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For me he was an incompetent, goofy merc with a golden heart. always tries his best but never get better at not shooting me in the back or shredding innocent townsfolk to pieces. i mean, he had his moments with his smg and he wasn that expensive. i liked him.


Try giving him the .223 pistol. Hes a beast with it and no burst fire, so theres a significantly reduced chance of him hitting you. Hell always suffer late game, since the .223 pistol is the best ranged weapon he can use. Also, hes free if you offer him a piece of the action


What is a piece of the action in fo1?


Gets to carry all my stuff.


Yeah. Then you gotta steal it back from him 🤣


At least he doesn’t care, until he has “no space left for that item.”


Ok this is the most sensical. In any other game he’d get to take a pick of the weapons. But there’s no real loot in fallout 1. I got almost all my caps from gambling


he gets to date you


Its one of the dialogue options when you ask him to join you. You can either hand over the caps he asks for or offer him a piece of the action. I think you need at least 5-6 INT (dont quote me) to get that option


Hand him the caps, immediately steal them back.


I just don't get people who give companions burst weapons, always single shot!


I know that, but Ian without his beloved smg? naaaah...


Invaluable in showing your character what *not* to do to your allies. He means well, but doesn't have the skill to help out in the bigger picture. In my last playthrough he valiantly died fighting Larry. Or was it Barry? Gerry? I dunno, he died with honor somewhere in a pile of goo, anyway I got this sweet plasma rifle, wanna upgrade it?


Died in the same spot for me too, him and Dogmeat got incinerated by the mutant with the flamethrower. Apparently that’s always going to happen if you take him into that fight. From reading the Fallout timelines on a couple of the wikis, which is probably the same and just repeated, they all say that Ian dies that way. Regardless, I will miss the extra loot carry weight, but not being critical hit with that fucking SMG all the time.


Yeah; iirc the Vault Dweller’s notes say that he was haunted by his screams and the smell of Ian burning for the rest of his days


Jesus christ. I just got fed up trying to save him and made him and dog meat wait outside


Sometimes Scooby and Shaggy just need to get a Scooby snack. Like, zoinks man


How do I find the vault dwellers notes in fallout 2?


It’s in the manual, so you can just look up fallout 2 manual. It’s also in the Fallout Bible Chris Avellone made, even though it technically isnt canon anymore.


Thats semi Canon death


Really? Because I heard that Dogmeat canonically died in the military base west of Vault 13. He was colorblind and walked into the lasers.


I was referring to Ian, losing Dogmeat in that fight still hurts.


You know what's funny. During my first playthrough almost 20 years ago he died in the same spot. First he bursted fire at the mutants, wounding me at the same time, only to be splitted in half next turn. During my last (and second playthrough ever) he glitched after battle with Deathclaw mother, and I had to finish him with a burst of Combat Shotgun. Such a shame. Btw Dogmeat died during one of skirmishes against supermutants near Mariposa


What's it like having been with the game for so long and seeing it make a resurgence?


Must be always fascinating. )System Shock, Fallout, Baldurs Gate and Age of Empires was for me).


This is a really funny image lmao


The most high res man in New Reno:


Never skip leg day


I thought of Ian as not necessarily dumb, but a bit simpleminded, and projecting a bit of a tough guy persona that he didn't really always live up to. He's well-travelled but isn't the best when it comes to picking up new skills. I always thought of him as trying to be friendly in his own tough-guy way, while the VD is having none of it and calls him out every time he gets shot in the back, lol. In my last playthrough Dogmeat died at Adytum, and there I imagined my VD asking Ian to leave the party, because even though he was a killer he thought he was ultimately an innocent at heart that shouldn't have to face the pain of dying in battle.


Ian, in my mind, is an undervalued hired hand, which encountered the destiny of meeting the Dweller in Shady Sands and then sticking with him trough heaven & hell until the late game. Then, he get dumped with all the other guys in the Brotherhood bunker, because the Muties are too dangerous to risk those guys lives.


Funny, I left them outside the cathedral while I was augmenting my body for months at the BoS.


All fallout 1 companions hold a special place in my heart. None of them (except obviously dogmeat) really stand out against all the followers from the other games but with the first game being a super barebones, bleak and depressing game, they all were a big help at first and made the adventure feel a bit less lonely. Ian's accidently killed me a few times though. That can be annoying if you haven't saved for a bit.


Canonically, he died in Necropolis due to getting flame thrower'd by a super mutant. I love the Vault Dwellers memoirs from the Fallout 2 manual. Very recommended to check it out if you haven't already. Love that Dogmeats fate is a clever nod to the unideal combat AI for companions.


Loved that manual! Read it so many times that I actually rewrote it from memory in my own words for my English Writing GCSE 😅


He’s iconic


He died.


**Ian was hit for 10 points and was killed**


"Ian fires a burst, critically hitting Ian for 102 hit points, obliterating his spine and scattering bits of bone all the way to Necropolis." Man died as he lived.


He was just a good merc. I think he secretly wondered if his boss would somehow be taken out by the Wasteland and he would get the rest of the caps though. But perhaps it was just an intrusive thought that came to him once in a while that he never acted upon. He kept to himself and tried his best to be a good merc.


For me he was a friend til the last moment. He had his goofy moments where he would jokingly piss me off, haha I got childkiller title because he critically murdered an invisible child in Adytum somehow. He was a big fighter, I was fleeing when he was massacring entire platoon of bandits. Well, he died fighting supermutants, but I didnt reload. After all I realised I can already take care of myself alone and decided to let him rest in peace.


Oops! You were hit for 80 damage instead of raider. You were killed.


I see him as young Bruce Dickinson


Haha I have always seen him as bruce!!


For: Can carry loads of extra loot. Seems like a nice bloke. Was a solid help with the raiders outside of Shady Sands. Against: Shot me and other friendlies more than anything else. Dumb as fuck. Died burnt to a crisp because he ran headfirst at a mutant with a flamethrower, with his knife out.


He was a loyal follower. He was a good man who followed me to the end, and despite all the times he shot me in the back I still feel guilt that I couldn't save him.


At start, fucking love him , 10/10, wouldn’t have saved Shady Sands without him. At the end, fucking hate him, why I keep him around, it was because our past? I think this is how all relationships goes .


He's a liability He shot me in the back more often then the enemies....


He was burned to death by the super mutants in necropolis just like the canon version of events.


"And he was a good friend."


Because of his looks i relate to Ian more than to Vault Dweller 


brother in arms, died at the finish line.


I don’t think he thinks well of me I always ditch all of my companions in the cathedral before I blow it up


He was a mercenary that I hired for strictly business (and inventory) reasons. Best pack mule I ever had, we formed closer bonds and respect as we travelled the wastes together. I learned to step out of his way in combat, up until his tragic and gruesome death at the hands of *checks notes* a red barrier in Mariposa.


i failed the speech check way too many times that he wont join me


I believe he and Tandi had a thing for each other but he was too old at the start of the game, however once the Master was dead he headed back to Shady Sands and returned to marry her. As for his personality, he was like Casey Jones in the first TMNT movie from the 90s. Just a solid dude that has your back.


Last time I talked to him he said he doesn't associate with idiots or something like that so fuck him


I know he’s gonna die so I use him for a few big fights and basically don’t try to save him . Same for dog meat or basically all the fo 1 npcs


He found himself the perfect new home and a great life in the Hub, holding my shit until I'm ready to exchange it for books.


he was a fucking badass with that machine gun, just stay out of his way and the guy causes havok in any encounter


He shot me in the back so I turned him into ground beef with a 10mm smg.


I started playing fallout one for the first time after giving up when I was 13. Ian has been with me and backed me up since I found him in shady sands. An absolute legend


Mine bravely fought off four radscorpions just out of Junktown and died shortly before I escaped


If it wasn’t for him I probably wouldn’t kill anything


Him and Dogmeat both died at the military base for me. I reloaded so many times trying to keep them alive but I figured I couldn’t anymore. Not after the big locker room. I destroyed everything the Master loved in their honor.


he died alongside Dogmeat killing the mutants with me at necropolis. Pretty sad


He hated me and went through every hoop possible to kill himself in front of me as some sort of sick punishment.


I'd picture him as Kurt Russell in big trouble in little China. Not completely useless, but talks too much about shit he doesn't know as much as he claims to be. But his heart is a the right place. I believe he is supposed to be pretty young, but I don't know if it's clearly stated how old he is in-universe.


Eh close like, More like he's my guide and we grow attached but alotta my games he kills me or damn near does with the 10 mm machine gun. So it's mixed. Alot of my character being angry at him if they survive. XD


oh god Ian was my cool boyfriend who thought of me as a kid sister type at first, but after enough traveling and beer-fueled late night conversations around the burning barrels and stuff we started to have a Thing. anyone else do that super cheesy romance playstyle where when the PC gets hurt, you pretend like your companion goes berserk to protect you................. ....... look the 90s were a long time ago okay


lol I getcha


This is Brilliant


I had gay sex with him


Fucking based


He died to a scorpion as soon as we left Shady Sands together.


How did you even manage such a shitty image of Ian? Did you take a screenshot of a screenshot through a fogged up glass sheet, while also out of focus?


I always felt like he was a strong wastelander and held his own till all the crazy mutant shit later on. He eventually can’t keep up with this crazy adventure and dies


I will say the "OH Fuck, FUCK, Fuck, Fuckk" moment when Titus meets the Yao Guai was encompassed anytime Ian ran out of ammo or Stimpaks and would run away from battle.


I always thought of him as a simple mercenary. But I always saw Katja as a more friendly companion


I personally like to imagine that Ian and the Vault Dweller for his paranoia, he is one of the few trustworthy dudes and his experience in the area is very valuable. Most of the time, he either dies against the Khans in my games being ripped off by and mauled by 5 guys with spears and pistols. But othertimes he survives until Necropolis or even the Glow. Which is nice. The little personality he has, a chill merc and buddy is just enough to appreciate. Its sad that the follwers were an after thought and him and Tycho got a similar personality. Helpful and chill good guys. Only really Katja stands out imo, but she never was really interesting to have around.


Ian is currently the goat who outputs 60 damage a turn while I run around like a maniac stabbing myself with three stimpaks simultaneously. In an attempt to stop bleeding out from massive holes in my body the deathclaw has left in me about 20 times.


Beautiful pic btw


I used to hate Ian because he would constantly blow my back out with a pistol or smg but he became my favourite companion after he soloed 4 super mutants in the cathedral and won while every other companion Got destroyed. Now i do everything in my power to make sure he stays alive everytime i play.


He blew your back out huh? The wasteland life is pretty lonely I guess.


He constantly got in the way leading to me blowing his head off from a missed attack because he moved near the enemy


He was just another dreg from the wasteland my character snuffed out whilst making history. The wasteland has enough guns for hire. Completely incompetent, getting both of us injured and somehow making combat more difficult several times. Eventually my character had enough, put him down and went on his merry little way to the stop the master. Not without taking that sweet leather jacket of course.


i think he has a raider personality but kind on the inside


At first, my saviour, as time went on, an incompetent raider look alike I had to strategize to keep alive in many major confrontations. Took him to the end though wouldn't have had it any other way. Well-meaning, tried hard but a little useless. Maybe he had a slightly over inflated opinion of his abilities.


In my mind he's visually that wrestler Raven - if you remember him. Such a liability in combat


I think we vibed. He was a good friend that went on the most insane adventure to save the world just because i asked him to.


Good friend I was lucky to meet when I ventured into the wasteland. Too bad he and dogmeat died in mariposa :(


The amounts of 15mn fights that ended with him in a critical death animation


I think for most people he's "fists" while the protagonist is "brain"


He died.


I gave him stuff, and then he refused to give it back without money in return So I deleted the save and haven't touched him in subsequent playthroughs 💀


I have a bad habit in any RPG of getting my companions killed, so I won’t turn out great in his story 😂


in my first playthrough he died to the mutants in necropolis and I did not miss him much


i think ian is a sociopath that want a reason to strike things, but is not ready to do himself. why do i think this? simple. In my playtrough, i stole to pay ian, and when i was with him i stole some more of the sand guys i failed my check. while i ran away i saw ian striking down everyone i thought he at least liked, and killed the medic, the leader, some dogs and some peasants.