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The second and third highest usage players on the team were Garland and LeVert. They were also our most inefficient players (with Niang). The coach knows what we need to do to get Mobley more usage.


I agree but usage is always going to skew higher for ballhandlers


Well, Joel Embiid has the highest usage in the NBA. Giannis is 3rd. Wemby is 6th. JJJ is 10. DMitch is 11. Mobley is 165. We obviously need to get the ball to Mobley more. I also like what Atkinson said about making Mobley a ballhandler too.


this is a very misleading way to look at it. jjj was playing wo the primary ball handlers last season, giannis is an exception never the rule bc of how freakish and unique he is, embiid is the center of the offense designed around him, and wemby was pretty much the only player who could handle any amount of responsibility last year for the spurs. mobley does not need to be a high usage rate player to the likes of teams number 1 options to be effective and used excellently. dm is supposed to be that guy on the cavs and that leads to mobley getting less usage. if mobley has a usage that high wed been stagnant w two players constantly holding the ball between dm and mobley w a top let’s just say 20 usage.


15 shots a game. Let's get mobley 15 shots a game.


Yup. He needs more shots. We already give 30 shots to DG and Vert.


That's fine bud but at the moment, Mobley is 4th in usage behind the horribly inefficient Garland and Levert. He is 165th in the league and that is criminal. Make him at least top 30 and we would be a much better team with his efficiency. Mobley has a TS% of .63 and Mitchell has a .59. It wouldn't such a bad idea to eventually prioritize Mobley on offense. When prioritized (because of injuries), he averaged 30 ppg on 62% TS%. That is Giannis like.


Main takeaways from the presser was about improving individual players on the current roster, developing players, using the bench, listening to player feedback and playing with pace. Seems to be the stereotypical hire to take the team to the next level without making major changes. In regards to Mitchell, they talked about him as if he is going to be a major piece. How he would use, listen to him, his minutes etc... A lot of talk about Mobley's development. It's pretty clear from that conference that they view Mitchell and Mobley as the two most important players on the team long term. Didn't say much about Garland, talked about Allen's speed and they're time in Brooklyn together.


Allen's speed is highly highly under utilized, as is Mobley's. two seven-footers who can switch, protect the rim, and run like the wind. no one got that


Totally agree. Sure, neither can really shoot yet. But it's a huge luxury to have two 7 footers that are extremely mobile, switchable, can run the floor, and even distribute


my position has been them distributing (collectively, they could be good for 7 apg) and getting the ball to the better shooters is way more important then them learning to shoot a bit better. getting Strus and Niang and Merrill 3pas>>>> the stuff with Strus and Mobley earlier in the year had me so hyped


I’ve been saying that the offense they ran didn’t make sense. Starting with a small guard near the logo with the defense set squarely in front of them. I always thought most offensive possessions should start with Mobley or Allen at the free throw line and motion around them or go them a chance to create. I look forward to this new offense.


Agree with two bigs on the floor that’s the wave. I don’t hate the high PnR with one big bc Garland and Mitchell will usually get something decent


They basically got 6 asts between them last year. But I completely agree with you. They are both willing and above average passers at their position. Especially if mobleys usage goes up next season and the offense has more movement around the 3 point line. Our offense was so stagnant at times last year. Just people standing around watching and waiting for a pass. If Atkinson increases the pace I can definitely see them both adding an assist per game. I think if Mobley is developed correctly we could see him averaging around 5 a season. He just needs to develope a better post game so teams try and collapse on him.


Just the other day I was arguing with someone who believes Allen is slow and below average at setting screens. Not sure how many Cleveland fans have the same view but 1 day into free agency and most of the fanbase is losing their minds.


that's insane. he's super fast and his screens are 10x more effective than Evan's. and he's really great at making himself a roll target and finishing high with either hand. him turning inside slop into buckets makes our offense so hard to guard


Yeah I'm excited about what the new offense can unlock for Mobley too, but all reports about his development seem focused only on shooting when his screens are a weakness right now as well.


i don't know what you can do for him as a screener: he's usually willing-ish, he's just not wide and so it's kind of meh in the high pick and roll. maybe he'd be good at flipping and setting surprise screens. he worked some good side stuff with Strus last year.


> maybe he'd be good at flipping and setting surprise screens. he worked some good side stuff with Strus last year. Yeah this is the type of stuff I'm interested in within a heavy movement offense. I think most guys on the roster fit that offense anyway. Mitchell is the only guy that really uses iso and even then he gets into his looks pretty quickly.


Yeah Mobley is the one that can’t set a screen to save his life


Talked about shooting more 3s , playing faster with space and pace. And a very underrated weakness in our team rebounding. Which Kenny wants us to do better at


Was crying out for this shit under JB


Mobley getting only 11 shots per game then finnally dropping 33 on Boston in Game 5 was the final nail in the coffin, imo. JB didnt make him a priority and it cost him his job


This. When everyone was saying that Mobley needed to take more threes I was banging my head on the table. Mobley didn't need to take more threes, he just needs to get more attempts, period. It was criminal how many times our 6th man in LeVert would end the game with sometimes double the attempts Mobley would have.


He needs more attempts and also to develop a shot to help our spacing. Doesnt need to be 3s, just some sort of range


I truly think JB got the sequencing wrong. Was too worried “trying” to make the backcourt work, instead of pushing Mobley to get more aggressive during the regular seasons and realizing that he playing differently might have been the way to unlock the backcourt. It wasn’t until his hand was forced that we saw a glimpse of that


Its not just pushing him to be more agressive, its running the offense to set him up for success. The amount of time that Mobley stood at the 3 point line waiting to maybe get an open shot was a waste of an opportunity for him to be working down low. Trying to turn him into a 3 pt shooter when thats not his game is a good way to piss away talent


Oh it was everything, just meaning creating looks for him and pushing him to take more shots and create vs either float or pass




Need to run through the bigs on the elbow. It also needs to be a big priority to get them involved early. 


Exactly what we want to hear! He is a sleeping giant that just needs the right system in place to wake him yp


I'd actually prefer if Niang received a further increase in his usage.


I agree just for the memes lol


Give Niang Merrill and Strus 20 3PA a game and we cook


so play Merrill for 15mpg


Play all of them thx (Merrill runs hot and cold too)


He will bring Mobley up to the top of the key and use him as a center of the wheel.


Teach that boy to dribble and shoot threes


at who's expense? Mitchell gotta stat!