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think theres a small chance theyre misjudging their players continuing into cata. yes, its still classic, but its not sod. think its safe to say more people are welcoming of a challenge and may not necessarily want content to simply fall over


If I had to guess they're probably fully committed to the "classic wow is at its most popular when the content is easiest". Now I don't expect Cata raids to be piss easy (Naxx level), but maybe its more approachable to a wider group. I've seen people say Ulduar hard modes were a challenge when they finally full clear HMs, way behind the curve. In cases like these its not the content that is challenging, but rather the group that is challenged. Exceptions would be 0% HLK, that shit was miserable, especially in GDKPs.


yeah i personally thought ulduar hardmodes were a kinda eh way to approach challenge. the moment your raid got any semblance of gear most hardmodes just fell over. i think algalon was probably the only ulduar fight i really enjoyed. and firefighter was ok too. the rest was like "ok iron council hardmode. this fights kinda easy. oh nvm tank went splat" "thorim hasnt been bad so far. oh nvm tank went splat again" i like it when a fight asks the raid to do stuff besides simply outgear it.


The post nerf normal mode raids are super accessible. Not everyone needs to do the raids on heroic.


inb4 "Ulduar was dead lul" comments. Agree. I'll be curious to see if they just never introduce mythic then to Classic if we keep going with that mindset. We're one xpac away from it.


Mythic didn’t come till wod prepatch


Yeah technically. I mean real mythic didn't come until WoD itself. SoO mythic was just rebranded heroic afaik without any changes. Just meaning that with MoP we start getting the first fights that were deemed "mythic" difficult back then.


I think there's a chance this community can't see the writing on the wall. 515,000 raiders at the start of Ulduar... Dropped nearly 50% all the way down to 281,000 at the end of Ulduar.


if people want easy raids where you can go and push 14 buttons a minute and clear the raid, sod exists. oh wait they just lost half their raiders too




if you dont like being challenged, go play classic era


I don’t mind a challenge, but clearly the majority of players don’t. I want the game to be populated, and it always is when content is easy.


I see a huge majority asking for pre-nerf rn


Reddit is a loud minority. Just look at the drop off of raiders whenever there’s difficult content. The evidence speaks for itself.


but now they're going to lose a lot of the players who actually stick around through hard content


But compared to casuals that’s a small number of players. I also think that hardcore players are less likely to quit compared to casuals. The people I know who want harder raids in cata aren’t quitting, they’re just ranting about it. The casuals in my guild on the other hand definitely would have quit if not for nerfed raids.


Its possible to both like challenging content and to dislike the design philosophy and class design of retail. Mop wod and legion had good difficulty while also having way better class design.


While I agree on class design, Legion was way too difficult. Mythic Fallen Avatar and Kil’jaeden were not enjoyable experiences.


Who woulda thought leveling phases in SoD get boring quickly and people went to go play Cata prepatch. Probably Blizzard considering they released all this at a specific time. Everyone was raiding on 5+ alts in phase one which inflated the numbers.


i was personally raiding on 4 characters in phase 1 of wrath. its just something that gets difficult to continue with. phase 2 and 3 i raided on 1 character for most of it. began playing an alt or two in phase3 but not like i did in p1


Such a misleading narrative. Ulduar fell off because it lasted 6 months, not because it was hard. WOTLK Naxx had less raiders, and had a greater fall off after 3 months than Ulduar did.


You talking about your own narrative being misleading? [https://ironforge.pro/population/classic/overall/](https://ironforge.pro/population/classic/overall/) Look at the chart.. It was a straight line down from the very start of Ulduar... Never did we see declines like this in Vanilla or TBC. Ulduar released January 19. ToGC released June 22nd. That's 5 months long which practically every tier before Ulduar had a similar length... >WOTLK Naxx had less raiders, and had a greater fall off after 3 months than Ulduar did. WoTLK naxx had almost 620,000 raiders. Only dropped down to 400,000. That's not nearly a 50% drop like Ulduar saw.


That's not at all the mic drop you think it is, and includes alts that everyone raided on p1, as well as all the gold farming South American groups that were running hundreds of times a day. Only the most ridiculous sweaters / gdkpers ran alts in Ulduar. Confidently stating "50%" is also misleading. Both were ~200-300k drops. Not a significant change, especially considering p1 to p2 dropoff is always huge.


Someone else stated my 400,000 number was wrong and naxx ended with 480,000. Naxx 626,00 to 480,000 is a 23% difference with a 146,000 drop off. Ulduar 515000 vs 295000 is nearly a 43% difference with a 220,000 drop off. Ulduar isn't even hard.. I didn't play WoTLK classic but I got all the mounts from hardmode while it was current. The expansion was overhyped. So many thought WoTLK was "peak WoW" simply because it had the most subscribers.


Pretty much everything you are saying isn't true. >Look at the chart.. It was a straight line down from the very start of Ulduar... Never did we see declines like this in Vanilla or TBC. There were huge declines in SWP and Naxx25, very similar to Ulduar falloff. Not to mention pretty much every classic patch has had a steady decline after launch. >Ulduar released January 19. ToGC released June 22nd. That's 5 months long which practically every tier before Ulduar had a similar length... Wrong. Most of classic phases up until Ulduar had a 12-16w patch cycle, compared to Ulduar's 20w. You take the last 5 weeks off the chart and Ulduar doesn't look nearly as bad. >WoTLK naxx had almost 620,000 raiders. Only dropped down to 400,000. That's not nearly a 50% drop like Ulduar saw Naxx25 dropped down to 350k raiders. The decline gradient of the Naxx falloff was indeed worse than the Ulduar one. The numbers are even worse for Naxx if you consider how much more alt friendly it was. Ulduar likely saw more people raiding, just on less characters. Look, given the data we can't really know for sure why, or how much Ulduar really fell off. There are too many factors and not enough information. Drawing the conclusion 'Players don't want hard raids' from 'Ulduar patch saw less logged characters' is unfounded.


It was nice to see some clarifications but I very much dislike releasing the content post nerf. It feels like the decision was made for people playing SoD or Era to not filter them which is fair but it feels like those people won't play cata long term anyway. We would be playing it with at least soft nerf anyway because of final patch talents. Later comment about people being full bis also lacks self awareness "if everyone gets it, does that make it special", well... items would be special if they would come from somewhat difficult bosses. Pre nerf T11 is still miles from retail mythic raiding and they could always nerf it mid tier if needed, it doesn't work the other way around sadly.


100% they are making it very easy to accommodate the era/SOD crowd who will immediately stop the second p4 of SOD drops. It’s unfortunate because even pre-nerf would have been easier than originally just due to final patch state, weakauras and players with better pc’s/connections than a decade ago. The end result is double whammy where those heroic bosses they tested were just brute forced with little to no coordination and multiple people dead.


people who quit because of difficulty are not coming back mid tier after nerfs. damage done


Those people aren't going to make it through post-nerf Cata content either. You need to actually have a pulse for these raids. So I really don't get making decisions in terms of heroic difficulty based on people who won't be clearing Normal.


These people quit no matter what. We're already bored of sunken temple because of how braindead it is. Just a trashfest + loot pinata.


Isn't everyone bitching about how shit the loot is, not that its easy?


People on reddit yes. Everyone in game and all GMs I talk to agree they're just bored as hell. You see no mechanics on Atal, rotslime, defenders, morphaz, or eranikus at this point. Feels pointless to farm outside of raid when the raids will be loot pinatas forever. The gear being useless does not help though.


My anecdotal evidence supports this. My super casual hasn't raided since prepatch because of ST being faceroll.


I stopped raiding T5 when they nerfed it to faceroll


Imagine quitting because of difficulty instead of just improving.


Post-nerf T11 is a big blow to one of the best tiers they ever released, it was already going to be pretty severely affected by 4.3 class changes why stack on the "it's old content let's make it puggable" 4.2 nerfs? Nobody did this version of the content as progression, it makes even less sense than the abysmal T5 nerfs in TBCC. T12 post-nerf is even worse. Everyone gets to brickwall at Ragnaros instantly while farming 6 easy bosses whose loot still makes the prior tier totally obsolete. If they wanted to giga cater to the casual players who quit when content was too hard they should have just moved us into the retail Flex Raid system and made logistics easy too.


Actually surprising. The first actual talk on Cata for months now. Finally, thanks Sad to hear about Archelogoy. They clearly hear the problem with it, might bring bad luck protection but basically when nobody will care about it anymore. I don't think it's needed for the cosmetics really but if it will make grinding the blue bug mount a bit easier then...I'll take it I guess. No LFR still is a bit of a surprise. I like it but I'm curious to see the outrage on it lul. Would've loved to hear still what happened to the prepatch event, if there will be more improvements to the transmog system, any possible change of mind to void storage and what happened to the "streamlined" AH they announced at Blizzcon. Seems to be the same old stuff still. Maybe next time. :)


> No LFR still is a bit of a surprise. I like it but I'm curious to see the outrage on it lul. Nobody has been asking for it. Neither the people who want Cata (who mostly want harder content) nor the people who have been promising they won't play Cata because it's "not Classic" but who will play a bit at launch anyway and then quit.


Well that's what I thought about RDF but then people started bitching hard halfway through Ulduar basically. :D


Nah, tons of people wanted RDF from the start. It's way nicer when you're leveling and can queue at will and find cross-server people if your server doesn't have a ton of people playing in your range. It's also just a lot better having the option to queue for heroic dungeons while doing your dailies and not having to sit in town and spam for a group. If you didn't see people asking for RDF from the start you weren't paying attention, because those threads were on the frontpage constantly.


Everyone expected RDF to be in the game from day 1. Fine. 99.9% expected RDF to be in the game on day 1.


a little sad to hear theyre happy with the state of classes. cata ret has a ton of flaws with it that immediately get iterated upon or fixed altogether in mop so looks like we're going to go another year without the tier set bonus that makes our spec function.


scripting LFR was too difficult in the short timespan for the one active developer working on cataclysm


Who likes archeology in its current state lol. It was bad at release and is even worse today. Even people who like this "chill gameplay mode" are watching Netflix or listening to a podcast while they dig. Which in itself is kinda insane and shows what a failed profession it is. After 100 or 150 sites people should just get their item. Then they could enjoy the pre patch way more 'cause leveling in the "new world" is really fun right now. If you grind mats you can at least enjoy your class and the combat system. Here you press one button and then after your mount button. Times 400. And btw. where are the pre patch events?


What I would have loved to see getting covered would have been the pre-patch event that has been skipped alltogether. Like I'd loved to know what made them skip it entirely, causing this piece of experience to get lost forever


[https://github.com/JamminL/cata-classic-bugs/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue](https://github.com/JamminL/cata-classic-bugs/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue) fix the game please


I just don't understand why start with nerfed content. So let's say the devs are right and 90% of classic players hit a brickwall when the first tier opens (unlikely but for sake of the argument). They could just wait and see and then deploy the nerfs after a week or two if needed. It's easy to nerf but it's harder to buff the content once its out.


Yeah I dont get it. The raid is still easy on normal mode pre nerf so the casual players would still be able to raid and pug normals anyway.


The comments on the wow thread, wowhead thread, youtube comments, reddit, and class discords are asking for pre-nerf. Get a grip and code it to the pre-nerf values that are in the current journal.


All the actual data says people dont want pre nerf anything. It kills the raiding population every time they try it. comments arent players.


We have retail data that says otherwise. There are normal modes in Cata just as there are non-mythic modes and low keys in retail. Give cata players what they're asking for.


Retail =/= Classic community , and people cannot seem to grasp that. Also, mythic participation in retail has been on a steady decline for a few expacs now so clearly cutting edge content isn't pulling in fresh blood even on retail.


And sod / tbc != the cata community. Sod players will quit immediately on p4 release because even nerfed heroics will be too hard to pug for them. DF has been very successful content-wise, so not sure about your last sentence's legitimacy. Mythic raids have always been low participation, and retail players are fine with that. Many guilds are heroic only


Huh? Retail data shows when the raid is easier that there's more people raiding...


Easier means more people play on their alts, inflating the numbers that warcraft logs show. To some extent there's some people who might not be able to get into the content who do when it's easy, but there's no way to show how it affects those who were looking to do hard content and the dropoff among those players.


I'm sure the comments on the video are going to be very civil and respectful! /popcorn


It's Reddit. I never expect positive feedback tbf. I just figured someone would want to see the interview since I think it's the first time they've talked about it much.


Yeah, 100% this is valuable information. I don't get why people are downvoting, probably some Cata haters and protest votes against post-nerf.


It's Crix haters. Reddit hates me. But I don't post to get upvotes, just wanted to show this to whoever wanted to see it. I wish I could've asked more, but all questions had to be approved.


Reddit hates you because you are a douche bag.


Look how you're talking and I'm the douche? You sit and post on EVERYTHING I say or post just to talk shit as a grown man, not only on this thread, but like every time you comment at all is toxic af dawg. Legit, I've never been anything but nice to everyone, on stream, YT, interviews, podcasts, etc. The only thing that ever gets brought up is the DUI like two years ago, which is obviously bad on my part and I'm not denying it and will accept flame forever. But outside of that, I've never been rude or anything to anyone. I think YOU just hate everything my guy.


On everything you say? Lol.


The asmon cult will be out in force no doubt.


LFR enjoyer here. LFR in Cata was peak LFR for me. It wasn’t so easy that it was faceroll, yet wasn’t so hard that determination stacks were needed. It was a great way to get my army of alts geared with decent item level gear on non-raid nights. Also, the need/greed loot system, imo was preferable to something like personal loot.


LFR only existed for dragon soul


Yep. It did. I don’t normally put much effort into alts until the last patch of the expansion and all the catch up features are in place. This is what made LFR’s timing in Cata perfect (for me).


Did they talk about the horrific state?


What the fuck is this guy yapping about, that there are people that ENJOY the grindiness of archaeology? How out of touch can you be? If something puts someone in a position to perform optimally for week 1 raids they are going to go all out in the pursuit of that thing. No bad luck protection on archaeology has people out here grinding 50+ hours (like myself) to try to get said thing. NO ONE LIKES DOING THIS. THERE ARE ZERO PEOPLE ENJOYING THE GRINDINESS OF THIS.


Crix is so annoying to listen to. Get any DUIs lately?


Crix: *exists* "Crix is so annoying" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Dude laughs over the fact he could have killed someone.


Your existence is the least of the reasons why you're annoying. You are a wanna-be and your "content" is trash. I'm sure you got a lot of candy bars in jail


I did actually, and they tasted almost as good as your tears do baby boy. Thanks for letting me live rent free. 😘


why didnt you ask why the pre patch event was removed and why cata quality so far has been dogshit? post nerf everything sucks ass


All the questions I want to ask have to be approved by Blizzard, sadly. There was a ton more I wanted to ask, but these were the only ones allowed.


Why do you expect him to to ask actual questions?




Blizzard doesn’t not pay this temu streamer. He’s probably not a bad person but he brings nothing to the community nor has good content.


IDK how I hurt you, but my bad dawg. 😂😂😂


also full of "possibly", "maybe", "probably one day", very underwhelming responses by blizzard as expected. also completely out of touch employees, btw final cata patch was 4.3.4 not 4.3.2. nice 20 seconds pvp talk




Cata servers failed because there is no officially supported mainstream emulator for it so naturally their quality is abyssmal. They all went stuck at WotLK because back in the day, the mainstream emulator devs deemed Cata 'unfixable' due abscence of information regarding the new client structure (they started to mess with the client to make it harder for folks to reverse engineer). That eventually changed when Blizzard accidentally leaked a chinese WoD client that contained lots of code information which enabled the emulator devs to eventually catch up on Retail again in terms of basic functionality. However, at this point, the support for Cataclysm has long been dropped and only modern retail versions have been worked on.