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Trump's initial answer to the question "what will you do to fight climate change?" Was to say "cops love me"


Don't think COP29 would anyway...


What would it take to get China and India on board? How much? Its probably cheaper than any US plan that just shuffles money to cronies. It would be cheaper to buy off these countries not to burn coal.


China added more than half of all the global renewables last year https://www.spglobal.com/commodityinsights/en/market-insights/latest-news/energy-transition/020824-infographic-china-solar-capacity-coal-electricity-renewable-energy-hydro-wind#:~:text=China%20added%20a%20record%20301,renewable%20capacity%20additions%20last%20year. India is also on board https://www.investindia.gov.in/sector/renewable-energy#:~:text=India%20stands%204th%20globally%20in,fuel%2Dbased%20energy%20by%202030. Meanwhile, I can’t put solar panels on my roof because of my HOA.


HOA's suck! 


All that effort and solar is less than 5% of China's power supply. Thats why china is building 20 coal plants


Yet they use a fraction of the emissions per capita compared to the US. That’s even with US capitalists exporting all their manufacturing to China in order to take advantage of slave labour to earn more profit.




They have plans and manufacturing capacity to increase it five fold by 2026.


I thought the same thing about the war in Afghanistan. add an average salary of $300 a year it would’ve been cheaper to hire every single Afghan with a good job, and they would’ve kicked taliban out themselves, plus we would have a lot of rugs.


but how would Halliburton get their money? Think u/Fishtoart THINK!


In no way, shape or form am I promoting this as a realistic solution but the only thing that would get them on board is threatening them with full on nuclear annihilation. Don't worry though! We don't have to nuke anyone. Nature is and has always been the executioner and in time nature will cull the bulk of mankind.


It always ends up praying to the gods


India China energy consumption is lower than developed countries. No way China India are reducing energy consumption. Developed counties can share clean energy tech nuclear tech - but they won’t


The debate format was a bit weird. Getting your question answered depends on the previous question and response.


Thats because its basically what he did all debate, use his next question to get another response to the last thing that Biden said. Before he was asked the question, Biden was talking about cops.


Dude hates the climate. He put an oil guy in charge of the EPA if I recall. Guy hates trees.


He’s from New York City. He thinks Central Park is the wilderness.


Capitol police would beg to differ.


Which question didn’t he dodge? Was there a single honest answer?


When he said that he didn’t understand what Joe just said and he’s pretty sure Joe didn’t either. That was very truthful.


Ironically enough your answer is also a dodge.


Not an answer to a question though


No. He lied non stop and the answers he did give were pure insanity.


No! Answering for a friend.


Did he even answer a question?


He dodged every single question


He dodged multiple questions: Election interference, childcare, abortion, climate. Asked multiple times for each. Trump has no position other than "immIGranTs BaD!"


>Trump has no position other than "immIGranTs BaD!" When asked what will you do for Americans suffering from drug addiction, his response was "immigrants bad" 😂 He can't even answer a softball question with some feel-good platitudes.


It’s like everyone is forgetting he already had the job for four years. It’s not “What will you do?” it’s “Let’s take a look back at what you did.” Like five years ago. The answer? Mostly golf.


It's honestly such a dumb question. everyone knows what he'll do, everyone knows he won't answer the questions, everyone knows. Debates are a waste of time. Don't even get me started on the "will you accept the election results" question. stop wasting our time with these same dumb questions.


How is the debate a waste of time? The rest of the world already knows the state of our president. We finally got to see it in prime time. My favorite was the abortion question which should have been devastating for trump, but somehow President Biden thought it was about migrants murdering girls instead of women’s rights.


The worst thing is that at the end of that segment, they were both in agreement! Allow exceptions and no late term abortions. Instead they continued to go on tangents to attack each other.


We used to have that more or less as a policy in the US. No one was doing late term abortions unless there was some life threatening reason for the mother or the fetus was essentially dead already. Then Roe was overturned and now women are dying with ectopic pregnancies. Trump should either own up to wanting that or oppose the people in his party who are passing these laws.


I agree, so it amazes me when he said he was fine with abortion for rape, incest, and the health of the mother, and specifically said he didn't want to allow abortion "up to the ninth month". And Biden also said he didn't support late-term abortion especially if the child is viable outside of the womb. It was like for a moment, there was common ground.




Oh, I agree. I can't believe we are even unsure of who will win. The man is a criminal.


Ok. What do you suggest instead? No more presidents?


Age limit of 75 on election day for being elected president. For one.  Second, debates only have relevance if there is immediate fact checking to answers. Should not be acceptable for people to lie while campaigning for office. 


Ranked choice voting is the solution. Ranked choice will allow multiple parties to be viable and prevent people from “wasting their vote” or choosing between the lesser of two evils


I'd love to see ranked voting bad sadly keeps getting blocked


I'm kinda split between agreeing and not. I think that Trump and Biden are indeed not good choices, with Biden being the lesser evil. But I disagree about the age criteria. I totally understand a criteria like being physically fit or having a good memory, but not being young enough. Everyone age differently. Some people in their 90 could move and think better than many people in their 60. That hard work to stay in good condition should not be punished just because of a number of years.


Not to mention, if life span improves then suddenly 75 could one day (very optimistically) not be that old anymore. The elderly deserve a political voice too but not these guys. I'm in favor of term limits but there are already term limits for President so...idk, term limits to civic life more generally? I don't have a solution, just recognize a potential concern to this offered solution


With medical advancements, I welcome our old eternal boomer overlords


Rephrase the question…he’s claimed massive voter fraud in the last two presidential elections with no evidence, cuz it’s all made up. Why would you ask that question? It completely ignores the fact that he has never accepted results. Even when he won, he disputed the vote count because he lost the popular vote.


Doing something for the climate is considered as a ripoff for trump.


Was there any other expectation for Trump other then lies?


See Chapter 12, which starts on Page 363 of Project 2025 and note who it's written by and has worked for. Is anybody honestly shocked? I mean I'm not even in the US and I'm not shocked by it. We all know the outcome in 5 months or so.


This was a very big deal to me. I’ve become a single issue voter, and that issue is climate. Trump will give us “the cleanest water”!


He claimed he already gave us the cleanest water and the best of climate 😂




I would venture to say any "democracy" is already dead, even if Biden wins the election.


Say what you want about Biden how he talks, his age, etc.I know people are making it seem like they are both on the same level of incompetence. They are not, we all know that with Biden the climate and future of this planet are in better hands. That is enough and the single best reason to vote for him, Both are NOT the same...Trump is an immediate death sentence for us all


"One day - it's like a miracle - it will disappear." His response to covid is all you need to know about how he'll handle climate change.


The [COVID lockdowns of 2020 temporarily lowered our rate of CO2 emissions](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-18922-7/figures/1). Humanity was still a net CO2 gas emitter during that time, so we made things worse, but did so more a bit more slowly. That's why a [graph of CO2 concentrations](https://keelingcurve.ucsd.edu/) shows a continued rise. [Stabilizing the climate means getting human greenhouse gas emissions to approximately zero](https://www.carbonbrief.org/explainer-will-global-warming-stop-as-soon-as-net-zero-emissions-are-reached). We didn't come anywhere near that during the lockdowns. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/climate) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He wants to dismantle the EPA. Not exactly a great talking point. Of course he dodged it and everything else. He running for the benefit of oligarchs. His policies are all specifically to put money in the pockets of the wealthy because he knows he'll get a cut. His policies are horrific for the county and really the world and nationally unpopular. He can't say them out loud. It's why GOP hasn't had publicly known policies in a decade.


He doesn't even know how to spell "climate".


probably spells it “climb it”


trump dodged every question. He never once actually answered the question asked.


This is the same guy who had all the government climate data taken off all public facing websites day one of his presidency. You don't need any additional information to make a call here.


He will make it far worse. Please America do not vote this buffoon in.


He did say “I had the best environmental numbers.” And followed that up with “My staff just gave me that statistic right before I walked out on stage.” Which was hilarious and depressing. I mostly just love that he thinks “best environmental numbers” is a statistic.


People are saying that he had the cleanest water and cleanest air. Not any REAL people but imaginary people are saying that.


Biden could have scored so easily points on this by just pointing out how it will get worse and worse not just for people in the city who have to endure heat waves but also for the farmers who are running out of water. He could have pointed out that he wants to dismantle the EPA, he wants to drill for more oil instead of building a competitive solar and wind industry, etc.


Imagine that.


He is good at dodging


And today the SCOTUS overturned *Chevron*


So, let me get this straight, a conservative court now thinks we need activist judges interpreting the law? It makes you think there is no legal principle for them at all and they just do whatever gives them and their patrons the most power.


Wait what case was that?


In Trump land all we need to do is rake the forest and drill more oil and pipelines from solving the Climate Crisis


Why even waste time asking? If he said anything it'd be a blatant lie anyways


Hey he loves clean h20 🫠


It must be some magical H2O because it went from the best H2O to bad H2O until the orange turd takes over and then it will magically be the best again


He dodge basically every question and they’re saying Biden did worse. How did we get to this?


And they were always going to say Biden did worse just because it helps their ratings


He is on record calling climate change a hoax several times... while in office...


The SCOTUS just showed what the reich will do.... NOTHING.


He would destroy it if he is given the chance.


Well, now he couldn't do anything even if he wanted to, given that the SC just overturned the Chevron doctrine.


The best thing for Biden to do in the next debate would be to just say ,"If you become president again, you'll destroy the world. You just want to burn everything down. You're the worst and most evil excuse for a human being who has ever run for office. " Don't try to argue, don't try to debate, don't try to act like the opponent is capable of rational discussion. Just call the Evil One out. On climate change and everything else. Done! When do I get paid for being a speechwriter??


He plans to profit from the collapse of civilization.


I don't know why this is an article. We know he won't. We know this.


I don’t think anyone can do much on climate . It’s too late anyway ! You can’t believe anything Biden says about it either really . The Paris Climate agreement means nothing anyway. It’s a non binding agreement, and countries don’t have to adhere to it. Some of the worst polluters in the world are on that agreement and not adhering to it . It means nothing , zero !


Not the person we need leading the free world at this point in history.


Project 2025 will be enacted if Trump wins. They will sell off federally protected lands and gut all green initiatives. This will lead to a more imminent global disaster.


I don’t think he answered any question all night.


If "doing something", is making it worse, that's what he'll do


He should've said he will sign more oil permits than Joe Biden's record signings to help with climate change.


" I want good H2O" hey Don what does H2O really mean? 🤢


He'll do something....whatever the oil lobbyists tell him....and the mining companies....and loggers....and developers....pipeline folks....companies that want to privatize water....pave the everglades....eat manatees....dump used teslas in the ocean.....block out the sun...sell advertising on the moon.....he's got the best plan for the enviroment....it's all for sale.


Read up on Project 2025. That’s his plan for climate change




If Trump gets into the Oval Office again, our air will be toxic, our drinking water contaminated, and our food will be dangerous. We will be living in a hellscape. We need all hands on deck. Make sure to explain the ramifications of what will happen to our environment and our health, if Trump and his loyalists regain the presidency.


Tbh he dodged all questions. And the hosts let him get away with this


CNN is definitely becoming Fox News. I wonder how much Donnie boy paid the host


Trump's contribution to climate has mainly been flying around in his fuel guzzling jet, and don't forget his greatest contribution: the methane he emits daily... 🤢


We all know what he’s going to do on climate. “Drill, baby, drill” on day one.


Trump said that we’d use our natural resources in the ground so he did more than dodge it.


Vote blue! A vote for any other candidate is a vote for Trump!




Trump still thinks climate change is a hoax. The corporate lobbyists that control campaigns for 95% of our politicians would rather the government to nothing. Without a strong voice on the issue pulling the levers of power, we are doomed.


Trump will do away with everything Biden has done to fight climate change Trumps puppet in Florida band the name global warming WTH


Trump is a criminal.


Entrenched interests able to purchase politicians will never result in doing anything against those entrenched interests, ergo he won’t do anything on (improving) climate. He’s not alone in this, it’s the system that’s been built.


Is this a surprise?


Because he won’t. He’s made that clear many times over.


Why are we even talking about this when we all know the answer.


of course he did. his supporters see it rain once and they call all the world's scientists industry "plants" and cook up some conspiracy theory about chem trails and communism.


Hey, let's be fair here. Actively making it worse is technically doing something.


Doesn't matter what the question is, or what he answers. He's totally unreliable and almost always lies. No point engaging with him at all.


He dodged almost every question they ask him.


Including the draft


To be fair, they both dodged the draft. One claimed bone spurs, the other one asthma.


Trump claims he can get prisoner in Russian released.... But REFUSES to do it. Why ?


He has already answered this: he has told major polluters that he will end regulation on them.


He had the best water and the best air. /s


Of course he will do something about the climate. He will expedite our demise by openly taking bribes from oil executives. It’s already happened.


What is he supposed to do? Scientists do say it goes in 12,000 Year cycles.


Would you give us your source on that?


Trudeaus jet is causing climate change 😂😂😂😂😂


Ok thanks.


Those oil execs must have bought it


What did you expect? An honest answer??


To be fair, he probably didn’t know what “climate” is.




He dodged a lot because he wasn’t happy


Why does he say every one wanted the abortion turned over and he means every one. Then he says it not my fault after that


We had H20!


He didn’t answer any questions as best I could tell.


I have to admit that his team did a good job preparing him. If you don’t know the answer, deflect and attack Biden on the border and the economy. Over and over again. 🤷🏽‍♂️ Apparently, there were quite a few answers that he didn’t know. 🤣✌️


"immigrants" -Trump via the history of immigrants and hate and the power it has over people.


He should play a souls game


https://apnews.com/article/supreme-court-chevron-regulations-environment-5173bc83d3961a7aaabe415ceaf8d665 Vote, it can keep getting worse


Trump will let gop do whatever they want thats his policy


Yes. He will do something. He will make it worse.


That he used the phrase “green new scam” tells you everything you need to know about his position on climate change


Even if he said he would help the climate… Would you be gullible/dumb enough to believe him?


I say get rid of him forever


He dodged EVERY question


He didn't answer any of the questions. Not just those two.


Heritage 2025 told him no climate change


He did not answer for two reasons 1- her ID a deranged idiot that doesn’t know anything 2- he did not understand climate meaning


He's covered his stances extensively. Didn't you hear about the sharks? Batteries? It's really all there guys smh


Ignore it, just like every problem he had. Ignore and move on. COVID didn't go away though, he did still ignore it though


The [COVID lockdowns of 2020 temporarily lowered our rate of CO2 emissions](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-18922-7/figures/1). Humanity was still a net CO2 gas emitter during that time, so we made things worse, but did so more a bit more slowly. That's why a [graph of CO2 concentrations](https://keelingcurve.ucsd.edu/) shows a continued rise. [Stabilizing the climate means getting human greenhouse gas emissions to approximately zero](https://www.carbonbrief.org/explainer-will-global-warming-stop-as-soon-as-net-zero-emissions-are-reached). We didn't come anywhere near that during the lockdowns. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/climate) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He didn't answer a stupid question because there isn't climate change.


I remember one newspaper article refer to a scientist's paper which stated that if the world does something about climate change (I think it referred to drastic cuts in fossil fuel use), then the climate should stabilize after around 40 years. If it does less, then it will take a century for it to stabilize.


How did they not tee that up with “Climate Change, which you’ve called a hoax….”?


Ahhmm were you holding your breath on that?


He said he would do whatever the oil industry wanted if they have him 1 billion. He will do whatever gives him the most.


Still waiting for a health care program and Mexico to pay for the wall.


He dodged 85% of all the questions. I honestly don’t know why. I mean, he could say he’s going to burn down the rainforests and eat the babies of liberals and his supports would erupt in approval. You either vote for that guy, or you don’t. Not really any undecided


You want to know what he’s going to do about climate change? Read project 2025. He plans on saying climate change is a hoax, turn people away from using electric cars, increase mining to dangerous levels, lighten the restrictions on corporate dumping and remove funding from any programs that want to combat climate change.


That was the response


Give more oil subsidies, kill any green energy investment. That is his failure plan for us if he wins...


There was no need to even ask that question. You already have the answer. If something does not enrich Trump in some way - either to give him more glory, power, or money, he won't do it. Since the oil and gas companies will keep him in the green, there is no chance he will do anything to improve the climate.


Because the co2 levels are lower now than they were several hundred years ago. Stop trying to tax us on bs nonsense