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I got paid, where the hell is "poverty"


Not by Trump you didn't.


At the end of the tax year every trump employee gets a bonus. It’s a card The card reads “Thankyou for helping us excel this year, we have made record profits ( off the book wink wink nudge nudge ), And as s Thankyou your next years pay check has been donated to trumps legal fund. Keep up the good work”


Too well written, it would read: "Thank you patriot for your support in making America great. This year has been a terrible year because of Joe Biden. Weak Joe as I call him. But our company has succeeded because of me. I know you want to support America, patriot. You want to teach the evil Democrats a lesson. And as a genius, I have invested your bonus money where it could do the best good. It's in my defense fund because if they are only coming after me, because I am standing in the way. They could do this to anyone. Patriot, your support is appreciated. Yours truly, Donald Trump"


You're missing a lot of random capitalization and unnecessary exclamation points. For example, GENIUS is a word one would always capitalize while after "him" or "me," one would add 4 to 5 exclamation points, you know, really exentuate personal pronouns, but also don't use pronouns because that's a radical leftist tool. Other than that, you're so close to becoming Trump's social media and greeting card writer.




You are fired!


That one is actually unironically used


I got a free lollipop at the bank, where the hell is inflation?


Just import another couple hundred million, you'll soon find out.


This level of intentional stupidity is why we started calling it “climate change”. They couldn’t wrap their heads around the concept of “averages”.


The reason why people get elected is because the average person has a monkey brain and politicians and narcissists know exactly what they need to say to get their votes.


Democracy sounds like a great idea until you realize how gullible humans are.


[He says it best](https://youtu.be/QFgcqB8-AxE?si=UvzJnK5s2k5ySW0C)


I knew what the video was gonna be, but it's so good.


Then you get an autocrat and you can't even vote him away after a few years.


I often think about what sort of system would work better than the one we have now and everything I think of STARTS strong but when you give it time (time enough to see it work as politicians come and go) the one thing I just can't figure out is how do you prevent politicians-for-personal-gain because once they see a thing work, the corrupt WILL come and try to twist it to their ends.


I don't know how it would work or if it could, but generational government or an automatic constitutional convention every 20 years to decide on changes to be made to it. The biggest problem with governments is that laws typically fail to keep with corruption that snowballs from loopholes that open faster they are closed. The biggest problem with our "separation of powers" is that political parties have made it complete and utter joke. There is no separation of powers if a single party controls all 3 branches. Yes, different people have power, but what is the point if they all still bootlick the executive? We really need a fix for the separation of powers being short circuited by the duopoly of parties that control our country. Judges are always the weak link and need a must stricter enforcement system above them


I think the problem lies with centralization of power. Sure, we “vote” for people to make decisions, but in the end, it’s a small group of people that have the power. Politicians act like they’re removing the “burden” of governance from us, but doesn’t that benefit them? That isn’t really democracy, at least not to me. It’s just enlightened despotism except you get to choose your despots. I feel that citizens should be more active participants in how their communities are run from the ground up. Sure, it takes more time and it isn’t as easy as just letting politicians run everything. But it reduces the amount of corruption there is.


Maybe we all should kill ourselfs We all should kill ourselfs We Should kill ourselfs I think we all should kill ourselfs (It's a reference to a meme)


Iirc Trump actually admitted this about his followers, and they all went "that's us, he's talking about us, he loves us!"


Disagree. Most people can acknowledge it’s an issue but only care about their life and their children’s lives. Politicians are better off focusing on things that will “improve” the average livelihood of everyone that is here now. It may not be right, but it’s what is most beneficial for them at the current moment, as well as voters. It has nothing to do with being a monkey brain or a narcissist. The average person just wants a good life for them and their family and doesn’t care for anything beyond that.


It's monkey brain if they can't comprehend that good life now will mean hard life *for them* just a little bit later on.


This isn't true though. Voters are being told what to think by media with clear political bias and politicians are then presenting 'solutions' to those problems. It's not about improving anyone's lives. The Republicans don't actually have a platform based on improving anything. Efforts to battle climate change would largely benefit everyone regardless of whether you believe it's real or not. It would drastically cut down on pollution and result in a cleaner planet.


I think you completely missed the point. I put improve in quotations for a reason. And I’m sorry but the average person rather have a good life now instead of focusing on things that won’t better themselves or their immediate family. It sounds harsh but it’s the truth. If you run on a platform focused on the future it’s a loss in this era


because why would republicans care about the future! way to make your own party look stupid. again 😘


>The average person just wants a good life for them and their family and doesn’t care for anything beyond that. But how is that any different than a wolf matriarch or something? If that's the case then religion is invalid and we're apparently no different than other evolved mammals.


What does that have to do with anything in the post?


Plus it's more accurate. The general rise of the global average temperature is a problem, but that's only one way to measure the issue and only part of the issue. More erratic temperature change and weather conditions area big problem, and a lot of the time this is actually colder than normal temperatures. We also have the issue of thing like oil spills killing off wildlife and destroying large areas of nature, and plastic building up literally everywhere because we can't get rid of it and recycling is mostly a lie and never really worked like we had been promised.


Recycling isn't a lie. Recycling plastics is a lie. The most recyclable plastic is only 20% recyclable and it just gets exponentially worse as we look at other plastics. Aluminum is ~90% effective when recycled. Glass is 100% effective. Papers and cardboard is effective but also biodegradable. Silicone is also really effective at being recycled. It's plastics that are the problem.


> We also have the issue of thing like oil spills killing off wildlife and destroying large areas of nature, and plastic building up literally everywhere because we can't get rid of it All of those can contribute to global warming, but none of them fall under the category of climate change. Those are just man-made disasters. Of which global warming is one, but not the only one. So, you're not wrong, but I don't see what that has to do with the point you were making right before that.


I’ll never forget a video I saw about why bears still can get into garbage cans in Yellow Stone. The park ranger was explaining that basically they can’t make opening the garbage can to complicated because the smartest bear is smarter than the dumbest person. So if they make it to hard for bears the dumbasses out there would end up just leaving there trash next to it because they couldn’t open it. Just sums up America well.


I think the reason for this framing is actually big oil companies which started calling it "climate Change" in Order to make it sound less drastic


Don’t start using your fancy $5 words like “averages”


As opposed to the level of stupidity it takes to believe in man made climate change. Climate alarmists were the first to point at current weather (ahhh, tornado!!!) and then fear monger about what you're going to see in ten years. Alarmists set the time clock and it isn't happening. Reset, redefine. The Rainforest was supposed to be gone by now. You climate morons started the bs. Trump calls it out.


The level of stupidity of you believing the tweet is real


It might be fake, but that’s exactly the sort of shit that constantly flows from his pie hole. 


Actually as mentioned below, it's a real tweet from 2013. I looked it up.


No one on earth actually claims or believes that sort of shit


You think everyone believes in climate change? Oh you sweet naive overheated-summer child.




I live with one, and every time we get a cold snap there's at least one off-handed joke about how global warming is a sham.


The Trump tweet is real, you can look it up. Not the only time he's tweeted about it, either. A couple times he claimed it was a Chinese hoax.


Ok whats the context is he mocking some leftists? is it a joke?


It's not a joke, dude. Trump genuinely believes climate change is not real. I don't know why you're having a hard time accepting that.


It's not even the only time he made a tweet that is basically this. http://www.thetrumparchive.com/?searchbox=%22warming%22




>while ignoring any and all arguments about natural evolution being a solution.  Because they understand evolution? It is like people saying "why do they ignore the arguments about god coming down and just fixing the problem?" Because they understand the likelyhood of that.


>It's time to adapt and change to the environment you conservative fuck wads. Complaining that the enviroment isn't the same one your grandparents grew up in is not going to help you survive This isn't natural evolution if human is the one who force it in the first place dumbass. It now call artificial selection. The effect of global warming long term is still being debate over sure but estimate is there and the predicted affect from before are happening now. Water is rising, ice melting and I can't even tell when winter start and end. Winter cold day is reducing while the cold day is getting increasingly colder, the air is hardly breathable and trees cannot keep up with storing CO2. It you retards that instead of complaining and pushing government to do something, you fucker instead circle jerking the millionaire. Sure for growing economy and countries pumping CO2 is currently the best way to grow but because something remain unchanged doesn't mean it should. You said we should adapt to the environment then why should the industries and millionaires should remain the same. Edit: If you want to support natural selection or artificial selection I agree with you. We should lobotomize and castrate everyone of you fucker. It would make the global IQ jump up by atleast 20


First off, evolution is not a solution here, it is completely and totally irrelevant to this discussion. But let's now say that evolution could work in any possible way. Evolution is adapting to new circumstances, but not by an individual. Not even by most species. By the few very generalist species that can survive anything. If we wait for evolution to 'solve' climate change, then the following would happen. Humanity dies. Lack of land for food, lack of breathable air and the water level rising too high so that large parts of the world are ocean will kill most humans (and this is ignoring the increase in extreme weather events that will kill even more). There might be a few people that are lucky enough to be able to survive on mountain tops with what little arable land they have up there, but eventually they too die. The evolution you think can solve things, is the evolution of the mice and rats and cockroaches that will survive anything. They will fill all the niches left behind by the extinct species (which includes humans). In a few million years, earth will be fine, it has survived worse things. There will be probably be life even. Just no humans. Your solution will be that all humans must die. That's not a solution it's literally the fucking problem


They are not false, for example the hole in the ozone got controlled but not fixed. Also, we are seeing every single year more extreme temperatures in every season. The fact that people don't understand that is a gradual change and not something instantaneous, talks more about them than the person's who say it is happening.


The hole in the ozone is sorta fixed, though. Give it a few more decades, maybe a century or two at a stretch, and it’ll be fully repaired. Going green does work - we just need to actually embrace it properly like we did with banning CFCs before we see the benefits.


Yes, that is why I said not fixed, just controlled, you are correct. Basically, that other user didn't understand how things work, that is why I was talking in part to that, because it goes hand in hand with the issue of global warming. Those deniers think that those issues are going to be solved in the short term and that is not how issues this big work.


Most literate climate change denialist


Imagine genuinely believing this, typing it out, and thinking "excellent point made".


Probably gave himself a high five, too.


Is this comment a troll or legitimate stupidity?


“The problem I have with this issue is that scientists are following the scientific method instead of panicking like children! We need to accept our mistakes as fate rather than try and fix the problem at hand!“


> The term "climate change" is a catch all because any environmentalist will tell you that the climate is supposed to change over time. And anyone who has studied the field will tell you that this we are encountering an unusual spike. Which has been proven for decades to be caused by widespread adoption of the internal combustion engine, industrialization, and the pollution they cause. Just because it's "natural" does not mean it's something we should let happen. Plenty of things are natural and can kill us, for example cancer or breathing in anything but air like coal dust. We spend lots of money on cancer treatment and ventilation in (modern) mines because we don't just let people die.


Actually, climate change was a new name given to the global warming hoax.


I’ll ignore thousands of scientists and believe AlexStud99 and Fox News propagandists.


I know the paint chips taste sweet but you *really* should not eat them.


Says the one believing that they can control the weather by holding in your farts.


MEanwhile... one of the warmest winters on record here where i live. Yeah, we've had some sub-zero temps. But it was 55 two days ago. in fucking February.


Minnesota just set a record for consecutive winter days above 32°F and we've had essentially no snow for the first time I can remember. We're finally supposed to get 3-6" of snow tomorrow where I live but it's the first snowfall since a couple light dustings in December. El Nino has contributed but I think it's a combination of El Nino and climate change.


Been following a lot on r/Minnesota and r/Wisconsin this winter and it’s been wild seeing the pictures of no snow on the ground. You can also go to the NE like Boston that was supposed to get snow the last few days and all it did was rain. I get this is an El Niño winter but this is not normal even for that.


> We're finally supposed to get 3-6" of snow tomorrow where I live I just went to a weather website to see if we'll be getting snow tomorrow here. First headline I see "Temperatures To Soar In Parts Of The Country This Week" Turns out that no, we're not getting snow here anytime soon.


There is an 80% chamce of snow in central MN right now, but when I look outside there arent even any clouds


El Niño is affected by climate change, so yeah. Both


I'm Upstate NY. We've had one of the mildest winters in years. Excluding today's snow, we've accumulated only 20 inches all season. Last year, 72 inches. Year before that? 66 inches. Saturday was 61 and rainy. Sunday was 38 and cold. People are dumb to ignore climate change exists.


I'm in Michigan, and it hit 63 degress a couple of days ago. I'm 40, and I don't remember it ever getting that warm here in February.


We had one cold snap in January in Texas, and that was about a week of >20° weather. The rest of the year it's been 55+. Usually now is when we get actual cold winter with snow but I've been turning my heater off every fucking day, yesterday I had to turn on my AC cause it got damn near 80. My lawn is still lush and green somehow? This is a pretty fucking strange winter.


Here in Ottawa, Canada we had a thunderstorm a few days ago. In February. A thunderstorm in February.


Montreal here. I don’t remember seeing my green lawn in february!


>But it was 55 two days ago Omfg!!!


How long do you think he had this zinger lined up before he had a chance to use it on a day it was actually cold outside


You are unironically parroting Trump by insinuating the unusually warm winter where you live is caused by climate change? You can acknowledge something is real without saying moronic things.


As an outsider, I can't believe this guy was US president. Absolutely dumb guy


Don't forget that about 50% voted for him AFTER he showed everyone for 4 years what kind of guy he is...


I just wonder if any of them had second thoughts while they laid in a hospital bed, struggling to breath, from a virus they didn’t believe existed. Thinking, “but he said it was no big deal?”


Dying to own the libs.


There was stories of plenty of people still denying the virus to their last breath.


No, but you know, because he said it’s not big deal, it can’t be the ”coronavirus”. It must be something else, like the pride.


I don’t even like him but you all are crazy. Get help.


What do you mean?


Did you see the video where he said “it isn’t a big deal?”


Maybe. It has been a while. I'm asking who you are calling crazy.


People who come up with their own narratives and take a phrase out of context to pursue their personal motive.


How does that relate to this threat?


And stop spreading misinformation


46% of the vote, but better/worse is 100 million US adults did not bother to vote at all.


I vote, but I also agree with people who choose not to vote. If they don't want to participate in democracy then that's their choice too. Perfectly valid.


Watch him getting elected again


I cant believe a huge amount of Americans actually want the idiot back as President.


You're an idiot. Self made multi billionaire who had been touted by many as someone who would be president if he ran. He's been admired his whole life. He ended wars and brought Americans captive in other countries home. You're an outsider alright. Get a clue.


It doesnt change anything As an outsider, i still see him as a massive idiot, he's dumbest US president ive ever witnessed, look in the mirror to see the idiot 🤣


Oh and by the way, didnt he assassate some iran top general, which increased fear of a war? He also increased tensions with china


That was a good target. Congratulations Trump. As opposed to Biden droning a family during his impromptu skedattle from Afghanistan. One bad guy, six kids.


republican bootlickers are scared to respond


Leftist bootlickers don’t know how to say anything factual. Get off your high horse.


yet here you are saying absolutely nothing. absolutely love the irony, defending your lil daddy trump ;)


I don’t like Trump. Just because someone disagrees with your bullshit does not automatically mean they are a Trump supporter.


again, still saying absolutely nothing. youre still a republican bootlicker being offended ❄️ what have i said that you disagree with, Hooked on Phonics? :)


Seethe more.


I guess people can't make jokes without it being analysed by everyone.


Even if that was supposed to be just a joke, then yes, you should not make jokes like these in text form when you're one of the most influentual people.


Im motivated, why are people crying about going to work everyday?


IT's bright outside! Where the hell is this "night"?


I had a massive shit. Where is constipation?


It’s terrifying that so many people can’t differentiate between the earth’s orbit around the sun and the earth’s atmosphere.


And the fact that it is in winter colder than in summer...no matter if we have global warming or not. Shouting in winter that it is cold and in summer that it is hot is childish...aeh trumpisch


Ok, but… NOAA just released that there has been cooling for the past 8 years in a row. Which means EVERY climate model in the world that all have shown warming has been wrong. Every one, and they all showed warming. The truth is it was literally rebranded from global warming to climate crisis, and you never once asked why that is. There is ZERO explained mechanism for the cooling for the last 8 years. No one on the “pay more taxes to change the weather” crowd is willing to admit we know absolutely nothing about climate change.


This post is incorrect and a simple Google search has plenty of articles explaining why.


OK but... this is a lie Here is the organization you mentioned stating last year was the warmest ever: https://www.noaa.gov/news/2023-was-worlds-warmest-year-on-record-by-far Stop spreading misinformation about the Earth, you piece of garbage. You should be ashamed of yourself.


You just said at least two words that morons don’t understand


They probably struggle to know the difference between seasons and seasonings.


There’s an enormous global population that still believes the earth is the center of the universe.


And flat!


I'm alive. Where is "death" ?


My word how do we allow idiots like this to handle any form of power baffles me. Absolute madness.


Poor education plus religion. But the game changer is hate radio and Fox News plus social media. Safety in numbers.


I’m healthy, where the hell is “sickness”




A lot of woman are over 200 pounds now you’ll find your snow bunny no problem


Ahh Republicans....even at the top it's a disaster.


I love when people put fucking dumb comments and believe them to be smart.


Today? In the southern hemisphere, oh I’m sorry I mean the “other side of the flat earth disc?”


Here. The depression is here.


[The entire Republican party should be disbanded, barred from political office and the vast majority of it's leadership should be jailed.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJZ6OaA_Ogk)




What do you mean?


What do you needed explained. Re read slowly it’s all there.


Dems and Rep are both cons. Ukraine is a waste of tax payers money that should be going towards our people but hey that’s what the democratic and Republican Party does. Helps everyone that’s not American. We have the highest illegal immigration of all time and yet it’s more of my tax money to a war that has nothing to do with me while 100,000s plus are sneaking into my state as an illegitimate immigrant.


Can you explain further?


No that explains it all. :)


Well I'm sorry, I'm going to need a better explanation than that. Btw, now that I have you by the hip, what's your stance on Ukraine?


Why do you keep editing your post? It’s as dumb as Ukraine wasting my tax dollars. If you really cared why aren’t you there fighting? You have that right…


What do you mean?


I smoked crack, where the hell is all my crack!?!


just went to school without being shot, where are these "school shootings"?


Is this an authentic tweet?


Yes and I think it’s older. He definitely made these comments while president.


Wait, this is actually a great comeback. I have to remember this


It’s a lame comeback to a fake tweet. Says more about you than Trump.


[FaKe TwEeT.](https://nitter.cz/realDonaldTrump/status/338429342646423553) Not the only time he has said something so stupid either. [Here's another one.](https://nitter.cz/realDonaldTrump/status/493935815207043072) It really doesn't take much effort to look this up you know. You should try it.


I live in a mediterranean city We've had ONE WEEK of "cold". I used my coat two times in the whole winter. People is going with shorts and tshirts on the street... in February!! Now we are going to have hot winds with sand from africa... in winter!!!! The average temperature in Febrary in my city is 6 min 16 max. We are having now 10 min and 20 max. We will have 20-25 at the end of the week. People are going to the beach. My kids are asking me to go to the beach. Not take a bath, but enjoy the sun and play with the sand, eat something, have fun and get tan. In f++++ing February.


I have family who have been evacuated 3 times just last year for forest fires, but they also got snow, so climate change is a hoax.  They don’t care if it doesn’t. Affect them personally, they don’t care if it does affect them personally, they just want to live in their own fart smell of rage news. 


You can see climate change? Forest fires are bad when forestry practices change and dead trees aren't clear cut. They call them wildfires and they let them burn more. Many of the big fires last year were arson. It's funny to see people call out someone for commenting about current weather and global warming, but then present their own anecdote about current weather and global warming.


I found the following to be very interesting, and logical. Cold related deaths has historically been way higher than heat related deaths. An increase in global average temperature causes more heat related deaths, but at the same time also causes a much more significant drop in cold related deaths. The result: "during the 2000-2019 period examined in the study, while heat-related deaths rose, deaths from cold exposure fell. And they decreased by a larger amount than the increase in heat-related fatalities. Overall, researchers estimated that approximately 650,000 fewer people worldwide died from temperature exposure during the 2000-2019 period than in the 1980s and 1990s." Of course, they are saying that that's not a positive thing. Say what?


The guy knows who his target demographic is, I'll give him that


I'm still alive. Where the hell is "death"?


Amazing how people to fall for these fake tweet memes.


I live. Where the hell is death?


The stable genius doesnt know the difference between climate and weather.


it's freezing outside because of global warming, it goes both ways. it doesn't just mean heat all the time. but we wouldn't think he understands basic things like the weather, taxes, sexual relationships, the law and politics.


I got the job where is unemployment?


There is a reason why scientists stopped using the word global warming and are now saying climate change. Because some idiots don't understand it doesn't mean everything is simply getting a bit warmer. 


Trump 2024 🇺🇲 EZ DUBS


Narcissists understand and assess every single thing in the universe by how it affects them personally.


Mhm all these examples are individual examples whereas the freezing temperatures impact everyone together. I'm not disagreeing but the examples are terrible.


Climate crazies keep moving the goalposts because none of the doomsday scenarios ever happen and the world moves on.


I don’t buy that The Drumpf doesn’t understand the simple science. So this is a cynical ploy to gain the fealty of the stupid Fox-watcher. It amazes me continually that it works. What an indictment of American citizenry.


Isn't it like the 9th record warm year in a row?


He should come to WI for the spring we’ve had all winter 🤷‍♂️


God, there’s this woman at work who says this *every single time* it’s chilly outside. I live in the south where it’s over 100 degrees with insane humidity during the summer, and we have been evacuating for insane hurricanes more in the last 5-10 years than in the last 30 combined, but sure Mary Jo… let’s pretend global warming doesn’t exist because it got below 40 degrees Fahrenheit last night 🙄 her other argument is that the earth just goes through “natural heating and cooling cycles and it’s totally normal”… because apparently she was around for the last ice age and everything turned out peachy


It's factual information it's getting colder in some places just as it's getting warmer in others. You should plant some trees and use less plastic products. Yes, Donald Trump is a dumbass. Joe Biden is also a dumbass.


I'm sleeping in my house tonight. Where the hell is "homelessness"?


The amount of solar energy that Earth receives has followed the Sun's natural 11-year cycle since the 1950s, with no net increase. However, the amount of radiation trapped in Earth's atmosphere is increasing due to the burning of fossil fuels According to the US EPA, the average surface temperature of the contiguous 48 states has increased by 0.17°F per decade since 1901.  The 2011–2020 decade was the warmest on record, with a surface temperature 1.48°F higher than the 20th century average. The 2012–2021 decade was the warmest on record since thermometer-based observations began.  The recent warming is much faster than the longer-term average, with some locations warming by 1 degree Fahrenheit or more per decade. The Arctic is the most dramatic example, as the loss of reflective ice and snow amplifies the rate of warming


Beep beep, repost bot ,


Every winter we get this nonsense. It's like he and other people don't understand seasons or anything that fluctuates in cycles, and that you can have a long-term trend on top of it. "Where the heck is the ocean?" -- when the tide goes out "Where the heck is the Sun?" -- at night


Fuck, he's stupid!


I live in an apartment, where the hell is "homelessness"?


Both of these men make excellent points.


No, Trump just showed that he can't make a distinction between weather and climate... lol


Why do you think that? Do you know what global warming is?


But everyone must admit if it very hot, the others all shout it is so hot because climate change. Stupid goes both ways.


If it's hot it's cLiMaTe ChAnGe. If it's cold it's just weather.


yes but it goes both ways.... Beside that there are not enough measuring points, the quality of the measurements are complete crap....3 or 4 years ago all the North East of Russia is missing because it had <-70 and it is old mercury thermometer. And the modeling is just nonsense....I did modeling of something else....if you can not run tests to verify your model it is nonsense. BUT on the other hand that there are just crap data, does not mean that there is no climate change. Fact is the glacier get smaller and smaller. Fact is also that we find roads below them. We know very little, but can't discuss it because both sides behalf like angry children and some parasites make tons of money by flying in their private jets from meeting to meeting and selling certificates.


We are pretty sure that we’ve pumped billions and billions of tons of carbon dioxide into a closed system since the roman empire


Fucking moron too dumb to remember how global warming has been debunked and replaced with the far more accurate term of climate change


Global warming wasn't debunked. At all. People couldn't understand that a warming globe would cause a fluctuation in climates worldwide. It would not be expressed by a warming in *all* geographical areas, but that the globe as a whole would experience a continued increase in average temperatures.


Those are two pretty dumb statements.


That’s the goddamn point


It's a repost of a fake tweet being attributed to two completely different people. Just the lowest of effort here.


False equivalency


Trump is the best


Best at losing


Trump 2024


Ahh, yes! Global warming is lurking elsewhere! In fact, it's causing global cooling! And the cooling caused the warming. I'm old enough to remember when everyone was told that an ice-age was coming as a result of man's activities. But we didn't let that bother us. We quickly realized that the cooling was causing the warming! In fact, none of the dire climate predictions have ever come true. But we shouldn't be put off. We must remain faithful to the idea! If we do not, we will certainly all perish! Praise be to St. Greta! Who's with me?


Regretably, many people are with you. Stupid is never in shortage.


You are proof of that!


OK so wow, idk if this is a troll or not but let's take this seriously. Global warming suffers from really bad marketing, so let's call it by the more accurate term Climate change.  Here are a few basic things we need to know before properly talking about Climate change.  1. Climate does not equal weather. Climate is the pattern of weather over time and an average, whereas weather is what it looks like out side on the day to day.  2. The main chemical compound of concern right now is CO² or carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a very important part of our ecosystem and is not inherently bad. In fact if our planet had no Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere, we would freeze to death.  3. It is true the Earth our pale blue dot, does live on its own climate cycle that changes about every 100,000 years alternating between ice ages(or glacials) and warm periods. We are towards the middle of a glacial cycle right now.  So how does this all connect? Why is it important? And how do we know this is all true?  First off let's talk about the virtues and not so virtuous stuff about Carbon Dioxide and Carbon emissions. Carbon in the atmosphere creates something called the greenhouse effect, which again is not a bad thing inherently. As a matter of fact it's the reason we are all alive. What carbon dioxide does is it captures heat from the sun and keeps it down near the earth surface so we can stay warm. The earth and it's life for the last millennia or so have enjoyed an atmosphere that is roughly between 180 and 300 parts per million or ppm. What this means is if you were to 1 million of the individual particles of air from 200 years ago and examine all the particles and chemicals that make it up you would expect to see 300 particles of CO2 and about 999,700 particles of the other things that make up our atmosphere like oxygen, water vapor, nitrogen, methane and a bunch of other stuff. Now the issue is since the beginning of the industrial revolution we have seen the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere rise since the beginning of the industrial revolution to where it now sits as of 2020 at about 420ppm or about a 30% increase at minimum. How do we know what the CO² in the atmosphere was? We its simple really we take the same science that showed us the lead in the atmosphere and apply it to CO²! Essentially what we do is drill in to the polar ice that is millions of years old and we pull out a tube of the ice this is a core sample, and because ice builds up over time it forms layers so the deeper you go in the ice the older it is. Then we take the individual layer of the Ice carbon date them, and then examine the air that is trapped in it and compare it to the air now. Now these are just numbers it's hard to translate these numbers to a tangible format without context. So let's add some context because 420ppm or 0.042% doesn't sound like a lot but it is. Now this is an over simplification, but for our first example let's say you're sitting at home and you enjoy a nice 70⁰F at home if you were to increase your thermostat by 30% the temperature in your house would be 91⁰F and I have a feeling you wouldn't feel too comfortable and if it was stuck there, because remember removing CO² from the atmosphere is not as simple as turning up or down your thermostat. You would probably call someone to fix it or at least fix it your self especially when the summer rolls around.   Now let's take this concept and let's put it on a larger scale. CO² in the atmosphere absorbs heat from the sun and keeps it towards the surface of the Earth so what happens if we add more CO² in to the atmosphere? The temperature rises as more heat is trapped. Since we started measuring in 1850s the temperature of on average increased by about 2 degrees. Now 2 degrees in your house is not that big of a deal. But think about it in terms like this in the colder months you use more electricity or gas to heat your house because the outside temperature is colder and heating just your house by a just few degrees when it's colder costs you more money because you need more energy to heat your space. Now imagine your house was the size of a planet and in the winter months you needed to turn up the temperature, how much energy would that take? How much money would it cost? That is the amount of energy we are trapping in our atmosphere so it's bound to do something.


Luckily humans are great at observation and pattern recognition it's part of what makes us us. So we can look at his pattern of rising CO² and with the knowledge we have by studying it we can see the link between CO² and temperature. And now we can take that temperature and relate it to our planet. What does a measly 2 degrees do? Well first off its melts ice! Lots of it at a higher rate! This ice that is sitting on top of landmasses and just floating in the ocean. Why is it important that this ice is melting because we have such a mass of ice on this earth that when it melts it physically raises the sea level changing coast lines and putting more perspiration in the atmosphere. It also means the people and creatures who live on that ice are losing land. This is the least of the effects though It causes drought( more CO²= more heat= more evaporation of water= dry land) , more severe weather(more water vapor in the atmosphere= more fuel for storms and inclimate weather) , and countless other small things that add up.this ends up heavily impacts eco systems in the ocean and on land in places that have nothing to do with the sea ice directly. Plants and animals are not as adaptable as humans. Yes evolution does make them adaptable to the environment but this happens over hundreds of thousands of years not in 200, it's not really enough time for them to properly adjust.  The real kicker is the effects of climate change are not equal to everyone everywhere. This is because the climate is an average, so there might be a 3 degree rise in temperature in California and 1.5 degree rise in Ohio, averaging to 2 degrees for example. And everyone lives in a different ecosystems that have different weather patterns so the effects of climate change are different. In California this means severe droughts causing a loss of food and the increased probability of wild fires going out of control, in the gulf of Mexico this means more severe storms and hurricane damaging and killing people.  Now as cooling goes, climate change or global warming does not mean it won't get cold. It will still get cold. Just not as cold as the earth has been or is supposed to be. Remember we are dealing with averages outliers still exist. On average the last 10 years have in their respective regions been hotter than any year we have on record across the globe.  Finally do humans have an impact on the global amount of CO² in the atmosphere. The answer is unequivocally yes. The amount of CO² in our atmosphere over time lines up almost perfectly with our estimated amount of CO² out put. Nothing short of erupting super volcanoes output as much CO² as us. We produce CO² by burning coal and oil, producing plastics, and cutting down the trees that help remove CO² from the atmosphere throwing it more out of balance.  Why is this all bad? Yes, the earth does change naturally over hundreds of thousands of years at a very predictable and consistent rate. But the amount we expect to see over a hundred thousand years is here now. Even if you don't believe man made causes of climate change this is a problem need to solve before ecosystems collapse, crops die, storms kill millions, sea levels rise, things go extinct. The global eco system is a delicate balance and we are tipping the scales in a bad way. Worst case scenario this could cause a run away green house effect which is one of the leading theories on why Venus doesn't have life anymore. The bright side? It is fixable! We are starting to see the negative impacts now. But if we transition to clean energy sources like solar, geothermal, hydro, wind, and soon nuclear fission. We can also plant more trees that we don't cut down, build more walk-able cities, invest in public transit, We can severely cut down our carbon foot print and try to stabilize the level of CO². Also a cool little fun fact the amount of energy that hits the earth from the sun in an hour could power the entire planet for a year. Even if you don't believe we are the cause these things when implemented correctly support the economy better in the long term, drive innovation and scientific advancement, and give us humans a healthier happier life. Also while not the point but not unimportant the amount of coal and oil on this earth is limited and if we as a species want to survive for the next even million years we need to transition away from it.