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No way we trade Allen after bringing a coach that loves him.


We're not paying a coach to like people. He knows all the good qualities of ALlen, but he also knows all Allen's bad qualities that obviously are not mentioned to the media. Of course he can like the guy and also like to trade the guy for a better roster to support his career and his family now and in the future.


Mitchell wants him here Allen is not getting traded


I agree on one hand, but on the other we need to make some sort of move to improve, which our best way to improve is either trading JA or DG.


Triple Tower era was unmatched.


When they finally figured things out that team was absolutely blowing teams off the court by halftime. Then injuries piled up & then the Mitchell trade.


I'm not sure we have the assets that UTA would want. This is Ainge we're talking about. I am not sure they'd want Garland as they have a promising young PG. They have Walker at C, so likely not interested in Allen.   Sadly, we just can't make it happen... unless some crazy three team trade happens.  Jabari Smith would be fun in a DG centered trade. I am pretty high on him. The shit that happens usually comes out of nowhere, so cheers to the off-season.


Good thoughts! I was thinking something along the lines od: -Cavs get Lauri -Pelicans or Memphis get Allen -Jazz get a combination of young players and picks.


Truth is that Utah has zero incentive to help us improve our team right now, since they own our future picks. Lauri is great, but it's an absolute pipe dream that they'll trade with us to diminish the value of their own assets (our picks).


Cavs would probably have to send out both their tradable 1st to come close to what Utah is gonna want


Dude just slurp it in your dreams. What a weird ass post. They literally traded him knowing his only skill set is offense because he plays like he wants to be a shooting guard. Guess what, EVERYONE wants to be a star on offense. Fuck that guy


🤣🤣🤣 chill out snowflake, it's just a Reddit post. Imagine the vein in your head popping out because of a Lauri post 😭


Well, you know what, I like the Cavs. You clearly have no basketball knowledge and like to have big dicks on the team. I evaluate the team based on basketball skills. I guess we’re different in that aspect.


Bro chill out


I’m chill. Just like knowledgeable posts and not troll posts


Ah I see, you must not frequent this sub then?


Here and there and when it pops up on my feed. It’s all good. I have my opinion and apparently people got butt hurt over it. I’m good lmao


My guy, respectfully you went back and forth with someone trading insults for like 20 messages and now you’re blaming others. You gotta chill


If this is you good, I'd hate to see how you are when things aren't so good. Yikes.


Go smoke a joint and take a deep breath princess, I promise you this post won't effect your life 🤣


*affect my life. Nah mang I gave my opinion. All good


I hope therapy works for you eventually 🙏


About the weakest “burn” that folks on Reddit can use. How about you just post better content?


Oh shit, I didn't know you worked for the reddit police!! I've been a bad boy, better put me in handcuffs 🫢


This picture is hilarious




Lauri MarCanon


Wish we never let him go !


wtf is with the red arrow?


It points out his massive dong


It's pointing to his leg mcmuffin




I don't think the Cavs have enough assets to get Lauri back. I don't think trading Allen is the right call since they just hired the guy who helped Allen develop his game. Also can't trade garland since it's starting to look like he wants to stay and play under Kenny. The Jazz ain't accepting anything without high value draft picks and players with potential to be a star.


It's unfortunate because we are stuck in limbo. Other than DG or JA, who has trade value? We are no where close to being competitive in the East and need to improve somehow.


I think Mobley's development is the key to turning into a contender. Other than health issues, Mobley's scoring development will unlock the Cavs. If he turns into a near 20 ppg player next season, the Cavs can officially be contenders. Regarding who else has trade value, I agree it's only Garland and Allen rn. LeVert is low-key washed. He has good games I know, but the mediocre and bad games are just more consistent. Maybe he can revive his career elsewhere. Maybe Okoro or Strus have value, but I would like to keep them both since they're both the hustle players of the team.


Koby gonna bring in a bench guy and act like it's some kind of great piece. Just like we were told Struss and Niang were.




Interesting you bring up Jabari Smith because I do think he will be a really good player in the near future.


I still wear my Lauri Cavs teeshirsey with pride.  One of my favorite (very) short-term players we ever had.  


My dudes. Bridges just went for 5 first round picks and you think we can get Lauri by trading Allen?


Well not exactly! It would have to include more. Depends on what assets an Allen trade would net, do we move Levert or DG, etc. Could be multiple moves, could be none!


Look up the ages and stats. Lauri is 27, Allen 26, Mobley 23. LM averages shit for rebounds, assists, blocks, and steals. He’s a big guy that wants to be a shooter and not do anything else. Fuck those type of players. I’ve seen a lot of crazy posts on here from people that know nothing about basketball and this is one of them


😂😂😂 oh my goodness, I'm so sorry I struck a nerve and made things personal for you! All I said was that he was a good fit, holy fuck 😭


But he’s not. You provided nothing. You want to be Reddit Howard stern and say hey look at this hot take with a hilarious dick pointing arrow.


> I’ve seen a lot of crazy posts on here from people that know nothing about basketball and this is one of them The irony and lack of self awareness on your part is astounding