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"I turned myself into a mutant, Ivory! I'M MUTIE THIRTEEN!" NB: Slight sidebar and I know the mutant above is a man, but I find it strange that we only really see *one* mutant maintain a feminine appearance after getting dipped, that of Tabitha. Even with all secondary sexual characteristics removed, I would expect some gendered expectations to carry over. Maybe the Master just *really* liked that old holodisk of 'Pumping Iron'.


It's interesting ! I definitely want to draw a female mutant at one point too. Lily is one of my favorites.


I should of included Lily! I discounted her because I forgot how explicitly feminine she had been and presented (by SM standards, at least). Regardless, great work! Hope to see more!


maybe draw her as a mutant at some point?


Funniest shit I’ve ever seen


There's some ambient dialogue from the Super Mutants in Fallout 3 where one of the mutants tries remembering their past and says 'I think I was a woman', though they're then mocked by another mutant for talking like a stupid human


One of those Vaults made exclusively women supermutants too. Something about all the men dying in the transformation. That was yet another variation on the "mutants are sterile" motif since they have like 10 different origins, different creation methods, etc.


I mean, are they even that feminine outside of long haired wigs and using feminine language? Whole point of the FEV transformation is to turn them into super soldiers so of course it’s going to emphasise a sort of amorphous masculine look.


Sex != Gender Sex is sex characteristics   Gender is the cultural performance associated with a sex  If your penis fell off tomorrow you wouldn't stop dressing like a man and using he/him pronouns.


Arguably Lily maintains her feminine side, deary. She’s just a little old fashioned.


I always wondered what those mouth straps were for


The straps serve an important purpose Supermutants have big lips , they make it difficult for them to speak . The straps keep their upper lip in position more comfortable for speaking properly. I got to know this from a fallout lore youtube channel synonymous . I think it was mentioned in the master lore video or the supermutant lore video.


That’s pretty smart for a super mutant.


First gen Master’s Army super mutants retained their intelligence completely. Second gen were generally dumber but still retained some intelligence. The dumb-as-rocks orc super mutants that we see on the east coast are an invention of Bethesda


it was the later gens that retained intelligence and even then most didn't. the early gens were created with irradiated people and became dumber. even when the master figured out he should be using vaulties with no rads it was still only like 1/10 mutants retaining or increasing in intelligence


Just the gen 2s are smart, gen 3s are ones created by accident or by the enclave like melkor in f02.


right i couldnt remember how many "master" gens there were so i just said "the later gens" but youre correct that the enclave never replicayed the masters success with super mutant intelligence. i do still think its possible for super mutants in bethesda lore to retain higher intelligence in very rare cases such as virgil and to a lesser extent fawkes and strong. god also


I think it's possible but unlikely for any supermutant to retain their intelligence or even enhance it when they're converted but it's a dice role and the lower the subjects radiation exposure the more likely they'll be smart. Fawkes and Virgil had little to no radiation exposure but their methods of conversion weren't as perfect as the masters. God/dog is a nightkin and all nightkin were smart they were the masters best and brightest but prone to mental disorders from their overuse of stealthboys. I say it's a dice role because it's been shown that even prime humans sometimes don't mutate properly like talius who was a vault dweller but mutated into something resembling a ghoul, the lieutenant mentions there's a risk of losing your mental capacity when you're brought to him before the bad ending of fo1 as well so he tries to torture the vd into telling him where the vault is before dipping.


i forgot dog/god was a nightkin! i need to replay dead money... i agree on the dice roll thing, i think its sort of disingenuous of people to say bethesda messed up the super mutant lore considering in the first game they tell us that most super mutants are very dumb and violent. the only thing keeping them in check is the master whispering in their ears


I think Dog/God is worthy of its own conversation pertaining to this. Not only did they retain intellect but they kept the split personality disorder. Or did the virus create the disorder?


dog/god was a nightkin and i think their disorder was caused by stealh boy abuse. they are certainly a special case though


I think you mean Melchior. Melkor is a character from Silmarillion (Lord of the Rings)


You're right


Most of the prime normals that were dipped retained their intelligence or became even more intelligent. In the first game it seemed like a 50/50 spread between extremely dumb mutants and intelligent mutants. You could find a lot of super mutants that talked normally, especially at Mariposa.


the fallout bible which is canon to 1 and 2 states that "Only about one in six or one in five attempts [to mutate prime normals] are successful, only half seem to last to go on to be part of his growing army, called the Unity" i think its fair to say there are far more dumb super mutants made than intelligent ones though the game might do a bad job of depicting this due to limitations. same thing as the cities not being as large or populated as they actually are in the lore edit: spelling


Chris Avellone being goofy as usual


>the fallout bible which is canon It isn't. Some things still are, but it itself can't be taken as canon overall. You're right that overall there will be more dumb supermutants. Master's Army was low odds to retain intelligence until he sorted out the process, so most of his early ones would be dumb. Later was mostly smart, but given the numbers that would be less than half. And then Bethesda introduced a half dozen or more new species of supermutants that are mostly all dumb in general, those should outnumber teh Master's army simply because there were so many old sources for them on the East Coast going back to prewar and The Master's version was only made for a few years.


canon to 1 and 2. to the black isle games.


i do agree with everything you said. im just saying bethesdas mutants dont break lore established in 1 and 2 like people like to say they do. they are are made from irradiated wastelanders that mutants kidnap and forcibly transform


They didn’t all retain intelligence - that’s why the Lieutenant wanted to know the location of vault 13 prior to dipping.


yeah, generally a "smart" super mutant had a superior intelligence to a normal human.


What’s a Bethesda, there’s only 4 fallout games remember? Tactics, 1, 2, and 3 (new Vegas) /s


Idk, in fallout 1 the mutants you find in necropolis are pretty dumb, they were guarding against "humans" but didn't attack me because I was a "pretty lady"


That’s not true. Harry, Larry, Gary, Barry, Sally, and Terry in Necropolis in Fallout 1 are dumber than rocks. The leader, Harry, doubly so. There are precious few super mutants who retain their intelligence because in order to do so, you have to have minimal exposure to radiation before being dipped in FEV. It’s why The Master and The Lieutenant are searching for “prime normals” like vault dwellers to dip. It’s literally the plot to the entire original game.






West Coast muties from MAriposa are mostly as smart as they were before being dipped, sometimes even smarter due to enhancements. The dumb ones existed (I think especially in the Master's earliest experiments) but it became more normal for them to be dumb in later games from the less refined mutant origins than the Master's method. Which makes sense, Master actually tweaked his FEV dip for that reason. Master was specifically trying to preserve teh human race, just with radiation proofed genetics more suited for the Wasteland.


And the reason is the master would just throw people in FEV not the just the radiation but also the unevenness of the dipping that we see


Yeah you’ll notice certain ones don’t have them as well and they tend to at least be a bit smarter implying when the FEV/former person is irradiated and the process is altered by that they tend to be more disproportionate in their growth, thus the larger lips, smaller skulls, etc, although the Luteniant I beleive has mouth straps as well so that’s just my guess.


makes them seem less perfected then the master assumes them to be,


I remember the words of one of the devs " they use those straps to keep their faces on"


Loose heavy skin


some FEV mutants experienced certain parts of their body growing abnormally compared to other body parts, one of the common parts was the upper lip, so the straps are to help them talk


Mostly an East Coast supermutant thing too, presumably. Marcus doesn't need it and talks eloquently (thanks, Michael Dorn!). But the East Coast ones have Behemoths which are apparently just old Supermutants because some strains just never stop growing so presumably the face skin growth is disproportionate to skull. I believe skull thickness growth was also a part of why they get dumber.


So you're saying it's cannon that there's probably a super mutant out there with a comically long dick?


This artwork portrays my two Vault Dweller characters, Ivory and "THIRTEEN." They ventured out from Vault 13 together on a mission to find the water chip, only to be separated during their journey. When Ivory finally reunites with her friend, she discovers that "THIRTEEN" has undergone a profound change—one that she never could have foreseen. EDIT : I really don't know why i have to comment this under every post i make. Please quit with the NSFW comments. No it's not NSFW. I don't know why you see a woman crying and immediately think of p*rn. I'm uncomfortable with the insane amount of p*rn addicts pushing it onto completely safe for work artwork. I am extremly uncomfortable at this point and i don't understand if this is some inside joke at this point because people don't like my art. I don't see why or how. Can people just be honest ? Or not comment NSFW stuff at all ? I even explained what's going on. There is NO cleavage, no body shown, no blushing and nothing that indicates anything NSFW. Edit : if you start insulting i will block you no warnings. Have a civil conversation with me or just be quiet. Thanks :)


This is actually a really cool scenario. I recently learned that in Fallout 1, there's a character named Talius who was sent out to find a replacement water chip before the player and became an FEV mutant in the process so this is a neat parallel


Hey just an objective note here for your edit (I am not intending to endorse what other people are saying and your feelings make complete sense!): When I glanced at this, I assumed it was nsfw initially, I think it's due to the angles (she's on her knees in complete shock and crying from what has happened?), but this angle is quite common in NSFW spaces, and with their lower halves being cut off, it gives more room for the implication. Once again, I am aware it is NOT NSFW and it looks good and your story helps give it even more life, but it does give an initial impression of captured woman + ogre vibes due to the angles, the cut off, and her look. I hope this helps objectively inform you. I simply intend to explain, nothing more! Thank you for your time.


So is her eye blind or is that the tears?


Both. She is crying because her friend turned mutant !


I just wanted to say, your artwork ks reallu good if kind of sad.


Thank you- i appreciate it !


Super mutants really are fascinating as characters. For all that they're turned into identical super soldiers, it's interesting what scraps of humanity manage to survive. It makes me wonder how much of Thirteen is left.


Thank you ! I do like super mutants alot too


Home skillet. I do not know how to explain this to you politly, so I'm just gonna say it straight. You draw the most NSFW looking SFW content I have ever seen.


It's frustrating.. I thought me literally NOT adding her body and NOT ADDING BLUSH (because last time the SAME people commented saying the body is too sexy. And the pose too. And the blush, I REMOVED ALL 3 OF THOSE THINGS) no blush. No body. No hips. No chest. No pose. Just her face- i feel like this is just a big troll. It's discouraging. I was just here to share my art. If i wanted to join a porn server i would have :/


Honestly, I think it's mostly the angle.


It's just weird else to draw. She is looking up at him, he is way taller. I don't understand how people see mutation as something sexual ? Or losing your friend ? Her friend got turned into a mutant, he is no longer the person she knew, she looks up at him with shock, big shocked eyes with tears, her mouth is just slightly open from shock, and he is looking down at his former friend- and if people played the games they would know turning into a super mutant is painful and horrible, his former self is gone. I even added the shadow so as if he was lingering over her, there is also tears in his eyes from a realization. I really don't know how i could have made it better- i was really proud of this. This seems to be a classic fallout subreddit issue :/ nobody else on twitter, tumblr or instagram saw it as sexual. It is always ONLY this reddit, as if its a elaborate joke between them. Or a troll.


For an actual answer- you accidentally tapped into multiple existing fallout/other porn memes with this art. Its not something you did wrong, it just happened. Dont let it eat you up inside- you worked hard and made good art and should be proud regardless of how horny people are. Reddits not a bad place- it just attracts people who shouldnt be allowed to socialize.


I really hope I'm not discouraging you as an artist, I genuinely think the art is great and hope you continue producing amazing work!


I think it's more the rape jokes and constant sexual jokes from other people on the comments. I think this is my last time posting here. But thank you. I appreciate it)))


Ya, the R jokes aren't funny, I wish you the best in whatever you make next!


It's the expression on the mutant's face and the angles. [Marcus](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Marcus) in FO2 shows you can have a mutant that doesn't look like he's about to commit unspeakable violence on a person. Lose the mouth strap (instantly adds a bondage vibe) and have him looking down his nose at her. If he chose the mutant route then he must think himself superior to her now, so her reaction of despair would probably make him feel [contempt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contempt?wprov=sfla1).


She doesn't though, there's literally nothing sexual about this picture.


Blowjob eyes, hulk x black widow vibes, CNC kink, just the very >!rapey!< face of the super mutant. Plus the vault girl looks like a very popular pornographic piece of fallout r34 from when Fo4 came out. It may not have been intended to be sexual but neither did the mona lisa and you know someone nutted to that.


Dude you're literally imagining all of that you need to get therapy for your porn addiction if thats how you see the world.


I am making an objective observation at why people see this as pornographic. OP made good art, it sucks she accidentally tapped into the baser minds of people with this one.


It’s not though, your brain is just fried


The reason it tips slightly into suggestive overtones for people is her expression is pretty close to ahegao face, and also her looking up sort of implies shes about at waist height. There’s a power balance in their respective positions that’s associated with certain genres.


That's bizzare though. She is crying and sad, looking up because super mutants ARE way bigger than normal humans, do people even play fallout 1 here ? Thank you for the honest reply though.


Dude get help, that face is nowhere close to what you say it looks like.


It just looks like that bro, just being honest lol


because the angle you drew it at, and the fact that tears are clear, but she has obvious thick white liquid in her eye would be the reason


Not sure why you got downvoted but yeah, the opaque white tears caught me off guard too


Tears are ALWAYS clear. As her art also has clear tears. Go outside


Hey if you’re wondering why people are constantly saying your art looks NSFW…. Maybe it does?


Brain damaged person \^


I’m really sorry but your edit made me giggle. I think it’s the angle.


It's just weird else to draw. She is looking up at him, he is way taller. I don't understand how people see mutation as something sexual ? Or losing your friend ? Her friend got turned into a mutant, he is no longer the person she knew, she looks up at him with shock, big shocked eyes with tears, her mouth is just slightly open from shock, and he is looking down at his former friend- and if people played the games they would know turning into a super mutant is painful and horrible, his former self is gone. I even added the shadow so as if he was lingering over her, there is also tears in his eyes from a realization. I really don't know how i could have made it better- i was really proud of this. This seems to be a classic fallout subreddit issue :/ nobody else on twitter, tumblr or instagram saw it as sexual. It is always ONLY this reddit, as if its a elaborate joke between them. Or a troll.


People on Reddit just have dirty minds I guess lol. The art is good, I can just see how others saw it as NSFW.


Probably cause of that one series of fallout porn comics that look just like her


Imma be real I thought this was gonna be nsfw


Absolutely looks like the start of a certain type of story lmao


Glad I wasn’t the only one💀


It’s great art. But I think the bare chest and the way she looks up just made me think it’s smut drawings lol. Probably my own fault


Super mutants 99% of the time don’t wear shirts


Oh definitely my own as well, not the artist fault my brain is rotted


I'm supposed to put clothing onto male super mutants now because porn addicts don't know that super mutants don't wear any shirts...?


Girl I just thought it was funny, i wasn’t criticizing your art and you don’t need to change it. It’s not that deep


It is. Every single post (you can check it yourself. I am not lying) i make theres people saying something sexual despite it being safe for work. Why?


People keep bringing up NSFW because it bears a similarity to a gif between two marvel characters, The Hulk and Black Widow looking at one another before the gif switches to a hardcore porn scene. It's a viral gif with numerous parodies. I'm only bringing this up because you seem genuinely confused, and it doesn't seem anyone else was giving you an actual non-vague answer. Your art is amazing, I wouldn't let those comments or comparisons discourage you.


Well I’m sorry that’s your experience. I’m not sure what I or yourself can do about it but I wasn’t criticizing your art I was just making a silly observation. Im gonna stop commenting, have fun drawing more art in the future


The Industrial Revolution and it’s consequences lol, people read way more into things than they maybe should because of what they’ve been exposed to online, don’t pay it much mind all ur shit is SFW, people just got dirty minds and ur gonna encounter them a lot more on Reddit than off it.


I think his arms looking like they’re reaching/grabbing for something in front of him is 90% of the problem. It looks like he’s either going to strangle or it’s NSFW


He doesn’t though? You’re making shit up to prove your porn addiction. Go outside


Why are you going straight to porn when I also mentioned violence being an option. Huh weird


Are you like braindead? “It looks like he’s either going to strangle OR ITS NSFW”


>or So, I was discussing both options and you only focused on porn. Make sense?


Seeing as you still thought it as an option and every other troglodyte in this comment section is only bringing up porn, you are still apart of the problem


>problem What’s that again? Trying to figure out why you’re so mad lol


Did she lose her eye? I noticed her right eye looks whiter than her other eye. I always what the Master’s next target would be if he succeeded in taking vault 13. Will he go onto vault 33?


She did ! Her eye got scarred. It's hard to comprehend that vault 33 is now part of the fallout 1 lore but- maybe !


Ouch, now am interested in how Ivory lost it. Cool artwork by the way, l like it


Probobally spiked knuckles or a combat knife? It doesn’t look deep enough to have been done by a ripper or power fist.


Thank you. I appreciate it !


Poor thing, she looks just... broken


As many has said, OP. The angle is extremely common in darker NSFW space especially the fantasy genre where the mc is cornered by an orc or something similar. Reddit is home to many of those kind of arts and regular users may sometimes accidentally stumble onto those type of arts. As for you could've done differently however, is to probably add a speech bubble of how distraught your female VD is. I.E "H-how did this happen?" Or something similar like that. The lack of speech bubble opened up a lot of implications that audience may misinterpret. Another thing that you could add is too add another panel where the characters are parallel to eachother and the middle of them is the sun going down and the Female VD is to the left and the mutant is on the right looking down on her.


I second that last idea. That was my first thought as well when I saw how many people thought this was NSFW. Add a third panel with them both in it to act as a sort of establishing shot. Or even add that panel first.


Thank you for the proper feedback


Nice artwork! But…. This reminds me of a particular GIF between Black Widow and Hulk…. I don’t know if that’s what you were going for lol


No sorry i don't watch marvel or DC ;( Thank you


Okay, good… You still have your innocence! Don’t google it!


Stop watching porn


Ngl the "My friend has been horribly transformed into something else and they no longer recognize me/i no longer recognize them" has got to be one of the best tropes out there.


At least someone finally recognized it ! Thank you


Love this!


Thank you !!!


Minor critique: You're stuff is constantly confused for NSFW because the posing/angles are always awkward. The super mutant's arms look slightly tucked in as if to be holding something in front of him.


It's frustrating.. I thought me literally NOT adding her body and NOT ADDING BLUSH (because last time the SAME people commented saying the body is too sexy. And the pose too. And the blush, I REMOVED ALL 3 OF THOSE THINGS) no blush. No body. No hips. No chest. No pose. Just her face- i feel like this is just a big troll. It's discouraging. I was just here to share my art. If i wanted to join a porn server i would have :/ I listened to the LAST feedback- yet i f*cked up again somehow ? Thanks for the honest reply though.


yeah, its starting to vear into cyberbullying it seeems.


I'm not an artist, so take my words with a grain of salt, but I think it's because a lot of your drawings have angles where two characters are close together and one is looking up at the other with a pleading or fearful expression, the one looking up usually female. It's not inherently sexual at all but it is a common framing in porn. I can't speak to what the best solution to that would be, but I think that's the issue.


Went to a school for graphic design (was expelled) but yeah that pretty much sums it up. We rarely have full body shots of the characters and due to the posing/angles it can come as sexual. Honestly artwork with both characters in scene could easily clear up any NSFW confusion or at least full body artwork would definitely help with the Super Mutant at least.


Please don’t be discouraged, I didn’t think anything dirty or wrong what so ever. Maybe it’s their minds that need a little “critique”. Please keep up the good work this is amazing! 


I appreciate it alot. Thank you !


After scrolling through your other art, I just wanted to say you are super talented and your passion shows! Also, in my opinion, never let other peoples opinion compromise your vision. Keep being a great artist! 


Damn. Thats pretty cool. Love your style


Thank you alot !!


gOD THE SHADING ON HER FACE IS SICK. I struggle so hard with combining hard edges and soft edges for shadows, this looks so good.


Thank you alot !!i appreciate it !!


Great art as always! I especially like the lighting on mutant Vault dweller's body.


Thank you alot- i appreciate it !!))


IDK why but this gives me *"the indomitable human spirit"* vibes


Haha diving in FEV go glubglubglub


"Why is my skin tingly"


Is there a reason they wear those straps that go inside there mouth ?


Yes, loose overgrown skin, their lips are too big))


This is fantastic art! I love this head canon of multiple dwellers!


Thank you alot !!!


Of course! You have got wonderful talent! Keep it up! Always love to see some good Fallout art!


You should try making a comic or something of some of your characters. Your art is very good


Thank you i appreciate it alot !


Looks a lot like the character preset, not Albert Cole or Max Stone but the grand daughter of the Soviet ambassador sneak/speech character


She's based of her sprite))


Wow amazing job!


Thank you !!!


"So what shall it be? Do you join the Unity, or do you die here? Join! Die! Join! Die!"


Once again, you made me sad with your good art.


Op ignore the coomers showing their ass lol I really like your art that you post here. Not alot of fanart of the classic series, so it's always nice to see more :3


Thank you alot i appreciate it !!!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😭




The horniest non horny post I've seen in a while.


OP I like the art and your style is good but come on this definitely gives off NSFW/suggestive vibes (albeit accidentally perhaps). You have a pretty girl in a tight bodysuit, seemingly on her knees, glistening, shocked, looking up at a something, which turns out to be a hyper masculine monster, with his clothes half torn off, smirking at her with his arms leaning forward as if he holding something at what would be his crotch level/her face level. If I haven’t made it abundantly clear yet, this mimics one of the most common scenarios/poses in all of erotica and pornography.


She is crying. He is crying. They are both crying and people think this is hot porn ? Do people just watch r*pe porn nonstop nowdays ? This is definitely only a reddit problem i realized.




None of what you said makes you have a semblance of legitimacy.


Very nice 💯💯 I'd love to see your portrayal of the master himself


Thank you alot, i have draw the master many time !! It's on my account)))


Bomb as always! Do u take commissions? I’d be v much down to pay you to draw my current fallout 2 character.


Thank you so much ! I do. I have my carrd linked in my bio if you want to know the prices. Or you can message me always.


Thx ur tha bomb


Excellent work as always


Thank you alot


Lovely art as usual, dude! Is that Natalia, the female default dweller? Or is that an OC? I notice they have the same haircut.


Thank you ! It is ivory my OC, she is based of the female vault dweller sprite


Awesome artwork, I've seen a few of these pop up now and really enjoy your style, thank you for sharing.


Thank you so much !


This thing looks like a hentai comic


Go outside porn addict


Piccolo and vegeta.gif


Go away


most of these comments seem to be from accounts that do not go here often. makes it look like an organized cyberbullying campaign.


Ok where's the rest


It's the shot / reverse shot setup and the way her tears look that are getting the NSFW comments. If you showed him towering over her, with her looking up at him or collapsed on the ground, head hung, it would have conveyed her grief. Alternatively her tears are only streaming from one eye, and it's the cloudy eye which makes it look like cloudy liquid. The only other tear is lower on her other cheek. Making it look like she was splattered with something, not that she's crying. Combine that with the framing and shrink it down to a thumbnail to be scrolled past and it gives a bad impression. Seriously, look at how the app crops your image and you'll have a better idea why peoples minds went to the gutter.


That's your fault still, not the app nor the artist, womp womp


I handed it to my non gamer wife and she said gross, but hey it's everyone else's problem! including all the people here trying to give constructive criticism to avoid the inadvertent appearance of super mutant bukake. It's like the saying goes, if everywhere you go there's an asshole, they must be the problem not you.


But why would i care what your NON GAMER wife who has never touched fallout 1 says about my fallout 1 fanart....?? Why should i care ? I mean this in the most neutral way ever. I don't care. I really don't. :/


Their point was that someone who had no context automatically assumed that this was lewd.


I love your artwork, keep up the good work.


Thank you !!






I love how I know it's your art whenever I scroll through my feed. Love the style, good stuff!


I appreciate it alot. Thank you !!


At first I thought it was like her getting captured and then her later as a SM.


i had the exact same thought.