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Crit based builds in Fallout 2 are very strong. Often you will kill enemies outright.


ofc crit builds are strong, that's almost always the case. but how hard do you need to cheese to be able to breeze through the game using a bb gun is my real question


There are 2 kinds of BB guns in the game. One is a toy with very low damage and the other one is actually weapon with decent damage range, so the crit build works with it just as with every other weapons


There’s no cheese involved. It’s just the same stat spread, skills and perks as for every other small arms build. Whether you use the BB gun or a Gauss rifle doesn’t matter for the build per se.


>ofc crit builds are strong, that's almost always the case. but how hard do you need to cheese to be able to breeze through the game using a bb gun is my real question You don't. Red ryder is 25 damage 32 range It's not some weak weapon


You need to grind a lot, you need the sniper perk that gives you 10% critical chance per luck point, so 10 luck gives you 100% critical chance, but you only get that perk at very high level, like more than you would get by just completing every single quest On F1 you get it at level 16, except by the time you get to the final boss you usually would be like level 11-13 so you would need to get out of your way to farm super mutant encounters for hours


> On F1 you get it at level 16 18, actually.


How many hours we talking


If I remember correctly it took me like a couple hours


2 hours for 3-5 levels doesnt seem too bad tbh


There’s a BB gun that’s pretty good but even the basic one works because of how crits work. Better Criticals cancels the lowest level of crits and opens up the highest tier which includes an instant kill regardless of how much damage you actually do and you get it at Level 9 iirc. You don’t need Sniper. 10 Luck + More Criticals + Finesse + called shot to the eyes is something like an 85% chance of critting if you hit. Add Better Criticals and you have a 19% chance of the crit being an instakill. What weapon you’re shooting doesn’t matter.  But the BB gun everyone talks about the LE one which does more damage than the hunting rifle and gives you 200 ammo when you pick it up.


Wouldn't surprise me. I remember getting the Red Ryder LE BB gun at the start of fallout 1 and it made the game a cake walk


son of a bitch I just sold this


Lmao me too. I tried it and it seemed kinda meh, so I just sold it. It didn't do that much damage iirc.


how come that gun of all guns is the one that makes the game a cakewalk. it's a bb gun ffs, how good can it really be?


It will almost always do a critical hit. Aiming for the eyes 1 shot alot of enemies while aiming for the crotch will knock them down.


I pretty much always aim for the eyes. 🤣


You... shoot their eyes out?!


Well most the time you get the animation where half their torso explodes.


First of all the red rider has one of the highest dmgs of all rifels We are not talking about the normal bb gun but the one from the special encounter in fallout 1! Normal one has 1-3 dmg and red rider has ether 23-23 or 25-25 (have to lock it up) Second it has one of the lowest ap costs so you can fire it quite often Third it has a magazine capacity of 100 bullets so you don't even waste ap to reload


Because “you’ll shoot your eyes out!” (Basically it’s a joke from the movie A Christmas Story.)


And from Wasteland


That's uh...not where that originated from lmao. That's been a long running joke for a lot of different things. Like lawn darts.


The movie is talking specifically about a Red Ryder BB gun.


Movie is yes but that's not the first time a bb gun, specifically red Ryder, has been joked about potentially losing an eye lol


I don’t think you’d be able to find that reference


>Movie is yes but that's not the first time a bb gun, specifically red Ryder, has been joked about potentially losing an eye lol No, it was. But by all means if you think you can find a reference to it that's older present it to the faisy museum, they're mostly enthusiasts that would love to have their information fixed if you have a credible source.


>Red Ryder comic release in 38 >Red Ryder BB gun released in 40's >Movie release in 83 I dunno, man. Sounds like a marketing gimmick to me. Especially considering the movie was entirely funded by ad placement.


>I dunno, man. Sounds like a marketing gimmick to me. Especially considering the movie was entirely funded by ad placement. Source? And daisy's red ryder didn't need "advertised" that shit was more iconic and well known than you can buy hotdogs at a baseball game


According to the creator and actor. They both said it was just created for merchandizing in one of the apparently many documentary style novels on the topic. You ever do any reading?


The LE version does significantly more damage than the regular version The regular version is shit. The LE does about 25 damage?


The LE version is a special case. It's much more powerful than the regular BB gun and can only be found in a rare random encounter. If you're asking how from a rational / practical sense, it's because these games embrace silliness and things don't make sense the way they do in real life. That's pretty much it. It's a reference to the movie *A Christmas Story,* and because the BB gun is a big deal in the movie, It's a big deal in the game. It's silly shit -- not much more to it than that.


"You'll shoot your eye out, kid," said to every enemy with eyes in the game, in short.


It’s a tongue in cheek reference to a Christmas story I believe.


Where do you find that?


Random encounters




It was many years ago, but I feel like I ran out of BBs at some point? Like because they weren’t standard ammo they weren’t dropping randomly like other ammo? That seemed like the limiting factor for me.


Oh yeah, that's why I had to abandon it too. I'm sure some vendors sell it, but I didn't find any


The crit and the BB are not related to each other, there is nothing inherent to BB guns, LE or otherwise, that makes the build work, it's just that BB guns (the non-LE version) are weakest gun in the game that you can still kill many tough creatures with. The way the bulld works is, you use Fast Shot, Bonus rate of fire, Sniper with 10 luck and better criticals together, you increase the number of attacks with the first two, guarantee criticals with the third and chance to roll instant kill crits with the last. Instant kill crits are crits that kill the target regardless of the remaining HP of the target, though some critters in the game don't have instant kill on their crit hit tables This build isn't possible in FO1 unless you grind deathclaws in Adytum, while in FO2 you generally won't reach the level required for sniper, but if you where all the quests are and how to do them to maximize the XP, there is bit of room to spare without needing to grind XP with random events, though this requires things like completing all quests for all families for Reno etc


For a pure BB gun to work in FO1, you need to cheese LE first, since the build is incomplete without sniper perk and the normal BB gun don't do diddly squat, in FO2 you can on theory cheese it by heading to NCR on foot, then respawn busters stock till he sells one, and the merchant inside NCR sells BB rounds Either way, you either have to go through the game without fast shot and mutate just before you get sniper, or cheese your LE gun


I was agreeing with you the first half but then you went off the rails hehe. It’s not hard at all to reach level 24 by just following the quest lines and doing whatever quests you find along the way. Groups of “aliens”, deathclaws and enclave soldiers give plenty of XP but you don’t have to grind them, just do the ones you encounter. I just finished a FO2 game the other day and ended up around level 30+ something like it and didn’t grind anything. Passed all skill checks except Doctor, which I skipped this time. But everything else I agree with.


How do you grind deathclaws in adytum?


Kill deathclaw on the surface, leave the mother deathclaw alive, leave the map, rest for an hour, the deathclaw would have respawned. It's either 1 hour or 24 hours, it's been a while since I played FO1, but that's the gist of it.


I have not heard of this myself, but as others have said crit builds in general (especially with late game perks) are absolutely insane. But of course that’s usually paired with a high powered weapon. I’m wondering if maybe the idea is that crit builds are so ridiculous, you can use any weapon, even the decidedly weak BB gun and still be OP. But I also could be missing some game breaking element about the BB gun itself. Curious if that’s the case as well.


There are 2 types of BB guns in fallout 1 and 2. The regular does only 1-3 damage, but the LE does 25;[Red Ryder LE](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Red_Ryder_LE_BB_gun)


Oh well there we go then! Thank you for letting me know.


LE BB + fast shot + bonus rate of fire + better criticals + 2 action boys = Doomguy mode


Red Ryder LE BB gun + critical hit to the eyes = Good times


LE is randomly for sale in NCR, not sure if the chance based on luck or something. Those are real heavy pellets, btw, as bbs go. Something lik a pound/10 pellets.


10 gauge pellets up in here.


Not. That's the case in new Vegas


BB Gun? No, Crit builds however are useful


maybe i found the burst weapons to be really good especially the p90


Burst-based builds are pretty strong too.


not sure how this is relevant to my thread. but yeah bozar's broken


Vindicator minigun is better but the ammo is insanely expensive and rare


SF sells a lot of G11s. Unload their ammo and buy it but skip the guns. Make sure to make the Morty (forgot their names) brothers your enemies since they too have G11s when they attack you. Later on many random encounters have enemies with G11s that you can unload and grab the ammo. And ofc the vendor in SF sell a few rounds most times too. I had around 8-900 rounds in my last run before going to the rig and had two vindicators loaded for some mass-slaughter. Still uses bozar for individual soldiers to save some ammo I’m between though.


Oh yeah I know how to get the ammo but you use 25 per burst so a G11 is at most 2 bursts, usually less because they use some ammo in the encounters. You can certainly collect enough ammo to use it throughout the oil rig but it’s not gonna be a weapon to use in most random encounters, the minigun and bozar are great for that because their ammo is plentiful


The Mortons. Frog, Toad, and Newt.