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Would they ever ask was it a mistake for Lebron to return to the Lakers? Of course not. It’s a big market.


The Lakers are garbage and their biggest acquisition was a guy who averaged less than 5 PPG in college.


I wouldn’t say he was their biggest acquisition, Dalton Knecht was a stud in college but I understand your sentiment


Not to take away from your point, but kinda crazy Knecht is only 3 months younger than Okoro


Say what you want about what the national media will talk about, there are PLENTY of people who say Lebron returning to the Lakers is a terrible choice. Everyone seems to agree they’re garbage


Well, the reality is klutch sports is trying their hardest to have their talent spread false narratives to benefit people like Lebron.


Yes it was a mistake for Donovan. That is, if he was concered about the ratings for ESPN and how their top stories are now going to have to revolve around Bronny JR, and not the amazing haul the lakers got when they sent over Austin Reaves, D Lo, and a buncha picks for Donovan.


That’s funny. I was told by lakers fans that we would willing trade Donovan for Hachimura and a 2nd round pick. Your trade sounds way better. Lakers fans are delusional.


There are times I wish we had the exhuberance of their fanbase, because this sub should feel so much better about our FO, Coach, and team than they do most of the time. I live in LA but I'm from Cleveland, the fans here are crazy. Meanwhile, it says a TON when Klay Thompson literally avoided the lakers even though they offered more money. Like had Lebron not gone there, they would likely still be bottom dwellers. He is the ONLY reason they have been relevant. Sure, maybe they figure it out like the Knicks, but with how much better the Clippers have consistently been, I don't see why people would go there. And I think once Lebron leaves they'll be back to being a joke.


After how they treated Danny Green I’d never want to play for the Lakers, especially if I’m a player like Klay


Imagine trading a 30ppg ball dominant superstar for a role player and 2m in cash lol. LA fans have little to no leverage on trades, they have to hope someone is a lockeroom cancer or demands a trade. All they can do is salary dump for a less than ideal young player, not exactly what a championship pedigree is looking for lmao


Cavs looked better than most teams in the west so


I continued to be amazed at how a fanbase that lived through 11 years of Lebron, 5 Finals runs, and 3 complete rebuilds seems to include people who are still sensitive to what other fans and pundits are saying.


At this point it’s the identity of the fanbase. “No one respects us and I’m angry about it!!!” Same with the Guards


This is why we got to get rid of the "Let em know" thing, what do we have to prove? We've made the playoffs two years in a row, improving each year with 3 all-stsrs and a defensive minded group. The fans wonder why the media is "harsh" on us; that's what comes with being a competitive team, you have high expectations to win and will get criticized.


I was never a fan of Let ‘em know but bringing it back for year two was too much. This team has consistently improved year over year the last three seasons. If fans can’t enjoy that and need validation from the national media then they’re in for a hell of a long wait


I love Let Em Know, but it was also weirdly an inside joke between me and my friends before it was a Cavs slogan


Honestly amazes me that anyone besides boomers still watches these shows


It's so sad (but also very funny).


The national sports media is a cesspool. They have completely polarized the small markets in favor of the cities they all reside in, and made it completely obvious to viewers. No one in a market outside of NY, LA, CHI, MIA and HOU wants to support these fools whose narrative can quite literally hurt the team they support. They throw unsubstantiated rumors out to try and sew internal conflict within organizations so it benefits their markets. Why would any city outside of the large market support these asshats?


They are just glorified biased podcasts anymore…


He has his own team though. He’s the leader of the Cavs. Players like Paul George moves to a new team and he is just another player while Embiid is the core piece. I hope Spida can shut up the national media. He’s a humble guy and a perfect fit for CLE.


He’s doing what Kyrie wanted to do but failed at in Boston then Brooklyn and now Dallas. Plus it’s a good team situation and Cleveland has a supportive fan base. Glad he’s here, it’s a good fit for him and for Cavs fans.


The national media really do hate Cleveland


Clown show


buncha fuckin tools in that screenshot


It’s super easy to punch the air about no moves, but a lot harder to say what moves they should be making.


I feel like the Cavs are in a tricky spot in terms of trades. We'd be screwed if Don wanted out, Garland is too promising to ditch, Mobley might blossom to be a DPOY winner, and Allen is overall solid on both sides of the ball. Whatever we give up, we're potentially getting less back imo. We just have an oddly constructed team and making moves might be detrimental to a playoff run. I'd say our only real flaws are our offensive consistency outside of Don and probably an ill advised front court. Oh and our entire team shriveling in the playoffs. The thing that pisses me off is how Boston basically walked through us like we were an 8th seed that barely made the playoffs. We got embarrassed by an underperforming Celtics team smh


Boston ran through every injured team they played. Which was all they played.


This comment is really nonsense. One of our best players was inured the whole series and Don missed the last two games. LeVert was also injured. Despite these injuries we probably still gave the Celtics a tougher series than Dallas or Indiana. A huge issue for this team in the playoffs has been health. I honestly would like Atkinson to manage our players better even if it means more regular season losses.


That's copium. There have been plenty of historic runs with injuries and we can't blame a few injuries for putting us in such a deep hole. Our closest loss was with Donovon out, a game we would've easily won if he was healthy but that doesn't even tip the ship in our favor to win the series. The issue was our play and coaching, not our injuries. Hell, even the 2016 Cavs faced injuries and still made it through, it's not an excuse. The 2005 Pistons, 2010 Packers, 2018 Eagles, all missing crucial pieces and they made it happen. We just weren't ready. Injuries certainly decreased our chances, but we had a deep roster that could've filled in those holes. Don't forget we just weren't knocking down the shots we almost always make. We were taking sorry ass jumpers and missing them, that's a recipe for disaster.


Can’t have shit in Cleveland apparently


F the national media. And they feelings.


What a joke? Donovan could win a title here and they still would say he made the wrong call


Nick Wright is a mistake to put on tv…guy has a face only a radio or his mother could love


These guys are clowns. Who cares?


I know everyone in the media is in shambles and crying right now, praying that the extension news was from buttcracksports


Where do they want him to go instead? Dumb dumbs


LA ofcourse.


To a worse team?


They hate anytime someone chooses Cleveland (to stay or to come here). If he had decided to not sign an extension, they would criticize the Cavs for that as well.


Fuck em!


Does FS1 really count as national media?


Sports beat writing is all sensational journalism. Bye haters.


These media treat small market teams like G-League teams SMH


The national media has been on a generational run of stupid takes this summer. In a variety of subjects.


LeBron will forever regret playing another year for the Lakers


Seems they're still stuck on him going to New York and can't believe anyone would want to stay with the Cavs, but they don't have Bally Sports Ohio subscriptions. If they did they'd know that Donovan fits in perfectly there, and that they're a tight knit family. I'm a Donovan fan first, so I'd follow him and still love the Cavs as long as they did him right, but I'm thrilled that he's staying. I love this team. I mean maybe I could see trading Garland.and grabbing a nice wing, but either way I bet this team improves even more.


The real title should be “ how klutch sports representatives try to play espionage and sell a false narrative as counter intelligence to gaslight Mitchell into thinking he wants out to come play for L.A” Nick is nothing but a klutch mouth puppet.


Nobodys watching fs1


National media shits on Cleveland. In other news, the sun rose in the east this morning.


Nobody watched the segment..


They want Mitchell in a big market. F those guys.


That’s a real headline? lol Jfc




ESPN has always hated small market teams. Fuckin player haters ball over there…https://youtu.be/fKIwj1TQmFs?si=QHJ73D00sVAwO5QH


I don’t know if it was a mistake where else was he really gonna go, at the same time Cleveland is going to spend another year in a middle tier going nowhere deep in the playoffs. Let’s be real. and anybody that wants to downVote me go ahead, but it’s the truth.


Be real? The reality is that you have absolutely no clue what will happen even tomorrow, let alone next year. That's the real truth.


there’s no one on the market to get that’s gonna change the cavs considerably. Boston, New York, and Philadelphia are leaps and bounds ahead. So not knowing the future doesn’t change what those teams are and who they have. not trying to be negative.I want the cavs to do good, but they need another piece or some major development in the players they already have. Or going to end up twice going nowhere in the playoffs and will be in the same situation with Donovan again in a couple years.


It’s a fair question considering they haven’t improved the team.


I'm just disappointed they didn't manage to turn zero draft picks, Levert, and Niang into Giannis and a 27 year old version of Kris Middleton.


I love this type of argument.




Spiders argument is stupid. There is no improvement possible before Donovan clarity bc you don’t know what the roster needs. And no FA is signing if they don’t know where their spot in the rotation is


they added a draft pick, the team has improved


Unless a move is made, that draft pick isn’t going to play.


Can’t make a move until you have the roster vision set, which can’t happen without clarity on your best player (even something as simple as whether you will accept draft capital or not changes things so much as to trade partners)