural influenceis 2nd only to America and we've got great writers and rock bands galore. TV and films too. Also got a few wonders. Big Ben, Stone Henge and Oxford University. Most of the big sports in the world are our invention too in rugby, football, cricket, golf, tennis, hockey, badminton, curling and potentially even baseball. Science maybe an outside bet, if the victory conditions aren't go to Mars. But with medicine we got the COVID vaccine so maybe we stumble on a cure for cancer or clone a human as a victory condition. Although our universities are losing standing and funding so maybe not but we still have some pretty good ones. I guess we also got the closest anyone's ever gonna get to a domination victory... But that maybe wasn't actually a good time. We still have some grievances against us


Sweden here and I think Diplomatic is probably the safest bet, considering Sweden's generally high diplomatic standing even if there have been attempts in recent years to tarnish that reputation. Sweden has embassies even in places hostile to the west like North Korea, with a history of acting as the middle man everyone feels comfortable talking to when they can't do it directly face to face. But I could also see us going for Science or Culture. There have been quite a few scientific discoveries made by Swedes, and Swedish artists and songwriters have had a not insignificant influence on contemporary pop music even if they might fly under the radar a bit. The Nobel Prize with categories ranging from physics to literature to peace also highlights Sweden's focus on all three victory conditions I've mentioned.


As a fellow Swede, I would like to note one achievment in favour of each victory: For science, we have Esrange which is fairly important in space. For culture, musicians like ABBA and Max Martin sure are important but I think the biggest might be the Swedish video game industry (specifically Minecraft). For diplomacy, Dag Hammarskjöld might be the most famous UN secretary-general, which is the closest IRL to being “leader“ of the world congress. For religion, it’s technically true that the Church of Sweden is religiously dominant in one Civ (that being Sweden of course) although Civ 6 would just consider that a part of protestantism. For domination, the Swedish Empire was pretty big. For score, Sweden is generally considered a well-rounded democracy.


We've already won a cultural victory. You wear our jeans, watch out TV shows and movies, talk about our politics and celebrities, eat our fast food. Is it a good thing? Eh. Is it true? Yeah.


My face when everything thinks is a US post, but the subtle eh confirms it’s actually a Canadian post.


Isn't that like England saying they won a cultural victory because people all around the world wear suits at formal jobs, and you all speak the language in the states? Film and TV I get, but the lines also get a bit blurred when there are so many UK actors that are part of the biggest blockbusters. We do talk about your politicians, but is that not more diplomacy? Fast food is an interesting one, if I were to really think about it, Italy comes to mind when I think of pizza, Germany for burgers and hotdogs etc. I would love to try more good barbecue though. Maybe I'm totally off base though


Germany did not invent hot dogs nor hamburgers so I'm not sure where you're getting that from just because they're named after Frankfurt and Hamburg does not mean they're from Germany. If you want to argue sausages are for Germany at least that would be a decent point even though I don't think that's technically true either


I'll probably get downvoted, but you can't deny that they absolutely evolved from already existing German dishes. That's fine, that's how food evolves, but using someone else's work and taking complete credit for it is poor form. The chicken tikka might be from the UK, but curries in general didn't come about there.


New Zealand Honestly, diplo victory. We’re that country that no one really likes that much, but that no one really hates at the same time - that one annoying friend that you feel bad talking shit about but who deserves it at the same time. Having said that, we’re pretty irrelevant on the world stage so we really haven’t won the diplo victory.


Came here to say this - stealth diplo win while everyone else is looking the other way, or forgets we exist.


Yeah lol it’s the “you may have won but you’re so far away no one gives a shit” diplo victory.




You did build that one solid wonder though. Hobbiton is great for tourism.


Canada with the diplomatic or cultural win if they can ever stop getting glazed by the USA


Yeah, and your biggest cultural ambassador is Drake. Which given recent events might not be a good thing


Celine Dion, Rush, Joni Mitchell, The Weeknd, Leonard Cohen, Shania Twain, Alanis Morisette, Avril Lavigne... And sports too, with hockey being the most popular winter sport. Denis Villeneuve as a filmmaker...


Justin Bieber!!


As a Canadian, I instinctively want to downvote this, but that would be unfair to you, since it is, unfortunately, correct... 🤣


Civilization doesn't really reflect the fact that cultures in exist across borders very well. There is no meaningful cultural difference between the United States and anglo-canada. The first large scale anglo-canadian settlement were literally made up of American loyalists So by that definition of culture where there really is one culture divided by an artificial border Canada is absolutely winning a cultural victory. And so is the United States


I'm going with culture simply because so many American cultural greats were actually Canadian.


Science. The extent to which Canadians are critical to the American tech industry often goes unnoticed. A lot of innovations credited to the US came from our scientists and engineers.


France, I think culture would be our best bet, because if we take the victory condition literally by having the most tourist we won because we are already the first in that.


Scotland is probably science, I would say we do alright culturally for our size, but if you see the list of Scottish inventions it really is quite amazing! From breakthroughs in medicine, technology, and great all around innovation, the Scots that came before me have done lots to shape the modern world from the background. I am sure that inventors from other countries would have filled in the gaps eventually, but I do sometimes wonder what the world would look like without Scottish input!


Russia You know :(


Don't discount Yuri Gagarin and all the other scientific achievements, Russia straight up completed the first step of Science Victory before anyone else.


But then Russia expelled all its great scientists and gifted a ton of free boosts to everyone else. Even Google and Hollywood were founded by former Russian citizens...


italy we tried domination victory then we switched into trying religion victory then domination again, i think we currently aiming for cultural victory but who knows.


Tourism is literally the only thing keeping us afloat


America already won culture victory change my mind


With Civ 6 definition of the cultural victory, they are behind France since France is the country with the most tourists from other countries. Also, they may be leading in cultural impact now and it's worldwide, but it's only the case for the last 80 years, while countries like India or China have a huge cultural impact for thousands of years (not worldwide, but on areas that represent close to half the world population), and countries like England and France for hundreds of years, and their impact is still huge, just maybe not as visible. And there is Rome, even now, their cultural impact is huge.


South Korea is going for late game culture push with all the TV shows, movies and K pop bands.


Chances are most of us are currently reading this post on a Korean device. 


The original technology of Apple smartphone's monitor was from Korea, so...


Taiwan: Domination: Not possible, unable to project power. Diplomatic: Not possible, Only 10 or so country formally recognize Taiwan. Culture: Not possible, Taiwan is heavily influenced by Japan and The USA, and I don't think we have any cultural exportation. Religious: Very hard, I don't think Taoism can compete with the world's main religions. Science: Most likely.


I think you won science with TSMC


Canada: Cultural, due to being incredibly multicultural The Métis: Cultural or Religious, probablt


Netherlands: Diplomatic Victory... I mean, The Hague is the HQ of many UN divisions and the International Court of Justice. Indonesia: Cultural... I mean, we're kinda already known for our culture so yeh


Philippines. We ain’t winning anything.


Maybe surprise cultural victory due to the power of Filipino food. ![gif](giphy|MBOBmUWKiFy0y2Sx5G|downsized)


Netherlands. Probably economic or diplomatic victory. We built the first stock exchange and are a large economy compared to our size. On the other hand Netherlands is also the home of many international organizations like the ICC, ICJ, peace palace, we are now providing the NATO secretary general again and we are a founding member of the EU


Scotland Probably science victory we have invented an insane amount of some the worlds significant inventions


For Hungary I would just consider a re-roll.




Just in time for the 4th 🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Amen! ![gif](giphy|Sd8uqMJqpGpP2)


Tbh the USA could win all the victory types today excluding religious if it wanted. US culture is so dominate people don't even say there is a US culture because it is the world culture lol. US could go to mars today and is #1 in space stuff. Hell the second largest airfoce on earth is the American naval airforce so domination is doable. And diplo.... just look at the hold they have on world governance lmao, nyc is basically the capital of the world.


Iceland? Either diplomatic or score victory would be my guess.


Iceland is definitely going for culture victory in my opinion


Chile We have very good milirary forces regionally speaking, but it isn't close to the behemoths in the world. Religion...not much. Culture...maybe. we have a diverse set of biomes. Diplomatic. IDK. Economics, it could be bether.


NZ, probably diplomatic as we are well liked on the world stage and not disliked by anyone (except NK and Russia but they don't count)


Argentina. I guess it is nearly impossible for us to win when compared with the whole world. But if you limit the player base to latin america (plus Spain even) we have a good argument culture wise. Argentinian music is pretty big in the region (probably not the biggest, Puerto Rico is fucking massive specially for its size), but we also had the most widely supported national team of probably the entire history of sports last world cup. Besides high culture wise there's a lot of great writers like Borges and what not. Tango was a big thing back in the day. Overall it would be one of the biggest players culture wise on the region




Cree: Literally only diplomacy.


Philippines. Maybe diplomatic?


The Bahamas 🇧🇸. We’d have to go for a cultural victory spurred on by tourism.


America maybe domination victory, but cultural and diplomatic might have been won already


México: cultural I guess? Your people are now buying my tacos and listening to our reggaeton music


Wales Culture probably


The US is running the type of game where they already won the cultural victory, but then ended up getting everyone nuked in the post-game.


Norway used to be domination,nowadays...Idk maybe cultural with how norse mythology is quite strong in popular culture.


Tourism also adds to the cultural victory. Though, Norse Paganism isn't helping it *too* much. Some of us in America think Loki and Þor are American-made..


I'm American and by the Civ 5 and civ 6 culture Victory rules we practically already won. You're probably wearing our blue jeans and listening to our pop music right now


Italy, I guess we lose to spies


Burma was pursuing a Domination Victory before being curb-stomped by the British. Currently, I'm not sure...maybe Cultural? A lot of our modern understanding of mindfulness, meditation has been influenced by Theravadin religious discourse from the 18th century.


US Practically speaking we probably won the cultural and diplomatic victories back in the 90s. Everything else is just holding onto that title


New Zealand If number of sheep pastures gets added in Civ 7 we might have a chance. Domination victory looking doubtful.


yeah nah


Finland – diplomatic victory.


Australia: Tbh I'm not sure we can win IRL, I think we might be a city state?? Either that or we're a continent of free cities (a set of English cities on the other side of the world that rebelled due to loyalty and deadly animals, that nobody else can be bothered capturing, mostly on account of said deadly animals). If we could win it would have to be Diplo. We'll pick our friends astutely, generally make decent impressions on people, mostly keep to ourselves unless big brother needs a bit of social validation for their next pointless war, and sneak in with the victory nobody else is paying any attention to.


USA has rock and roll and blue jeans and they're not afraid to use them


If you think about it the US is the closest to any victory type. No one else even comes close. Domination- Easy US win. Culture - Already won. Science - US space industry is the best by a long shot. Diplomatic - Significant hegemony and powerful allies. Religious- The US is the most religious developed country.


Australia would need a new victory condition: sports


Hungary: Early game (till low medieval): military Until high medieval: economical/diplo Dark ages ever since ... once we come out, our best bet is science (if we can afford) or cultural (sports nowadays, especially with the olympics coming up). Currently we are losing in the diplo game.


Bosnia has had their capitol captured plenty of times and had it's founded religion snuffed out and is currently holding pressure from three different religions. The culture is being dominated by Turkish pressure, and its neighbors have more tourists. Science and Diplomacy aren't too good either. I'd say at peak power and influence was when It was the Kingdom of Bosnia (1377 to 1463) where I would argue it was going for a diplo victory due to the fact of it having good income from silver mines and having regular meeting to discuss policies of the kingdom, this victory route obviously went away after the Ottoman empire conquered it and the nation exchanged hands for hundred of years until it finally became independent again in the late 21st century where it is in no position to chase victory types. Culture is pretty good tho


Italy. Culture, maybe Religion.


Seems to me that Italy is really OP for both Culture and Religious Victory. I mean, you have the Pope.


India. I’d probably guess cultural victory, but still have a long way to get there in terms of tourism infrastructure.


I consider Siddhartha Gautama as a North Indian figure, in which case you have made a gigantic impact for Religious Victory.


Oh yes that’s true. I wasn’t thinking about the conditions from the past.


India is also trying for space supremacy, so maybe science as well.


Ireland Probably religious victory


I was thinking cultural victory for Ireland. But I think you are onto something. Ireland is losing its faith in religion so I am not sure.


Canada, def diplomatic Slovak, probably culture


Croatia - cultural victory, every businessman in every country wears tie (or cravat, alla Croat).


Hungary: Cultural or science, we are doing pretty fine with Nobel prizes and Olympic medals despite being a "tall" country (and that's very diplomatic for small lol) Game mechanism-wise we're all about diplomacy and domination of course but realistically speaking those two are where we're the worst at.


America has already won a cultural victory


Germany - Economy.


Finland: Primarily I think Finland would make a good science civ with a production bonus from forests. But I could definitely see Finland being a culture civ as well, where I'd consider a forest, a lake and/or national park related bonus. Something like culture from lake tiles or a possibility to include lake tiles into national parks is what I have in mind. Additionally, considering our history, I'd like to see some kind of a defensive bonus for Finland. Especially a UU based on iconic Simo "white death" Häyhä would be a fun addition. It could WW2 era sharpshooter, the unit could be an extra ranged unit (as in not a replacement) with a combat bonus in home territory.


My country already won a Culture victory. We’ve been on ‘just one more turn’ mode for 60 years.


America Science victory. Already started the exoplanet expedition. H/T Elon


netherlands, can I save scum back to the 1700s?


Canada: curl up into a ball and cry until they stop kicking us, or our big brother shows up to save us.


America: Culture


US of A would be most likely be a culture victory, we lack in the sciences imo, we are a make up of alot of religions and. Domination thru culture bombs if anything. Maybe a diplomatic win possibly


Indonesia. I'd say culturally, late game; if only our people would pull together and make something worthwhile instead of squabbling between one another and make dumb takes here and there.


America: We warmonger just to liberate cities that never wanted to be liberated with our B-17s and Minute Men to farm golden ages (which were great for white men, but looking back probably sucked for everyone else). But outside of a few places that we just go for the beach, we try to just stick to captured cities that we can drive to. We appreciate the oil that the liberated cities give us at least. We seem to have a knack for acquiring gold. But of course this gold only really ever goes to the 1%ers and the Civilization itself is always running huge deficits. Either way, all of the City-States love us, or just fear us or something, and the UN is in our civilization so a Diplo victory should be pretty easy. But that's too easy. Let's try to for a harder victory. Like scientific. We've grown tired of living on Earth, so we'll show the rest of world who's boss by gathering up Silicon Valley, MIT, the Ivy League, Elon Musk, and Neil deGrasse Tyson, have them move around, find the sciencey tiles with their extra sight, and we can use old gold to buy up the tiles cheaply. Well, we might as well go for the hardest victory (that isn't that hard for the AI apparently) and go for cultural victory. And technically, there isn't really a civilization out there who has ever achieved this like America has, and the condition was basically made for America. Sure prior empires have been more dominant, but there's never been screens in every home that can blast American IPs and media into every home like we can now. Even the British stuff we like to take credit for, since they're white and most people wouldn't really know the difference other than the accents. Note: I don't really know much about Civ 6 and this is basically assuming Civ 5 with all of its expansion packs.


America could easily do domination, cultural, diplomatic, or score. Could probably do a Religious victory if we set our minds to it.


Australia: diplomatic? Maybe? Possibly cultural but uh.. It’d be a stiff competition Israel: science 100%