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That guy papadog has the flag on his horde char and is also on the alliance side. He does this stuff a lot. he killed civillians on his horde char while in a raid to get dmf so all people in it got dk's. Actual school shooter vibes from that guy.


> That guy papadog He also griefs songflowers with a druid in bearform sitting on it. Or at least... tries to grief it (panning the camera on the ground lets you click it still)


Don't click, use interact key, just search for it in the settings. They literally can't grief you like this if you use it.


True, I used that function a lot during the ashenvale incursions lol


I had this from the HC, when people tried to grief with lvl1 characters sitting on top of flymasters. Didn't went back since then


Oh yeah I got griefed in HC when a orc rogue was stealthed on top of a chest in Jangolode Mine in Elwynn. That's when I learned about "interact on left click"


Are you sure? In classic you couldn’t target the flower so how would this work?


[In control settings.](https://i.imgur.com/XGkjDJ0.png) Enable it and pick a keybind.


Just tried it and didn't work. I'm waiting another 25 minutes now...


Ah is that the turd shadow priest that also camped Maraudon portal room? Haven't met such a turd player actively pvping 


There’s a macro to hide all models so it’s just you and the flower.




/run local n,m if GetCVar("componentTexLoadLimit")=="0" then n=6 m=2 else n=0 m=1 end SetCVar("componentTexLoadLimit",n)SetCVar("graphicsTextureResolution",m)


Save this for clicking that orb taking you to BWL


Apparently doesn’t work anymore. Sad.


this stopped working a while ago. Just tested it to make sure.


Ah, shame. At least the interact option works.


Yeah I keybind shift + scroll wheen up & shift + scroll wheel down to "Interact with Mouseover" and spam scroll wheel over it. Works great on WSG flags too!


How isn't he banned? Like WTF?


No customer support and devs are too busy trying to put out fires on cata classic


Ah, the true spirit of cata


I ate a permanent ban on my main of almost 20 years for saying "keyboard warriors stfu" when people were flaming in WSG, and yet sociopathic cretins like this guy get off Scott free.... wow. Just WoW.


You proved yourself as not telling the truth as pointed out in this part of the very email you provided. [https://imgur.com/a/50ZNYcY](https://imgur.com/a/50ZNYcY) Key word there "SOME", you clearly said more than just the one STFU statement. It was just the STFU statement that was the final mesaged that lead to your ban. I will bet money you have had a history of language violations, received several bans on this account, each with a longer period and this last incident was the, "Ok, you are still violating our policy, you got warning bans and still are at it, so it is now PermaBan time." The email you linked CLEARLY shows it was not just one incident, it was several incidents, that is what "SOME" means, some is more than one. Also, Blizzard never goes straight to PermaBan for language, they have policies in place and you get a temp ban first. Also, only a GM gives PermaBans on individuals, there are no "Automated" permbans. The automated system only gives temp bans, anything beyond that must go through human approvals. Even hacking and botting get temp bans and is then reveiwed by a human GM before a permaban is given out. **And note, this does not include "Mass Bans" those are handled differently, we are talking about individual bans via being reported in-game.** Blizzard is in this to make money at the end of the day and you do not do that by having permbans just dished out wiilly-nilly by automated systems. You have to either be a habitual offender of policy, or have a serious ToS violation such as hacking, botting or make serious real world threats/harrasments in chat to receive a permaban.


Thanks for calling this guy out. 20 years and the worst thing he claims to have said was "STFU"? My eyes rolled so far back into my head, I saw N'Zoth. Reminds me of the excuses of people I've met IRL that I found on the SOR. "bullshit charges" nah bro you raped multiple people, says right here on the website. The shittiest people always have a boat load of excuses for their trash behavior, that's why they keep doing it.


I see these claims all the time in this game. People think they can bullshit their way out of punishment because they have an inflated sense of entitlement. This is an online game, do they not realize Blizzard has multiple data lakes with millions of records, they can look back years and prove you did something, who do they think they are bullshitting? And there are policies in place for things like this. We all know that an individual having been reported, again not by mass bans, but a one off report, do not get a permaban for language. Even the automated systems cannot do that. These are the types of people who try to get out of red light camera tickets because they claim the system is wrong, even with the photo in front of them showing they ran the light.


Yeah, you 100% ate a permanent ban for the sole reason being that you wrote "Keyboard warriors stfu". Not a single other bannable thing ever done by you. Totally. You dont even believe it yourself, do you?


I routinely get this sardonic response, but the fact is, yes, it does happen, and it happened to me. I have had 5 accounts for close to 2 decades, (I always hated the limitation of logging on one character at a time, I like to be able to multibox) and the other 4 are in good standing. Blizzards bans are not even reviewed by human mods anymore, dude. They haven't been for a while.


There’s no way you got perma ban for saying that


why is this so hard to believe? you can get mass reported and banned for anything


Cause you just dont get permabanned for that. This guy is lying through his teeth and a total asshole


better he is in the mental asylum that is classic wow, then the streets imo.


Glad i wiped the floor with his hunter in badlands ph2 then


What a waste of air that guy is


This is the definition of a loser


and here i thought the community in wotlk/cata classic was bad lmao


He should be banned for life


kookysnipes is fat and bad


I don’t even know who he is and I’m upvoting this on the basis of context from the comments


Yeah fuck that guy


For context, this streamer is getting camped, currently 9 hours in WSG. [https://www.twitch.tv/ctoimonfils](https://www.twitch.tv/ctoimonfils) It's like that since a month now, and he stream everyday. Edit : Currently \~12 hours and 1000+ death. Edit #2 : Some hero got 1 character Alliance and 1 character Horde in this BG and managed to cap a flag, wow ! Stay tuned ! Edit #3 : A second flag has been capped, the double account strategy seem to pay off ! Edit #4 : It's done, the BG ended after 1023 streamer death and 12 hours 6 minutes.


Not even kidding, for fun I checked and watched him die immediately 3 times after spawning in WSG lol The dude didn’t even move


1 hour later he’s still at it, lol.


you mean 11hours later


yes but u didnt say it with a french accent. also its 3hrs later.


Why doesn’t he leave?


Doesn't change anything, even in open world it's perma grey screen. He's snipped. I remember watching him farming a rune, it took him 3 days for a single one lol.


What did he do since ppl do it


Idk, he has a lot of haters but also a lot of people like him because he trigger fast and it's fun to see him rage or rant over and over \^\^.




He really explained why he had viewers. Troll viewers > No viewers


Sounds like fake rage for views/money


He also hasn't removed the zperl **- A G G R O -** message in the middle of his screen lolz


And like half of his zperl target frame is under the bg score! Having an aneurism looking at it.


His nickname is " I AM THE ARAB"....


It started back on Era. Guy was bracket breaking while ranking so he started getting griefed, then it snowballed because the guy started encouraging massreporting. Then it snowballed even more when it allegedly came out that the guy has been harassing another female twitch streamer and done some messed up things towards her.


The real question is why doesn't Blizzard just permanently close the griefers accounts


Not enough game masters and they don't care enough. Not all forms of griefing are technically against TOS either. So it has to be something that is against TOS or community guidelines. But again, need game masters to actually investigate and enforce shit like that and they don't have enough to even investigate botting reports with any real efficacy.


You would think that 12 hours of video evidence of people stopping you from playing the game for 12 hours would be a pretty clear cut case. No technicality will save you from this. It's just targeted harassment. No way around it. You could close at least 7 accounts from just seeing the scoreboard on the screenshot. 9 hours, only 1 guy getting killed over and over again. Allowing this kind of behavior is so unhinged, I'm surprised big daddy Microsoft isn't stepping in.


He got what he deserves, dont worry about that. This aint over yet.


They leave too et do it again.


Did you forget to switch language for the word "and" haha


People actually wanna watch a dude just rezz over and over?


I know him back from Era last year. He was constantly targeted and griefed by his own faction during ranking.


ofc its a french guy lmao


Ofc :D .


For even more context, he was a bracket breaker in ERA. So people banded against him and would feed someone hundreds of thousands of honor over his cap in the middle of the night to cuck him.


a what now?


basically he was cutting the line at everest (rank 14) and throwing banana peels behind him mario kart style which pissed everyone off


Thank you


People who write this are the same ones who streamsnipe me, grief, and all the players on the 'FIREMAW' server know very well that there was no poolsize <3 and the griefing started since my level 23. Lies may take the elevator, but truth always ends up knowing the last step of the staircase. You're the same person who sends messages to all the players who play with you, telling them that I'm a 'terrorist.' On every different platform, you come up with a different and despicable excuse for everyone to hate me for no reason. You should be banned for life. [https://ibb.co/bmdTjWP](https://ibb.co/bmdTjWP)


Playing with default xpearl in anno domini 2024... truly deserved tbh


**- A G G R O -**


Real talk, what is better than xperl? I like the bright colors and simple UI for the health bars. I haven't found a replacement that I like yet but it's busted in Cata Classic.


Not anymore, they just released an update for it a few days ago, download the update and it will work fine in Cata now.


It was just a joke. There is nothing wrong with xpearl or any UI addons as long as they work for you. That being said, default xpearl was staple in every demonic UI back in the days, some other classics included MikScrollingBattleText and IceHud


Zperl is the same thing but a bit better.


lol ofc it's a french gamer i know stereotypes or whatever, but repeatedly some of the french gamers are the most unhinged ever


I wonder how much he earns monthly from this


100 or 200€ max, he's on wellfare anyway


It's up to 12 now.


Why does he look like a train wrecks Doppler about 10 years deep into drug abuse??


Update: The battleground is still going after nearly 12h and Ctoimonfils has cumulated over 1000 deaths. [https://i.imgur.com/60vPIdn.png](https://i.imgur.com/60vPIdn.png) Apparently, him getting camped for hours on end is a normal occurence on his stream. From what i've gathered, he just refuses to give up as to not give them a feeling of accomplishment. He tried reaching out to Aggrend on twitter, claiming he's been harassed by those players (in and out of the game) for over a year now. The dispute started over some bracket standing with the old honor system. [https://twitter.com/Ctoimonfils\_/status/1786904392911720786](https://twitter.com/Ctoimonfils_/status/1786904392911720786) Edit: The BG is now over after 12h, final scoreboard [https://i.imgur.com/cRR8FG3.png](https://i.imgur.com/cRR8FG3.png)


Wow this is what it takes for alliance to win


surprise, surprise. Royar is a druid. The fact he capped the flag three times while only getting 9 HKs tells me the horde just gave up at that point?


He was flag manipulating with a character on each team I believe, very clever way to end it since that's what caused it in the first place


And people say the classic community is better than retail


Maybe at launch. Not for a while now though imo. I think anyone who'd disagree hasn't visited retail in a few years lol


No one but delusional classic andys believes that now. Classic has been a cesspool for years, even worse with private servers.


Well classic PVP is No concern for Blizzard likewise RetIl Arena is no concern for Blizzard. Look how many high ranked players use scripts / Bots.


Daily reminder that retail automatically mutes you for saying the N word, and Classic uses the Dragonflight backend so that same feature exists here too, but was *consciously turned off* for whatever reason.


Still not seeing why Classic is worse than retail


Well the classic community is mostly pve parsers and the people who play classic for pvp are mostly degenerate rejects who aren't good at the other newer versions of the game


The general 95% retail community is super cool. It’s just the 5% sweats in M+ that are miserable.


Lmao fuck no. Classic has one of the worst communities I have seen.


This is just what makes pvp great! /s


720 deaths and not a single KB… how?


He's a streamer being spawn camped at the gy every 30s for 9 hours The horde FC is holding the flag on one character while also in this WSG on the alliance side. The alliance don't kill the horde FC alt and they don't cap flags thus not allowing the game to end


> 30s for 9 hours oh wow, if only he could leave the battleground :(


They're petty wow players. At this point they're just waiting to see who can no life it the most. The one who leaves first is the "loser" so they're just stubbornly sticking it out for some stupid dick swinging contest.


> The one who leaves first is the "loser" Now you put it like this... Makes much more sense. Not trying to give in.


I played a 2v2 arena match in o.g. TBC when healers were nigh unkillable. I was a resto druid vs a holy paladin. Both our dps had died at the same time. The match lasted over two hours before the other guy gave up and left. The paladin had JoW, bubbles vs my travel form to outrange him, spirit Regen, innervate and stealth lol I know a thing or two, because sadly I've seen a thing or two


Ah you just brought back painful memories of Nagrand Arena and 1.5 hours + all for a chance at 8-15 rating.


And yet from my perspective they all lost. Hopefully they had fun…


bad news for them, they are all losers


I'm not disagreeing. They're trying to figure out who is the bigger loser.


The streamer is grateful for the attention and the trolls are too. win-win. The longer they contain each other the better off everyone is.


yeah tbh the streamer gets views from it


at least the streamer makes money and gets content lol


Bots/ honor trading 


There are bots that just rez and run to center in wsg over and over again to farm honor/marks/rep. I guess it's a way to farm honor while trying to look half-way legitimate to players and probably takes like 3 lines of code to implement. Actually checks out because he was dying every \~45 seconds for 9 hours which is probably how often you'd die doing that. That or they have an auto release add-on and somebody killed him at the gy over and over for 9 hours.


What do bots do with the honor/marks/rep? Are there items they can sell? I’m confused lol


People do it to bot and get max rep/rank without playing. Paying others people from sketchy website or discord to do it for you and they'll bot like that. Sometimes to sell the accounts after getting the rep/gear.


Ohhh.. fair enough. Cheers


Yet so wrong in classic each consecutive kill grands less honor and after some kills you wont get any at all




For awhile I was in a guild in wrath with yesmaster who held flag hostage for like something absurd, 12 hours or something on stream in a classic wsg tourney or something. One of many reasons they put a time limit on this shit


This…this is the most pathetic shit I’ve seen on SoD


Ban all Seal Team Six and the game will be better to pvp


Lmao that guild which has only people who are terrible at pvp? Why?




Yeah but they are like bunch of kids playing wow, why would anyone want them banned? If anything they are free hks?




Streamers are just the targets. If you remove streamers, then snipers will move on to other victims.




WSG is just dumb as fuck on sod. Not sure if this was possible back but you barely saw it. Why are you allowed to jump over fences and on hard to reach sites? You can even take the flag up from gy side. There is just so many jump spots that people who don’t nerd out just can’t even chase fc


Yeah it’s annoying especially against the druids that do it. Like cmon they already tank had and have enhanced movement and stealth.


720 deaths is just impressive


They are now at 11 hours and near 1k deaths...


Oh boy the things people go through to avoid a 15 minute debuff


11h 52m 1120 deaths.


This is the Reason why wsg is the worst bg…


wait what


Seal team six in warsong kek


Season of Dogshit


The masters of the games are missed by us.


Dead game.


the game is dogshit and theres 9999 exploits in wsg to get the flag deep inside a wall. i know several and other people know some insane exploits to get the flag to places that are impossible to ever reach


Ya and when anyone asks for solutions a brigade of Cheeto dust covered balding sweat lords will be there to mass downvote you and and tell you why this is premium game play and how you should just get good. The community is wows own worst enemy


All these young players, back in the day we would pvp all day and go to bed and come back and try again on the same game.


I remember some AV that went for like 4 days straight. Every time I would leave, go do something else for a while (in game or IRL) come back and get queued into the same game. I think it finally ended because of maintenance. It was shortly after that they decided to do the resource thing.


People still play sod pvp?


Alliance afk after 2 min, horde stand proud for 9h.


Count the honorable kills and killing blows on both sides, clearly the alliance players are the ones staying and playing.


Honestly true. Alliance quit insanely fast.


The scoreboard is literally right there.


oh man I miss endless pvp.


Was playing retail yesterday and I thought Worldpvp was dead. Someone with 1.5mio HP literally spawncamped me and I was amazed by that


Literally hundreds of characters in groups of five doing massive world PvP bouts for their sparks of life. Probably the least dead it's been since timeless isle


720 deaths? Nice.


Average classic honor farm.


That's a work day. That's 10 rep an hour almost.


Ok. Let’s just appreciate that one person died 720 times in that Bg.


the dude deserves every bit of hate and camping he gets. Most definitely one of the scummiest guys in wow classic history


delusional piece of shit




Oh a degenerate from the STS, hi :)


What a shitty game, it confirms that I was right not to resubscribe Quel jeu de merde, ca confirme que j'ai bien fait de pas me réabonner


lol when i was ranking in actual classic depending on the week where we had guys who refused to lose and had a couple 3 hour+ WSGs seems like that x3


Almost every player is from the same server? I’d think they qued at the same time but I have a hard time imagining they all stayed in that game for 9 hours…


Holy hell


0-720 might be a record


How is it 0/0 😹


Project Epoch > SOD


good hph xd


How come I get silenced for promoting my profession services in trade chat but he can do this… standard blizzard


No way 720 deaths only 42hk lmao


Game got boring reallllll quick.. cant imagine playing one BG for 9hrs….


How do you kill that which has no life?


Honestly i would just quit the bg and propably also just uninstall wow after 1 hour maybe less because i can think like million things more fun than this kind of crap.


Ah yes, one screenshot that is absolutely representative of the *entirety* of SoD. Stop clowning my guy. You'd be so much happier not raging on the internet.


Reminds me of the old av days


the devs dont actually play the game besides the things they like


720 deaths not 1 KB??.. holy shit that bot was stuck in wsg all day haha


This guy got banned for being racist so many times, good to see the wow community fighting back! He bullied some kids on 2019 classic wow until he ended up really unwell. I once played in a pug with him in 2019 and he said if i didnt give him the loot i won, he would kick me. Obviously i got kicked and then he spammed me abuse.


This is meta to get high warlord now I guess


Why are French and Quebecois people so toxic on the internet lmao


This is a cata subreddit now


Wait i thought cata was canceled due to insane bugs.


Wouldn't be Blizzard if they released a game without insane bugs


it's not.


nothing gets past this guy


SoD Andy's are a different type of "can't take a joke"


They are turtling a streamer who is a racist, women harasser/beater, antisemitic, manipulative, and maybe one of the worst human on earth.


Wtf are you talking about 🤣🤣


Online anonymity is fine for a degenerate like you, probably on welfare playing all day with st6 Kappa


Okay? Link