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I mean I kinda expected this. This is his bread and butter kind of situation. He’ll be good for them for the next couple years


With help of the front office (yeah right, Detroit’s front office is one of the worst in the league) he’ll get this team to the playoffs before they realize he can’t get them any farther.


Detroit just squad wiped their front office. Tom Gores is a shit owner, but the rest of their FO is new there


Don’t know how but I actually missed that completely, that’s the best way to do it thought honestly. Charlotte needs to do the same thing. Culture is overhyped by a lot of people but it is a real thing. Plus the abhorrent drafting, can’t just keep blaming it on bad lottery luck when teams with worse picks have done more with them. EDIT: Coming back after they just gave Tobias Harris $50m, they will forever be poverty.


I’ll take it.


Absolutely, man. It was less of a knock on you guys and more of a statement on where I think JB’s ceiling is. He’s a great player coach, will absolutely get the team to buy into whatever he’s selling. But he *really* needs work on the X’s and O’s/his rotations. He gets out coached regularly and takes players who have been hot for 3 games and plays them 12 minutes in the 4th game. He’ll probably get you guys to that 7-10 seed play-in level by the end of next season, possibly even this upcoming season. But when you guys have serious aspirations it’ll be time to drop him, he can’t take responsibility for his flaws and would rather put it on players.


I’m still bitter about JB seeming like the leak in the Allen drama. With that said, I think he’s a great starter coach and knows how to coach up young guys. This is the right move for Detroit.


In his mind, he probably thinks Allen cost him his job. He’s completely wrong, but I can at least understand where the bitterness is coming from. Again though, he’s completely wrong and needed to just keep his mouth shut. The extra shade by going out of his way to praise Luka for taking a shot to keep playing was especially uncalled for.


JB Bitterstaff


\^\^\^ This guy rooted for Coach Bud Kilmer in Varsity Blues s/


Not just Allen, DG refusing to pick up a ball after jaw surgery and then never going inside bc he’s afraid of contact, and then Mitchell sitting out games in playoffs that many thought he could have played in. Team was SOFT. Now some will put that on the coach, but I guarantee he doesn’t lol


It’s more than just the coach. Though i dont fault mitchell at all, he truly played with fire and i have no doubt he would have played if he could. Allen i have my doubts tho


You don’t think Donovan would have played if it were the Finals?


He’s good at turning 20 win teams around, that isn’t surprising


Is he good at turning 14 win teams around too? 😂


He just needs to get to 20, and then not get fired.


Cade is going to be fun to watch run iso every game


Good for building culture nothing more nothing less




Defense without rebounds isn't great thing


The key is that he makes young guys buy in and play defense. That’s huge.


Also that


Culture and defense seems like a good starting place for whatever it is the Pistons have been doing


Yeah just defending with huge guys like Cade and Duren and active dudes like Thompson >>>>


Honestly if JB could get their defense to like league average that would be a huge step forward for them


Partly of which was inflated artificially by an extremely slow offensive pace.


Incorrect. Defensive rating controls for pace


Good point!


It's possible the pistons have a better coach than us rn.


He’s pretty good at getting players to break out, not good at contending for a championship. Great bridge coach between rebuild and contention


He's perfect for them. Wish him the best.


Makes sense


Honestly likely a great move for both. Expectations will be low in Detroit and JB did a lot for us to make us an actually competitive team. I think a lot of folks rightly realized JB wasn’t the coach to take us to the finals, so I really don’t fault him there. Really the only thing that left a bad taste in my mouth was his final words about Jarrett. Just not the best look to take shots like that on the way out. Regardless, I’m super grateful he helped bring our boys out of the pits to where we are now.


Good for JB. Fact is that he’s been a winning coach the last few seasons and now gets a chance to fix a dumpster fire of an organization. I wish him moderate sucess.


I like this comment


He’ll build a fun and watchable team in a few years. Detroit should be happy about this


He's a good developmental coach, but that's a rough situation he's walking into I can't imagine Cade is very happy by this point Cade is my current "Keep the phone warm" guy, if he wants out a DG for Cade swap might work for both teams


If Detroit trades Cunningham, it won't be for Garland. Please turn off 2K before creating trade ideas next time.


I agree it won’t happen but Garland in year 3 was a straight up better player than Cade 


Cavs fans absolutely overvalue DG as a trade asset lmao


If DG is going anywhere, it ain’t Detroit




player development vs culture development


As expected the Borego to Detroit reports were all just leverage plays by his camp.


Called it. Good hire for them. Great rebuild coach. Thanks for getting us out the gutter jb . I wish I could wish you success in detroit but I cant. Go cavs


Bruh this is why they fired Monty 😆


Good pickup for Detroit. Bickerstaff is a quality rebuild coach, even if he's not a playoff caliber coach. He's also still young enough (in coaching years lol) that he could theoretically learn how to run an actual offense or hire better assistants that can run a real offense... Cavs just couldn't afford to wait on that to happen.


“He’s a good developmental coach nothing more” is all I’m seeing in this thread but try to say that 2 months ago and people acted like you were crazy.


JB is perfect to build the culture of a young team.




Feels like when Hue went to the Bengals


Not even close


I know he’s not nearly as bad as Hue, but just from the standpoint of watching a coach we all wanted out of Cleveland going to a divisional opponent


JB actually did good things here. Hue was nothing but a disaster


Good for him, pistons are gonna need to play good defense because I think they have 1 guy on the team who can shoot


Suspected after Monty was fired relatively late in the coach firing season, guessing JB makes them respectable


Yeah the Pistons are garbage. May be where coaches go to die tbh lol


Wishing him the best. The situation in Detroit is a shit show though. They gotta get rid of those unserious players first. They’ve been picking up so many players who were about to be out of the league and none of them have panned out.


It’s like a team of Frenchies if you like The Boys.


Good for JB! Good role for him. Kinda difficult for him he may be niched into being the " rebuild guy " and tasked with doing it all again. However it does give him a resume for getting another head coaching position.


Good for JB! He definitely has a place in the league as a head coach. Seeing how he guided this team from the dumpster to the playoffs was huge. Now....that doesn't mean Detroit has the front office ability to give him players worth building a culture, but if there's any dumpster fire worth a shot, it's probably them. Solid young players with a lot of space to grow.


Good for them and good for JB, wish him nothing but the best.


I told Pistons fans they should hire JB and I got shit on for it.


Some* Pistons fans. And those some just so happened to disagree with you. Nothing to be upset about.


He's exactly what they need. Unironically good hire.


At first glance, I thought "damn, we really sent his ass to the shadow realm 💀". But knowing how in '21-'22, we were projected to win less than 30 games but JB defied those odds and helped land us a play-in seed. (Still salty because we could've been in the playoffs that year) I'm happy for him, he's a great development coach, and I look forward to seeing him turning the miserable Pistons around. edit: EXACTLY 30 wins, not less than 30.


JB summons Detroit Pistons in defense mode 


Man, is his dad an executive for the Pistons, too!?!? /s


Yep. JB is good at bringing culture and stability to a Young team. Thing is, Atkinson is kind of the same. While I think it was good to move on without JB, I don’t think we will see a huge upgrade in the wins column or the playoffs. Edit: typo


Atkinson is more of an offensive coach at least. JB is all about that defense


that will depend on roster changes, not the coach