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It's called survivor bias.


That and selection bias: the people she knows are probably going to be a more like her - your friends aren't a random sample of the population. Not only did many unvaccinated people die, but any unvaccinated people who regret not getting vaccinated would presumably just go out and get the vaccine.


The ICUs were full of people on respirators pleading for the vaccine, but it was way too late. And a large part of them died, or are severely handicapped by the COVID. So if you want to know people who regret not taking it, ask any 2021/2022 ICU nurse.


33% of America isn’t fully vaccinated and 0.3% of the population died from Covid. So while yea a lot of people died, it’s not like if you were unvaccinated you had a high chance of dying from covid…


I mean that is why healthcare in a first world country is so good. I was stationed in honduras during the outbreak and no one was vaccinated but the Americans. so many people died, and the statistics don’t even show the true amount due to a lack of reporting. It passed fast however, within a couple months covid was over. if you were going to die you already did.




Unless it's not that big, then we call it survivorBOAT bias..




Not sure about that. Your post reads like you had a stroke while you were typing it.


It will be the most delicious pie dat der ever did was.


So does the post title!


Apparently I’m dead too


Someone should tell that moron about the Herman Cain Award subreddit lol


I was a mod there at its height; it was madness haha


Stories, please.


The whole sub is stories of anti Vax people posting anti Vax memes, then catching COVID, asking for prayers, and regularly end with a go fund me for funeral expenses.


I'm glad a post about that sub is so near the top.


I was vaccinated twice and when I caught covid (twice) I felt like I was fucking dying. I'm a healthy 27 year old and I very rarely get sick, Ive never even had the flu. Covid FUCKED ME UP. My dad, who is 86 literally almost died because of covid and he didn't get vaccinated. Obviously age has a lot to do with that, but since he had it, it's like he has the "covid brain" people talked about. He had slight memory problems before (cause he's ancient) but ever since he contracted covid it's like talking to someone who is stoned off their ass for the first time, can't remember what they were talking about as theyre talking, mumbles and loses train of thought very easily. He's been tested for alzheimers and dementia and was deemed not to have either of those (which in itself is a miracle really) but covid is a lot more serious than a lot of people made it (make it) out to be. He's lucky to have survived it.


Propagandists and trolls in this thread right now. They must've just started the night shift in Moscow.


It’s funny because Putin really take covid seriously for himself and must have been vaccinated multiple times already


Yeah, and he advertised Sputnik V a lot. So much so that all foreign vaccines were banned in Russia


Yeah that really a bad thing for the Russian people. But you know what. Western countries should have release the patents…


They did. Moderna vaccine was made in India, among other places.


If you actually track the stories being pushed by RT and russian bot farms, they always align with Fox News. The thing people can't figure out is if it's being driven by either Murdoch or Putin. Like who's in control of who?


It's the post - 3:30pm EST construction worker/MAGAchud shitposting shift.


What’s wrong with construction workers? We build your infrastructure. Don’t rope us in with your insults. We provide you with light, clean water, sanitary living conditions and roofs over your head.


There was s whole subreddit dedicated to people who refused the Vax and regretted it.


Ooh whats the sub?


herman cain award was one


r/leopardsatemyface not only about vaccines though, just thought you'd like it


It was some variation of leopards ate my face. Maybe covid ate my face?


and there was also one for people who got it and regretted it


Other than a day or two of feeling poorly or being propagandized after the fact, what reason have people had to regret it?


Is this really a good comeback? It either implies that every unvaccinated person is now dead, or that the vaccine would have stopped them from dying. It implies that if you regret not getting the vaccine, you died…not that you got sick, you straight up died. In other words, that every person who regrets not getting the vaccine is dead, and everyone who is happy to have received it is alive. You could also find a lot of dead vaccinated people if you wanted to, though. Plus, there are a significant number of people who suffered complications from the (Covid) vaccine, so if someone was to say they “have never met a SINGLE person who regrets getting the jab. Have you?” The answer would be yes. Most people who didn’t get vaccinated are still alive, and most people who did get vaccinated have had no issues or complications. There wasn’t anything clever or funny about this. It was a comeback, just not a clever one.


This is reddit, a circle jerk of mentally disabled AHs thinking they have such critical thinking that coul rival isaac newton.


I met people dying from Covid that asked for the vaccine too late, does that count?


Over 1 millions died because of covid and over 4 million still has long covid.Still these asswipes Qanon folks are saying its not real. [https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#datatracker-home](https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#datatracker-home) [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/15/long-covid-symptoms-cdc](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/15/long-covid-symptoms-cdc)


7 million deaths worldwide.


I mean I never got it and I’m alive and well. But I also know plenty of people who did.. who are also still alive and well so 🤷🏽‍♀️


I didn't get jabbed. I don't regret it


Funny, only because if you're talking about Covid. Which I assume you are. It's not a vaccine, necmver was. How do you vaccine against a flu like virus that mutates?? You can't, otherwise we'd have a flu vaccine already and not a yearly flu shot! 🤧 Politicians pushing an agenda called it a vaccine.


This is some rage bait, people arguing in the comments are falling for some pretty basic tactics to make people argue and question what is right and what is wrong. Nice try, only the naive will argue.


lol. Under 69 then 99.5% of them are still alive. Follow the science.


You get that is an atrocious number right? 1 in 200 people is an abhorrent rate over such a short time frame. That would be like 1.5 million people in the USA or 35 million globally. Over the course of 1-2 years that would be the biggest humanitarian crisis and mass death since the Black Death of the Middle Ages.


So millions dead? Is that the point you wanted to make?


Somehow the US ended up with more dead from COVID than any other country. I think it had to do with how many people spread it


The US did rule so many people dying from different causes while being positive as covid deaths tho maybe that's why..


do you have a source for that? or is it based solely on your own research?


Careful bud. You’re close to “right wing” territory.


Can’t have that on Reddit!


Science is only correct when it matches your opinion these days


You don’t think many of them alive? Are you insane? 😂


No the alive ones are fine with their choice, the ones that died of a preventable disease might regret their decision.


can't regret shit when you're dead


Are you still keeping up with your vaccinations?


Yeah, I just do what my doctor tells me to. I assume they know more about medicine than I do. Just got my tetanus vaccine updated a month ago.


The people who are dead most likely regret not getting it is the point the person is making


So many people in this thread who are too dumb to get such a simple post


That tracks with their anti-vaxx opinion, really.


Plain dishonesty, we're still here. Sticking your fingers in your ears and pretending we're not only shows your own wish for death.


Wait till gaydditors hear about excess death statistics in majorly vaccinated countries.


My step mom was very pro vaccine after three days in the ICU. almost died


Death rate was like 1-2%, why do Americans love to think all anti vax (stupid) people died?


Especially when there’s so much evidence of so many stupid people left and allowed to vote!


I don't even think it was that high. Depends on the age group. If you were young and healthy you were fine. Yet people give you shit for not having it


The covid fatality rate has been [well over 2% for some variants](https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/covid-19/among-sars-cov-2-variants-beta-had-highest-death-rate-meta-analysis-suggests#:~:text=A%20global%20meta%2Danalysis%20published,from%200.7%25%20to%204.2%25). For example, the short-lived beta variant had a fatality rate of 4.2%, while the most recent omicron variant is only 0.7%. It was never high enough to say "all the stupid people are dead," but it was alarmingly high especially for the earlier variants.


Just ask health care workers. We have met plenty of dead people who were very regretful in their final days. Edit: grammar


Most of the comments are anti-vaxxers lol. Please go seek validation to antivax-circlejerks subs or something.


That’s survivorship bias in a nutshell for you.


Why are republicans still talking about covid? So cringe


I'm alive. 🤷🏻


Had to look at Scary Larry's twitter page. Poor guy is deranged.


Oh look ! A big Covid 19 vax circle jerk echo chamber


Literal room temp IQ take. Anti vaxers think every death since 2020 is because of the vaccine and Science ™ ® © worshippers think every death since 2020 is because of not getting daily booster shots


Vaccinated, but do ppl really think everyone who didn’t get the vax died?


what a lame come.back


I never got it. Wife never got it. I'd say about half the people in my circle never got it. Still kicking. I don't understand why you think we're all dead.


It’s a cult


Not clever at all , not much of a comeback.


Apparently i died in 2020


How is this a clever comeback? There's plenty of people still alive who are didn't get vaccinated.


Unvaxed, still alive, happy, and no regrets.


I can assure you that plenty of them are


I got the corona vaccine, i regret it so much now.


What a moronic post


The unvaxxed are the ones that lived. This is weirdly backwards. I never met anyone that wished they had gotten it. Met more than one who wished they hadn't gotten it! Smh. Dare to do your own research.


I never got shot, never got sick, certainly didn't die and don't regret not getting it.


About half the people I know who got the shot ended up getting covid multiple times.


Scary Lary needs to read a study.


Isn’t everyone fucking tired of the vaccine chat already? It just lingers on and on.


Good to see the minus IQs coming back at this one. Lol. brainwashed and nowhere to go. We all alive 🙌 thanks. No jab no problem.


I’ve had Covid twice. Didn’t get jabbed. Still here.


Which vaccine? Most of us who refused the mrna are still kickin


I didn't get the jab. Still kicking.


You know anybody who isn't old / very sick that died from COVID-19? Come-on now


I got vaccinated and I regret it. Fucked me up BIG time Anyone I’ve lost to COVID was vaccinated just like me…three people still dead, and hospitalized my father who was vaccinated as well. A few of my friends didn’t get vaccinated and they got sick just like the rest of us. So yes technically of all the people I met who didn’t get it, none regret it


Never been vaxxed for covid yet I never got it. It's a thing of the past


Idk I got covid again around the holidays but it wasn’t anywhere near the Delta variant


Wow, we're all dead? Guess you guys really were the smart ones after all.


People on reddit tend to be quite unwise, but it's entertaining


The smart people hoped we died from not getting the shot so we could get some good sleep and be rid of the idiots on this planet.


Not clever at all


Why unvaccinated who don't regret refusing to take jab are being downvoted?


Because refusing the vaccination and ignoring all facts and logic is equally as stupid XD "I didn't get vaccinated and didn't die nor get sick SO VACCINATIONS ARE FAKE NEWS" Unvaccinated without a **solid** reason = stupid. It's just fact.


It makes people feel better for having ing gotten it wrong m guessing


The cleverness of comebacks on here has deteriorated.


I've never met a single unvaccinated person period. No-one I know is that stupid.


Massive amounts of authority complex being projected here.


These pathetic people have a pathological *need* to write this shit so they feel that they are part of a special group. It’s so fucking embarrassing.


I know several people who got COVID with horrible symptoms who specifically told me they wish they had gotten the vaccine. I personally delayed getting my second booster and got a bad case of COVID in 2023 and wish I had gotten my follow up shot.


My dad refused the jab because he was advised to. He has heart issues, and the type of jab he was being offered was given people heart palpitations according to his doctor, so he just stayed inside for about 2 years straight and was luckily OK.


Does your dad's doctor also sell snake oil?! Major heart issues issues here, not only my doctors but also the whole medical literature on the subject (bar antivax wackos of course) agree that the risk of heart consequences from the jab is marginal, and the consequences of a severe COVID episode on the other hand can be dire especially for people with a heart condition. Any sane doctor wouldn't have advised your dad for the far greater risk.


Medical literature agreeing on something doesn’t automatically align it with reality. My best friend basically started having a heart attack / crazy cardiac event within 5 minutes of getting his first shot. Spent 6 hours in the hospital that night in searing pain with heartbeat nearing 200bpm. I thought he was dead. This guy never had a single heart issue in his life or any family history and then all of a sudden his heart is fucked and docs are recommending a pacemaker in early 20s. He’s now been through years and thousands worth of specialist appointments to still only be given vague diagnoses and no successful treatment…


And yet here we are


My coworker got myocarditis from the vaccine, and my cousin had a seizure in the doctors office after getting it. My coworker still has a heart issue now years later. I did not get it, got covid twice and was fine. The people who were hurt the worst by covid had pre existing conditions. Stop acting like this was just some basic vaccine for a normal disease. It was a rushed, heavily politicized vaccine for a disease that leaked from a lab in China. I still get my flu shots and I don’t regret not getting the covid vaccine. Especially after the goal posts of its efficacy kept getting pushed and lied about.


You sound like someone without ciliacs disease who would give someone who has it advice on how to eat gluten because it only makes you gassy. Not everyone who questioned a novel medication designed to combat a novel disease was a wacko. We have a long and glorious history of rushing medications to market and ruining people's lives in this country, and healthy skepticism based on the available evidence is not "wacko." You also do not have the patient's history, and I seriously doubt you actually read any of the studies beyond what was passed on in the news. You're insulting a stranger from a position of ignorance while having the benefit of hindsight.


Any any doctor can prescribe you the right amount of pain medication...... or over prescribe for years, causing massive opioid problems throughout our country.


Jesus buddy, turn it down a notch...not everyone who had a reason to not get this is a hyper anti-vaxxer here to torment you and your life deserving of your keyboard warrior vitriol...reasons do in fact exist where there was risks on both sides and just because your tunnel vision still doesn't allow those possibilities doesn't mean they don't exist... Shock of the day, not all doctors agree on everything, part two... medical issues are not all the same, part 3 other types of medications could cause negative affects...ask a question, be inquisitive...and cease with the pitch fork onslaught...emotions like a 9 year old.


My friend had heart problems after her jab. It’s real.


Pretty much everyone i know never bothered getting that worthless shot. Everyone's fine.




I got the jab, got covid, am fine. My family didn't get the jab, got covid, weren't anymore sick than me. Family members both got and didn't get the jab, got covid multiple times, hit them all hard, all fine, except my great grandmother. Got the jab, all her boosters, eventually got covid, it liquified her lungs and she died. But she was also very old. In my experience it didn't matter if you were vaccinated or not in terms of lowering the severity as family who got more than two shots (boosters and stuff) got covid and it hit them way harder than it did me who only got two. For me it was just a stuffy nose and feeling a little weak. Totally seems to of just depended on immune system, vaccine included or not.


It's 100% your system as you said. Never got it the vax but each time I've gotten COVID it's a small drip in my throat from my nose and nothing else. Literally have never seen anything from COVID, but friends who have gotten all the vax are constantly down with it for days to a week. I don't know why, and I won't say it's one way or the other. It's honestly I think more blood type or immune system or some other crap cause it's weird how it affects each person.


Tell me you're not a doctor without telling me you're not a doctor.


i knew a person who was unvaxxed who came down with covid real bad. sick for 2.5 weeks. lost sense of smell for over a month. even now, like 8 months later he says his sense of smell isn't back to what it was. he has to get close to smell things. i never asked, but im pretty sure he regrets not getting vaxxed


That sucks, but I dont regret it🤷‍♂️


I'm just fine😂 Ya'll pushing the clotshots are the ones suffering myocarditis, bloodclots, strokes, infertility as seen on VAERS, and excess deaths worldwide.


This is just stupid logic. Of course people who are paranoid enough to not get vaccinated don't question their conspiracy theories. They are already too far off for that. Using their reasonings most people on my country would be dead by now but guess what, 4 years and nothing happened.




Do they really think everyone was just dropping like flies by not getting the flu shot?? I didn’t get any and I feel great.


... I'm not dead




They want us dead so badly it’s sad at this point


we talking HPV jab?


I work in the medical field, and 90% of our patients have heart problems. All the heart problem patients are jabbed with the C vax...


Me and my brother got the vax, rest of family refused to. None of us got Covid or had any major health complications. Whole thing just kinda felt blown up to way bigger then it was?


Pure Blooded here. I'm fine.




Not even close to true. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/world/covid-vaccinations-tracker.html


I can name more vaccinated people who died from heart related diseases than people who died from Covid itself. And no i don't disaprove vaccinations in general, i disaprove sketchy, rushed scam that is COVID vaccine


Well heart disease was ~31% of all global deaths prior to covid so it would stand to reason that it remains one of the top 5 reasons for death. 


Statistics show that unvaccinated people have 3 to 8 time higher chance of being hospitalized, and are 2-4 times more likely to die. There is no long term side effects of the vaccine. How is that sketchy?


It's been like, three years dude. You didn't even pay for it for two of those years. Your world must be very strange.


I have been paying attention, and i can tell you I WILL NEVER FORGET AND NEVER FORGIVE THE LEADERS FOR USING COVID PANDEMIC AS THEIR SCARE TOOL! ESPECIALLY YOU AUSTRALIA! I will never forget the people who harassed, bullied, attacked, wished death to the unvaxxed for not taking this rushed scam, and i will never forgive the governments and corporations, who disrespected basic principles of Hipocratic oath, and used it as an excuse to divide and conquer us. The damages covid has done are NOTHING compare to the damages these rich assholes have done. There are many things when you look into, might realize how sketchy this "Pandemic" was Let me tell you something: I got the covid, it turns out it was just an overglorified flu, got it, drank tea, did some sports in nature, enjoyed life as it was and guess what: MY IMMUNE SYSTEM HANDLED IT PRETTY WELL! Meanwhile, my mate, who was forced to take the jab is now having heart related problems, which "somehow" rose up year or so after the "pandemic" was over. In short: COVID "Pandemic" was just a planned scare tactic, which relied on mainstream media manipulating public through fear, isolation and distrust of others. The covid became my last fear, the only thing i feared more was what the hell were the leaders gonna do next to keep us in line.


Thanks for explaining in such lengths that you were already a paranoid nutjob long before COVID.


You are ill. Please seek medical help.


You know what give you cardiovascular diseases ? COVID.


No, you can't.


>I can name more vaccinated people who died from heart related diseases than people who died from Covid itself. Does that take into account the possibility that more people may have gotten vaccinated, just in general? Because that's a pretty important factor. >i disaprove sketchy, rushed scam that is COVID vaccine Prove that it's a scam.


I can name more unnvaccinated people who died of covid than vacced people who died of heart related disease. My anecdotal evidence is better because I know more people, so your whole argument is now void.


I took six shots of Pfizer and I'm fine. People like you have told me in four separate occasions that it would only be a matter of time before my system collapses. It's been three years. I'm still fine. Grow up.


One guy took 217 shoots and he is very fine. https://amp.theguardian.com/society/2024/mar/06/hypervaccinated-man-217-covid-jabs-no-side-effects-germany


Ngl, whoever told you that you would collapse sounds like a dick. Its basically wishing you bad. I heard a story where somebody wished that an entire family would end up in the hospital for refusing the vaccine (even 2 kids that were aged under 5) No side is wrong, just do what you think is right and dont judge the other side for refusing, there might be reasons


No, the side not getting vaccinated is demonstrably wrong because this is an infectious airborne disease. Unvaccinated people made the pandemic last much longer, and continue to linger, and caused more people to die.


I wouldn't say the unvaccinated people made the pandemic last longer. It's rather the irrational people who went outside, doing parties and meeting people when they know COVID is around, instead of being at home and not infect others or get infected. Vaccinated people spread COVID the same way unvaccinated people did. I met more vaccinated people catching COVID in my field of Friends, Family and Work Environment than unvaccinated people. And yes i can understand people get lonely (especially those that are used to a certain lifestyle of doing parties and socializing everyday) but they should have the brain to know when to be careful and prioritize health and safety. Personally, I never catched COVID even when i was traveling and flying for holiday. (Yes, i tested myself regularly and got always negative results, otherwise how could i fly since COVID tests were mandatory) It's rather strange for how people are quick to point fingers at others because they didn't do the same then they themselfs did. Vaccinated AND unvaccinated people spread the Virus! Behavior and dicipline of oneself in such Situation is very important. What's more important is the politicians NOT DIVIDING the citizens and keep them together to solve this situation. Fear-driving is a powerful tool that can move the ones that are easily influenced. The politicians divided and drove fear through the media, which didn't help at all. I hope you can read this without starting to get angry or defensiv. Wish you a good day.


I agree with you


I was about to write something like this but 1/4 thr length but decided to go to sleep xD I always thought that if ppl actually stayed at home it would have gone much faster since I also knew more ppl vaxxed that got sick again than unvaxxed Not because of the vaccine itself but because they were allowed to go out and meet ppl that potentially carry the virus


Thank you, mainstream media parrot.


i mean i took zero shots of anything covid related and im also fine. not a particularly useful sample size now is it?


I have not met people who regret getting it. And your point is?


There’s a lot of people in the military who do. Not saying it’s right or wrong. But it’s pretty common among active duty military


Those who are antivax never admit anything. Less that they were wrong


Dumbest thing ive seen so far today. The unvaccinated didn’t all die off.


Dumbest counterargument I've read today. Sure they didn't ALL die and ALL of them did not suffer from long term consequences, still a WHOLE LOT among the unvaccinated ended up with a severe COVID form and eventually life-changing consequences. Or just died. /r/HermanCainAward


But the ones who did die are the ones most likely to regret refusing the jab.


Yeah it’s true, some of them are only disabled.


I’m still here


Plus, if they have a regret, they can just go get it


Thanks Larry




Yeah, because if they regretted not getting it, they would go get it. Stupid argument.


My dead step brother would probably disagree now. I’m positive his kids aren’t exactly stoked about it.


I got pfizer, and it turned me i to a superhuman. My sense of smell is amazingly intensified lol


I’m unvaccinated (for covid) because i can’t drive and no one would take me so i kinda just accepted my fate, though i must say the time i caught covid i very much wish i had the vax


Wouldn’t have made a difference. You can still get it, spread it, and die from it.


I suspect people who actually talk about not being vaccinated are proud of it, so of course she has not.


So what do y'all think the effects on your body truly are?


I didn't get one for health reasons. Chronic bronchitis and stuff like that.


But that's a weak comeback because there are countless people who didn't take it and are still alive. Both sides of this one are stupid.


an unvaccinated person here, I’ve never tested positive for Covid and I’m still above ground and strong as a bull.


I’ll go ahead and tell you then. I do not regret not taking it. Now kindly fuck off.


That is a dumb comeback. Vast majority of the unvaxxed didn't die..


Over a million unvaccinated people died in the United States alone.


No way this is still a thing lmfao fucking morons


Ironically if you asked the opposite question the reply would be the same


I’m dead then 🤣🤣


He may not talk to dead people, but isn't he the guy that gets aroused around dead bodies?


Obvious they dies response aside, wouldn’t they just get it if they felt regret for not getting it earlier?


What is the jab?


I have a strong immune system, so I did not get it. Most young ppl did not need it. Older people actually needed it for the most part.


I never got the covid shot, I don't even get the flu shot. I haven't been sick since 2020 (knock on wood). Btw, aren't they coming out with studies that the vaccine is causing cancer? Can't relate.


> Btw, aren't they coming out with studies that the vaccine is causing cancer? They are not