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Yeah, he's big in the piano world for sure.


Anyone? Of course.


Isn't it cool to discover composers thar are new to you? 74 years old and I'm constantly discovering new music. Some of it I don't like but a lot of it sounds mighty good to me.


Same with me. I'm 32 and still discovering new stuff.


Indeed. I especially like the first movements of his 5th and 7th piano concerti--the 5th because of the garish and pictorial way it depicts a storm during its development section, and the 7th for the way it incorporates an entire nocturne of his into the development, alongside a host of other fun and exciting ingredients.


Yes! Also, of the PCs, I absolutely adore the finale to PC#3, which has one of the most eminently whistlable themes ever.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-fS3mR9KDA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-fS3mR9KDA) There, you'll hear what I mean about John Field and his music.


His piano concertos are good listening.


I like his first piano sonata, little as it is, perhaps better than most of his nocturnes.


Check out his piano concertos. There is a collection on Brilliant Classics that is just lovely. https://youtu.be/KRZuxaKlXkg


Yes, the most know John field.


His piano concertos are well-worth checking out if you like a sort of early-Romantic/late-classical vibe. Think Hummel or a slightly more classical Chopin. And obviously he's famous for having pretty much invented the nocturne.


One of the very few pre 20th century Irish composers so he's fairly well known here in Ireland. Particularly to piano players. His music is very gentle, easy on the ear.


I have the Naxos CD of his nocturnes and sonatas "Piano Music, Vol.1" played by Benjamin Frith and it's one of my favorites. When I was in Dublin a few years ago I passed by his memorial plaque on the corner of Bride Street and Golden Lane.


I'm actually shocked he has 563,000 listeners on Spotify (more than some of the great composers like Stravinsky and Berlioz). I'm listening to his nocturnes again right now (I haven't listened to his other works yet) and while they are nice I personally still have to agree with the critic Louis Ehlert who said once "After Chopin even noble John Field's nectar tastes to us but as excellent sugar and water."


He’s included a lot in the peaceful piano playlist because… well, you know, and that is one of the most listened podcasts.


Maybe that's why then


John Field is awesome ! Working on his nocturne 2 in C minor I noticed multiple times « Big inspiration from Chopin » I said to my teacher. Well. Learned the story after and was even more impressed. Also, some of his less known pieces sound very modern to me. « Sicilliano » for instance. Had an interesting life aswell. One of my favorite !