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Since Bloomberg thinks this is a great new way to advertise with paywalled articles, here is the article for free: https://archive.ph/2024.06.18-150648/https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2024-06-18/from-texas-to-dubai-the-era-of-extremely-wild-weather-is-here


Having been almost on the beach when Hurricane Ian made landfall in 2022 I can attest to this; Ian was supposed to hit almost 200 miles further north but paused and made a right-hand turn into Fort Myers Beach. Storm surge so high the 12 foot beach cameras were down quickly and no way to officially determine height of surge. From where I was in a rental on stilts with surge water coming up to just below my chin, my calculation was 23 feet. Neighbors drowned. Highest previous record for FMB was 6 feet or so. Imagine a storm that big doing that




Yup and if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time, that’s your ass


I’m still amazed how much flooding has been going on worldwide. It’s almost like every other day a new place is getting flooding rains.


Yeah in my area it floods then gets crazy hot again really fast.


I mean for thousands of years we've built in historic flood plains because thats where the best soil and transport opportunitiesare, I would be more surprised if we weren't seeing flooding honestly. Flooding is the reason so many dams and canals were built that had unintended consequences on the environment to begin with




A lot less than this year.


Definitely, and pretty much all of them are breaking records.


It's so weird people can look around and go Yep we've always had floods and shit like this. Totally normal.


Ugh I hate that and the “it’s summer it’s supposed to be hot”


Western Europe here. I'd agree with you, but 2 months of non stop rain makes me wish for 40°C days. I didn't know a winter depression could last until late june...


From Bloomberg reporters Eric Roston, Eamon Farhat, and Brian K Sullivan: Wildfires in Canada that burned continuously for over a year. Floods that brought Dubai to a standstill. Deadly heat blanketing the streets of New Delhi. The first half of 2024 has laid bare the catastrophic extremes that now characterize the rapidly changing climate on every continent. The weather is no longer an even roll of the dice. It’s more like throwing loaded dice that have sixes on three sides — or sevens and eights, says Katharine Hayhoe, a distinguished professor at Texas Tech University who studies climate impacts. The term “global warming” itself suggests a kind of predictability that may no longer suit the times. “These days I think it’s much more appropriate to call it ‘global weirding,’” Hayhoe says. “Wherever we live, our weather is getting much weirder.” Greenhouse gas pollution made last year 1.3C hotter than before the Industrial Revolution. This past May marked the 12th-consecutive month of record-breaking average temperatures for the planet, and the oceans have registered new levels of heat every day for over a year. But it’s the heat and associated droughts, floods and wildfires that have become the more prolific indicator of today’s weird, wild weather. Read the full story [here](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2024-06-18/from-texas-to-dubai-the-era-of-extremely-wild-weather-is-here).


Quit advertising with paywalled articles.


It all seems very localised to me. We have had some serious rain here in Southwestern Australia over the last few weeks and it did nothing as we have excellent storm water drainage. Never been in drought conditions. And the last 3 summers have been very mild.


You are in denial. Last year we went 4 months with out any rain and this year we went 8 months. Also this year the top temperature was 29°c every day until that rain actually arrived and the temperatures dropped. Even now a day before the solstice some deciduous trees still have thier leaves because the temp and amount of light didn't trigger them to drop beginning in april like they were supposed to. Every year we get less and less rainfall so our ground water is running out, the government has quietly switched to desalination for our drinking water but you are seeing large scale collapse of our forests with the youngest trees dieing or being stunted as they are no longer able to reach the water table in summer and there are no longer summer storm to put some moisture in the top soil. Like dude look at the evidence right in front of you


Are you talking about Southwest Australia or somewhere else


I am talking about the Southwest of Australia


Well I have lived here since 1968 and it was a lot hotter in the 70s the roads used to melt and get stuck to your shoes. I have been monitoring the daily temps for 5 years in summer and we used to have consecutive days over 40.C weeks at a time the last 2 summers Perth did not crack 40 once. The hottest day was 37.0C on the 27th December. I was hand digging a drain in against a wall and remember it well. It was a bit uncomfortable. When your metal tools are too hot to work with and they are in the shade you know it’s hot. That hasn’t happened for years. Late summer and Autumn it traditionally never rains


Since the 1930s, the number of days over 40°C in Perth has doubled, and the number of heatwaves has increased by 50%.


But they kept track themselves over a couple years, obviously you are wrong.


Wow I never thought of it that way before, now that calls this whole thing into question


Are you paying attention to anything other than the temperature? You should be very worried. Go and look around your neighbourhood, you will likely find a sick looking London Plane tree that is still holding a few green leaves- that is not normal. Climate change is more than hotter temperatures. Another interesting trend that i have witnessed over the last few summer is that the hottest part of the day is no longer between 1-3 pm its now between 3-5pm. That means that the afternoon wind that comes and breaks the heat is coming later, another piece of evidence that the weather is changing for the weirder. When was the last time we had a summer storm that brought rain? A fixation on the temperature is causing you to tunnel vision and miss the obvious signs all around you


It’s all about the alleged warming that can not be accurately measured. No warming no climate change. We get summer rain from the North when a cyclone goes across the coast. A lot of the time they make landfall north of Headland and do Zero damage. There has not been a cyclone for a while. The water corporation have a desalination plant in Kwinana that feeds Canning dam. I am a plumbing contractor and have said since the 70s get more water. You can’t keep telling the public that they have to use less


You are measuring a local temperature and trying to apply it to a global scale... that's just wilfully dumb. You are ignoring all the very obvious signs around you. How do you explain the deciduous trees not dropping their leaves? Are you measuring the ocean temperature? There is more ocean than land, if our world is getting warmer, which it is, then to measure that increase, you need to measure the ocean temperature. You implied your local weather is unaffected therefore climate change is not happening. I live local to you and i can tell you our weather patterns have changed massively over the last 5-10 years and it is showing up everywhere if you cared to look. You keep saying its not hotter but hand wave away any other evidence, you are in denial


You’re believing all the propaganda. I have sought the truth. I have tested the ocean ph at Trigg 3 times over the last 5 years and it’s still 8.3. I contacted Fremantle port Authority who assured me there has been zero change in the harbour since 1889. I did the museum tour at D shed and studied the baily drum used years ago. I went to the left bank and measured the sea level on a 1.1 tide at 11.15 and it was 200 mm to the footpath. Our highest tide is 1.3 and it would be just about at the top of the wall. If seas were 200 mm higher it would go over the wall. Have you ever seen Kwinana freeway flooded at South Perth? So polar bears are thriving the sea levels are the same and it’s not hotter. I am not worried about anything. It was all modelling that never happened in real life but a lot of people need climate change to be real


I'm glad about it. I hope it gets everybody primed and ready to finally help make some sweeping changes. And I'm tired of all this self-limiting fuss and hub bub about this and that being complicated and people won't change ... We seriously just need to have a televised, interactive, accessible, inclusive and ongoing sit down, and communicate amongst each other, working *to-get-ther* towards creating a better future. No more of this tribalism nonsense ... Just because some of these countries were lucky enough to go x-y-z, even if it resulted from that hard work, does not mean we are not *sharing* resources. Everything on this planet is all of ours. We are neighbors, we are family; all of these other creatures too. It is as simple as that and I'm not gonna let people keep telling me we can't round each other up to stop and just freaking talk. Bring the president and our representatives down, get Putin on the line, zoom xi. Let's start acting like actual damn adults.


It’s fun* to read this and see even the most modest regulation like “don’t build right next to the ocean” get attacked. *not actually fun




Bloomberg is using it to advertise. https://archive.ph/2024.06.18-150648/https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2024-06-18/from-texas-to-dubai-the-era-of-extremely-wild-weather-is-here


It's honestly hideous. We're really in for it now.


And this is just the beginning of ever more wild, erratic, and destructive weather that will continue to get worse for the rest of our lives.


find a ridge - dig a hole


I'm sure it has nothing to do with the moon moving away from earth and the sun going through phases.


What are the solutions? This sub is a lot of doom and gloom and people with no hope at all. Can anybody post a positive article about possible mitigation techniques or anything that isn’t apocalyptic.


The solution is to revert global warming and greenhouse effect. There isn't any non-apocalyptic (good) articles because it's not possible. It's already here and ramping up. Floods are just part of the problem. There are droughts and heatwaves scorching places while others were flooded beyond all the previous records.


There is no good news about climate change, non that is actually going to seriously mitigate the inevitable as we have made no progress cutting back emissions




Weather was always perfect before global boiling.


The people of Europe have spoken with voting. Real humans have had enough of this fictional warming claim and soon America and Australia will follow suit. If you claim to have climate policy plans you will be unemployed very quickly


But it's not fictional. 97% of scientists agree that climate change is happening and they can prove it!


97 % of paid scientists that agreed human activity could change climate. It’s actually about 13 % of all scientists in a climate related field. There are a huge amount of very qualified people who calmly explain the role carbon dioxide plays in the atmosphere and causing warming is not one of them


Actually, it's 99.9% of 88,500 peer-reviewed papers written by subject matter experts between 2012 and 2021. [Greater than 99% consensus on human caused climate change in the peer-reviewed scientific literature](https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/ac2966) There's no such thing as an unpaid scientist, but they certainly aren't getting paid as much as the fossil fuel execs profiting from the misinformation you've chosen to believe. [How the oil industry has spent billions to control the climate change conversation](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2020/jan/08/oil-companies-climate-crisis-pr-spending) [Meet the Money Behind The Climate Denial Movement Nearly a billion dollars a year is flowing into the organized climate change counter-movement](https://archive.ph/2019.10.13-013110/https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/meet-the-money-behind-the-climate-denial-movement-180948204/)


The other scientists work for free do they? You're literally just lying. Disgusting behaviour. Nearly all actively publishing climate scientists say humans are causing climate change.\[4\]\[5\] Surveys of the scientific literature are another way to measure scientific consensus. A 2019 review of scientific papers found the consensus on the cause of climate change to be at 100%,\[6\] and a 2021 study concluded that over 99% of scientific papers agree on the human cause of climate change.\[7\] The small percentage of papers that disagreed with the consensus often contained errors or could not be replicated.\[8\]


Judith Curry Will Happer Willie Soon might not agree with


And they have been resoundingly discredited. They've manufactured data, manipulated studies, and are actively paid by climate change denial lobbying groups directly funded by fossil fuel interests.


nonono, this guy is a plumber, he’s an expert!


I could have used him Friday! We had a clog 30 feet in the main line. Good thing I don't have to call anyone for climate science. I can just, you know, use evidence-based consensus.


You're lying.


Lying is when you deliberately set out to deceive. I have spent 5 years daily looking at all the evidence presented and concluded that climates around the world are not changing in any catastrophic way. The atmospheric modelling in the 90s was based on RCP 8.5 and the world mostly Africa were going to build thousands of coal plants and atmospheric CO2 would double to 700-800ppm and cause runaway warming and everyone would die. It never happened. There is not enough coal to burn. Many places have natural gas available and gas turbines work fantastic. Novelty wind and solar have a place but there’s not enough room to replace traditional power generation


>The people of Europe have spoken with voting. Wat. Green Party candidates still have 52 seats, and the Green Party isn't the only Party concerned with addressing climate change. >Real humans have had enough of this fictional warming claim and soon America and Australia will follow suit. [No true Scotsman.](https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/no-true-scotsman) Also, no. [The Basics of Climate Change](https://royalsociety.org/news-resources/projects/climate-change-evidence-causes/basics-of-climate-change/) >If you claim to have climate policy plans you will be unemployed very quickly Again, no evidence, just your opinion.




Political discussions are against the rules here.


> fictional warming Are you claiming that temperatures are not increasing? Care to back that up with data?


Probably one of those people who believe "they've shut down weather stations in rural areas to increase the average" and "cities are 3 degrees hotter because of asphalt" etc etc.


There are not enough sampling points to be any useable data


Incorrect. [Climate Change: Global Temperature](https://www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/climate-change-global-temperature) [Climate Change in Australia: Projection Tools](https://www.climatechangeinaustralia.gov.au/en/projections-tools/)


The global temperature can not be measured to the accuracy required and too much is made up


Tell me you didn't read the links without telling me. It's pretty telling that you refuse to read anything that challenges your uneducated opinion.


I have studied articles from both sides of the debate and have concluded that catastrophic climate changes are not going to occur