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Josh has shown real NBA skills and is still young we don't have a player that a team could overvalue like that so we had no shot.


Apparently the bulls are the only nba team that looked at Giddey as such a large positive lol he needs a new contract too It was a terrible trade by one of the most terribly ran organizations


Not even close. Giddey is nearly a decade younger and the bulls arent going anywhere as constructed. It’s a good move for both sides assuming the bulls commit to a rebuild


They couldve gotten multiple 1sts for him or a more sure thing young prospect, instead they got a guy that’s about to demand a contract he doesn’t deserve and just got played off the court in the playoffs because his shooting and defense are both so bad, he’s unplayable his only positive traits are passing and height that’s literally it. You are literally the only person I’ve seen say this isn’t a horrible trade lmao even bulls fans are roasting themselves. But sure “not even close” lmao I’m sure you’re much smarter than the rest of us


>They couldve gotten multiple 1sts for him or a more sure thing young prospect The quality of pick matters a lot though. I couple 20-30 picks are valuable, but by themselves might not even be worth the 10th pick. And no team is giving up a "sure thing" young guy for an aging role player >instead they got a guy that’s about to demand a contract he doesn’t deserve and just got played off the court in the playoff How much is he even going to get? The Bulls have a great opportunity to extend him when his value is at it's lowest He did get his minutes cut in the Dallas series, Thunder needed defense from Dort and Wallace out there for Luka/Kyrie. He got the same minutes against the Pels as he did in the regular season and performed well though. Bad matchups happen and the Thunder are deep >he’s unplayable his only positive traits are passing and height that’s literally it He's 22 and has averaged 14/7/6 in 29 mpg. He's still got plenty of potential to be a good NBA player, even in the playoffs


They would have had a 10 ten pick in this draft, a player, and another first. Don’t know who the team was but they declined that at the deadline. Not surprised people like Giddey on here. He’s literally Okoro 2.0 but swap the defense with playmaking. Just a very flawed player people hold out massive hope for


Only thing I can find is offers of “multiple protected picks”, one of which ended up being top 10 in this (bad at the top) draft. Like I said in my earlier comment, people see “multiple firsts” and treat that like they are a gold mine. Who knows what the protections are. I’d wager that the pick in question was the Raptors pick that the Spurs owned which was lucky to even convey. Giddey is clearly a flawed 22 year old. But the draft is a crapshoot anyways, especially with later picks - the kind that CHI inevitably would have received for Caruso. Everyone is regurgitating the “played off the floor” narrative about Giddey against Dallas but ignoring him being a major contributor in a sweep of NOLA the series before. It makes as much sense as people flaming Ingram for a bad playoff series or trashing JA after the Knicks series last year. Giddey is young and has already shown he can play despite his flaws. It makes as much sense to gamble on him for CHI as it does to take a chance on some mid-late first round rookies who might not even earn a second contract I just don’t think the trade is nearly as lopsided as the general fan consensus is, which always has to roll out tropes about a winner or loser when trades happen


I mean personally I would rather have a top 10 pick in this draft than Giddey. I know who Giddey is but I don’t know who a top 10 player in this draft is yet. I would rather take a swing. The other reason I would rather have picks is for future trades not necessarily the player. It becomes alot easier to get a player you want when you can attach a pick to the trade. Then the last reason for this trade specific is that it’s OKC. The team has a million picks. Just demand one from them to get the additional asset.


I get that perspective, but just as an example if my hunch is correct and it was the TOR pick that SA owned, there was a very good chance that the pick did not even convey this year, SA just got kinda lucky. It’s also a bad draft and that pick is more like pick 15 in a normal draft. Just look at mocks for pick 8, none of those guys projected around there are too inspiring. Let’s be real, if this trade happened a year ago before Giddey’s rep got ruined by the underage sex stuff and a bad matchup against Dallas, people wouldn’t be clowning the Bulls like they are


A year and playoffs make a major difference. Personally I was never high on him from the inability to shoot yet needing the ball. It had a worse version of Ben Simmons written all over it, but I also tend to value shooting more than most people. Especially when it comes to hpside


Okc really doesn't need more draft picks at this point


Multiple firsts? A little steep for someone you just said isn't that good, no?


I said Giddey isn’t that good not Caruso lol


That's ignoring the opportunity cost that was lost. Caruso is worth multiple firsts.


Giddey was drafted 6 overall in a very strong draft and has been a nice player. That’s also worth ‘multiple firsts’  I like the trade for both teams. 


His stats were ok but he was a giant liability in the regular season and playoffs this year. The Thunders numbers were best when he was on the bench. He is going to be Ben Simmons 2.0 it's rough to have a guard who can't shoot.


He’s even worse than Simmons at least Simmons was a freak athlete and elite defender. Giddey is straight up awful at defense. He’s a guard that can pass and rebound but that’s it. Doesn’t create his own shot, doesn’t shoot, doesn’t play defense. He’s an absolutely liability for almost any teams lineups…he’s the type of skillset you have to build your lineups around but he’s just not good enough to be worth doing that.


He’s a fine young player who’s on a team that outgrew him. Settle down and chill with the Ben Simmons comparisons - he’s a 33% three point shooter and for the first two years of his career he was one of the youngest players in the NBA. For context, his FT% and 3pt% is closer to Steph Curry than Ben Simmons - it’s factually and mathematically correct to say he’s closer to Steph Curry as a shooter than Ben Simmons is. He’s obviously not a good shooter but your comparison is ridiculous.  For comparison Caruso has only a slightly better 3pt% and has had a significantly lower offensive burden to carry, as he’s not tasked with creating offense for himself or others. But as a 29 year old Caruso is coming off a career year as a first time starter putting up 10ppg on 40% shooting.  I like Caruso but he’s just a nice role player with a very specialized role and a limited game. Giddey is more of an all around generalist with upside - if his shot improves he’s going to be much more valuable. 


He’s not as hopeless of a shooter as Simmons but he’s a way worse athlete and defender…like however many tiers their are to NBA level defense/athleticism Giddey is as far away as possible from Simmons in that regard. Just like Simmons the youth and a couple good traits are going to make someone way overpay this bum who is unplayable in the playoffs


Hes a 21 year old whos an great passer and rebounder whos started 80 games for the team with the 2nd most wins in the NBA. Calling him a bum because he had a bad series in a tough matchup is ridiculous. Hes a nice rotation player and far from a finished product.


A guard that cant defend and isn’t a threat to shoot or self create off the dribble is a bum. He’s tall and can pass that’s literally it, there’s a reason the Thunder wanted to dump him


Sure, but what kind of firsts? A couple picks in the 20s might be what Giddey is worth anyways


I agree the Bulls got worked over on this trade.


Idk about that though. Obviously the Bulls were the team that made the best offer, but the return being a piece as good as Caruso makes me think that there were other good offers out there for Giddey that drove the price up It's definitely fun to shit on both the Bulls and Giddey. BUT the dude is 22 and has shown enough flashes that his value is clearly higher than the consensus fan opinion


I'm just confused that okc got rid of their best rebounder. Chet gonna have to eat a horse.


Last thing cavs need is another guard


Eh yeah but if we traded Garland he’d be a nearly perfect fit with Don


Nah, we need size and shooting more than another short-ish 2 without any offense. We have Great Value Caruso at home (Okoro).


Caruso is an actual ball handler offensively and a real guard he’s not the same thing as Okoro at all other than they aren’t bigs and they play good defense. We trade garland you’re cool with the only ball handlers on the team being Mitchell, Levert, CPJ? That’s ridiculous we would need another reliable ball handler, and clearly Caruso’s value isn’t super high so we could’ve still gotten a wing some way with our assets I agree wing is our biggest need…doesn’t mean we should automatically shutdown adding any other position to the team…should we not add an actual decent backup 4/5 either just because we need a wing too? Even if we trade Allen? He just got traded for Josh Giddey lmao it’s not like it’d be a Garland for Caruso swap. I’m not saying it’s the end of the world we didn’t get him or that he should’ve been a priority but the people acting like even just the thought of him on this team is bad…couldn’t be more wrong really lol


Caruso is miles better than okoro


I mean, we have Okoro. He's way younger, a perimeter lockdown and improving, while Caruso is on his prime, but won't get better


The Cavs are going to be built around Mitchell’s window, not Mobley’s


Yeah, but showed clear signs of improvement every year and he's already a more versatile defender than Caruso, as he can guard bigger players than him better than Caruso currently can.


I mean I hate to break it to you but Caruso is far more valuable and once again, okoro was damn near unplayable in playoffs despite some incremental improvements in reg season.


Oh he's definitely more valuable, I'm not gonna deny this, but I don't think is worth to trade something for Caruso with Okoro on the roster. He's like a poor man Caruso rn


Okoro isn’t on Caruso level of defense


That's not a fair statement. Okoro is better at defending bigger players than Caruso. Caruso is better at guarding guards but it isn't that much of a difference. Okoro just doesn't get the necessary playing time and recognition The biggest difference I think is coaching and role in the system. I think the cavs failed okoro like they did Mobley and need to actually develop their players Okoro also has one of the worst whistles in the league. He gets called for terrible fouls most people who are known for defense don't get called for and it limits him. Caruso benefits from his time at the Lakers


Okoro really does get such a terrible whistle while defending


Honestly, he gets it bad on both sides of the floor.


He has averaged 2 fouls per game every season he's been in the league He does get some questionable calls, but he's almost never in foul trouble


It’s literally a widely accepted opinion being downvoted because of overvaluing okoro. So maybe they could’ve made the trade hagaha


All of our players are overrated except don


He honestly is. White is the one not on that level. He gets a better whistle though


No, we’re all entitled to our opinions but white and Caruso are way ahead of Okoro is crazy. 5 years in and only minor improvements to his game. White and Caruso have taken over games while Okoro gets taken out of games




Compare their ages.


One was a top 5 pick the other was undrafted. Nobody outside of this sub would rather have Okoro.


Other people outside this sub would rather have okoro, when you consider ages and timelines for teams. It's not as black and white as you think. Caruso probably has 3 years left of good basketball. Once 6 foot 4 role players turn 30 the writing is on the wall. If we did a 1 to 1 swap of okoro for caruso all that does is slightly improve the team while also wrecking part of the timeline. Theres a reason our starting 5 is 26 and under. Trading youth for vets is good for winning now but drastically shortens the window . One last thing. Okoro is about the same age now as caruso was when he entered the league. Fair to say okoro can still improve being only 23/22


Jrue holiday


Caruso is 30, Isaac is 23 Did you just see what Caruso was traded for? The gulf is not as wide as you are acting


That's not true


No Caruso was really undrafted in 2016. Okoro was the top 5 pick


I'm saying other people would want okoro


esp when you consider Okoro is 23 and Alex is 30


Will okoro ever be as good as caruso i doubt it


He definitely will be. Caruso is definitely one hell of a defender, no doubt, but Okoro is bigger, is improving every year, and already are better defending bigger playersm


Caruso is overrated. A career role player who averaged 10 ppg only once in his career. Yeah his defense is solid. But hes 30 already. The rest of his career is downhill from here. We dont need more 6 foot 5 guys. It's been said about 100000 times in this sub .


He’s WAY overrated. Got the LeBron rep bump that KCP, Kuzma, and like half the 2016 Cavs got


Yeah, as currently constructed we are one of the teams that Caruso would make the least sense for


Jrue holiday


Caurso would of been nice but unless the bulls would of been interssted in okorro in a sign and trade or pick 20 we dont have much to offer.


Personally trading a 23 year old ICE for a 30 year old Caruso would have been Koby's worst move


Mods shut this sub down until the season starts pls . Terrible terrible terrible post


It's fun to let people discuss this stuff, i'm with you though wanting Caruso at 30 esp with Okoro on the roster is pretty puzzling from a team building perspective


We're way worse off as a sub with comments calling stuff "terrible terrible terrible post", than we are with the posts themselves


We don’t really need Caruso… yes he does a lot well but he doesn’t do anything one of our players doesn’t do better.


Ice and Alex are pretty redundant I'll go with the much younger piece in Ice (7 years younger)


are people really entertaining Caruso for Ice? 😭


I like Caruso, think we have a major glaring need at forward though.


Dudes everybody wants are out of our price range and Caruso is a useful fourth starter at best


Cavs don't need another scrappy white dude.


Bring back Delly!


Caruso would be a nice pairing, but we gotta realize how limited our assets are. From my understanding, we own the complete rights to one first round pick (this years) until 2028 or 2029 (?) due to the Mitchell trade. And that pick cannot be outright traded, as it’s a product of protections from the Levert deal, so we’d have to wait until draft night, draft a player the team we trade it to requests, and then move it. All this to say, we have one first and a handful of assets player wise teams would actually want. None of those players are rebuilding young assets the Bulls would’ve been interested in. We rly just have the 20th pick this year, LeVert, and Niang as players with decent contracts that could be moved. We gotta be careful and ensure whatever return we’d get for consolidating these assets is a significant needle pushing move, and Caruso is not that.


Hard pass. Don't think both of them are worthwhile. Miles Bridges however....


To have a 4-5 year window any major player we get I want to be at max 28 years old!


This isnt 2k bro, get some vets in here it’s time to compete


I’m not talking about role playing vets. I’m saying any main core piece we trade for should be like 28. Especially if we are trading garland for that player.


Yeah after seeing what the asking price was it’s hard to think we wouldn’t have been willing to beat that


The Bulls don't want picks, they want players to make the playoffs. Who u trading for that criteria? Giddey is 21 and isn't exactly seen as a scrub in NBA circles.


If they want players to make the playoffs, why go for an inexperienced player who just had a terrible post season?


Caruso is a very good player on a great contract. Any contending team would want him. But nobody is going to trade the same or a more valuable trade piece back. It's why you very rarely see 1:1 swaps. You trade a good veteran usually for a draft pick to give you 5+ years of control over a player. In In this case Giddey is like a draft pick but the Bulls want to compete so they want a guy who has a couple nba years experience so he will take less time to adjust, and who even knows you can get at #12 in this already weak draft.


No they are tearing it down this is just the start


Yup, and I'm most interested in Ayo as our backup PG/6th man


Bulls could’ve got picks too, Thunder have like 20. Such a good deal for Thunder, Giddey was a liability in the playoffs and they turned him into a top 3 guard defender who can shoot the 3. They sold low on Giddey and still got back amazing value. He’s also due his extension this off-season.


I agree, if I'm a Bulls fan I would have liked to see a 2025 1st round pick in there too. My comment wasn't really to explain why I think the trade is fair, just why the Bulls went for a younger player. An "experienced player who had a good post season" is probably not available for a 1:1 swap for Caruso. Bulls went younger, but to not get a second player or a draft pick makes the deal look bad.


Yeah that makes sense, was malpractice to get no picks back. Still think they could’ve got a better younger player if that’s the direction they wanted to take. Not that I think Cavs have that player, but surely a guy like Caruso would have teams calling. He’s a perfect role player really