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Yeah people who say that just enjoy a different type of game and that’s fine. Tens of thousands of us love wow classic for the game. Could it use some tweaks if done correctly? Sure, see phase 1 of sod.


There’s some epidemic of short term memory and rose tinted goggles online these days. For what it’s worth all the same complaints were flying around during phase 1 - elitism and gatekeeping, priests and boomkin op, hunters op, not enough endgame content, premades ruining bgs, blah blah blah. The fact that so many people cite phase 1 as some sort of holy grail of balance and game design is fucking wild to me. 


Phase 1 was awesome. Some of the most fun I've had playing WoW period—I really like the early content, and getting to stretch it out and farm dungeons like SFK and WC that I'd usually skip was cool. Was the balance and design screwy? Absolutely. Is part of the WoW player base toxic gatekeeping elitists? Yup, people were actually gatekeeping BFD lol. All of the above can be true.


To be fair this sub went through a cycle every 3 days of "I can't believe people want logs and gear checks for BFD" to "I understand why people want logs and gear checks after failing to go past 5/7."


Ok, I have to concede that part of the WoW player base is also unfathomably bad at playing the game. Kind of tricky to find a balance there, since some players want to have challenging mechanics and DPS races while others are happy with loot piñatas.


A game for everyone is a game for no one. Sod raids are supposed to easy, and thats fine. If people want challenge they can go play progressive classic (cata) or retail Its why ST releasing as it did was so egregious and pissed so many people off. People arent playing sod for hard raids so st being nearly unbeatable was a major failure to meet expectations.


I think BFD and Gnomer already set the precedent for raids not being "easy". I personally have been able to clear all of the content just fine, but I really wouldn't mind if it were more on par with dungeons. I guess I'm more in favor of a design where a few good players in a group can carry a few bad players, rather than where a few bad players can trigger raid wipe mechanics and waste everyone's time.


Go back and listen to countdown to classic episodes during phase 1 and listen to the rave reviews from all the guests. It wasn’t perfect, There was flaws, but it was fun. And people were playing it. So no, all the same complaints were not flying around then.


Literally everything he listed was a complaint multiple times in this forum, and several of those items were addressed in patches. You’re literally the rose tinted goggles guy they’re talking about.


You speak as if Reddit is representative of the playerbase and not a cesspit where people come to air their grievances, self-selecting for a permanently dissatisfied vocal minority.


Okay so ignore the patches where they adjusted boomkin, Hunter, and Spriest, premade pvp ques? Is the game patches that address the issues mentioned just more Reddit drama?


Blizzard didn't want to have to do the work but private servers physically created the necessity for them to do so to protect the IP.  Some people actually hate classic wow because they don't want a long-form MMO. They want something they can log into, blast for an hour and log out. Understandable. The argument pictured is pure copium though lol. Some people were scared that retail would tank even more players to classic. And they were correct.


"created the necessity for them to do so to protect the IP." Explain


It was treading into "abandonware" territory. Unpurchasable inaccessible unsupported near 15 year old software.


I doubt any private server would have the balls or finances to fight that out in court with Blizzard.


Depends how successful the server is. Nostalrius was teetering on the line of being big enough of a community to put on a fight for it.  Blizzard knew this which is why we got classic. Not because of their love for the community and customers. Lmao. Get real.


Its also untested legal grounds - right now "abandonware" as a concept is meaningless in the courts. If the owner never released the copyright, then its still theirs and its illegal to distribute it without their permission. No one ever bothers suing over this though so its on a shaky legal foundation.


They don't  need to though, most servers are already hosted in countries where its a ballache to persecute people, add in it not even being illegal and these guys would never even see a cease and desist notice. 


Horror_scale3557 is correct


Nostalgia definitely plays a part for a lot of people. But saying it's the only reason why people want Classic is pretty stupid, if not flat-out delusional. They're two drastically different games and it makes sense for different people to like different games, and Classic has aged incredibly well. It has a lot of elements that were removed from the game (and, honestly, from gaming in general as time went by), and many people believe that they should've never gotten removed or at least want to still be able to experience them as they were then. Even though I've been a Warcraft fan since WC3, I never played WoW until the very end of WoD. Nostalgia is absolutely not a factor for me. It can't be. And I still like, enjoy and prefer it a lot more than Retail (at least in its current state). Classic (or Vanilla) WoW is just a really good fucking game.


No I just want classic. And i want fresh serves. I loved classic at lvl 60. It was amazing


I pray. I'm afraid they will announce it as soon as I start putting time into the realms already up if I start


If they do i hope they balance the sever population as they did in SOD. Horde ally. With limitations to creating characters regarding the faction balance. Hate that the PvP servers became 99% one fraction


I'm just going to say fck it and roll PvE if they make one


I think I'm in the minority, but I'd even like to see them cap the populations too. The social stuff is such a big part of level 60 content and it feels like megaservers don't complement that very well. Like having 10 different layers for the AQ opening event is gonna be kinda stupid.


I want fresh servers, absolutely no bots and no RMT of any kind (like merciless rules, first-offense permaban) and BC talent trees. That's it. Nothing else. I don't trust Blizz to implement anything new (I personally think SoD is a dumpster fire).


BC talent trees with Molten Core content? No freaking way, 5 man ragnaros in 30 sec then.


You'd have to do a tuning pass, but getting it better then vanilla classic is something a chimpanzee could do.


I want that as well, a man can dream. 


i think two things can be true and people can have different experiences. i loved the slow pace of HC classic and the charm of the world but im also in the minority of players who enjoy the questing and journey


It's called Xhitting now.


Nostalgia showed me vanilla wow is the best version of wow and that wotlk is not even 10% as fun as I thought it was in 2009.


Pretty sure the popularity of Classic and its continued progression and spin offs like SoD shows this was bull shit and people enjoyed more aspects of the classic game than retail.


there's still thousands of people playing 1990s era everquest on private servers. there's always junkies that will never quit a game no matter what, but the overwhelming majority of people that were cumming to classic in 2019 were purely riding notsalgia


Retail is still immeasurably more popular and commercially relevant (for blizzard) than classic, I know this sub likes to pretend that’s not true, but comparisons like this are dumb


I'm not saying Retail isn't still viable, but they acted like people didn't really want classic when they did


Nah, I just miss the magic, because wow was something that was just "wow" and new at every corner back then. Way before every single quest is datamined weeks in advance and people only grinding away according to wowhead pre-bis lists. I used to be a warrior tank, wielding a 2H while bloodlust was on my bar (in ubrs, still have that screenshot). I didn't know what I was doing, but I was ready to be taught by this big, mysterious world, I didn't know anything about. It is that magic feeling I miss. When I walk through Elwynn forest and hear the music, I get that feeling for some brief seconds and am reminded what a great world this is. I love classic, retail and Sod. But never will a game match my first months in Azeroth. Ever.


Yeah I literally never played vanilla back during 'the days' and yet after being exposed to vanilla via blizzard's first (re)launch of it, I ended up enjoying the style of gameplay way more and I now consider it my favorite experience alongside Legion (albeit for extremely different reasons, of course). After Blizzard's version of vanilla died/moved onto TBC, I still wanted to experience that version of the game, so, because era was dead at the time, I started playing vanilla on private servers (giga-taboo around here, I know)--specifically Turtle WoW, and this made me appreciate vanilla even more. I now consider that server to essentially be my home, and the experience it offers can't be compared to other versions of the game IMO. It's too unique.


How the hell in 2024 there are ppl saying this crap still?


I am a Cata baby so I can't suffer the slow pace of anything pre-Wrath(Wrath I can tolerate with some effort) but I understand. I want to raid and do all the professions and have a bunch of alts while having fun with a chill guild that still wants to clear HC even if they're not supper sweaty. Vanilla enjoyers seem to find more enjoyment in the questing and just walking around in the world. That said, I am glad more people are enjoying WoW due to Classic and SoD.


You think you do, but you don’t.


They were completely different experiences for me and I definitely preferred the 2nd time around so far


Same, its just better. Straight magical


I started wow in TBC and got old enough to get what I was doing during wrath, never played vanilla when it was current and I started on Nost back. Considered it the best version of wow I had ever played and still do. People who think it's just nostalgia are just wrong


A time when no-lifing WoW r14 grinds, raiding multiple nights a week, and living in the game didn't cost me friends or jobs.


It was easier for me to make friends this time around than it was back in the mid 00s


There is literally no element of nostalgia left anymore. It's been years since classic came out. And I've been playing it on and off since. It is just really really good. The perfect hamster wheels with the perfect progression. It makes no sense to me why they won't just repeat something like it instead of making each quest area a fishbowl in cata thru current retail. You land in the next place, and it's 3-4 quests basically all in the vicinity of the town, then you hop to the next quick fishbowl and repeat until level cap. Then you raid log. Ew.


> Mortality was just a game mechanic This hurts man, delete this


Yup, showing my age here but I was already an adult when I started playing WoW in 2005. Okay technically I was still a teenager (19), but also an adult (over 18). Close enough.


First time playing wow was classic and I loved every moment of it.


I feel you pal


I enjoy classic WoW because for me it's the best iteration of the game. I had more fun leveling, more fun raiding, and more fun progressing. The game was legitimately difficult, took time to play well, and accomplishments felt more..."real" when you managed to pull them off. Sure, there's TONS of QoL improvements in the game over the years, but some of those, including class homogenization, have ruined the appeal for me. It's the little things, like: if you were willing to go through the slog of leveling a warrior, by the time you finished farming pre raid BiS from BRS you were a wrecking ball. It only spiraled further out of control with gear from AQ20/40. Also, what about the absurdity of Hunters one shotting clothies with Aimed Shot? Or how a good PvP rogue was completely unbeatable by 95% of players? The game was clunky and awkward at times, but it felt so visceral and fun.


It was a trifecta of things that made this game so amazing. I was just turning into my teenage years. The only mmo or open world game I played was runescape. The game play was bar none at the time. It really was one of those revolutionary games that leaped above everything at the time.


1000% true


True in my case, I just wanna be 13 again playing WoW with Scrubs on in the background and being ecstatic that I made 1 gold


i very much bounced off WoD and Legion as my first time playing WOW. i've been playing classic since launch with a short break now and then. it's very much just a better game in a lot of ways.


I played WoW Classic from the start til killing lich king heroic because I never raided back in the day and wanted to experience that.


I think this tweet is directed more at people like me. I played in ‘05 with my step dad… Left and came back multiple times, but the final time was in 2015… Heard about WOW classic? INSTANTLY wanted to buy a pc and start playing. I’m in this community JUST to see the nostalgic pics and think about my playing time, while reading about others…


I started playing wow during season of mastery, nice try doomposter, the game is fun still (Not you OP, the one in the tweet)


For me, when I play WoW Classic, I am kind of transported back to that time. Yes, obviously things are different now, but I feel like I am returning to a comfortable place. Like an old favorite hangout. If I am stressed or depressed, Classic helps wash that away. Classic, for me, feels like a comforting hug. I am glad Classic is there if I need to "get away" for a little while. I just switch off (the best I can, anyways) and get lost into Classic. I hope it's always around, in some form, for me to return to. I am kind of curious to see where they will stop Classic. Will they stop at Mists? Will they keep going? Will they reset again eventually? I kind of wish they would just keep a few era servers for every era, but I understand why they don't. I personally would probably always play Cata. While I do miss some of the old Azeroth zones, I'm a huge altoholic, so Cata always wins for me because I like the leveling in Cata. Most older quests can be soloed (which is good for me, because I usually play at non-peak hours), more heirlooms, leveling is quicker, etc. Plus, I am also big on battleground PvP, and I liked PvP in Cata the 2nd best (vanilla being best).


I'm having a great time playing era on Deviate Delight. There's only one guild for each faction and we're all starting fresh, but there's enough to do dungeon runs and everyone is very helpful. Random drops for things like recipes or useful greens get shared around the guild. Groups going for dungeons and other quests. Alliance is a bit more populated but I'm having a great time on horde. Grouping with your guild is so much better than pugs. No bots, no rmt, just enjoying the game with others on a fresh start.


I want to play classic with AI LFR so I don't have to interact with other players and use discord




No. Legit want war bands and gear up all my alts in one go round


AI rotten your brain




Yeah they need to start having some taxing in wow if you’re above x amount of gold. Kinda similar to how income tax works.


Nope, this is my first time playing wow! Classic HC!


NGL if you got into classic wow after the modern era of gaming and not playing based off nostalgia you might have brain damage.


No, I do want to play Classic, Vanilla specifically. When the game was released I was 4 yo, so I never got to experience it when it was live. So no nostalgia or whatever BS you guys say in order to say ppl don't want Classic...


Do you never find it strange that these threads are full of people who say they think like this, but era servers are on life support?


No? This is a classicwow subreddit and alot of people are playing the classic world in SoD. If sod wasn't here id be on era.


I love vanilla too, but people playing the same game over and over with same goal, ending and gameplay surly they need to check a therpist


Dude I want classic again with all the shit like spell batching and stuff, not even joking, just makes the game feel so much better, just ban gdkps and perfect game


I almost quit playing WoW Classic because of spell-batching. I'm not kidding. It was 75% of the way to ruining the game for me.


Modern games are trash, its the only halfway decent one out


Nice to see my memes from a year ago still circulate https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/s/PZXqdJRqjX