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Mouse scroll wheel still doesn't work in the glyph menu >.<


That bug annoys me more than it has any right to. 


That and AH errors are my only real grip atm


What ah errors are happening? Honestly curious haven't had any all pre patch.


Keep getting lua errors most of the time you can just move the box away and go about your business so it's more annoying than anything Seems ro happen more when I specifically search for something iE "Linen cloth" vs linen cloth Disabled add-ons and still does it but maybe I'm just special


I reported it back in the alpha/beta it bothered me so badly lol.


Yep, there are still lots of bugs, but they already fixed a lot


lmao bro what was the fucking point in unsubbing, you're pining to come back.


blizzard will never recover from the 5 days this man's sub languished


I will not lie. I’m guilty of this. I unsubbed for 9 days after my hc toon died to a disconnect. I sleep better at night knowing that blizzard is missing $4.50ish of my money.


Not as bad as it was but there are still a lot of random ui bugs and occasional quest bugs. There's also several inaccuracies with ability behavior (e.g. you can't sap sap a vanish like you could on real cata) but they're probably not going to be fixed because nobody at Blizzard pvps anyway.


Sap a vanish?? How does that work when you'd only vanish if in combat and target needs to be out of combat to sap. So confused.


In retail Cataclysm, if you spammed sap on someone as they vanished (usually during shadow dance) it would instantly sap them out of the vanish because of the server batching attempting the sap while they're still visible to you, but also seeing that they're out of combat (because they vanished). It was an important trick for high-skill rogue duels.


Ahh i wonder if that changed when the batching changes happened w the client back in 2019


It's almost certainly due to the batching differences; they never really did manage to recreate the vanilla batching for classic '19, and then by TBC classic they abandoned the attempt and just went with the fast batching like retail (which can be nice in many situations but does cause some differences from the original).


lol you really showed them by cancelling your sub for 2 weeks and then coming right back!!


Doesn’t sound like trying to ”show them”, more like avoiding to spend subbed time on a product that’s not up to standard?


Not really, haven't seen any since the first few days ( I play every day)


Every time I level I hit level 0


That's the way!


Jesus, lol you're a delight.


Is the LFG stuff broken for anything else? Level requirements to do dungeons all seem incorrect. I got Scholomance for 1 level then couldn't go back


Haven't run into one that prevented me from having fun.


Not that I have noticed.


Blizzard apologists will come on here and tell you that there's nothing wrong with Cata right now.


Everything works fine unless you are really looking to find something to be upset about.


Worgens still show their cloaks every time they transition between forms, regardless of whether the show cloak option is selected. The sundering area of STV is still filled with water when it isn’t supposed to be. Literally unplayable.


Well, maybe not unplayable but man can you see the low effort/budget *everywhere*.


Still a beta product.


Tempest keep: botantic quest you have to go to shattered to do. Every step. And If you do don't shadow priest shadowy apportion. 1 rank by the time. It won't work. Most bugs are minor and can be worked around.


The items and item macros on our bars still stutter the game. Hate that one so much


it is still a very unfinished product - if it was a private server people wouldve left it after some hours and never looked back. since its blizzard people will still play no matter what obviously, regardless of the lowest quality product possible. if you want to get an idea of some of the more interesting bugs check out [https://github.com/JamminL/cata-classic-bugs/issues?page=1&q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue](https://github.com/JamminL/cata-classic-bugs/issues?page=1&q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue) my favorites are different game mechanic bugs depending on which language your client is set, no clue how they managed to even brick a game this bad.


Lol calling it bricked is being disingenuous as fuck. Ive played everyday in prepatch. Does it have bugs? yes. Does it play completely fine? also yes


only real blizzard npcs would be satisfied with the current game state, one you have to pay! 15$ a month for, which is already sad as it is.


Keep seething that people enjoy the game


yeah i guess if you dont engage in any endgame activities where class mechanics and interactions matter because all you do is quest leveling and autopilot you can enjoy it XD


What? I have raided every single week since classic relaunched lmao


you are just some delulu NA blizzard fanboy, lmao. one look at the bug tracker and someone with average game knowledge immediately recognizes the awful state the game is in, and looking at how blizzard released the pre-patch they will continue to let this bugged mess go live in a few days with zero respect, lmao


Cry more. I’m having fun. Sorry everything is so serious for you. Just stop playing then.


Its hilarious how off the mark every comment you make is by the way


its hilarious lmao how you are too ignorant to look at the bug tracker yourself, or just very clueless. lmao


I’ve seen the bug tracker plenty. Game plays fine. Again. I’m having fun. I’m sorry you are not. I suggest you go play something else if you’re so upset


It's definitively playable, but still buggy. Personally, I'm having a lot of fun despite it because the core gameplay of Cata is very fun, but I'm still annoyed they released it as they did and are now having to bugfix on the fly while prepping a launch and a raid tier. Whomever decided on this schedule should be held accountable, because they've harmed the end product. Can't speak to the non-English clients though I'm afraid, but I've not heard much in the circles I run in, which admittedly don't include a ton of non-Nordic/middle Europeans.


The only bug I see any more is when I login my collection tab is still blinking stating I have a “new” item, because the Dark Portal hearthstone toy infinitely shows “new”.