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hes gone as quiet as my guild


So sad. 100+ members in mine and most of the time I'm the only one on


Tuesday nights from 855-10pm the GUILD is alive again for our 3 runs. Otherwise 3-4 people on at any time during week loll


98% of mine only log on Thursday nights for raid and never see them again until next raid unless they finish their tier and don’t need anymore stuff lol




Oh so you're that guy that spam invites level 1's


HEY WANNA JOIN MY GUILD? Part of the reason I hate gnomes to this day


Dirty, yer voice makes me want to... kill myself.


Our guild has 22 active members and we raid every week. If you have 330 and can't get 20 together for a raid it has nothing to do with the phase.


Yall got some shitty guilds lol.


Everyone quit


Or, whats more likely, you are in a guild of addicts that can't let go no matter how shitty the phase is


My once very active and close guild was absorbed into another and now literally 99.9% of them raid log.. So sad.. I know nobody asked but.. Sad ree..


I logged on this evening for the first time since raid Sun night and I was the only one on. My least favorite times of the game is when everyone is raidlogging (and yes I acknowledge I’m part of the problem).




We went from phase 1 having 8-9 active raid groups to season 3 having to pug 2-3 people once a week. Started with like 750 guildies and we average 10 online at a time


My two guilds died, and I quit


Doesn't he know that working on WoW means you're never allowed time off?? Obviously joking, some of y'all need a reality check lol


In an ideal world he's given enough resources (team members) where him taking some time doesnt completely brick classic development, but sadly this is latestage capitalism blizzard we are dealing with here.


Imagine a game that makes millions of dollars a month that doesn't have any backup roles. It's embarrassing how greedy game dev companies are getting. I've worked for engineering companies that have 10 employees that have better communication and output.


> Imagine a game that makes millions of dollars a month that doesn't have any backup roles. They do. I've been in IT for 20 years and when an important team member is away the rest of the team knows as much about their job to keep things running until they get back. If something *had* to be announced someone would do it, otherwise they'll wait for him to return. This is how all businesses work, even big ones.


Senior manager at a F10 company, have been at two previous F500’s as well.  Ill put it nicely, this is a funny comment to me.


> Ill put it nicely, this is a funny comment to me. I mean it is always quite funny that managers think it works like this while never giving the time/resources for it to happen. But sure, I'm *positive* you pay for everything to be done at least twice cause that's the only way you actually get true knowledge sharing. Don't worry, you're the only one here who has worked for as big company as well. Oh and based on your other comments? > Senior manager at a F10 company, have been at two previous F500’s as well. You're an accountant and have *no idea* what you're talking about here.


You make it sound like they are running around internally like chickens with their heads cut off. You’re not being robbed of anything. The team is still pushing out updates. You’re just missing Aggrend’s tweet replies, which you can live without for a few days.


And what updates to p3 have been pushed out exactly? Homunculi has been a game breaking bug since p1 that still isn’t fixed lmao.


They’ve been releasing hotfixes every day. You can’t cover your eyes and act like nothings being done.


May 8, 2024 Season of Discovery Fixed an issue with Efflorescence generating frequent immune messages on totems. this is the only hotfix in the last week, but they did just add new items to the classic cataclysm in game shop!!!


May 8, 2024 Cataclysm Classic Professor Thaddeus Paleo has returned to Stormwind and Orgrimmar to continue collecting Darkmoon decks and he will continue to do so until the opening of Darkmoon Faire Island. Addressed issues with Dwarven and Night Elf archaeology projects. The following projects are now available during the Cataclysm Classic Pre-patch: Dwarf Silver Kris of Korl Warmaul of Burningeye Word of Empress Zoe Pipe of Franclorn Forgewright Spiked Gauntlets of Anvilrage Scepter of Bronzebeard The Innkeeper’s Daughter Night Elf Wisp Amulet Carcanet of the Hundred Magi Umbra Crescent Bones of Transformation Silver Scroll Case May 7, 2024 Cataclysm Classic Legendary appearances may now be added to your Transmogrification collection. In anticipation of community response to this change, we have also added a pitchfork. Fixed an issue that would cause the Monstrous Clams in the quest “Clammy Hands” to be non-interactive. Fixed an issue that prevented Naralex and his discipline from correctly spawning in the Southern Barrens. Druid Thrash now benefits from and consumes the Clearcasting effect from Omen of Clarity. Fixed an issue where Blessing of Kings and Mark of the Wild were incorrectly stacking their stat increases. Fixed an issue where level 80 boosted characters were not properly learning their class and spec’s Mastery abilities. Prayer of Mending now scales by the intended amount from spell power. Conflagrate will no longer consume lower-rank Immolates belonging to other Warlocks. Player versus Player Fixed a bug causing Resilience to do much less mitigation than intended. Fixed an issue where crowd control effects were breaking at a lower damage threshold than intended. May 6, 2024 Cataclysm Classic Account wide achievements that reward titles now grant them at an account level. Fixed an issue that prevented players from receiving daily Random Battleground rewards. Smoke Bomb will now properly cancel Stealth, Prowl, and Shadowmeld from enemy players. Fixed an issue that would prevent Warden Stillwater from spawning during the “Lawn of the Dead” quest. Fixed an issue where Death Knights in Blood Presence could be incorrectly, critically hit by all melee attacks. Reduced the cost of all honor and arena gear from Wrath of the Lich King, to better match honor gain while at level 80 compared to level 85. Holidays Made some improvements to the Children’s Week Quests “The Banshee Queen”, “Malfurion Has Returned!”, and “The Fallen Chieftain” to more consistently grant quest credit. Warlock The Warlock Demon Soul ability will now work with the Incubus pet. Fixed an issue where Warlock Demonology pets were not properly updating from Mastery. Fixed an issue with the incorrect tooltip on Demonic Pact. It should correctly read that it grants the Warlock 2% increased personal spell damage. May 3, 2024 Cataclysm Classic Fixed a bug causing Hunters to do trap dropping animations twice. Account wide pet collection achievements now correctly grant rewards. Fixed an issue preventing Bloodlust and Heroism from working as intended. Mounting the Violet Proto Drake now grants Master Riding to players who are at least level 80 and have Artisan Riding trained. Heal-over-time and damage-over-time ticks should now behave as intended in Cataclysm when refreshed. Developers’ notes: Previously, refreshing a DoT just before it finished its last tick could cause it to miss out on a tick. That was the correct behavior in Wrath of the Lich King, but not Cataclysm. Holidays The Children’s Week holiday is now extended for one additional week. “Ridin’ The Rocketway” can now be completed. Craggle Wobbletop and Blax Bottlerocket now sell Yellow and Green Balloons for Children’s Week. Darkmoon Faire will be closed until the launch of Cataclysm, when it will return with the newly updated Darkmoon Faire Island.


every bug they have fixed since prepatch launch was reported months ago on the beta, dont clap them on the back for it.


I’m not patting them on the back. People’s absolutely fabricated complaints put me in the weird position of defending Aggrend.


nice of them to fix the completely broken, worst patch i have ever seen released by blizzard...for cata. did you not notice the sod tag for this thread?


The team does both, and there’s not exactly a long list of SOD bugs is there? They’re absolutely still able to do work, contrary to some people’s beliefs. Additionally, Aggrend doesn’t fix the bugs himself so his absence would have made quite literally 0 difference.


Priest homunculi guard grief been happening for months


Warrior charge with Warbringer broken since P1. HSing in Kelris fight puts entire zone in perma combat. These 2 bugs ive experienced in the 30min I was logged in yesterday.




The weekly balance passes thing hasn’t been a thing since like 2 weeks after that tweet. It was a known lie for months at this point lol


Obviously he hasn’t kept every single promise. That doesn’t mean we all need to take it personally.




So that’s what it was doing, I thought it was trying to trigger on hostile mobs


Please stop or else we get 5 new posts from people crying that blizzard is so poor and everyone is just complaining all the time.


Really really poorly set up SWE team. Having a choke point for an entire customer facing product when one guy goes out is actually wild. It's basically just some small indie dev at this point, no meme


Bro even early day blizzard worked people to the bone. 


Dude the problem is there is nobody communicating if this guy doesn't... Like hes is the only one allowed to. The multiple100k players doesn't get a single tweet or update for week(s) if this guy is off. This is high level gigatech company comms guys! Keep the good work up! /s


They’ve released notes on the forums as always. This sub is exhausting. When you just make up fake things to complain about, you have zero credibility on the actual complaints.


WoW needs a community manager. Aggrend has kind of taken that spot for wow classic.


Community managers take time off too. If the concern truly is going a few days without any community updates, Reddit will react exactly the same.


I was talking about wow in general. Blizzard has been making managers do this job.


Wow US alone currently has 7 community managers. https://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Community_Manager


Sorry, I thought it was implied that I was talking about classic (era, hardcore, sod, progression). I don't see any discussions with CMs posted here.


Wow is his day job. His holidays are probably 2 weeks of putting on a suit and trying to look productive in an office from 9-5


Silence on SoD? Silence on Cata you mean lol. My guy has left during the dumpster fire that was Cata pre-patch. Imagine if he had left during P3 launch, that's literally the experience cata players got lmfao. The real issue however is Aggrend being the only one communicating in this damn team. If he dies tomorrow, the entire classic part of the game is doomed (SoD and Cata). Crazy how they don't have backup for such important roles, though communicating with your community should be possible through any dev roles honestly. Remember the good old days where Community manager were a thing and communication would get pushed through them and feedback from the community would go through them aswell. Wasn't the greatest, but at least it felt like there was a communication channel, there even were those occasionnal Q&A streams with community manager. I don't remember the name of that one guy, he was known to be a boomkin, anyways, if you know you know, that shit was great.


> If he dies tomorrow, the entire classic part of the game is doomed (SoD and Cata). LOL


he took some time off to pwn newbs in BGs on his main shaman


did you guys know that hes not the only person that makes this game


I genuinely don’t think many people here know that.


Inset Tim Robinson *you sure about that?* The hamster on a wheel missing a leg they gave Aggrend to help him doesn't count All jokes aside it's sure felt like one person has been on SoD for months Edit: this is not me complaining about Aggrend either. Give the man some fuckin help blizzard


Aggrend, looking at SoD development: "_I don't know what any of this shit is, and I'm fucking scared_"


What about the unpaid intern that works in the janitor’s closet?


It's funny how unprofessional this excuse is yet half the comments in this sub eat this shit up. How a AAA dev worth billions is allowed to have one guy on his personal account be responsible for all of the customer facing communication on top of being in charge of directing the game is some 3 person indy dev shit.


Isn't that his private account ? Being super professional shouldn't be required then.


It's unprofessional of the company, not the employee. If it wasn't all hanging on Aggrend alone to get decent communication on SoD then we wouldn't be blaming Blizz for this shit.


It's also odd to approve a vacation when your game is in that state (or just after/before a release).


Ill give you an upvote back. I agree, to me its an indication of the state of classic. They dont give a shit. 


God forbid the guy takes a week off the burning fire that is SoD development.


Reading comprehension is not your thing, is it?


Yeah but it’s absolute lunacy that this post is picking up steam. One single employee on PTO constitutes a singular point of failure enough that a message board is discussing it.


That's because this sub hangs on his every word like he's a god. Cata has been fixing bugs since launch, we don't know what they are cooking up for s4 of sod (this is pure weapons grade hopium right here), so if anyone says the classic team isn't working, just move on.


They’re cooking fucking nothing because they’ve left it for dead, are going to come back to empty servers and say “thanks for the test guys, we go back to the drawing board and release Classic+ whenever there’s another lull between retail and classic to lure you in again. So long sssssuckers!”


People like you are the reason game devs don’t want to post on twitter


Game devs shouldn’t be posting on twitter in the first place


I work in game. Most people dont know everything that happens and or the direction the game would go if it's not a lead/director position. People that aren't at the top have an idea of what to come and what not, but they can't disclose it because it would cement it and it's outside of their power to take those decisions. You have more knowledge about the small bit you work on than your lead pour they have a better overview on the whole thing. Also being a game dev online is pure hell, you get vitriol 99% of the time when you post something. Wow playerbase is a known shitshow since no matter the change the population will always be unhappy.


Huh? I've worked on concept art side and held inhouse positions for over 5 years, I've always known where were at and where were going.


I own blizzard and you guys are both wrong.




I mean you have a general idea of where the ship is sailing, but if you're not a game designer you wont have info on in dept balance change/game mechanics. And even if you do, you'd have 0 decisional power to share it online, because that's not your job. I do vfx in a AAA studio (on a small team ~30 people give or takes) and outside of system that affects me I have 0 say in game design decisions. I can maybe suggest stuff that would make sense based on my work (like holding a magic spell for more power for exemple). Going out on twitter to share what's next on the project ? I'd get fired by end of day probably.


>but if you're not a game designer you wont have info on in dept balance change/game mechanics. Well clearly this is a difference between our positions. We couple visuals with game mechanics, this has been a borderline industry standard for years. Sure we dont know the numbers but whats coming isnt just for leads/directors. >And even if you do, you'd have 0 decisional power to share it online, because that's not your job. Well no shit, I never said it is or that I would and that wasnt a part of the conversation. Why are you adding very obvious statements as if it backs up your statement from before? You know what maybe you do actually work in game dev, you seem exactly like some of the antisocial nerds I've seen. >Going out on twitter to share what's next on the project ? I'd get fired by end of day probably. Oh no shit, however that again is really obvious and not just our field. >Also being a game dev online is pure hell This from your previous comment actually tells all I need to know. I doubt people have hammered in on your work personally online the same way few of my designs has been trashed, its not hell its just our job.


the thing is, we never had this in the past, so even just 1 guy on his personal account is a nice change


Yeah, this is organization 101: don't have a "bus factor" of 1 for anything. Even our raid groups have a raid leader and a substitute if they need to take time off so we don't miss a lockout due to lack of planning. It's not hard.


Bro he is a PM that tweets things from his personal account, he is not a CM. If not for him the only communication we would get is patch notes 2 days after the patch dropped


You act like they can’t possibly have planned internally for his scheduled absence. They obviously have. Work is still being pushed out every day.


This is not a him problem, this is a company problem.


This sub has been in a weird shift lately, it seems like enough people here actually finally have had enough of SoD and quit that the dick riders are starting to outnumber the haters.


I mean the game has drastically lost numbers the last 3-4 weeks, the oceanic PVP server is practically dead now outside of peak hours, there's maybe 1 wild offering mara group LFM and no raid groups forming. P1 pop went from approximately 20k on ironforge.pro to about 5k now. Anecdotally, this is the first week since the beginning of SOD that my guild has no interest in raiding, looks like we are gonna call it until P4 (if people actually come back, im not convinced).


I play on Shadowstrike too - STV has been DEAD I was shocked, you basically play vs the same 20 people.


Yep, the active player base is becoming smaller and smaller. Getting close to needing to merge with an American server to be honest…


Too bad because it was really popping off barely 2-3 weeks ago. Their fumbling around with class balance is killing the game.


Yea raiding population has been dropping about 8-10% per week the last month, and I expect a sharper drop this week now that cata prepatch is officially out and yet another week has gone by without any balance issues being addressed. Looking at about 50k or fewer raiders total by the end of this phase.


10 mans vs 20 mans been night & day in terms of enjoyment. In 10 mans we were mostly orange parsers with 1 or 2 green parsers. We knew who they were and they were cool so we weren’t worried about it. Now ST is hard and we got 5 people showing up with 0 wbuffs & consumes, & some of us are really bitter about it. Our choices are to carry on as a mediocre raid or start making some tough choices re loot council or kicking people, either way it is just not the same environment and nowhere near as enjoyable.


Yep, 20 man is definitely better as far as raid comp diversity is concerned, but they should have started SOD with 20 man’s if that’s what they wanted. The jump from 10 to 20 has killed so many guilds off. 10 to 40 would have been way easier to be honest. Because then most guilds would be affected and there would be more mergers.


Here’s a thought: Vanilla to TBC was a scaling *down* of raids, but this was a scaling *up*.


Reference the budget of all of Activision-Blizzard-King and act like it’s just 1 guy for the whole thing. Excellent critical thinking.


but it literally is just aggrend though. we dont know who else is working on the game because no one else fucking talks to us oh that poor poor billion dollar company, good thing they have white knights like you to defend them having a single guy be responsible for the entire game is asinine and blizz should be criticized for it


Aggrend obviously communicates the most, but we also hear from Tom, Nora, Clayton, Tim Jones, Ana, Morgan, Zirene, and I'm sure I'm forgetting some.


https://twitter.com/ClaytonStone https://twitter.com/truskispro Here's 2 people I found on twitter that work on Classic and are in lead roles/directors it's not hard to find these people, you're just being silly


> having a single guy be responsible for the entire game is asinine It takes a special kind of stupid to think that all of classic WoW is left up to just one guy


He is responsible for all communication, and as far as we know he seems like the sole lead dev acting as the manager of the project.


We know they have a team on it, we have literally seen pictures of that team. Why *would* you assume no one is working on the game if Aggrend isn't actively posting updates?


The team Aggrend is managing is not a billion dollar company. And if you open your eyes, you’ll see that work is still being done and hotfixes are still being released.


It quite clear. With the size of the company they should have a much better structure around their communication so we - the consumers - would not feel lack of communication because one dude is on vacation


Their customer base acts like a bunch of feral hyenas toward anyone who does try to communicate…




Prepare for a bunch of basement-dwelling cocksuckers to lecture you about professionalism


How many large scale successful game companies actually communicate with their consumers the way Aggrend has during SOD? This isn’t normal and shouldn’t be the expectation.


Riot, and they communicate so much better than Aggrend does it's not even fair to compare the two. You need higher standards as a customer. Next question.


Riot has better comms but has the most toxic playerbase in the history of gaming hands down. I put more weight in the actual community of said game over how the devs communicate to the community of said game when I decide to be a customer. Blizz has piss poor communication but the community (in game fuck this sub) is great. Riot has excellent communication but has the worst community (in game) out of every game I've ever played in my life. I won't be a riot customer because they allow that shit to continue.


>Riot has better comms but has the most toxic playerbase in the history of gaming hands down. what an irrelevant point to the convo. >I put more weight in the actual community of said game over how the devs communicate to the community cool, even more irrelevant. Sorry this post was so out of left field I had to comment.


There is some weird mental gymnastics here that I'm having a hard time following honestly. The guy said game devs don't communicate well and we shouldn't expect them to, which is ridiculous. You're changing the topic to player bases being toxic, which WoW has an incredibly toxic player base by the way even if you don't think so, and Riot does more to address their toxic players and cheating players using scripts and bots than Blizzard ever has so really strongly disagree on that too even though it's not what I was referring to originally.


Pilestedt from Arrowhead.


While HellDivers 2 is a fun and successful game, I don’t think Arrowhead falls into the catagory I’m talking about. He does do a great job of interacting with the community though


You are so pathetic. You are everything wrong with this sub.


SOD is in the mud, i'm dreading the next phase being abandoned for months...


Part of me hopes they take their time on p4, but if they take too long we'll hemorrhage even more players. Idk 😶 


People want stuff to grind for. I will keep championing the lift the level cap and keep the raids locked because at least at 60 the instances are worthwhile, the rep grinds give rewards, you can grind for 60 mount, you can unlock full PvP grin, you have enough talents to actually make some specs function. 50 is the worst level to be stuck at.


50 is far better than 40. Like so much better


it's basically the same as p2 plus relevant dungeons, idk what people are crying about




P4 inherently had more content than P3 to begin with.  They could release it with just raid balance changes and I’d be happy.


its okay for players to take a break when they have achieved their goals for the phase. they will come back when they get the itch again. if anything, taking regular breaks to explore different things and experience new stimuli is healthier.


I wouldn't come back. Essentially in these MMOs it feels as though as soon as you leave your investment is gone. Your gear is dated. Your gold is either a useless, irrelevant quantity or completely gone. If I were to come back in the next phase I would simply see a brick wall of insurmountable headaches from having to bash my head into it to work for my bis gear/professions/enchants. I wouldn't be able to exploit the early bugged gold farm others got to do, and I wouldn't want to pick flowers or hit rocks for 30+ hours to enjoy what I would like to in the game. I'm sure it's not like that for everyone, but if it's like that for me, then it's like that for a lot of other people too.


I just forget where I'm at. I'll take a 3 month break and sign on and have to figure out what all this crap in my inventory is, why my quest log is full and all sorts of stuff that makes me immediately sign off and give up.


I felt this way when i logged on my toon i haven't touched since classic. That's why on retail they added a feature for returning players where they teleport you to capital, give you relevant gear/bags and offer to clean up your quest log.


sounds like you struggle with organizing yourself, setting priorities and knowing what you want to do. this is not a game problem, but a you problem.


Or maybe how a video game is organized while I'm actively playing it is something that is easily forgotten after taking time away due to it's low priority rating compared to overall life.


it's annoying but you had to forsee them issues with 2 month level cap phases and play it for what it is until level 60, incursions amped the issue up to 100 which annoyed the fuck out of me even after accepting the issue from the start, but meh, i enjoyed 4 weeks+ of every phase and can't wait to play at 60 for the real game


Preach. I just know if I completely dipped the rest of the phase I wouldn't be able to bring myself back to play again


Of course you will, else you wouldn't be shitposting here.


thats fine, i have quit and come back every damn expansion and it never was an issue.


weekly balance changes and other hilarious lies you sold us


yeah idk why they said that and not deliver. its always been some class tweaks the first 1-2 weeks then abandoned till next phase.


Oh I member


You really gonna bash the guy for taking a vacation… you realize if he had his way they wouldn’t be this short staffed.






For real. It’s actually fucking wild. It’s like they don’t even think the dev team is human. I can guarantee you if they had it their way it would not be this short staffed of a project.


Bro literally takes a few days off of work, the classic games are getting weekly, sometimes daily updates, and this subreddit fucking seething and acting like the biggest fucking babies in the world. This subreddit is the biggest toxic pile of shit I have ever seen.




This is some peak neck beard cringe.




The guy who calls the community a festering pile of dog shit just so happens to be the most toxic one in the thread


ok maybe I went a bit far. it might not be festering.


Someone who calls people backing a game they like bootlickers is far more toxic than someone who calls someone fat.


He probably smells like ass too




Im pretty sure we don’t pay for Aggrend’s tweet replies (What this whole post is about.) I could be wrong though.


I am pretty sure we pay for customer service which is not exist anymore. But we still pay.


Aggrend isn’t customer service lol.


Dont pretend to be an idiot. We are talking not about aggrend in personal, but about multi billion dollar company to have a common customer service and marketing on a salary, so they can do aggrends or who else job while other guys have vacation. Its a normal situation in most companies, you know?


It sounds like we’re talking about whatever works best for your argument. Let’s just move the goalpost to whatever the final positioning is so I can comment on that and move on


Found the festering pile of dogshit


you are free (and should) cancel your sub if you hate sod so much and can't stand some dude taking a break for a few days. you are deranged.


I think the term you are looking for is: vacation


he needs a break


going 2-20 in AB as alliance is pretty fun


… and other thoughts that have nothing to do with the post coming soon


Skill issue 


Why did you feel the need to share this? Is an employee taking time off work announcement worthy?


If only SOD had an actual dev TEAM that actually wanted to keep updating and fixing stuff mid patch instead of working on the next phase perpetually and not fixing the problems currently at hand which are causing mass quitting to happen.


Even the devs are bored of sod. Don't blame them. Phase 3 was so shit and it's a loud minority that thinks this phase was good


Imagine being 10 days away from a major release which is probably not remotely ready for release and just casually taking a week off before. I'd say that tells stories about the state of the classic team right now. Either they are just completely done with Cata and sabotage it at every given opportunity or Microsoft came in with the hammer as well.


Avoid any future releases with Aggrends name attached. 




He replied to someone that asked. Redditors are so weird.


It’s almost like they already detailed out why they’re doing it like this … wouldn’t that be crazy


Why is that? Generally interested to know the answer. It does seem very unprofessional way of communicating core gameplay ideas, explanations etc.


Or maybe he knows that this community is borderline feral and would lose their shit if he just vanished on his vacation without any headsup. Who am I kidding - he **did** announce his break and he's still getting shit anyway.


Because as much as people are freaking out over not getting communication, they also don't see every single one and are such delusional outrage addicts that their first response to not being aware of anything is to presume they've been lied to or spited instead of checking for anything.




Better sit down son, you're behind on your zen training


Go take a bath, i can smell you. Also touch grass.




Not sure you understand what Shizo means unless you're using it as a slur, which is kind of a shitty thing to do.


Everyone deserves a little vacation. For the SoD devs and community manager it could probably be classified as mental health leave.


What so only aggrend talks lol no wonder sod is dying


aggrend threw in the towel, gg. would say im shocked but im not


so should your boss assume that you've quit next time you take time off?


my boss generally does act as if ive quit when i request time off.. id imagine most people do.


He literally announced he was going on vacation.


Celebrating Orthodox Easter.


Season of dads couldn’t be more true I went back to Dragonflight because retail is a better experience now


I've never once checked Twitter to see his tweets I'm too busy playing the game


But not busy enough to not click on Reddit threads. You dickriders are something else.


I go to reddit for gaming stuff Twitter is for memes and entertainment This isn't a difficult concept for your peanut sized brain


Typical aggrend. Goes radio silent for a long time (by his standards), Coincidentally as cata is clearly a problem, Then doesn't own it and gives a vague interpretive statement. This doesn't really matter if it was sick leave, vacation, or anything in between. It just comes off funny because non gaming studio corporate office people wouldn't go this low contact in their equivalent work streams. I hope he's alright, I doubt it's vacation, he's the kind of guy that would've guilt tripped that it's the first vacation he's ever had and he can't get away. There's been a systemic rot of communication and changes for well over how long he's been out of office.


So if Aggrend is not around, nothing happens to SoD? They still promised a ton of changes this phase to classes struggeling. One guy not around stalls that whole progress?


P4 is still grtting worked on likely, but there wont be any communication until Aggrend is back.


God forbid a dude take a fucking vacation.


Wish they'd get someone else to run the classic team, he's been dreadful so far


You’re dreadful.


You dont deserve him.


what? i don't know him personnaly and i only started playing classic with SoD but so far all what i've seen from him is lies, cringe punchlines (life isn't about a dps graph) and i fail to see why some people like him so much so maybe you can enlighten me.


Jesus dude, are you trying to win the award for #1 Aggrend Stan? Just non-stop white knighting for some guy that doesn't give a shit about you and doesn't give enough of a shit about the projects he's leading to put someone in place to provide basic communication with his customers while he's on vacation.