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Hufflepuff on his slytherin


He Hufflepuff on my Slytherin till I leviosa.


He Slytherin to my Hufflepuff till I expelliarmus


Stop! I’m about to Levi-o-AHHHHHHHH




Its lev-e-OOOHHH-sa


Stop it Ron stop


*swish* and *flick*


Then I send him out the Griffindor


David leatherwood and Thomas Shufflecock


Lance Stiffy


Richard Rumpbottom


She huffle on my puff till I Slytherin


He huffed and puffed on my griff in doors till I slithered in. Made me rave and claw.


I feel like Rowling would have been even more obvious, something like Richard Pecker. 


Or how about Richard Rider?


May I offer Richard Ignacius Backdoor. But his friends call him Dick In.


C. Mennen Mymouth


This thread reminds me of an old [Rowan Atkinson routine](https://youtu.be/smxKX_6Z7Wg?si=_RuyvTUl7MBgmbJ6).


What a legend.


God damn it…


This is the one


Dick in door, you go to Griffindor. Sorting hat, out!


> But his friends call him Dick In. Dickins


I'm more of a fan of Chase Wood.


I know a fellow Cameron Geller fan when I see one


Hello, my pfp brother


This is turning into gay porn.


That one's taken https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nova_(Richard_Rider)


Oh my god 😂


Richard Rider is the name of Marvel superhero Nova.


Well he got into Marvel one magical backdoor kinda way


Hog Rider.


Gaylord Woodcock


Homosexual Likespenis III, from an old wizarding family


Ah yes, from the South Bumwich Likespenises. Good family.


Jared Topps and Harold Bottoms.


Nah. Sean Biggerstaff. Now *that’s* a gay Harry Potter character name!


I'm sorry but didn't she literally name the one Asian character in all of HP, "Cho Chang". She has zero subtlety and no filters at all.


And what about Parvati Patil? Lmao it does sound like a parody.


"Patil is a common Marathi surname in the state of Maharashtra, India. Parvati means 'daughter of the mountains', a name for the Hindu goddess Parvati, the goddess of fertility, while Padma is the Sanskrit word for lotus, an alternate name for the Hindu goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of prosperity. Together, they form a part of the trinity of the Hindu goddesses." I feel like this thread is more racist for taking common names in other cultures and going "that sounds racist" lol. Like do you want her to just start making up non culturally correct names or give people names that are reflective of their descent. Its kind of a damned if you do damned if you don't here lol. If she named her Keerthana I swear people would say she used the Sarah of Indian names and was unoriginal.


The thing is she typically slams two surnames together for non-white characters that aren't put in retroactively. That's like naming Harry "Johnson Smith" or Seamus "Callahan O'Houlihan". Cho Chang and Kingsley Shacklebolt. Almost zero real research, just slams two surnames together.


Because Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape, Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks are such accurate and normal white people names that don't derive from different or inconsistent cultural and linguistic backgrounds?


There's a bit of a difference between calling your lycanthrope character "wolf wolf" and calling the black character "shacklebolt", surely you understand this? Like the rest of the names you listed have basis in actual wordplay or are alliterative and follow some kind of naming scheme, she did not extend that courtesy to characters like Cho who gets a name that doesn't make any sense for either of the languages it borrows from, especially when said languages have purposefully chosen names. She essentially picked something as semantically awkward as calling someone "Tim Tom".


Right, they got names that represent who they are from a characterization perspective. Severus Snape is from Latin for "severe", which matches him very well. Remus is from Roman mythology, Romulus and Remus. Lupin is Latin for Wolf. Don't need to explain more there. So when people tried to do the same explanations for Cho Chang and Kingsley Shacklebolt, they weren't as impressed. I have no idea what Rowling believed deep down while writing 26 years ago, but it's a lot easier to believe while watching her aggressive spiral into transphobia.


>I'm sorry but didn't she literally name the one Asian character in all of HP, "Cho Chang". She has zero subtlety and no filters at all. I can't tell whether you're just really dense or trolling, but what in the fuck do you think Asians are called outside their respective birth countries? Arthur Walker? Noah Smith? Never mind that Cho Chang could match a bunch of syllabaries or transcription systems, what in the everliving shit are you going on about jfc Chang/Zhang alone is such a prevalent combination, you got me proper stunlocked here with the sheer idiocy you actually decided to type out


I'm Chinese and I can tell you the name Cho Chang make little sense. It's just a random mismatched name that sound like it could be an actual name to non Chinese but it's not. Chinese put surname at the front, doing otherwise just sound weird to us. Even if we put that aside Chang Cho or Cho Chang doesn't make any sense either. It just sound very weird for a girl's name. Can't make sense of any words to translate it into. The Chinese adaptation of her name is 秋张, which is legit but that's only the translator giving her a name that actually make sense, but it does not direct collerate translate to Cho Chang or Chang Cho. Also it doesn't help when Cho Chang sound like Ching Chang Chong, an actual ethnic slur against east Asian.


I’m a Cantonese speaker and the name sounded fine to me. And by sounded, I mean plausible as a real name. Given when the books were written and that most immigration was coming from HK at the time, she chose a name that was Cantonese sounding. Did I think the name was stupid? Yes. But it passes as a name. People are making way too big of a deal of this.


Chang (Zhang) is the 3rd most common surname in China. It is the 6th most common name held by Chinese-Americans (with the 'Chang' spelling), and although I couldn't find the statistic for the UK, I would imagine it is not a terribly uncommon spelling among the population of Chinese heritage there either. I think it's a stretch to assume she singled out this character's name to be especially offensive. If anything, it's generic nature is at odds with some of the names given to ethnically British characters like Weasley, Skeeter, Longbottom, Crabbe, etc. Fucking Wilhelmina *Grubbly-Plank*.




There are tons of shares family names in Korea and China as well as Japan its not uncommon...


Harry potter fans are the worst. Their reading comprehension is non existent and they worship a dogshit book.


I'm chinese korean and don't think it's offensive at all. You need to open up your perspective on things instead of living in a tiny little bubble.




I think it was sort of thoughtless, but it totally could have been saved: Zhang is a very common Chinese last name and Qiu works as a girl first name, the parents spelled it Cho Chang because Britains never pronounced Zhang Qiu right - problem solved. The issue is that Rowling never acknowledges that she had zero idea about Asian cultures (or any non UK cultures) and names and just did whatever without one iota of research.


Why would she even need to acknowledge that?


Easy: > "After all this time?" Dumbledore said. (BTW while writing this I didn't do any research about Asian culture so I just named her Cho Chang sorry lol). "Always," said Snape.


So what? She wasn’t writing a book about Chinese culture, jfc. Do you expect authors to do in depth research about Chinese culture just to give one name to a character? If everyone did that you would probably have 20 percent of the books that are coming out and sequels would take years to complete


> Do you expect authors to do in depth research about Chinese culture just to give one name to a character? Ahh yes, the arduous process that takes thousands of hours, there's no way she could just contact a chinese reader or editor and quickly ask "hey, does this name sound right?", truly too sisyphean of a task for someone who has a team full of editors. > If everyone did that you would probably have 20 percent of the books that are coming out and sequels would take years to complete How long do you think it takes to just check things over with someone? Why would you not want your media to be as well rounded and considerate as possible, you're ok with media being rushed out and half-assed?


what are you talking about What about it is thoughtless


That’s exactly the point though. It would be like if Lucas named the only black character in his Star Wars movie Michael Smith. Just going out of his way to give the lowest effort black name while everyone else is named Toodles M’aslo


Oh, like Harry Potter, Roger Davies, and Dean Thomas in a universe with characters named Albus Dumbledore, Mundungus Fletcher, and Bathilda Bagshot.


The main character is Harry Potter that is literally the Michael Smith of British names lol.


Which actually has nothing to do with ching chong and is combination of a very common korean name and of a very common chinese name.


Peter Ennis Gobbler


Or Lance Hardwood


Needs more whimsy. Fudge Packer?


Nah. She would have gone with something less obvious, like Albus Dumbledore.


She could go with her Cho approach and just call him “Token Gay”


Tolkien Gay


Thats the name of his bf


That's his boyfriend of course


Isn't this the guy who works on the DeSantis presidential campaign team and later said he was appalled by DeSantis anti-Gay ads?


"If the leopards also eat the scary transes, maybe them eating my face as well will be worth it!"


Do people say "transes" irl?


If they want to be maliciously bigoted, maybe. This is meant to be exaggerated to mock the mindset of those specific gay people who are willing to throw the entire LGBTQ community under the bus if it also gets trans people. I have rarely seen it in English, but homophobic and transphobic people in my country (not English-speaking) use its equivalent on a regular basis. A significant part of people where I come from still broadly paint being gay *and* transgender as a mental illness and a harmful sexual deviancy that needs to be suppressed by the state.


And here I thought you were just talking like Gollum.


If I kept my hands away from the ring, at least Gollum would probably not call me slurs on purpose.


Conservative gay people are absolute idiots tbh. I have no clue how they fall for their shit


Isn’t this the same guy who just posted how upset he was that the GOP said bad things about LGBT and it makes hard for him to keep voting for them? Homie doesn’t know what he wants


Yes he does. He wants tax breaks on the financing for his French Bulldog walking business


Aren't those Freedom Bulldogs after the Iraq war?


Mon mistaque


What do French Bulldogs have to do with anything? Is that some gay stereotype? Also I looked up his name and he was a member of Gays Against Groomers, so it's not just a class thing- just another pickme bootlicker who hates other queer people.


French Bulldogs for gay people is not exactly a stereotype, it’s a token of culture.


Not a stereotype that I'm aware. I just picked the stupidest job and the stupidest dog.


You just happened to also be right lol


Now the GOP won't let me be and let he fuck me so let me see




OMG, it's the post right above this one! https://ibb.co/SBMPxDC


It was the one right below this post for me


He knows what he wants. He didn't say he stopped voting for them, he said it was hard to keep voting for them.


He wants to be in proximity of the people who have never held a seat for him at the table. He wants to be accepted by the people who will never accept him for who he is. Wanting something so bad and incapable of getting it no matter how hard you try and sell yourself out. He thought be anti-trans would somehow gain him acceptance but he lacked the critical thinking skills and discernment to realize he was just a token for recruitment . He is the definition of a “pick-Me”


We should start classifying names by whether or not JK Rowling would have thought of them


"Rupert Grint" is much more of a Harry Potter name than "Ron Weasley."


I'm sure JK Rowling was kicking herself when she heard his name.


You'd half expect a tweet from her retconning Ron's name and suing Rupert for having one of her character's names.


So much so that she made a character misspeak in the 6th book to call Ron Rupert, a book written after Rupert Grint was cast. Coincidence?


*"Another Grint"* just doesn't have the same gravitas that *"Another Weasley"* does.


"Rupert Weasley" would be a perfect combination of the two


I wouldn’t date someone who identified as a slytherin.


I haven't identified as a Slytherin in eight years or something but this still offended me for some reason I hate this fucking brain rot.


TBH the real assholes are slytherins that identify as Gryffindors


I didnt think gay men liked cunts?


Some gay men ARE cunts. Exhibit A - this post


I had a boss that was gay, and he hated women. The misogyny surprised me.


Most of the tabloid headlines and articles about female celebrities in the early oughts were written by gay men. Go back and read some of the posts about Brittney being too chubby. The misogyny is insane.


Why would the misogyny surprise you?


I’m a tender hearted person and unkindness is always a surprise I guess


Doesn't surprise me one bit. It's even worse in gaming. Like everyone is glad to have one singular issue to gang up on (ie - women gamers).


There is a lot of gay men that are awful misogynists and sexists. Ask any lesbian that's a bit masculine. A lot of em are equally shitty toward trans folks. They're the gay equivalent of straight dudes that think they're an ally cause they watch lesbian porn. And a ton of straight women turn a blind eye to it cause they wanna treat gay men like a designer bag on their arm and have a "gay bestie!".  In reality, they're just another sexist dude that gets aroused by men who have convinced themselves they can't be sexist. 


See: Somerton, James


I mean, maybe he took it very literally and *only* likes men


People really need to get out of the mentality that marginalized people can't be bigots. Being marginalized says nothing about one's character.


The real clever comeback


We can call women cunts now?


Isn’t this the gay guy that worked on the trump campaign? He’s just a bushel of laughs, it seems.


Must be weird to hate yourself as much as him.


The desantis campaign actually lol


I honestly wonder if he's real.


There it is, he’s getting paid to harm the LGBTQ+ community.


Way too subtle, in her book his last name would be Pillowbiter or Bottomgaper.


Yeah I agree it has to be at the very least a soft slur


It doesn't matter if you're gay, straight, whatever... if you don't support trans rights (human rights), you're either an idiot or you're evil. It just makes it all the more vile to not support trans people coming from a gay person. Edit: Most of the transphobic comments made can be responded to with this: Put yourself in someone else's shoes and have empathy. Trans people in sports depends on the sport and is totally something that should be discussed. The rest of the problems you all have with trans people? Those are YOU problems. Those are problems that you should look within yourself to find answers for. Those are problems not worth arguing with you about, because nothing anyone says is going to make you any less of a shitty person. The bottom line is this: Trans rights are human rights, gay rights are human rights, and that is not up for debate.


"You're either an idiot, or you're evil" It's usually both.


TERF gay people always confuse me. Also Slytherin is canonically filled with evil wizards. Like maybe JK would disagree but as it is written they produce a lot of wizard nazis. To say you are Slytherin is a little on the nose.


in book 4 the Sorting Hat said he believes sorting contributes to mentally harming the students. Not one adult listened.


Idk last name Leatherwood and twitter handle Brokeback sounds literally what Rowling would have just came up with. Also: Transphobic ✅ Pays for twitter ✅


Brokeback was on /r/LeopardsAteMyFace my face recently after the republicans made a commercial that ate his face.


Wait, that’s the same guy? I was just on that post before this one


David Leatherwood, There was another post on r/leopardsatemyface about how he is SHOCKED and APPALLED by how the party he has aligned himself with, Republicans, is calling him a pedophile and have maligned him and other homosexuals. So yea, this tracks exactly with the special kind of terrible idiot he is.


I despite Transphobic Gays... like dude, we have these fucking rights today because the trans community had our back... fucking vile to turn on them.


Any member of the queer community excluding another is bullshit, we're all valid, and need to have each other's backs.


Pride month became a thing because of the stonewall riot. The stonewall riot was started by a transwoman throwing a brick at pigs. If you're gay and anti-trans, you don't know your own history.


Said it above but there are a FUCK ton of gay men that are incredibly sexist, misogynist, and just as shitty toward butch lesbians and trans folk as the average fuck-stick. So many people put on blinders cause they wanna be progressive or an ally.  But I call that shit out whenever I see it. I don't care if they think I'm homophobic. Shit drives me nuts. Only takes one thing be an asshole, and your sexuality has nothing to do with it. 


Well a lot of Gay Men are closer to straight white men in terms of personality and privilege than even White Men lol. Like there is a large chunk of that community that is incredibly appearance obsessed, outgoing, and generally what would be considered I would say "Jock Cool" (Fit, Hip etc.) and they look down on people that are weird or ugly just like we do lol. I have a gay friend that thinks Trans-Men at the clubs are predators lol, finds them creepy and a whole wackload of thoughs on them. Dudes a lawyer on partner track nothing about his sexuality has ever set him back in life so he doesn't really sympathize with a lot of the rhetoric about it holding you back etc. There are tons of gay men like this in big cities they are insanely successful and no one gives a shit about their sexuality. In turn they kind of see people who can't succeed as LGBT as other people see poor people they just aren't trying etc.


>I have a gay friend that thinks Trans-Men at the clubs are predators lol Wtf is with gay men who think this. I saw a rant from a gay man who said trans men in gay spaces like clubs are sex offenders and rapists for being in those spaces. Absolute delusion


TERF narrative but switched around - trans men instead of trans women.


True. It's just sad, the infighting only makes the LGBTQ community weaker.


It is fun that Millennials won’t give up their Harry Potter obsession despite the artist behind it being a trash tier human.  I guess *sometimes* the art and the artist can be separate but only if it passes the Millennial Nostalgia Vibe Check. 


When gauging if hateful creators can be overlooked, you have to ask yourself important questions like "did they write the Big Mac of YA fiction?"


His boyfriend's name is Homer Sexual


I'm a fan of Harry Potter. I'm gay. I don't stand with JK Rowling. Her work tends to send the opposite message of what she preaches. She's an utter embarrassment of a person, and you don't need to hate Harry Potter as an IP to feel that way.


You’re not a hufflepuff, you’re a 35 year old man


Brags about a few things he shouldn’t be proud of, and also mentions he’s gay.


Why do they always think "they're not gonna come for me"??


Noticed some older gay men seem to go out of their way to be transphobic. I put on a drag show for Mardi Gras a few years ago, so was invited to the festival’s launch party at the Sydney Opera House. When Jordan Raskopoulos came on stage, one bloke I’d been talking to casually turned to me and went “What is that thing?”. Couldn’t walk away fast enough.


I know that guy. I used to hang out with him before he was shitty to Trans people.


Two white male cis gays agree with transmisogynist, news at 11


> leatherwood sounds like someone needs Steve Martin's All Natural Penis Beauty Creme


Isn't this the same dipshit who was complaining how the GOP isn't being very nice to his gay MAGA self?


Cognitivnio Dissonanca!




Is that a real castle or a painting?


Harry Potter world at Universal Studios


Who tf stands with rowling? Enjoy the media you like, but separate it from the artist if the artist is a piece of shit.


Like slugs for salt.


OH wow a two-fer-one from this dumbass on the front-page today.


Well if Rowling is hating on trans people, how is being gay and supporting her somekind of a stance?


Gay transphobes are the most frustrating and confusing phenomenon. Help conservatives eradicate trans people and they'll turn on you without a moment's hesitation the moment they're done.


David worked out wits for desantis. Fuck that guy


Er...Wouldn't her *actual* "token gay" character be called Albus Dumbledore?


Maybe it's me, but it's so weird to me that people would self-identify as a "homosexual." It's so ..old-timey and clinical.


Just saw this guy's tweet in the leopards ate my face


A tweet from this same account is over in leopards ate my face. Is it goof account?


I'm so tired of hearing about that tw\*t Rowling...


To my fellow gays, this is why you shouldn’t do meth.


Gays hating trans people? Nooo I’m shocked /s Also on brand for Slytherin but no chance a hufflepuff would be anti trans


Not really all that clever. Pretty lame actually.


Where’s the clever part?


Saying the guy has a name that Rowling would give to a token gay character


Assuming these dudes are who the post claims, I doubt they're involved in any kind of queer activism. If they were, they'd be a little more pissed about Rowling denying that the Holocaust targeted the entire queer community.


The folks you stand with despise you. GJ






Gay isn't Trans. Completely different, just because I'm the G and they're the T in LGBT doesn't automatically mean I must agree with everything they stand for. It would be like saying every POC should agree with each other on any race related discussion because their skin colour is similar 🙄


That used to be called "tribalism", nowadays we glorify herd mentality.


The fuck's wrong with you? Trans people don't "stand for" anything. They're just trans. Something deeply tragic about my fellow queers falling for the whole "gay agenda" line once it doesn't apply to them.


So are you admitting that you do not support trans people from having the same rights as you? Not so long ago all the "g" s as you so say, had so few rights, like being allowed to marry, but here we are now, "g"s can. Now that you have yours, to hell with all the others, is that it? Rowling does not think trans people exist. She thinks they are all just faking it to attack "true" women, in her words. She does not want them "around", so to speak. Not sure of your age or experience having to fight for your rights to exist, but that is currently what trans individuals are going through now. Rowling is using her reach and influence to well, try and influence people against them. And sadly, in many ways, succeeding


No. But you should respect and defend people in your own community. We need to stick together. And, yeah - someone black should step in if they see racism, even if it's not against someone of their own race.


How about just 'someone should step in if they see racism' instead of playing silly games about which races have some obligation to stop racism and which ones don't?


They are not in my community!!! What’s it with you people thinking because you came up with a bunch of letters and slapped them next to one another we are all now some big family with common goals? I have ZERO in common with this group. I was sympathetic at first but now I’m starting to resent the harassment, the intrusion into previously protected spaces and the constant vicious attacks they make on others.


are you okay?? the only person coming from a place of resentment is you, for absolutely no reason lmao. "the vicious attacks that trans people make on others" nice to see you falling for the same dog whistles bigots would make about gay people for ages now. im actually shocked to see so much animosity from you toward trans people, like dude. we're just living as who we are.


It’s never a trans person or gay person that I end up arguing with about trans issues, it’s some 20 year old white girl claiming to be LGBT and also a victim of LGBT hate because shes “bisexual.” They always have the worst most extreme views while trans people and gays generally just want to live their lives and be respected as humans.


because you all look the same when rounding you up into camps jesus christ lol apply some critical thinking, you're all degenerates in the eyes of fascists


"Chickens 4 Col. Sanders" go to town, fellas.


Can these mfs read a different book…


Two grown ass men proud of the imaginary schools they didn't even go to. But it's the trans folk that are the problem.


I just do not understand how people support politicians who are elected mostly by people who do nothing but talk about how LGBT people are freaks, are unholy, are evil, are pedos, and how they should not be able to live in peace among us. Like you must be EXTREMELY privileged if you think their rhetoric won't impact you if it was to actually come to fruition.


Aww, gays can be hateful, too!!


These men stand for holocaust denial lol


Yes making fun of gay people is okay if they like harry potter. Pls go back to r/gamingcirclejerk.


That’s how Leftists are. If you’re part of a group, they expect you to have the same opinion. Im Latino, for example, and the Left expects me to support illegal immigration, just cause I’m Latino. And if i don’t, then i get called labels/names such as “coconut” or “Tio Tomas.” Leftists are, hypocritically, racist when PoC and minorities don’t have the same ideals as Leftists.


How tf is this clever? Haha name gay!1!1!


Stand with her on what? That Trans women aren’t women??? I don’t think two gay men are qualified to make that call


What’s clever?


It's not about being clever, it's about insulting gay people because they don't toe the ideological line.


Those house names sound like they could be slurs if you think about it. Not that she meant it that way, just that you could probably come up with something to justify it.


Geezuz stop looking for more bs to be offended by.


this is moronic take