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I remember he was pretty good on the Cavaliers. Glad to see he's still in the league.




This contract and Bronny’s are designed to facilitate a move to Cleveland.  It’s one of the worst kept secrets in the league. 


I found Bill


"Look I know we were talking about the war in Palestine... but what do you think that does for the Celts chances this year?"


In 4 years?


Oh God I hope not.




It’s so weird to see him just coasting at this point in his career. I thought for sure he’d be focused on winning one more, which we all know ain’t happening on the Lakers. I’m not saying the Cavs are his best opportunity to win a championship this season but I definitely think they’d be more dangerous than the Lakers.


I think he just has accepted that winning a title isn’t in the cards for him. I think he realized this when Pelinka wouldn’t trade away the rest of their future firsts to make a run at another star. It’s like when general cornwallis was stuck at Yorktown and realized that reinforcements weren’t coming.


Winning a title isn’t in the cards for the lakers sure, but not necessarily Lebron. Leaving LA is obviously the right move for his basketball career, he just has more to be worried about then just his basketball career now


>he’d be focused on winning one more, He was but now he's finally getting to live out his true life long dream, and that's playing with his son. It's pretty clearly been a bigger dream than even winning titles. I too had no father and I didn't even have a mother either, so I get the mentality. I'm similar with my 3yo son. I cut my business significantly for now so I can be a present dad. Costs me minimum 6 figs a year compared to what i used to make. Worth every single cent. You could probably guarantee him a ring and half a billion dollars, and I'd bet my house he'd still pass it up to do this instead. Some things are absolutely priceless. He'll never get this opportunity again. He's not leaving his son


He could have done all that with his son in Cleveland or somewhere else in better position to win


LeBron also has his second son who is entering his senior year of HS. He probably does not want to move his family again.


His second son, who also is being recruited by Ohio State..... Hmmm....


He’s done moving his family around to chase titles.


Nice to be able to coast as an NBA player in your 40s lol.  I feel like he quiet quit on the Lakers a little while ago and is just chilling out on the court enjoying still playing the game he loves and playing with his kids and buddies.  But his career feels like it's functionality over, he's not seriously pursuing more accolades beyond longevity stats.


He’s focused on so much more than just ball now. He’s staying in one place for his kids as moving back to Cleveland requires a bunch of changes for Bryce. He’s also working on growing his brand off the court which LA is a much better place for that than Cleveland. Sure, he wants to compete, but coming back to Cleveland is not a title guarantee. It would definitely make the Cavs title contenders. Especially if the core remained, although I could guarantee a James move to Cleveland would require a sacrifice of two of the Cavs core four. Also, for the Cavs it doesn’t necessarily make sense for James to come back. Garland and Mobley are both still growing their game. Mitchell is entering truly his first year of what is labeled as his “prime years” for basketball. Jarrett Allen isn’t even in his prime yet. I really think the Cavs are taking the long approach of “we want to be in the hunt every year for a long time.” rather than “we want 1-2 years where we are title favorites and then we will need to rebuild again”.


Yeah.. with Cavs he could’ve won another ring, which would solidify his goat status. Instead he’s doing his best display of nepotism and coasting away with Lakers. I hope they surprise and win 1, for his sake.


except it wouldn't have solidified his goat status


He’s not title chasing but he’s far from coasting


That player options sets up a farewell tour in Cleveland quite nicely


I hope so


Haha Bron back to the 1 and 1s. Yeah, I’ve seen this episode before. Anyone got Antawn Jamison’s number to give to Pelinka?😂😂😂


His phone is busy turning down trade offers for JJ Hickson


Good, heard they are in the running for Jamario Moon. He’s awesome. He can jump really high……..and he can jump really really high.


Moon isn't even his last name. Its where you can find him.


Along with the mid-range he just attempted!!!! ![gif](giphy|3owzW9EZI8M3sz9s5O)


2nd year has a player option he’s coming home sliding right into the 3 spot and winning one last chip




So much for taking a pay cut lmao.


If you can’t get anyone with the mle, why give up money


In 2 years we’ll be seeing Bron back in Cleveland with Mitchell and our young players developed 🔥 can’t wait


He should come back to the Cavs this year for a championship run. His window is closing but he would fit in so well with the current roster.


i mean…he just signed his contract and he’ll want to play with his son


I know I think he’s making a mistake.


laker fans are so annoying too for the most part


Things are a lot more important than chasing rings


The post made it seem like Shams said “former cavalier” in his tweet. I was like wow that’s interesting lol


That’d been hilarious if he had bounced.


Guess we’ll need to draft Bryce in 2026


OMG enough. He plays for another team.


That will be an absolutely caustic environment. So LeBron needs to be coach, GM, and MVP. Now add in father, mentor, and protector of his kid. I can only imagine how he reacts when the coach doesn't play his kid, plays him at the wrong time, asking him to do the wrong stuff.


Coach is a good friend, LeBron does as he pleases this year


It's usually toxic with lebron.




And this has to do with the Cavs how?


No way he comes to Cleveland. The lakers are stuck in purgatory now.


Pretty much concretes that he's retiring as a Laker. Kudos to him for getting him and his family paid


When he finally hangs it up, I expect him to sign at minimum a 1 day contract so he can retire as a Cavalier.


Get that money king


Nice of them to take away an opportunity from a kid who could’ve changed his familys life, glad bronny got paid good for them. Nepotism, non competitive wwe basketball league


Quit acting like teams don’t routinely pick foreign players with 2nd rounders with next to no anticipation of them coming to the league


Lebron burner account


Like Bucks did ?


Yeah PO and he’s retiring here. I don’t think DG makes it to the trade deadline.