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You get model that makes you harder to see clearly in pvp and that reduces visual clutter in raids. Sounds like we are going pay 2 lose in 2025 :D


Alternatively, giant cockroach 🪳


if you chose to not abstain from this starter race, considering the limited space, we will simply call you a giant cock


there is only Ogtha!


The industry calls this one “the call of duty”.


In legion we used a variety of toys to turn me into a cockroach before entering a BG (they didn't work in the BG) I was in the middle of mid healing everyone getting completely ignored until half way through the game when I guess someone skull marked me or something since there was always like 3-4 people on me after.


pvp druid players: *heavy breathing*


The metamorphosis


"This is totally kafka-esque!!"




Meme is missing a "you guys are complaining too much" comment


That's already assumed because it's a post in the wow subreddit


okay but now i want a cockroach disguise that is usable in combat


wow players truly are the biggest schizos on the internet


The year is 2024 and classic andys are still creating strawmen about retail because they cant recapture the feeling of getting beat to death by a quillboar before sitting down to eat chicken nuggets with mommy.


Ngl the amount of strawmen and mental gymnastics of andys is truely fascinating. Its like a massive social experiment at this point.






Fair should be fair. The mount shop was introduced in Wrath originally.


I mean, we’re at cata so that seems par for the course on the timeline.


Anything I want, I can hire some other players to get for me. Mounts? Levels? Achievements? Loot? Titles? Someone will boost me or play my account for me if I just pay them. It's nothing unique to WoW either, same thing in FFXIV, OSRS, you name it. The integrity in MMORPGs was lost years ago. That's why I don't really care what the developers put on cash shop. Because I can buy it regardless. Because nothing is impressive anymore anyway. You never know if someone got something legitimately or just bought it. The only way to play MMORPGs these days is in your own bubble. If you earned something yourself you know you earned it and can enjoy that. It's for *you*, not to show off to others. Because *they* don't know if you got it legit or not, so they won't care. This can extend to your guild and your group of friends. You can clear dungeons or raids together and enjoy that and know you were all there legit. But no one else is going to care about your guild clearing anything, nor will you about other guilds.


So people breaking the TOS and cheating is reason enough to throw the baby out with the bath water and burn it all to the ground with condoned P2W? Nah, couldn't disagree more with that. I value doing things the right way and working for them, its not worth my time otherwise. I want people who cheat with RMT to always take the chance of getting banned when doing so. >But no one else is going to care about your guild clearing anything, nor will you about other guilds. thats just not true. Never was in 2019 or 2006. I was part of a server community that the guilds knew each other, knew their progress and accomplishments. Takes like these just betray the anti-social nature of so many of you on here.


And it's still itellevant. Some people just can't live without complaining about trivial things.


Yeah P2W is super irrelevant.


since when cosmetics granted player power? tell me more


Yes because the tokens and boosts are cosmetic. Come on man, keep up. Also downplaying cosmetics in an MMO is wild. Especially on /r/classicwow. Half the reason people want the cool loot is to look cool in IF or Org.


A few people (which includes you apparently), feel this pressing need to antagonize the other community. Thankfully most people in either community has more sense than that.


Lmao imagine posting shit like this on reddit then acting like you're bullied for it


Redditors still being surprised people have different opinions in 2024


It is wild how some people are surprised that a community in the millions won't present one unified opinion.


Nah this is general gaming mentality these days and of course the audience most companies are trying to go for.


Trying to argue with "it's just cosmetic" in an mmorpg of all things was always dumb as shit.


"it doesn't affect me personally why should I care" as they gobble up their 6th wow token.


Looks at [Runescape 3](https://i.imgur.com/ZLH1b4L.png) , [lol](https://i.imgur.com/7P4KLmq.png)...static images dont do the atrociousness of the cosmetics...they flap their wings or they pulsate and let off "auras" its super jarring to just be sitting there trying to do something and you have all this bs on the screen.... "but it doesnt affect you and helps pay for the game", yeah ok..


This was my beef when WoW got to the point of having just over 5,402 different mounts, each one bigger than the last.


But like. Why should I care what other people do with their gold? Genuinely. 


Because you don’t play a single player game


Do you care to elaborate? You are right that it’s not a single game but why should I care about some player that I will literally never interact with does?  How does someone buying a wow token make my experience different at all?


Ai: In the game World of Warcraft (WoW), a "wild player" who doesn't directly interact with another player who buys a WoW Token can still indirectly affect their gameplay through the in-game economy. Here's how: 1. WoW Tokens and the economy: When a player buys a WoW Token with real money, they can sell it on the in-game Auction House for gold. This increases the supply of gold in the economy, potentially leading to inflation. 2. Inflation and prices: As more players buy WoW Tokens and sell them for gold, the increased gold supply can drive up prices for various items, such as consumables, gear, and materials. This affects all players participating in the in-game economy, including the "wild player." 3. Demand for goods and services: The player who bought the WoW Token now has more gold to spend on items and services. They may purchase goods that the "wild player" has gathered or crafted, increasing demand and potentially driving up prices. 4. Market competition: If the player who bought the WoW Token decides to use their gold to buy materials and engage in crafting or other economic activities, they may compete with the "wild player" in the market. This can affect prices and profit margins for the "wild player." 5. Indirect interactions: Even if the "wild player" and the player who bought the WoW Token never directly trade with each other, they may interact indirectly through other players. For example, the "wild player" might sell an item to another player who then resells it to the player with the WoW Token, thus establishing an indirect economic connection. In summary, the WoW Token system and the infusion of gold into the economy can have far-reaching effects on all players, even those who do not directly interact with the players buying tokens. The interconnected nature of the in-game economy means that actions taken by one group of players can have ripple effects on the entire player base.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


WoW tokens don't generate gold into the economy. A player purchases them so it's just gold changing hands. It does not increase gold supply. The person buying the token for game time can have the same impact as the person selling the token. The biggest issue will occur when someone buys many many tokens and then flippantly spends the gold on items intentionally over priced. I'm not saying it has zero impact but you're building your argument off an entirely incorrect assumption.


First of all, love the condescension for genuinely trying to understand your point of view. Love that.  All of this just boils down to the fake economy of a video game, which doesn't really matter to anyone besides goblins anyways.  The day to day gameplay does not change at all. 


Which part don’t you understand? If you use the AH, or trade with players, it affects you.


I guess that does answer my original question. In the most technical way, sure, but not in any way that affects gameplay in any measurable amount. If the price of linen is like 10 gold higher or something, it’s really not that big of a deal. I don't think it warrants this doomer mindset.


The original developers put in gold sink mechanics for a reason. Also, vendor prices are not dynamic, inflation affects vendor purchases since they have infinite supply.


The price of linen may theoretically increase to 100g, and it would take 10 quests just to afford one linen cloth. Then there is just no chance you can play the game unless you buy tokens, as the price of gold generated in game by activities doesn’t change, but the token does. I buy tokens because I don’t have the time (or desire) to farm gold, and I don’t have gdkps on my server. I don’t really care if it eventually fucks the economy, I’ll just quit at that point.


Don't even try man, these people are just too stupid to understand how inflation works.


Should see what happened to Pokemon GO


One kind of WoW player would be happy to play as an untextured cube, as long as it could perform good DPS parses.  And the other kind of WoW player would buy an untextured cube mount from the store. 


Authentic roacher experience.


you people are fucking delusional


Always has been


not shocked this tired sort of biting satire would come from a dude using new reddit


\+white mode


Ah the andys are mad again, cool


Finally, I can fulfill my fantasies of becoming Roach Coach.


Roach out


Well they already added the wow token last year which is just Blizzard sanctioned RMT. Surprised so many people are shocked they brought the store to classic.


Literally no one is. This was seen 10 miles away when they added the tbc boost and bundle but the blizzard cock suckers drowned anyone with common sense out.


The only reason any company gives a shit about RMT/goldbuying is because the gold being sold isn't being made through an otherwise harmless manner (ie fraud/identity theft) and the real money transactions are often used for money laundering.


Do you guys not have dollars?


You're right. There shouldn't be a cosmetic shop and the monthly sub should be $26 dollars a month to match inflation since 2004.


Don't forget the tip to thank the devs


Personally I always thought cash shops in a pay to play game was over the top. Should be reserved for free to play games. Instead of designing mounts or gear for new raids they end up making everything for the cash shop. I guess paypiggies ate up the cash shop/mounts since they were introduced in wrath/cata.


Still, the sub is constant since 20 years, so i rather take the 13€ sub and have a shop i nevery buy anything from, than higher subs


You know the sub only existed at the time because the internet was so much newer and it was much more expensive to setup servers to handle this sort of thing. Same idea as why a 1080p TV today is much cheaper than a 1080p TV 10 years ago. Today those same servers are much cheaper relatively to the power that they provide, meaning it is actually much cheaper for Blizzard to support these servers today than they did in the past. For example, many other blizzard multiplayer games do not charge a subscription but still allow multiplayer such as Diablo 4, Diablo 3, Diablo 2 remastered, none of them charge a subscription even though the server load for tracking a characters gear, levels, skills, stats, and the world are pretty much the same especially when you consider that stuff is just data and not related to the world in any way. You can argue the difference is the instanced nature of Diablo, except in Diablo 4 they actually did make it an open world game with layers almost identical to WoW, which is probably because they could then reuse the same server architecture. TL;DR - It is actually cheaper to host these same exact servers today than it was originally because the infrastructure is much more mature and powerful today, whereas in the past it was revolutionary and new and therefore more expensive relatively speaking.


Just because something is consistently more expensive than 95% of games in existence doesn't mean the price isn't too high.


I mean that barely makes sense in context to my comment but ok, you do you


The point is sub shouldn't go up beause it was always a lot higher than it had to be, especially now when they cut corners everywhere they can. Classic at least doesn't have box prices on top of the sub, but Retail WoW is literally one of the most expensive games on the planet and the cost to make it is definitely not higher than AAA games.


Do you know what inflation is? The game essentially gets cheaper each year.


Again inflation doesn't matter because WoW was already way too expensive in 2004 and it's still more expensive than any other game on the market. Even if we compared it to a AAA game series releasing a new game every year for 80$ each, WoW would be still more expensive with just it's original sub price, and then u have to add expansion and cash shop on top of that. They don't need that high of a price to turn a profit, they just do it because they can get away with it.


I mean realistically, what difference does it make whether or not you wait 2 expansions so you can go solo a raid boss week after week hoping for a "cool" mount drop or you spend likely less time acquiring it through other means? So long as the cash shop doesn't sell player power it makes no difference. Use it or don't.


I haven't been super active in WoW since MoP so I don't know how the cash shop here is, but if you want the difference, go take a look at FF14's cash shop. In game armor models are often lazy reskins of pre-existing ones, meanwhile the cash shop gets unique and really appealing armor models. One of their latest armor models on the cash shop actually pissed off a lot of people for once, but as usual FF14 players slurp up whatever SE pushes out so surprise surprise SE doesn't get punished ever.


WoW's cash shop is pretty much what it always was--just a bunch of cosmetics. They look good because it's WoW and basically everything they make looks good but there's not really an argument to be made that it's taking away from non-shop cosmetics because well, it's WoW and everything they make looks good. You still get cool stuff from PvP and raid, there's cool stuff from achievements or rare drops, and M+ players continue to get nothing because fuck'em. A lot of shop mounts were also obtainable from other promotions (such as 6-month sub rewards or part of an expansion purchase) and a few have been made obtainable on the trading post (which, granted, rotates every month so if you're an "unsub the last half of every patch cycle" kind of guy you'll miss some stuff). I have half of the mounts currently for sale and I've never bought one directly on the shop. I'd say the main unique things are the two toys: [Transmorpher Beacon](https://www.wowhead.com/item=166779/transmorpher-beacon) and [Magical Murkmorpher](https://www.wowhead.com/item=210467/magical-murkmorpher).


Inflation isn't a blanket price increase in the entire economy. Just as an example (because I just recently did the calculations for it in a discussion), an snes cartridge from the early 90s where I live cost *more*, adjusting for inflation, than AAA games do now, and we are not even talking about relatively cheap but still high quality indie games etc.


My favorite part about this whole situation is the ORIGINAL gripe about the shop in retail is "They'll add shit to the shop you should be able to acquire in game" Yet this is a game from 2010. Everything's added. There's nothing to gatekeep to the shop. We literally have every ounce of knowledge possibly needed to play cata with zero surprises This is by far the dumbest outrage this subreddit could bait into And it makes me pity anyone who is this stupid


I can't wrap my hear around people like you. If you don't care, go on and consume. But you specifically come here to call OP stupid for not liking macrotransactions in a subscription game. Why? Clearly the extra money that is made with this stuff is not going into the development of Cata so what do we players actually gain from having to pay for certain cosmetics or to skip the gold grind that you would come here to defend it?


This meme was brought to us by /r/conspiracy


Hey, they have to make up stuff to have a point, let them


You must be one of the reddittors pictured in the meme


Oh look now the comments are coming from /r/conspiracy too


Ah yeah andys have to make up scenarios to get mad over again, the classic


Real Talk: WoW Token and Max Level Boosts where a mistake everything else is whatever


Its gotta be so depressing to be an Andy. Just looking for and making up things to be mad about for a video game. 


‘Giving any positive aesthetic value for cash is totally the same thing as removing all positive aesthetic value and open mockery unless you pay cash guyz’


Thats what andys think yes


Can this be a live change to HC? If you got a perma roach poly for bugging outta dungeons it'd be hilarious.


“These dick eaters would ask for seconds”




Everyone can look at the generic early-mid 2000/2010s Asian MMORPGs and see at a glance that they are junk because everyone has wings and looks like they just jumped off a Victoria's Secret catwalk. Visual cohesion and readability of equipment is an important part of a game's design and one of the major things the game lost with transmog, but the community will only know what went missing once it's gone. And then we'll instead cry about posts complaining that the game lost its soul lmao.


Do we play the same game? Players tend to look way more "visually cohesive" with transmog than without. Without transmog, players just wear whatever gear is best without regard to what it looks like, which means, until you get to the end of a tier where everyone has close to BIS, most players are wearing clownsuits. With transmog, most players pick outfits where all the pieces actually look like they belong together.


Guys who complain about transmog are shitters because they cant go get the pieces for transmog in the first place


Buying welfare PvP gear from past seasons or doing old raids isn't hard 😂


No - They are classic players who want to know what weapon their opponent is hitting them with.


Massive copium here at this point




Except transmog is in classic right now.


Cata classic is not classicwow. Not to say I don’t enjoy Cata as it’s the first expansion I ever got a max level character in. However, it’s definitely not classic world of Warcraft.


Pretty classic feeling to me, completely different from retail. So I'll just say your wrong.


No you


\*In your opinion. For me its classic, hell the original release was 14 years ago


Blizzard owns WoW, they call it Classic, so it's Classic.




And if you dont want transmog then go play sod or era :Shrug:


Lmao pvp doesn't work that way my guy


go on , look at the dagger the enemy wield which is currently stabbing your ass as if it would help you lmao


Are WoW players still throwing a hissy fit about what is essentially skins?


yeah its silly, Aggrend and crew never defined what they meant by 'vanilla feel" to SoD changes and just said that to placate people while they throw shit at the wall


I dunno what Aggrend has to do with this when none of this is on Era or SoD


Agrrend is now the boogey man of this sub. Anything they don't like is him, he personally comes to their house and shits in their beds.


Aggrend is the Juan Bernat of /r/classicwow


eh, live by the sword die by the sword. he clearly wants to be a "rockstar dev" like some of the original wow crew, so when things go as poorly as they have he gets treated the same way any rockstar dev gets treated when things go bad.


I like Aggrend overall and appreciate his effort and energy. I just think he's screwed up.


He's the producer of this game. The state of it is his responsibility. He's getting deserved negative feedback for being shit at his job.


Because Aggrend bad, upvote to the left


Agrrend is now the boogey man of this sub. Anything they don't like is him, he personally comes to their house and shits in their beds.


Yeah its the same when people here use "retail" as buzzword for stuff they dont like. Those brains run very simlistic


naw, he's done a better job than I would have but they didn't have a clear vision of what SoD should be and refused to define their vision besides vague generalizations and that's fair to point out


Yes, let's compromise the artistic and visual integrity of the game for the sake of muh heckin' cosmetics. Retail is already borderline unrecognizable because of all the flashy and out of place tmog pieces. Not quite Rs3 levels of cancer, but it's getting there. Someone get the BMW meme


>*They are dick eaters and they deserve everything they get.* (Asmongold 2024 about the Cata Payers.)


Asmongold watcher 🤢🤮


Don't worry guys if something happen I got nostalrius core downloaded and saved on one off my disks.


Please don't give them ideas