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Towel AND shorts? Must be cold


He doesn't want anyone to see his tiny pipi


Has to wear sunglass everywhere or take pictures from only one side to hide his lazy eye too lol


Don't forget the missing chin.


It all started when the Mrs realised he was gonna be useless at folding the sheets, and she had a prawn on her hands




Can't forget what was never there.....


Lol if he owned it I wouldn't care but that's pathetic


He has mortgage eyes. One fixed, one variable. (Not my joke, saw on another post a while back and I snort-laughed).




ā˜•ļøšŸ¤£ nice


Absolutely hate this guy, but I believe the eyes are from retinal detachment due to kick boxingā€¦doesnā€™t negate the fact he has a mouth breather chin


He doesnā€™t have a chin


He chin't


Itā€™s child sized, thatā€™s why he was eligible for the bottom bench.


Tbf, at 50 degrees I'd have a teenis that that should be hidden too.


Dont they recede when its cold.... Ohh.... I see what you did there


Theyā€™re shower shorts! For the man who has nothing to hide, but still wants to.


He's a never nude. There's dozens of people like him.




Shower shorts šŸ˜‚ Never heard of such a thing. Thanks for the explanation.


Itā€™s a Scrubs reference haha


Fyi people born 2006 turn 18 this year! That episode is probably older than them. Edit: math is harder than it looks. Back in my days we had fewer numbers!


Might wanna check your math there, bud


Was typed during a run, no energy left for math I assume šŸ˜‚ Thanks for pointing out my mistake!


Itā€™s a timeless show! Timeless I say!


It was ahead of its time.




Classic Scrubs


Does it come with a complimentary shower wallet?




It's almost as good as the hairmet


Just a real nice helmet there, princess.


Let me just fix my hair, oh wait... I don't have to


You know, you're right. I was an idiot to buy these shower shorts. I mean it's not like they come with a complimentary shower wallet! [shows retractable Shower Shortz wallet]. šŸ¤£


He's a never-nude.


Comes with a wallet for all his Top G human-trafficking money!




You know, you're right. I was an idiot, to buy these shower shorts. I mean, its not like they come with a complementary shower wallet "Flaps wallet" ouch


So, not exposed. In a sauna.


He just got out of the pool


Even I know your supposed to be naked in the sauna thats part of the experience.


Canā€™t risk being relaxed and naked in a sauna cause thatā€™s supergay


When a Finn tells you your sauna is cold and you're sitting in the childrens section, that's a burn that would make your great-grandchildren casually "forget" you're their ancestor.


And he's wearing a towel and shorts. How is he going to play saunaklonkku like that?


50 degrees C, is 122 degrees Fahrenheit. Tate is a waste of human skin.


That's like 20C / 30F cooler than normal. That'd just be like an awkward temperature and not very fun.


It's a temperature just hot enough to make you sweat for a sharable image.


You have to sit quite a while to sweat at 50. My guess is a spray can of water or a shower to simulate sweat.


Damn, here I am sweating my ass of at just 30Ā° Am I weak?


No, but you are probably moving and the humidity isn't near zero


You can absolutely sweat quickly at 50. Tate doesnā€™t need people reaching for things to make him look like a douche. This one is reaching lol.


Maybe heā€™s just naturally greasy?


I've never sauna'd before. Y'all wildin' out there with your 70-90c sweat rooms. I had no idea!




God I love a good cold bath. Went to a natural hot springs in Japan, sat in a sauna and then my buddy said we needed to dip in the cold pool. I was unsure. But gave it a shotā€¦ I think of that cold pool every day nowĀ 


A finn here. Really hard to understand what are you saying. But no, usually theres no cold showers. You might go for a dip in snow or avanto (hole in ice), but majority go for nice warm shower after sauna. And 70C+ sauna is the norm and you usually go for several 15 stints at a time, maybe chilling outside in between for a while.


Swede here, we basically inherited all the sauna practises from the Finns and confirm everything this Finn says. We do the exact same. Only difference in my experience both in Sweden and Finland, 70-75C is the bare minimum, the default if you just start the sauna and no one has started "lƶyly". Normal session would be 85-90C in 10-15 min bursts. During pauses we either just sit outside the sauna in room temperature, outside in whatever weather it is or we might take a normal 35-40C rinse but no actual cold showers. Occasional but rarely snow or ice bath during winter for the hell of it if the saunas location allows it.


Russian born, American grown. When we do Saunaā€™s, we do 175 - 195 F which is about 85 - 90 C? For anywhere from 5 - 25min (but above 15 isnā€™t recommended unless your body is used to it but they also usually take 4 - 5 shots back to back every time before going in, while already drinking heavily - itā€™s so engrained in our culture my friend has one in his house cause itā€™s just such a Russian staple lol) and then from Spring to Fall you go from the sauna directly into jumping into a regular temperature pool (temperature obviously depends what day, never actually looked) since you would walk out the sauna, walk 2 feet to a door that leads outside, then a full in-ground pool about 1 floor down stairs wise (itā€™s a big house), and then a lot of times you eat something off the grill, take some more shots, and get back in the sauna and repeat lol. We were taught it was really good for our heart as long as it doesnā€™t kill you šŸ˜‚ from the shock of temperature differentials. I remember the first few times I went from the sauna directly into the pool, the adults didnā€™t believe I would do if, and for about 3 - 5 seconds I was literally immobilized - I was just in shock and couldnā€™t move and thought I was about to drown but luckily I had a bunch of drunk Russians watching just incase lol as that has happened to some (get stuck / frozen in the water and need people to get them out, I think they stop breathing as well) Iā€™ve heard amazing things about the infrared saunas these days and wanna try it so bad, but now I have a bad heart and a heart valve that got replaced (just bad luck, heart got infection) and they tell me Iā€™m not allowed :(


More like 40C cooler than normal. 50-60 C if it's a wooden stove, like this one looks to be.


Even 70Ā°C is kinda cold for a sauna. 100-110Ā°C is more like it


Bro are you ok?


No because I haven't been in a sauna for a while


It aint a proper sauna until it almost hurts to breathe


It aint a proper sauna until my skin is crispy and brown like a chicken.


My favorite sauna type is found at Korean spas, called a Bulgama room. They usually run between 165-185 F. The first time I ever entered one, my eyes, face, and lungs burned so bad. After visiting the spa nearly weekly for a few months, I was able to stay for up to 25min and it became my favorite room


Finnish/Estonian thing. We like our saunas hot.


Dry Sauna is 90-110 with 5% humidity. Humid Sauna (like Hot Russian Banya) is 75-90 with humidity around 20-35% Steam Sauna (like Colder Russian Banya) is 45-65 with 40-65% And Steam Sauna (think Turkish Hammam or Georgian Sulfur Baths) is 40-45 Celsius and 100% humidity, so also Sri Lanka during the day in Summer, lol


I take it you have no clue about Saunas then . They start at around 60Ā°C and then go to 100Ā°C and maybe some extreme Saunas over 100Ā°C. And the 100Ā°C sauna is only for the real hardcore sauna goers and only short amount of times


It's not like you're supposed to sit in a sauna for half an hour.


Where are you from? Because here in Finland every Sauna can go over 100Ā°C easily. People have their preferences but I have never heard anyone going to the Sauna at only 60Ā°C. 80Ā°-90Ā°C is the most common in my experience here, but a lot of people have it at 110Ā°C. I still remember my Grandma shouting at my Grandfather when he heated the Sauna up to 120Ā°C when I was in the Sauna with him when I was 8 xD


What? 100C sauna is very normal here in Finland.


I have to agree to disagree, where I live, normal temperature for sauna is 80-110Ā°C and people do spent 30min to couple of hours there. And 100Ā° C sauna is totally normal where even little kids go.


Nah, half Finnish Aussie here. Been having saunas above 100Ā° my whole life and it's very normal for the Fins I know


Bro, what? Where tf do you live If your saunas wont go over 100c.


Yep 70 is just gross to sit in i think


Are you crazy, thatā€™s a steam room and 50c is really hot for a steam room not a sauna.


yeah the most I could take my old steam room up to was 124 before it was really uncomfortable to breathe.


Where's the steam bro.


Also steam rooms aren't wooden inside. That's 100% a dry sauna


That's a sauna, you can recognize the difference since the room isn't heated with steam, instead it's heated from the hot rocks being heated by a fire, with no steam heating anywhere in sight. And since this isn't a steam room, 50Ā°C isn't very much at all. And since Taint is sitting on the bottom bench (or as people usually call it, a step) only the top of his head is approaching the 50Ā°C territory. Most of his body is at around the neutral room temperature.




I too am upset if the sauna is any less than 200Ā°F


I like my Sauna at 90Ā°C. My Finnish grandpa laughs at me every time cus he wants it at 110Ā°C.


Found the finn :). 80-85 is hot enough for me.


You must be from Finland


Great temperature to grow bacteria.


Sounds hot as fuck to a non sauna person lol


A quick Google suggests normal saunas are between 70 and 90 degC. So if you've been in a sauna it's probably been hotter than the one this clown is sitting in.


If you've been in a warm country, you have been in a room far hotter than that clown is sitting in. The 50Ā°C shown is at about his head level, which in a correctly built sauna means that the lower levels are far colder. Saunas are built so that there's a constant draft of fresh air coming in that gets warmed, raises up and vents out. The idea is that the air is supposed to get hot, but not stale. That towel isn't there just to hide what he is ashamed of, it's also to keep him warm since it's probably around normal room temperature when you sit on the bottom steps.


It is if you have to be there for hours or do any work. But just sitting in a sauna it's not bad


It's really not. Considering you're not wearing clothes or exercising. Just sitting for like 10 mins.


That is what his chin said and excused itself.


In Texas weā€™d be wearing jackets at 122F


Only the top of his head is. Saunas are designed to have air circulation where there's constantly new cold air coming in, getting warmed, raising up and venting out. This is so that people don't faint from the air getting stale in an already hot environment, but also causes the temperature difference between the top and the bottom to be even larger than normal. If that Sauna is well built, the hardest part in taking this picture is how cold hes feet must have felt. No wonder he is wearing a tower, the man is freezing.


Whatā€™s wrong with you people 50 C is more than enough to make most people sweat. Hate him for anything I guess but because he sweats in a hot room is ridiculous.




Lacks the depth and the warmth


Made me cackle lol


Please don't disrespect cunts like that


He's a dildo, not even real enough to be considered a dick


Hey now, at least the gay community finds use in a dildo. He's more like that Bobbitt guys penis, detached and utterly useless.


Fair enough. Even straight couples get use out of a dildo if they're cool


I do love the way his name is Tate, itā€™s like when Bond girls are called something like goodpussy except for assholes.


Cunts have a purpose.


The dick should really have avoided a side profile image. That lack of chin is particularly highlighted haha


He took so many on the chin that it eroded over time...


That's a lot of balls to do that kind of damage.


But from the front we can see his weird 5.25-pack.


In my experience, people that are the loudest like him are actually weak and tend to hide that by speaking loudly. Another example is Trump.


Or as I say, the smaller the dog, the bigger the yap.


Little dog syndrome


And that's not the only little thing involved


In french, you could say "The weakest dogs bark the loudest"


In german a similar saying is "dogs that bark don't bite"


In Texas itā€™s ā€œall hat, no cattleā€


The bigger the bitch, the louder she barks


Like a blob fish


Empty vessels make the loudest noise


Dude flexes so hard for every picture. He needs to stop pulling his scapulas up.


lol I was thinking the same thing. Every pic I see of him, he looks like heā€™s gotta take a dump. šŸ˜‚


Exposed yet again? Mf this was in April. Last year.


But how else will op get free karma?


Also, why is his head so tiny


Because it only needs to house a tiny brain


Based on the replies name, Jiri is probably Finnish, and Finns dont fuck around abt their saunas


No we do not.


He's a never nude.


Normally I would mock a nevernude in the sauna, but in this case iā€™m just thankful for the limited nudity.


Because it's gay to be nude. If you can see a penis it is gay /s


Didn't you hear guys? Looking at your own penis is gay.


I am definitely gay because I give myself handjobs on the reg....gripping a penis in my hand is super gay.....especially when I pee.


There's dozens of us


[There are dozens of us! DOZENS!!](https://youtu.be/lKie-vgUGdI?si=jObD5X7-hq_KRL2X)


Bottom bench reserved for children is wild


It's not "reserved" to children but most young kids can't stand the heat in the top bench and most adults can and like to sit there. Of course it's not mandatory and you can do what you want but that's how most people do it.


Stop advertising for this piss blister you karma farming failures


Even if it was a warm sauna, what is even the point of this? To make him look like an oiled up penis?


No chin, bald ass woman hating motha fucka


Andrew Hate. The king of masturbation


Lets skip that there is Tate there, but whats wrong in sitting in a sauna thats not as hot as other ones?


Someone just needs to tell him that social media is the least manly thing you could do.


Itā€™s Celsius idiot, 122oF


No shit, 122f is still cold af for a sauna. Most people sauna at 150f-180f


How is this a comeback? Did someone got insulted with this photo?


Neither a come back or clever, just a reddit moment


"If you are strong, make others think you are weak, if you are weak, make others think you are strong"


This isn't even a comeback for how bad he may be he just posted a picture and didn't say anything


My thoughts exactly, the post and comments are cringe, and so many people shitting on him but just come across as salty and jealous, it's pretty sad, like it makes you "cool" to mock Andrew Tate. I'm indifferent because I don't really care, but the dude has gone out and got what he wants in life and become rich af (a fact), whilst all these losers on here spend there time shitting on him (now I'm included in that for wasting my time responding). Like imagine that was just you or I in the picture, would it be cool for everyone to insult us because we are on the front row and it's not up to temperature (the thermometer might be fucking broken for all we know), insulting our appearance, our life, our family? Ofc not, it's pathetic. I don't understand people's mentality, if u have some reason to hate the guy, go and have it out with him, if he did something criminal then tell the police, if u want to kill him then go kill him, just don't get why anyone cares šŸ¤Ø I wrote this because I was expecting a clever comeback and had to dig through the comments to find how it was a clever comeback


Only reason I wear shorts in my sauna is that my neighbors can see me, if they didnā€™t have small children I wouldnā€™t give af


Would be a non-sensical flex either way. "Look at me, I can sit in a hot room". People go there to relax and feel good. When they start to feel uncomfortable, they leave. It's not a competition about who can do it the "best".


Lmfao what is this guy writing a comeback to? A dude posting a picture? Also, has no one ever sat in a sauna as it was heating up?


Spending time scrutinizing Tate photos for BS like this must be soul-sucking. "Owned," but at what cost.


He looks confused from all angles.


must be sweating coz of his pending rape and human trafficking charges.


Bro was betting on americans not knowing how to calculate Celsius


the amount of Tate apologists in here is surprising. And yes I know it's Celsius and 50 is still cold, I don't like them to hot and my sweet spot is around 80


Andrew taint is the the posterCHILD of fragile masculinity


Heā€™s clenching so hard


His chin melted in the moderate heat




Flexing every muscle in his body for the picture. Lame af


i'd love it if we all collectively agreed to ignore this man entirely. He craves attention whether it's good or bad.


Not even a comeback? He just posted a picšŸ˜‚


Why is he sitting in a sauna? As opposed to, you know, jail?


I can't see the thermometer. Is it Celsius, perhaps?


Dude just look at this guy and tell me heā€™s not a loser.


How is this a clever comeback?




I love how everyone thought he was a clown already, but this was the last straw for us Finns.


Lmao. Phony tool.


So he sits in a cold room, sprays water all over himself, then takes a picture to say ā€œlook how much of a man I am! Iā€™m sweating like a badass in this sauna!ā€ What a fifth grade lying show off. Heā€™s such the prime example of a pick me guy.


He lives in Europe thatā€™s in Celsius 50 degrees Celsius is 122 degrees Fahrenheit which for a sauna is still colder by about 20 degrees Fahrenheit but still enough to make you sweat balls


Is he still loose? I thought they had collared him.


Alpha behaviour is taking fake photos for likes on social media. Guys a fucking clown


I see people are still on his dick after all these years


50 degrees hahahaha my sauna isn't even ready to use until it hits 70 andi get it up to 120 plus!! This guy is a nonce! Bellend!


well done šŸ¤£


Is he not going to prison? Youā€™d think he should be getting used to taking shower pics.


This dude is the chode of all chodes. If that's an alpha male then I'm a miniature pony.


They guy replying is a Finn, no higher authority when it comes to Saunas. šŸ˜† 50C? šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ 75C is the lower end, the bare minimum in the nordics. Finnish and Swedish saunas usually hover around 90-100C, with the most hardcore going to 120C. Children are usually introduced to saunas at the age of 3, they start at the lowest bench. And he would have been confronted going in there in underwear? and beachtowel if he did this in Sweden or Finland. Absolutely unacceptable sauna etiquette according to the Nords. They are usually quiet and unconfrontative people out and about (unless you push really hard), except in the Sauna. That's when the inner vikings come out, and even small talk. Also if you cut in line in a queue you might see some berserker... always respect the queue...


It's funny to see how he poses and try to stay serious. With a face shaped like a poutting microcephale there is no way to he could pull it off.


While Tate is a collosal douchebag for many reasons, that 50* is probably in Celsius, so not cold.


Sauna is usually at 80Ā°C or more. 50Ā°C isn't cold, but it's not sauna.


So a warm sauna. He want to show you that real men can sit in a warm room without a shirt on. Very man!


True that.


50Ā°C is a cold sauna


As a Finnish person, you are wrong. 50 celsius is stupidly low, especially for a sauna of this size. Very bad lƶyly for Taterhead


As a Finn, I concur, 50c is, you have set the fire in the sauna. Lil bitch prolly didnt even water it. With beer. ;) Santana Perkele Paska PƤƤ, oi vittu


You gotta heat it up to at least 80-90Ā°C before you throw water on the stones.


True. I wouldn't know cause I've literally never kept a sauna at 50 lol


It is cold for a sauna.


Lol yes itā€™s cold for a sauna. Source: am a Finn.


Hello Finn im dad.


Hi dad im hungry.


50c is very low. Usually its somewhere around 70-80c and some people prefer 100c


Wait wait wait. Forget the thermostat part. Who posts a picture of themselves sitting in a saunaā€¦. staring at a wallā€¦ with shorts AND a towel onā€¦. To look cool?? What was the point of this???


Look at that wittle itty bitty chin he has!