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I am from the future; yes warrior interesting


He has spoken


Oh player from the future, hear my question: Will I have enough money to buy my mount or should I farm already from level 1?




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aged like milk...


Warriors are going to be insane, don’t let the comments on Reddit fool you.


We know they will be insane in the future but thats months away


Warrior will be a breeze with devastate. Easy leveling in both dps and survivability, and outright fun to play because you will drown in rage and have trouble dumping it.


Warrior is Gona fuck. Rage already feels so good using sunder rather than heroic strike, and adding in a weapon strike with it? Shits Gona fall over


What changed to sunder? Btw I rolled Warrior last night. Everyone saying it’s a challenge but I know it’s gonna be a beast if I put the work in.


I was looking at builds just now. Tanking with devastate will be fun. For DPS at lvl 25 I'm thinking a 2h build for Raging Blow and bleeds. Depending how hard raid bosses hit a full prot build might be necessary. You can pick up most of the mit talents and with Anticipation and Imp Shield Block you can avoid most crushing blows. I don't think there will be gear to push them off entirely at 25. I can't imagine you'll need that much in the way of defensive, though, because like I said there won't be enough stats on gear to make you uncrushable so bosses probably just won't hit that hard. Leveling with devastate means leveling without victory rush, though, while doing 10% less damage with a 1h due to being locked in D stance. Might be faster to level 2h with VR for the extra damage and heals. It also depends on what runes you get first and when. Like if you don't get devastate until level 20 it's a moot point. My guess is VR will be the first one you get at level 1 or 2 when the class trainer sends you on a quest to find your first rune.


Level 2H with VR. Let all the fotm warlocks and rogues tank.


You can still tank all the dungeons up to Strat and Scholo with any build in classic. It's just easier with some builds. And since you can swap runes whenever you want you can always put on the devastate rune for tanking and go sword and board.


Sounds like a fever dream highly doubt it






Warriors are already interesting


Victory Rush will probably be a godsend for the questing experience


Yeah, I'm thinking that will be one of the first glyphya you unlock. Remind me, does it give the heal, or just the attack?


Heals for 45% of max health.


10% my man.


Then warcraft tavern is inconsistent. If you click the ability it says 45, but the article text says 10. Edit: why are people down voting an objectively correct statement?


Possibly, I trust WoWhead.


Probably because you referenced warcraft tavern. It gets a lot of hate, but they did figure out how to make tlemt calculators work on mobile while Wowhead is still shitting the bed on that front lol. That's all I use WCT for, though. Their guides are shit because, as you say, they are inconsistent and often just bad advice.


Lmaoo thatd be insane


Where do you find it? I never got the rune I started with the thunderclap one for some reason


That's weird. Victory Rush should have been your tutorial rune. Thunderclap drops from the boss scorpid.


So if I go back to starter where is it?? Please and thanks


Northshire Cave in the far back in a chest left side. The Warrior trainer in that shire will give you a quest to go grab it, god speed Spider-Man.


We have no way to know. We only know the lvl25 runes which are quite boring, but there's lots of options for cool shit in the future.


Warrior is gonna suck at 25. But every level tier after that it's gonna be better. I gotta admit I've never loved the, "wait for months" to get better philosophy. But it's hard to imagine warriors not shitting on things like they usually do at 60.


Warriors get better with gear. While leveling, your gear will practically always be below your level, which is extra bad because a big part of what makes them good is they’re scaling. As you’re stuck at level 25 however, you will be able to get gear which is better suited for a warrior attack that level. They won’t be as comparably good as they are in raiding gear at 60. I suspect it’ll somewhat be like what warriors are in pre-bis gear.


The problem at 25 is they don't have access to most of the stuff that lets them scale really well. No real instants (Overpower and Execute are too situational), no Flurry, no Berserker Rage to make full use of the Flagellation rune. They do look decent with Consumed by Rage, Raging Blow and Quick Strike, but I don't think they'll be competing for the top spot on the dps meter even with full BFD bis.


Getting 2 ap per strength is good enough scaling to be noticable at the very least. If you've kept a Warrior in the best attainable gear for your level (buying the best gear you can find, trying to get dungeons pieces and even enchanting some of it) you'll be topping dps meters and find Warrior leveling to be a breeze.


Isnt that pretty much every class


Not really. Pretty much every class has talents and abilities that let them scale better. In the case of Warriors in Vanilla, theirs just do it a lot better than other classes. However, most of the things that make Warriors scale so incredibly well are not available at level 25.


lv 25 means they have no scaling


In what sense?


All the talents that allow warriors to scale are unreachable. No Flurry, Bloodthirst, Only 1/2 Impale, DW spec, Death Wish


A warriors white hits alone scale well with gear, the rest snowballs it. So scaling doesn’t start with abilities.


Thats not true, else arms would be a lot higher :) The scaling of warriors is pretty mediocre as theres no scaling on abilities. Static dmg of abilities that dont increase with any gear vs 200% weapon damage rogue has + AP scaling on every ability. Heroic & Quick Strike is static damage.


oh dog i hate timegating content. its like all the early access games, where you get some of the game, but not all because its "not fully released" yet. edit: So many downvotes? People like timegating?! this is weird.


I like it in this context. If you ever did BGs at twink levels it's kind of interesting. I never made twinks, but my first toon I would stop at every level that ended in 9 and PvP for a while. People thought I was a twink because I had good gear. It will be interesting to see the different metas at 25, 40, and so on.


You’ll have to question urself as a former warrior player whether you want to dropp them totems all the time. If you cba you might want to reconsider.


Who knows what they add/change later on, anything could happen. If you love warrior like I do then just play what you love. Having an alt won't be difficult to manage in SoD if you want a Shaman too.


Yeah that's kind of my thinking. I might level lock before shaman. I never played lock in vanilla but I've leveled a couple to 70 and enjoyed it. Being able to tank on them will make it way better, too, because no waiting for groups. Rolling on caster and tanking gear while tanking is going to bring a new level of butthurt though lol.... Jesus, I didn't even consider that until just now. Clothes gonna be sadge.


the itemization probably won't be warlock specific i would guess that most gear at lower levels will be multipurpose just stam and int since armor multipliers will be the main defensive attribute for a warlock tank but who knows


I'm thinking lock tanking is going to be HP sponge and avoidance based like Feral in BC.


Yea I feel the same way about their changes: whoopie more damage and a couple buttons that just do damage. It's not surprising though because they are truly monstrous when they have gear. And that's not likely to change.


Yeah, warriors needed the least amount of help for SoD. Still going to be over represented.


I’m going warrior because deep prot is supposed to be useable now and shield bonks make me happy


Useable but nobody is gonna want you because fury prot shits on it like aways.


Lmfao are you serious right now? Fury prots not gonna exist for months dude, good luck making a useable fury prot build with 15 talent points


I suggest you actually join the warrior discord and do some research then because you are way behind. I can link you the discord if you want.


Well does the warrior discord have every single rune that’s coming out? Y’know the ones that are going to drastically change the way classes play?


If we are still talking about level 25 then yes. If we are talking about lvl 60 then no and as of now deep prot will still be ass.


Ackchyually, [https://www.wowhead.com/classic/talent-calc/warrior/203050011\_156mf76vwa6mg](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/talent-calc/warrior/203050011_156mf76vwa6mg) is gonna be the baseline, do whatever you want from there.


Warrior Runes are pretty OP for PVP.


This, a gnome warrior with warbringer is going to be pretty much impossible to kite


The End is Near. ALL WILL BOW.


Yeah I think I'm going for gnome.


I’m either going Gnome or Orc, I can’t decide :( played orc warrior in vanilla, human warlock in vanilla and tbc and gnome mage in classic. Euehaueheywhahuwjehehsb maybe I should try a new class like Priest


Go gnome, Better Game needs you back.




They adding battle shout/shout based heal runes one day I’m sure so it will be interesting if that is what you want. I consulted the prophets and they said that a heal/commander style warrior would come to us in 2-3 years.


Warrior is fun, Warrior has always been fun. Will the game be interesting for you Xth time through? Dunno, really depends how much you like the game and how hard you went on Hardcore/Wrath to be or not be burned out here. The level gate will give you time for both. Level your warrior and then give shaman a try.


Gladiator stance is gonna be fun for warriors


I punch, you kick.




I think with Thier choice of 2 handed and DW being runes they will have a huge variety of builds


I think they look decent at 25. They probably won't be competing for the top spot on the meters, but they should at least not be dumpster tier and the new runes at least looks somewhat fun to use. Consumed by Rage + Raging Blow + Quick Strike looks pretty fun (at least for single target) and should preform decently as long as you have a Feral in your group.


Oh, I haven't seen quickstrike. I was just looking at the Wowhead calculator exploring potential options and the one I came up with in loved using CbR, RB, and the one that gives rage back every bleed tick then specking arms down to DW and either maxing that out or putting 3 points in Cruelty. Impale is pointless without Cruelty unless they're giving out gear with tons of Agi and crit at early levels. Hard to get above a 5% crit chance from great alone at level 25 as it stands. With rend and impale up I think you get better rage gen from that then with the 25% extra rage from damage with Endless Rage. Especially with a 2h which will be bursty without anything to spend it on so you'll waste a lot. It will help with getting up to 80 quickly when needed for CbR, though. Another DPS option would be fury down to 1 point in DWS, dual wielding, and picking up 5/5 imp demo shout for raid utility. Haven't looked at all the synergies between classes and not knowing anything about the new raid, not sure if imp demo is even going to be needed, though.


You can't use Raging Blow and Blood Frenzy (the rage on bleed rune) since both are chest runes. From the simming I've done Raging Blow outperforms Blood Frenzy by about 10% (when both are coupled with Quick Strike and Consumed by Rage). Quick Strike outperforms Endless Rage and Single-Minded Fury by like 25%. I guess you just don't have anything worthwhile to spend that extra rage on. As for the spec, 21 points in Arms, 20 in Arms and 1 in Fury, 18 in Arms 3 and in Fury, 3 Arms and 18 Fury, or 21 in Fury all sim within 1-2% of eachother. As such, I'm leaning towards 21 points in Fury, even though it's the worst performing of all of them, since you would give Imp. BS to your entire party. You could also grab Imp. DS for a dps loss of another ~1%, but I don't expect boss damage to be high enough that you'd need to.


Yeah the talent calculator I was using didn't have Quick Strike. Don't even know what it does. I was also thinking Raging Blow was gloves for some reason. But yeah, that's the Endless Rage spot, I guess. When you did the DW fury spec did you use Single-minded Fury? I'm thinking the same thing about boss damage. That or it will be insane and 20 points in prot will be the only viable tanking spec for survivability, but you'd likely only need one tank like that and I doubt they'd do that at 25 because it would kill all the new tanks they're adding for being able to tank anything but 5 mans. Plus gear will likely not have enough stats to push crit and CBs off the table so bosses and mobs will have to hit light enough not to spike tanks to death. I plan to tank, but I don't want to if it's as sweaty as Algalon or the like where you have to set up mods to tell you and half the raid exactly what button to push and when just to have a chance at beating it. Being able to swap runes for Devastate and TC will make tanking as a DPS leveling spec ez. Run VR and. 2H for solo leveling.


Yeah, it was 21 points in Fury (one point in Dual Wield Spec) with Single-Minded Fury, Raging Blow and Consumed by Rage. As far as tank damage goes I'm of two minds. On the one hand they did make all tanks except for Warriros and Paladins passively crit immune, so that could mean they want tank damage to be higher than we're used to in Vanilla, and you'd basically be forced to at least grab one point in Imp. Shield Block to be mostly crit and crush immune. They also gave Priests a pretty big external in Power Word: Barrier. On the other hand, it's Vanilla and we're level 25. I doubt they'd make it very hard, and the they looked like they were having a pretty easy time in the Blizzcon demo despite some players screwing around and trying to wipe the raid. We'll just have to wait and see.


Wait, when you say you summed.... What gear were you using? I didn't think we had any of the new gear yet.


Pre-BFD gear that was reasonably easy to acquire, so no rare BoEs.


So basing it on existing Classic gear? Numbers might be very different. They're supposed to revamp craftable gear and change drops from dungeons. Hopefully world drops, too. If they add hit gear prior to like level 40 gear it might really improve DW fury specs. I'm hoping they'll make profs like BS actually useful while leveling. As it is if you take mining/BS none of the gear you can craft with things you can mine is at all useful because you're like 5 to 10 levels higher than the gear you can make from ore you can survive the zones to access. Like you need iron to make gear that's good for level 20, basically, and you need to be level 30+ before you can get to iron. Maybe some rogues and druids will try sneaking around higher level zones for ore and herbs to sell so people can make things, but that's going to be expensive, I imagine.


Yeah, it's what we'll have going into BFD. But realistically, the gear in there isn't going to make THAT much of a difference. I doubt they'll want to completely invalidate gearing through quests in the next phase. The thing that's holding dual wielding back isn't just a lack of hit, it's that they don't have anything useful to spend their rage on. Even if they add a bunch of hit gear, and somehow sidestep the item budget issues with hit on low level items in Vanilla, it's not going to make dual wielding good at 25. You'll just be spamming Heroic Strike and a weaker Raging Blow than you would with a 2-hander. It's possible that dual wielding could start to out scale 2h once we have access to more instant attacks at 40, but for now Quick Strike just looks so much stronger than any of the alternatives since it's our most efficient rage dump by far.


I'm saying your guess of what gear we'll have going into BFD is probably wildly wrong. Most of our damage is going to be from white hits anyway, so reducing misses and glancing from DW is going to be a huge DPS increase regardless of rage. Even if all you're doing is white swings and queuing HS.


The only changes to non-BFD gear that I'm aware of are the Void-Touched crafting items, level 25 WSG rewards and BFD sharpening stones. None of that makes a terribly big difference one way or the other. Hit doesn't affect glancing blows, that's weapon skill. But even if they do add a bunch of weapon skill and hit, those stats will also benefit 2h. DW scales better off of attack power, which is why it was better than 2h in Vanilla with all the wbuffs and stuff, but 2h was still pretty viable on Horde since they get more value from Windfury than DW does. When playing around some more with the sims, I noticed I must have screwed up some options when simming DW yesterday. It actually looks very comparable to 2h, and even performs slightly better if you're lacking Wild Strikes. Assuming you do have Wild Strikes though, spamming Quick Strike + Raging Blow with a 2h sounds a lot more fun than spamming HS while dual wielding.


Warrior is very tempting but then I remember having to farm tons of gold for edgemaster's, krol blades, the blacksmithing helm and the brd trinket and I say F nope


They're changing up a bunch of the gear. I'm hoping to make it more friendly to leveling as well as not have all the BiS items be random BoEs.


For sure if you like warrior. Just want to add that people saying that devastate/victory rune will make leveling easy, I agree but we still don't know at what lvl they'll be accessible. Might be after lvl 20 so 1 to 20 might still be kind of hard.


My guess is that VR will be the first one the trainer gives a quest to find at level 2 or whatever. I hope so, anyway. In Cata they make VR with a heal your level 2 ability and it improved leveling a warrior 1000 fold.


Play it and discover for yourself


At 25? No. Auto attack past 80 rage, press a single heroic strike then auto attack again. Execute is a DPS loss. All strikes like Raging Blow, Quick Strike etc are DPS loss. You’re allowed to rend for 3 rage per tick and overpower if it becomes available but 99% of it is auto attack. Now at 60? Probably pretty damn fun.


>Execute is a DPS loss. All strikes like Raging Blow, Quick Strike etc are DPS loss. What? Why would that be a dps loss, you still auto while doing instant attacks.


Read the runes. Use the sims. It’s a DPS loss because you need 80 rage to activate Consumed by Rage. According to the sims, a single heroic strike and then back above 80 is the highest DPS. Using any other spender before 80 rage delays your activation and after is a loss to HS. Simming with JUST auto, rend every 15sec and a single HS after CbR activates is ~191 ST DPS. Blows away every other rune combination and rotation. For example, using sword+shield devastates with flagellation windows sims at 145 DPS. Every Quickstrike or Raging Blow you add to the rotation plummets the simmed DPS, which makes sense. The AoE rotation adds tab rends, but is otherwise just auto attacking to 80 rage, using a single cleave and then back above 80. I’d suggest checking out the discord and simming some characters yourself. Warrior looks VERY boring at 25 (if you want to play optimally).


>Read the runes. Use the sims. It’s a DPS loss because you need 80 rage to activate Consumed by Rage. According to the sims, a single heroic strike and then back above 80 is the highest DPS. Using any other spender before 80 rage delays your activation and after is a loss to HS. you have 12sec. or 12 strikes with the damage buff after hitting 80 rage. so you just sit there autoattacking and heroic striking while you could be doing big dam with raging blow and be on 80 rage before the 12 sec timer runs out to proc cbr again. Your sims seem wonky.


Yeah, don't know what that guy is smoking


its season of discovery, not season of min/max


Hahahahaha That's a good one


The thing I'm excited for is that blacksmithing will actually be making usable BiS items. Even at 25 you can make an epic chest piece with hit. I also like being able to tank as I level without runes. Who knows how other classes tanking is really going to work out.


Does anyone think they will change or modify talents. Item like making enrage work differently? So it can proc from crits, damage, timed..


Probably not. Though they should. I don't know how long they've been working on this, but I don't think they're going to change the base game very much, just add in a bunch of stuff. If you notice, the classes that feel the least polished are getting the craziest things through runes. While classes that were done in OG like Warrior are just getting minor tweaks. I hope they give Warriors Unending Assault, Shattering Throw, and Heroic Leap at higher caps. I would LOVE an Arms/Prot tank build with Sweeping Strikes and Unending Assault, even if Revenge still only hits one target.


What I'd really like is if they redid what order you get abilities in more than changing talents. Though, they'd have to change talents if they did that or the trees wouldn't make sense.


Am lvl 25 warrior with almost all pre bis before BFD raid and i can confirm arms, fury and protection speccs are garbonzo. Really amazed how blizzard choose to give every class in the game new and mechanic breaking mechanics, only for them to cuck the slowest lvling class in the game with the most boring and dogshit runes compared to all other classes


I hit 25 on my warrior going full fury for leveling. Picked up Cruelty first followed by Booming Voice into Piercing Howl into Blood Craze, then 1 point in the boost to Battle Shout and 1 point in Enrage. I didn't find any good 2 handers after the Axe of Orgrimmar for completing the RFC quests, which I did at level 13. Then at 17 I got the sword for completing the WC quest, so I was using a 1H with shield from until 20. Actually, beyond, because I didn't get a good offhand until I got that mace off of Serpentis. I think level 22. I decided to give DW a shot, even though that mace is 2.8 and a garbo offhand, but the sword is MH only. Anyway, I was topping DMG meters against everything except mages in AoE, even with that garbo leveling spec. I was running the rage from bleed rune, Victory Rush for solo, or Devastate while tanking, and Thunderous whatever because it was the only leg I had for a 1H or the one that increases 2h speed by 25% when I had that. I got Flagellate at 23 and tried running that for a while with DW when I was DPSing a SFK at 25 and I liked that better than the bleed rune because I was popping Blood Rage on CD. That rune will be even better at 40 with Berserker Rage. I do agree with you that we didn't get anything really cool or gameplay changing as Warriors. We even got the lame version of VR that has a 6s CD and doesn't show a timer for how long your ability to use it will be up after you kill something with only a 10% heal. They could up that to 20 or 25% and it would be fine even for PvP. I mean, you have to personally get the KB for it to even work making it largely only good for solo grinding. Quick Strikes is also super weak and disappointing. It should cost 10 rage or less or do double what it does for damage. I used it for like 3 minutes then never again. Devastate was also disappointing because it's only usable in D stance and it still costs 15 rage for sunder. When I read we were getting Devastate and Warbringer I thought the meta would be to level and PvP with sword and board just spamming Devastate, but 15 rage and being in D stance is too much to make that happen. I also think you are going to be forced to spec at least 5 points in Prot to tank BFD to reach uncrittable, but need to be arms with 3 cruelty for PvP and DPS for at least 2 points in TM or you can't swap to D stance and shield bash for your only interrupt. Which means, even at 25, respeccing costs are already going to be through the roof. They also could have dropped the cost to train new weapon skills to 2s instead of 10s each. Warriors already struggle with gold at early levels because we hit and get hit constantly and wear the most expensive items so take the most durability of any class. Even paladins do some damage from range and don't get hit by bubble or when they have a 6s stun on mobs. They don't die nearly as much for that extra 10% loss, either. The thing is, Warriors are already a "done" class in Classic. They really didn't need much except VR to make leveling them better. Getting the 3 rage per bleed tick made rend actually worth using, so you got another button to push as well, rather than just white swinging for enough rage and waiting for HS with your thumb up your ass. Giving Warbringer early and easily would make things way better. Instead it's an insane grind to get and in PvP zones, which you are going to get housed in PvP by anyone except other warriors without it. I was actually angry when I read the requirements for that one. I don't know what they were thinking. Maybe they want to cut down on the number of warriors in BGs by weeding out the ones not willing to go through that grind. Anyway, that's why I made this post originally. I looked at the runes and saw they were super boring for warriors. They just give slightly more rage or slightly more damage. No new mechanics. I'm hoping we get Titans Grip, Shattering Throw, and Heroic Leap at later levels, or some other fun defining feature.