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This doesn't really qualify as a comeback since both commenters are in agreement. The second commenter is sarcastically "disagreeing" in a way that affirms the original point.




Lol who cares


Me, enough to write two sentences about it on the internet. Meeting that threshold isn't exactly a high bar or anything.


The real clever comeback is in the comments section!


Pretty cringe to comment this sub, then take a screenshot of it, including your own comment, and post it here. Just....post it here?


Fair play


It's also very dumb and not a comeback, just supreme ignorance.


It's absolutely par for course for this sub nowadays.


Pretty sure white guys have a better chance joining the Klan.


I mean… lotto lost the battle, so he has a pretty good chance to join the KKK according to his own words.


Just as black guys have a better chance of joining the Nation of Islam or the Black Israelites or a black fraternity or getting into an all black dorm on college campuses or attending a black student graduation. Good or bad, race based affiliations are here to stay and unfortunately it's being pushed as a good thing rather than wanting full integration and equality without color lines.


It’d be cool to see someone verbally disagree with you instead of downvoting. I want to see people’s arguments, because I can’t imagine what they could be.


Yeah. People get toxic and down vote or insult or resort to calling you racist just because you have differing opinions. I would love to have real discussions on race or how we are pushing each other towards more segregation when we've been fighting for integration, then 60 years after the Civil Rights Act passed, yet... here we are.


Bruh what does being black have to do with you Islam?


The Nation of Islam (NOI) is an Islamic and Black nationalist movement founded in Detroit, Michigan by Wallace D. Fard Muhammad in 1930. His mission was to "teach the downtrodden and defenseless Black people a thorough knowledge of God and of themselves." Members of the NOI study the Quran, worship Allah as their God and accept Muhammad as their prophet, while also believing in notions of Black Nationalism. In 1934, Elijah Muhammad succeeded Fard and the NOI began to gain popularity among African Americans during the 1950s and the 1960s with its message of racial independence, establishing mosques in urban areas, and converting incarcerated Black men to the religion. Notable members are Muhamaad Ali, the aforementioned Elijah Muhaamad, Malcom X, Louis Farrakhan, thought Muhaamad Ali and Malcom X later left the group and converted to the Sunni Islam denomination. The NOI the largest Black nationalist organization in the U.S., has maintained a consistent record of antisemitism and bigotry since its founding in the 1930s. During his 40-year tenure as the NOI’s leader, aforementioned Louis Farrakhan has built a legacy of divisiveness as one of the most prominent antisemites in America. He has also espoused anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-white bigotry, as well as a range of conspiratorial beliefs. Although the NOI’s official membership is relatively small — estimated at less than 50,000 people — the influence of Farrakhan and NOI teachings has regularly extended into the mainstream.


Wow, I didn’t know that. Thank you stranger!


There are some NOI followers who believe black people were the original, and a black scientist created white people. Those white people subdued black people through lies and deceit, because black people were inherently good people who couldn't imagine the under-handedness white people were capable of. NOI very quickly becomes black supremacist. And don't "wow I didn't know that" when you previously mockingly asked what NOI had to do with black people, you could have Googled in 1 minjte and found out


Yeah my bad, didn't mean to sound that way. I decided not to delete my first comment in case some others didn't know so I just downvoted it. Hope I didn't come off as racist or some shit, I'm just very uneducated on black/american history in general


I don't think you are racist, and my issue isn't with you not knowing, I super don't think NOI is strictly needed to have a decent understanding of black history, and i don't think most people who know about Malcolm X really know about NOI, my issue is with you practically scoffing at the possibility of NOI having something to do with black people instead of taking 1 minute to find out for yourself, *or* ask in a polite manner that's genuine and not meant to mock.


Fair point I‘m sorry


Nation of Islam is a Black American group that happens to follow Islam.


The "Nation of Islam" is a very weird black separatist movement. Malcolm X was a member for some time If I remember correctly.




Yeah lol that was a really stupid statement


Yeah, yours was




You don't know a lot about black history, huh?


Nope, my bad that's on me. The more you know I guess


Geez this is weak People still think mean=clever


It isn’t a comeback either, so 0 out of the two necessary points to be on this sub are met…


Its baffling how people from the US think this is mean. It's like you're not allowed to have a good laugh about anything


The answer is basically like a bad comedian going ‘haha women, am I right fellas?’


Okay, so would it be funnier to you if they took the word women out? Because then it would be more true, and less sexist.


It’s not funny either way, it’s just random meanspirited sniping that people like because it snipes at people they dislike.


The punchline definitely isn’t women. It’s more white guilt than anything.


In that case it would have been simple and natural to leave ‘women’ out, which wait —. They didn’t do.


I think they’re trying to make a joke specifically about the Sandra Bullock from The Blindside types of people. There’s a very specific type of virtue signaling that white women do way more often than white men. It’s hard to explain. At the end of the day, it doesn’t change the fact that the whole thread is still incorrect since there are many things white people can do that black people can’t.


You could make the same joke about men and no one would bat an eye, hell we'd probably even laugh along with you. Is a little bit of banter forbidden in the US now? I thought ya'll "Came up with sticks and stones may break my bones"


You could, but you could also make watermelon and fried chicken jokes about white people. I mean people-Le don’t, but they *could*


Nah every time I joke about how men are mentally ill and constantly killing themselves because they can't look in the mirror and evaluate what the fuck is wrong with them because of their overwhelming narcissism, dudes be crying about it.


\*GASP\* Are you saying that liberal women are mentally ill? How dare you


Nah. I didn't say that, but reading is hard for conservatards, I'm sure you're trying your best. Hope I didn't hurt your feelings, or you'll go kill yourself.


Men complaining about the system they built no caring about them is the ultimate gaslight. Such a weak little bitch move to promote being a man's man while simultaneously crying about the lack of support for men


Downvoted for telling the truth


Dont get yourself involved in this mess lad, you might offend these people with your indifference


Sort of. We are certainly not allowed to have a laugh at the expense of white liberal women.


Correct. The safe place dome has been built so feelings are facts and facts are mean. Confusing times.


It's 'mean' in the sense that it's being critical about other people. The point is that being strongly critical of someone is not nearly enough to classify it as a clever comeback.


Example of how this doesn’t work: Post: There’s nothing that white people can do that black people can’t. Reply: Being left alone by conservative white men with racist tendencies. It’s just not funny or clever or a comeback.


But like, 80% of this sub just seems to be someone cleverly (or not so cleverly) insulting another person. Why is *this* one now too "mean" to be here?


None of those should be here. And it's not that it's too "mean", the fact is that it's only mean and nothing else.


What's mean about it?


It’s a scathing piece of satire about a certain type of woman but Reddit threads are not comedy clubs where everyone watching is primed for jokes. At any time Reddit’s audience could be someone on break in the midst of their worst day ever at work and this bit is taken literally. In their case implying that the only reason a white liberal woman would date a black man is because she’s trying to save him is a mean thing to say.


>implying that the only reason a white liberal woman would date a black man is because she’s trying to save him I don't see it implying that at all. What makes you think it's about dating?


Dating, hot air ballooning, helping across the street, etc. What isn’t it implying?


I'm not sure what you mean by that.


Then I suppose I’ll ask you, what is it being implied that the white woman is meant to be saving the black person FROM in the above comment?


Their misfortune and discrimination against them. The white savior is a common trope.


The sexism mostly. Maybe less mean more bigoted


Fair enough. I don't really see what's sexist about it either though.


Because casual sexism is normalized.


So talking about a certain demographics behaviour is sexist because that demographic is female?


It’s a specific focused attack based on a specific negative stereotype. People agreeing with a stereotype doesn’t make them less of a problem


I can agree with that. Does that make it sexist though? I feel like we should be able to talk about the behaviour of people without being accused of sexism because those people happen to be women or men.


The specific focus on women and a perceived trait exclusive to women does yeah.


I understand where you're coming from. It could have been phrased more neutral. I just don't think that saying that a specific subset of women act like this, is the same as saying that only women act like this.


Against men sure


Step into a flight deck and not have charlie kirk stink up first class with the contents of his emptied bladder?


Eh blacks conservatives can't be in a conventionally conservative theocracy.


Conservative theocracy? Like.. The Islamic state? There are plenty of black conservatives that love Jesus, and the United States economy couldn't function without them. Real blue collar American men and women getting it done 6 days a week. They might be less vocal about it since every nancy liberal psycho wants to call them Uncle Tom for it. We happen to live in a great fucking country, and many intelligent black men and women understand that, are grateful for it, and succeed because they are capable and motivated, your affirmative actions and bullshit racial science pedagogy isn't the reason that a hard working black man can make it big. The individual is the reason they make it or don't make it.


There are white Republicans that couldn't survive in a conservative theocracy. Conservative requires a high level of assimilation that is likely not going to happen. Too much unshared history from group to group. Why do you think Trump is doing bad in the polls with the biggest Hispanic population of the US, Mexicans. Mexican family are pretty conservative in their values yet he can't turn them. AGAIN goes back to high level of assimilation that some can't afford to let go plus they aren't generations far removed from said history.


Trump is not doing bad in the polsl LOL. It's your boy that has the lowest approval rating of any U.S. president. The point is the U.S. isn't a theocracy and never has been. It's a constitutional Republic, conservative values here don't mean "I am Christian" or have anything to do with assimilation. Case an point, we have always been a very conservative nation an we are *the most diverse country in the history of man*. Conservative values mean "I am reluctant to give the government money or power, and I think the way our country is (or was 4 years ago) is already the best it can get" >with the biggest Hispanic population of the US, Mexicans. You're speaking to a Mexican. Thanks for proving the white savior complex though, assuming the intentions and opinions of an entire quarter of the country based on one thing alone, the color of their skin. My entire family supports Donald Trump, and none of them are looking for handouts from liberal whites with savior syndrome. We're comfortable working hard and succeeding for it. I want to keep my tax money and limit the power of the federal government, pretty easy. And you want to talk about Theocracy, have you even been to Mexico? The Roman Catholic Church has more influence there than the president xD


Your Mexican family doesn't constitute the whole Mexican population. I didn't say in overall polls, I said that the polls among Mexicans favoring Trump is low. And yet liberal policy are what allowed such diversity because conservatism only works individualistically, not as a whole. And libertarians believe in less government, less taxes. Liberal left today isn't libertarianism. And your felon Daddy there is in alignment with a theocratic regime. And BTW I'm biracial. Mom's a black woman. But thanks for proving white privilege exists


>yet liberal policy are what allowed such diversity You're gonna have to explain this one. By liberal you mean democratic party right, the guys who invented the Klu Klux Klan? The party that chose Joe Biden, you know, the guy that wanted to preserve racially segregated schools? Who was vice president to Obama, the *Democrat* that created the ICE child prison camps? The same guy that drone struck a wedding in the middle east? Very progressive of him. Our founding fathers were incredibly conservative, and it's they who framed the Constitution, and the constitution, as well as our economic success (you know, affordable gas and all...) that attracts so many immigrants. We aren't diverse because of any particular policy, we're diverse because our country is the best one that has ever existed in human history. People want to live here, and they don't need special inter- sectional considerations (like you do) to do so. The fact that they have *equal* rights is more than enough, because we have so much civil freedom. We don't need a special little slip saying Uncle sam will give us anything extra, just stop raising our taxes and making life harder on small businesses, and people will continue to move to the U.S. for its opportunities.


They weren't conservative they were liberal nationalist as well as secular humanists. Why do you think the treaty of Tripoli exist.


The Treaty of Tripoli? Does the ending of a war mean anything to the way our constitution was framed?? The first Barbary wars were nearly 3 decades after the framing of the Constitution, I have no idea what you thought you were getting at by mentioning this. Maybe you should get on wikipedia and confirm that you meant to say the Treaty of Tripoli. Also read the header that states it was signed by Tobias Leer, himself and many others of his time describing themselves as "Jeffersonian Republicans" Then read about Jeffersonian democracy and tell me it isn't both fiscally and socially conservative. I seriously hope you mistyped there because this has absolutely no bearing on the conversation. I could say, we've always been conservative, that's why we entered WW2. But that wouldn't make a drop of sense would it?


That not why we entered the war. Pearl harbor is why. And Tobias leer speaking on a nation said the constitutional integrity has to be secular of the church. Conservative are religious zealots . And again you can be Republican and liberal. Conservative doesn't mean Republican. Jeffersonian repubs were liberal if not anarchist who paying over priced taxes on goods we developed to be taxed again to export.As they believed in a nation built by and for the people. Actually they be closer to socialism by today's standard.


>That not why we entered the war. Pearl harbor is why Exactly, WW2 has absolutely fucking nothing to do with our constitution, just like the Treaty of Tripoli. I'm not sure you are even trying to make sense anymore, I'm sorry, I'd love to educate you but; >Jeffersonian repubs were liberal if not anarchist who paying over priced taxes on goods we developed to be taxed again to export. Uhhhhh.... >Conservative doesn't mean Republican. That's exactly what it means in the United States traditional right-left spectrum, but go off on a tangent that literally has nothing to do with politics again haha. Socially conservative and fiscally conservative line up with the U.S. Republican party, called the GOP (Grand Old Party, right) because it's been the same for so long. >believed in a nation built by and for the people. Actually they be closer to socialism by today's standard. National ... Socialism.... Hmm. Is that a left wing ideology? So the original National Socialst of Germany would be aligned with liberalism and the left in your opinion? National... Socialists... Why is that familiar...


And yes there is assimilation. Example Blair White. She only ever called by conservatives to tokenize her sob story and when she not in the room they question if they should even stand with her cause ultimately cause she still trans at the end of the day and not detransitioning. So how do we allow her the privilege we seek to deny to others like her. Especially if you want to call this a truly free nation ? Is the question in their minds.


Huh? What? Did you have a stroke? It's LIBERALS that hate black conservatives the most. They act like being black and conservative means you're some traitor, and yet they think that it's only Republicans that are voting along party lines. Rofl.


You misconstrue disappointment for hate. Only conservatives manufacture that into outrage. For the fact that black conservatives vote for the leopards eat your face party


To be fair lots of groups including the white people that are classic libertarians or today's not conservative Republicans couldn't survive in a conservative theocracy either.


Antifa Slayer? lol


I'm amazed this has got so many upvotes. American lead pipe Conservative brain rot in full effect.


[they can’t survive around police. (Imgur link citing sources)](https://imgur.com/a/BUkSOBN)


recognise mighty possessive marry governor growth brave reply deserve airport *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A white person can walk in a rural town in the south without worrying about a lynching


True story: I was driving a rental car on an expressway in Chicago and realized I was almost out of gas. Took the next exit I saw, MLK road off 190 or something (I’m not from Chicago so not sure the exact name). I get to a gas station and I’m very clearly the only white guy around. Can’t pay at the pump, you need to go inside to prepay. I start heading inside, can feel the eyeballs on me. A guy in his 50’s or so, very nice, walks up to me and quietly says “I don’t mean to tell you your business, but you need to go. Now.” He wasn’t threatening me, he was warning me. This was 12-13 years ago and it’s the most scared for my well being I’ve ever been.


what does this mean


Not very clever or a comeback. And I think black people have more serious issues to face than overtly helpful liberal white women


I read this very comment yesterday and now I'm seeing a screenshot of it. Does this mean I browse Reddit too much?


Hahaha cool username AnTiFaSlAyEr.. man I wish I had have thought of that hahahaha


Not a comeback. Liberal women? If it was Karen’s sure but liberal women?


What about being hired by someone who hates black people?


That can apply to any race so it’s not exclusive


Sure. But what is more common is that against black people and other minorities.


"Thanks for the warning, officer" "Man, I suck at basketball" "Man, I suck at dancing" "Man, I love hockey" "This black pepper is too spicy" "My credit score got dinged, I'm down to 750" "Food... Stamp? What's that?" "Wow, an 8 minute mile? I'm so fast!" "Wow, 6 inches, I'm huge!" "Wow, this white wine got me drunk" "Hi, dad"


Doesn't run the 100 under 10 count? Lol


Star as the lone criminal in a security system commercial


(Dies Irae plays)


uhmm actually black people can't develop skin cancer and sunburns as fast from sun exposure due to higher melanin levels


Narcissistic savior complex***


Maybe change it to cops it’ll be accurate




She’s the only person we know who owns her own megaphone.


It’s called “the blindside effect”


You might say they were “blindsided.”


More like r/technicallythetruth


For more information watch this 👉https://youtu.be/xuPvRT-EaU8


They’re good at being offended on behalf of somebody else.


False. "I love you, dad"


Only someone who doesn’t know any black people would make such a lame joke.


I laughed


Lol someone doesn't know his father. Come on man lighten up.....


Damn that's good


We’re being downvoted by the angry white liberal women. It’s hilarious because it proves the dude’s point


Can't go against the hive-mind, lmao.


👀 me looking for someone to be the first to bring up the n word


Oh that's a good one that's massive blow right there


Witness the sound of a million offended redditors slamming that downvote for speaking the truth.


[would it kill you to shut your mouth until you know what you’re talking about?](https://imgur.com/a/BUkSOBN)


Literally proving my point. The tears are unreal.


That leaves out the fact that police are also more likely to be shot by the same group and they also commit crimes at an even higher rate. Would it kill you to not cherry pick stats and chest beat about it?


Not true. The statistic you’re thinking of is talking about arrests, not crimes committed, but considering that black people also make up about 60% of exonerations, who the fuck knows if those arrests are justified or not. (Most of them probably aren’t.)


What is the conviction rate? For violent crimes Black people account for 55% of arrest +/- a few points depending on the crime so the 60% exoneration is pretty closely aligned with the arrest rate which makes it not particularly relevant. Am I missing something?


Are you actually stupid? You don’t think it’s a little fishy that cops keep accidentally arresting a specific group of people that only make up 13% of the population? You don’t think there may be just a twinge of bias there?


hey did you know 40% of cops badges are made of copper? google 40% cops to learn more


Have you googled it? Nearly every top result talks about how that stat is so misleading it's basically misinformation.


come back to me when your account isn't a few hours old mr. astroturfer


You have no argument so you immediately rush to look at my account to move the goal posts. I'm guessing after reading my reply you DID Google it and realized I'm right. I don't even care enough to check how old yours is, misinformation is still misinformation


nah it was just obvious you were a bad faith astroturfer and it was instantly confirmable by the completely freshly made account. ACAB


Bad faith? I literally did exactly what you said to do and reported the result. And I know you already know that because if that wasn't the real result you would've said so already, but you know it is don't you?


That doesn’t change the manipulation of the statistics. And ending any statement in this discussion with “ACAB” instantly confirms that you can’t see past your own biases.


israel cocksucker opinion rejected


Not realizing that all cops are in fact bad instantly confirms that you believe nothing is real and everything you disagree with, you think is fake.


Had no valid arguments so you stopped responding and argued with others instead huh? Coward.


reply on main pussy


Why do you think black people commit crimes at a higher rate? I would love to hear your theory


probably because police are just there more often? because they're racist fucks?


That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever fuckin heard.


okay so if 100 white men and 100 black men have drugs in their car, and cops stop 50 black men and 25 white men due to their biases, the data is going to show that black men commit crimes twice as much. is that stat true? no


We do commit more crimes. Undeniably so. You can bitch and moan like a child all you want but it is what it is. I’m not a super fan of cops but to say that the presence of cops somehow forces us to do crimes is something a moron would say and here you are.


...do you think cops catch every single crime?


The fuck does that have to do with this conversation? And, in fact, if cops did catch every single crime the person capita crime rate in the black community would likely go up as we’re the ones who glorify the hood and gangbangers as our cultural icons. Cmon bruh, don’t act like that’s not the root of the fuckin problem. This isn’t about the white man or the cops or the world keeping us down. The black community’s worst enemy is itself and has been for as long as the Hip Hop culture of violence has been around.


I don't have a solid stance on this because it's most likely alot of factors but culture is for sure a big one and it's also in line with the levels of single parent households which is a proven factor. I'm guessing by your passive aggression that you are hunting for something tho I could be wrong. However, it doesn't really make a difference from a policing point of view.


The common factor you are looking for here is poverty. It's just annoying how people point out black people commit more crimes as if simply being black or black culture is the cause. Black people have been systematically impoverished since the inception of the United States. The game was rigged against black people for hundreds of years, and now in the present, it's heavily rigged against the poor. Who happens to be poor at a high rate? Black people. United States law enforcement on state and federal levels across the country using every single institution (fbi, cia, state and local police) perpetuated the war on drugs to specifically over police black neighborhoods for decades. This isn't just "black culture". If you had any sort of understanding of US history it's clear as fucking day. Ghettos were built by the US through redlining and over policing. It was by design.


>The common factor you are looking for here is poverty. Poverty is absolutely a factor but equally improvised people of other races don't commit crimes at the same level so that isn't it. > United States law enforcement on state and federal levels across the country using every single institution (fbi, cia, state and local police) perpetuated the war on drugs to specifically over police black neighborhoods for decades This is true policies out thru by the likes of Biden and Harris (previous to presidency) were damaging but it still doesn't fully account for it because violent crimes are just as bad which isn't effected directly by the war on drugs. >This isn't just "black culture". If you had any sort of understanding of US history it's clear as fucking day. I didn't say JUST black culture. I said it was a factor and you ignored the other factor I mentioned which is arguably a larger factor. If you could read or interpret statistics you could have a more grounded stance and not misrepresent mine...


This goes back so much farther than Biden and Harris. You have to understand the timeline since the Civil War. Black people were treated ridiculously poorly from the end of the war all the way until the civil rights movement. When suburbia craze hit and the US really started to amass wealth after the depression, redlining absolutely cut black people out of the picture. Redlining prevented black people from buying homes in good neighborhoods, and it became a self-fulfilling prophecy. The generational wealth created by home buying whites was STAGGERING and completely disadvantaged black folks. The war on drugs was started by Nixon to disrupt the civil rights movement and the black panthers. They had insidious intentions, undoubtedly. “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”- John Ehrlichman, aide to Nixon. Not to mention the CIA flooding the streets with cocaine and crack during the Reagan administration. The crack epidemic was heavily accelerated by the American government. If your "other factor" was single parent households, that is simply you pointing at a cultural factor once again. If it's not culture and it's not the way the US systematically impoverished blacks, I just don't know what else you think it could be. People like you are afraid to just say you think they are born that way, but it's what you are implying by refusing to understand the history of this issue.


God man... I just read up on the topic, that's fucking horrible. Any more suggestions so I can educate myself better?


I understand your point in the war in drugs. My Biden Harris comment was just a cheeky but relevant example. >If it's not culture and it's not the way the US systematically impoverished blacks, I just don't know what else you think it could be. People like you are afraid to just say you think they are born that way, but it's what you are implying by refusing to understand the history of this issue Once again misrepresenting my argument so you can take a cheap shot.... Why would you put in the effort to type all this out just to ruin it with this bullshit? I'll spell it out for you since you don't seem to have the ability to retain anything I say. I specifically said that culture, the drug war and poverty are all factors. my only counter argument was that equally poor groups still don't have near the crime rate. I know you are desperately trying to paint me as a racist so that you don't have to address the holes in your logic but the reality is that not everything can be blamed on the past. Black people are fully capable of successful and fulfilling lives (obviously) and one even became a beloved president. I don't but into the fact that society is still putting them in an impossible situation because so many defy that every day. That's why I pointed at culture. It's the largest tangible difference between the poor black community and every other poor community. The black community also has the largest absentee father rate by a large margin which is a proven factor for the likely hood of a child to become a criminal. If you want to ignore statistics and call me a racist for my interpretation of the facts that's fine but just know that if the issues I'm putting forward are addressed it will help the black community where as you seem to think that black people can't help but be criminals because of what happened before many of them were born which is well...... Racist.


You are the one ignoring statistics. Poverty absolutely wrecks children from a young age. Literal malnourished, undereducated children during the most vital years of their brain development. Its not shocking that the cycle repeats. The difference is that black people specifically have been perpetually impoverished for so much longer than any group in America. The issue has compounded tenfold. Just because some can overcome this, it doesn't mean they aren't significantly behind as a whole and again that is by American design. We did this to them ON PURPOSE. You are so close to getting my point. If poor blacks have absent fathers and commit more crimes, surely they weren't just born that way. So then you say "okay it's culture then". Well, how did their culture end up that way? You are putting yourself in an impossible situation because there has to be an answer for how things ended up this way and it's either outside forces or black people are just born that way. If you reject the premise of my history lesson when I keep explaining how their culture ended up this way, all I'm left with is you must believe black people are just lesser. I'm giving you every opportunity to sympathize with systemic racism but you keep pointing it back at black people. You can't tell a group of disenfranchised people for over 200 years that "hey we did it! Racism is over now therefor e you guys need to pick yourself up by your bootstraps". It's an impossible ask. So, at best you are an idiot and at worst a giant racist.


Have you ever had a single original thought in your life or do you always let Ben Shapiro tell you exactly what to think?


Ben Shapiro is a tool. I do find it funny that you thought this was a clever retort while providing 0 original thoughts or even a counter argument. Why don't you go back to your Lego and let the adults talk


I literally did give a counter argument in a separate comeback. Also, I have already completed my Lego, so there isn’t really anything to go back to.


That statistic doesn’t say anything about what the circumstances surrounding those shootings were.


[here ya go.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_unarmed_African_Americans_killed_by_law_enforcement_officers_in_the_United_States)


Very good point, comment of the Month! Lol


Doesn't Liberal themselves need saving🤦🏻‍♂️


Bro is straight preaching. Fuck yall white liberals and your messiah complexes. I don’t need you to save me, I’m more than capable of doing it myself. Patronizing ass…🤦🏽‍♂️


Accurate and funny Source:half black


Hahahaha so true and the people getting offended are the savior complex types thus their butts hurt


Well, unless you're poor and addicted to something. They'll they can try and be your savior. They don't do shit but say they'll pray for you, but you know.


That goes for gays too.